Reply auntieagony
ala auntie....dia nak pujuk sy jer tu....bcoz he made me sulky before that....yerlah sapa tak hangin, harap janji jer pandai...time nak tunaikan asyik2 kena postponed....
midori888 Post at 10-3-2012 10:52
Wah... best ler jadi anak dara - bila merajuk, sidia pujuk dgn perfume Annick...
Kalau auntie started to sulk, rasanya instead of dpt perfume kegemaran, en suami akan suggest cream pencegah kedutan di muka kot! |
Reply 622# auntieagony
haha.....ala auntie....stakat pujuk ngan Annick G tu biasa jer.....lain lah pujuk ngan jam Omega constellation yg harga RM23 ribu yg kita tgk semlm...tu barulah best.....hehe.... |
Reply 624# auntieagony
btw auntie....he promise me a new watch this year.....but don't knw when will i get them....maybe Dec kot....dah shortlist kan Tag & Omega, dia yg suruh sy shortlist kan.... Semlm dia minat jam brand Beume et Mercier, so I was thinkin maybe i will get same brand as his, if he get that B&M watch lah. B&M not so expensive, can get one less than 10k. Anyway, it's his money not mine. Up to him nak belikan jam aper....yg penting, i like d watch.... |
Reply 625# midori888
Bestnyer Midori... ada BFF yg sanggup beli jam beribu2 lemon utk kwn wanitanya.... Pandai sungguh si B memujuk....
Cuba Midori cuba tanya kat si A - which watch is worth buying... He's quite knowledgable in this aspect...
Auntie cuma pakai jer sembarangan jam but personally Tag has always been my choice previously... But the safest decision is to follow the brand that he chooses for himself - mcm sehati, sejiwa + seboria.... Auntie selalu buat camtu gak! |
Reply 627# auntieagony
auntie....he is not my bff....now dah malas fikir psl jam, if i think about it, i get mad....i knw sooner or later he'll get me one.....dia slalu mcm tu....suka janji tp nak tunaikan amik masa lama....
I know A pandai psl jam.....hehe.... |
Post Last Edit by auntieagony at 11-3-2012 20:42
Reply 628# midori888
Ala Midori... Give him sometime to save some money to get you the perfect watch....
En suamiku pun sama, dia tak tergesa2 utk belikan auntie sesuatu yg berharga tinggi sbb dia nak berikan yg terbaik... Nanti out of the blue, tiba2 surprise... Hehehe.... Auntie ok jer coz it's only a matter of time to get it... Lagipun diaorg ni bz dgn kerjaya masing2, so the gifts will take slightly longer time to reach us....
Skrg update pasal perfume pulak - auntie got myself Chanel No 5 (as anticipated) and Trevor (classic punya)... Got Armani Diamond for my doter....
Tadi auntie test bau Prada Candy - best bau dia - slightly softer than Trevor Midnite thingy tu.... Dah tergugat kecekalan hati tadi.... almost nak beli gak... Takut nanti en suami suruh minum perfume pulak kalau budget terkandas! |
Reply 629# auntieagony
Dia suka rolling duit dia....investment lah apa lah....malas sy nak amik tau.....hopefully dpt Omega.....hehe....
Oh! I have classic Trevor....suka bau dia....oic best erk bau Prada Candy....nak kena beli nie... |
Reply 630# midori888
Elok ler dia invest duit dia utk business purpose - showed that he has vision for his future (that might include u!)... Kita tak payah nak risau2 pasal their business preposition - janji fulus utk berjimba2 sentiasa ada....
Auntie baru beritau en suami pasal Prada Candy - hehehe.... I will pretend to be surprised if he buys me one! |
Reply 631# auntieagony
ala bus partime jer pun....dia ada kerja tetap....
Ala auntie kan ada supplementary credit card....guna jerlah....hehe.... |
Reply 632# midori888
Tak best kalau beli sendiri, kalau org bagi present - merasai suatu kenikmatan yg tak terhingga!
Elokler si B belajar2 pasal biz sambil bekerja... Very wise decision indeed.... Bila biz dah mantap, baru ler dia confident to do it on a fulltime basis.... Cerah masa depan...
Tadi auntie tengok kat Duty Free, Coco Chanel is among the top 10 perfumes for women... Tapi bila bau, mcm too mild for my liking.... |
Reply 633# auntieagony
hehe...betul gak tu....org kasi pressie baru best.....
sy taknak dia wat fulltime bus......skit2 sudah.....nanti lagi busy dan bole lah dia abaikan sy plak....
tak pnh beli perfume Chanel....pnh lah dulu bau Chanel chance.....tp tak suka lah plak....Chanel yg lain2 tak pnh bau plak.... |
Reply 634# midori888
Midori, my en suami is extremely bz and tak ramai wanita can understand/tolerate the time that he takes for putting more food on the table. But he also leaves Sat and Sun strictly for me.. Auntie survives ok jer...
Chanel tu selalunya classic bau dia and might appeal more to the mature generation kot (tak nak ngaku tua gak tu! ). Midori yg mewakili younger generation cuba ler perfume2 yg terkini.... then find out which one suits u best... U get the feedback from your friends and family - auntie selalunya mcm tu - my sisters will tell me which perfume that smells pretty well on me... |
Reply 635# auntieagony
hmmm....nanti sy gi kaunter Chanel try smell their perfume....hehe..... |
Post Last Edit by GreenPurple at 20-3-2012 10:09
minat yang wangi je.. |
Me baru beli Lola Marc Jacob,baunye sedap xmenghampakan.Pastu test bau burberry the beat alahai bes ...
hepycutey Post at 9-3-2012 07:37
burberry the beat mmg best bau dia |
Reply 637# GreenPurple
princess tak sewangi 1 lg..botol kaler gold2 cket..nama tak ingat plak..tp mahal la..
sebotol 50ml je pun rm300.. |
suke rose essential, bvlgari..
now pakai niterose - lancome.. |
Reply 639# sitisitu25
botol camner erk?? sama camni atau lain?? |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki