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Author: crossfire

[Tempatan] Pertubuhan Gabungan Agama Bukan Islam Pula Minta Visa Zakir Naik Disekat

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Post time 15-3-2017 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 15-3-2017 03:05 PM
katowjo replied at 15-3-2017 02:41 PM
your client is innocent

ive got many witnesses

they witnes and memorized everything

but they failed to document it although they lived many years later

now all the witnesses died

so with this new "evidence" client is true and innocents..

Oops ..... ni lagi satu macam si pader maideen ..... the rusty lawyer

Forgot to mention ..... the memorisers lived 1400 yrs ago but at that time Prophet Muhammad(saw) prohibited its documentation

Tapi katowjo being a lawyer in pader maideen's mold ... rusty loyar lah tu ..... insist that people who lived 1400 yrs ago must still be alive

Ha ha ...... kesian ..... tak habis2 tunjuk diri bangang

Ni dia point ko , post#630
tapi still takde dalam quran..still ramai hafal tapi hilang dari ingatan..and still ambik  dari bible nak defend hujah(ni bukan ganti baru..tapi ciplak lama)...tup2 allah bagi wahyu ganti dalam bentuk hadis 200 lepas QC INSPECTORNYE DAH WAFAT kemudian..errr...what magic sorcery is this?

Folks .... ni lah dia graduan dari University of Budweiser ..... langsung tak tau apa dia cakap

Kesian .....

Baca baik2

The Sahifa Of Hammam bin Munabbih: This is perhaps one of the earliest known hadith collections. Hammam bin Munabbih was a student of Abu Hurrairah and well-known among the scholars of the hadith to be trustworthy. According to the book Arabic Literature To The End of Ummayyad Periodt:

    An example is the Sahifah of Hammam bin Munabbih, (d. 110/719), a Yemenite follower and a disciple of companion Abu Hurrayrah, (d. 58/677), from whom Hammam wrote this Sahifah, which comprises 138 hadith and is believed to have been written around the mid-first AH/seventh century.[1]

The author went on to say:

    It is significant that Hammam introduces his text with the words: "Abu Hurrayrah told us in the course of what he related from the Prophet", thus giving the source of his information in the manner which became known as "sanad" or "isnad", i.e., the teacher of chain of teachers through whom an author reaches the Prophet, a practice invariably and systematically followed in Hadith compilations.[2]
The Musannaf of `Abd al-Razzaq al-San`ani:[6] An article by Harald Motzki appeared in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies that mentioned about the the Musannaf of `Abd al-Razzaq al-San`ani as a source of authentic ahadith of the first century AH. Since the article is quite huge (21 pages), we will deal with only the conclusions of the author.

    While studying the Musannaf of `Abd al-Razzaq, I came to the conclusion that the theory championed by Goldziher, Schacht, and in their footsteps, many others - myself included - which in general, reject hadith literature as a historically reliable sources for the first century AH, deprives the historical study of early Islam of an important and a useful type of source.[7]

Nak lagi?
The Script of 'Amr ibn Hazm

In 10 A.H., when Najran was conquered by the Muslims, the Holy Prophet appointed his companion, 'Amr ibn Hazm  as governer of the province of Yemen. At this time the Holy Prophet dictated a detailed book to Ubayy ibn Ka'b and handed it over to 'Amr ibn Hazm.

This book, besides some general advices, contained the rules of Sharî'ah about purification, salâh, zakâh, 'ushr, hajj, 'umrah, jihâd (battle), spoils, taxes, diyah (blood money), administration, education, etc.

Sayyiduna 'Amr ibn Hazm performed his functions as governor of Yemen in the light of this book. After his demise this document remained with his grandson, Abu Bakr. Imâm Zuhri learnt and copied it from him. He used to teach it to his pupils. [Certain extracts of this book are found in the works of hadîth. For the full text see, al-Wathâ'iq as-Sayâsiyyah fil-Islâm by Dr. Hamîdullâh.]

LOL ..... kan aku dah kata ..... pengetahuan ko tak ke .... agah aje lebih

Macamana dgn penjelasan solat ko tu dari Quran ...... buat2 lupa aje atau ko takut?

macamana tatacara ko solat?
(1) bersila sambil bendengkur 'Ooom .... Ooom ... Ooom'
(2) bertepuk & bersiul sambil 'hop skip & jump' , being nude is an option
(3) tak solat pon
(4) tak tau solat

Mana satu jawapan ko ..... pasal ko takut sgt nak jelaskan macamana ko solat dgn hanya ikut Quran


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Post time 15-3-2017 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Defcon2 replied at 15-3-2017 09:39 AM
Hai Simunggu. Lama tak nampak. Sibuk duk habiskan duit BRIM ke?

Orang sini cerita pasal agama,  ...

apa yg engkau sebok pasal kismis?? berapa terima brim RM1000??..bhg utk janda janda..

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Post time 15-3-2017 03:29 PM | Show all posts
abangbikerz replied at 15-3-2017 12:41 PM
Siang dan malam. Matahari dan bulan beredar. Siapa2 yg ada mata yg celik pon boleh tau semua tu. N ...

Quran memberitahu bahawa bulan dan bintang bergerak di atas PAKSINYA. Orang di zaman itu tak tahu bahawa bulan dan bintang bergerak di atas satu garisan yang ditetapkan. Hanya setelah teknologi berkembang, barulah perkara tersebut (peredaran bulan dan bintang di atas paksi) disahkan melalui kaedah saintifik.

Itu tak termasuk lagi bukti-bukti sains lain yang dinyatakan dalam Al Quran seperti gunung ganang mempunyai akar dan air laut tidak bercampur. Hanya setelah teknologi berkembang baru kajian dapat dijalankan dan disahkan bahawa apa yang dinyatakan dalam AlQuran itu benar.

Dan cuba ko tanya dari mana pakar forensik moden mendapat inspirasi untuk menggunakan cap jari sebagai bahan bukti? Dari mana lagi kalau bukan dari Al Quran.

Hakikatnya AlQuran itu memang sempurna. Aku sendiri pun cuba mencari-cari kelemahan AlQuran. Banyak blog dan penulisan mengenai kelemahan Quran yang aku baca. Tapi setakat ini tiada yang memberikan fakta yang kukuh atau penjelasan yang memuaskan.


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Post time 15-3-2017 04:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by abangbikerz at 15-3-2017 04:31 PM
Defcon2 replied at 15-3-2017 03:29 PM
Quran memberitahu bahawa bulan dan bintang bergerak di atas PAKSINYA. Orang di zaman itu tak tahu  ...

Klu ko percaya lagi kes surah ar rahman air laut xbercampur tu maknanya ko masih baru lagi nak bertatih lerr.

Banyak error ada dlm quran tu. Tinggal nak terima aje atau tak

Lg satu ancient babylon sblm islam lagi dh pakai cap jari. So nak nipu pon cover2 le. Takde le nampak bodo sgt.

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Post time 15-3-2017 07:25 PM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 15-3-2017 12:18 PM
lobai claim ayat ni merujuk nabi boleh buat keputusan atas wahyu yang diturunkan?boleh pilih2 wahyu  ...

laa - kan ada hadis  yg rekodkan umar pun tahu ayat itu , hafalkan pun, And not only umar but  other companions were in the know of the  abrogated mansukh surah   ( we  are told  (from the narration of the hadith as mentioned above or through out most of the postings made by us all )

b) there are many other scribers of Al Quran  pun so sapa kata tak lengkap atau ' cacat'
ini adalah fahaman musuh islam dan sengaja nak misconstrued/ putar belitkan samarkan konteks :  as in nak kata eh ttu tak ada pun surah rejam ...walhal

KEPADA SIAPA TU  yg minta sangat ayat REJAM  tu ......yer sapa yg kata nak sangat surah rejam  , nampak sangat  TAK MENDALAMI AL QURAN dan   yg Quran pun ada saja ayat TENTANG HUKUMAN rejam , so ni AYAT REJAM  yg dia kata tang mana mai sini ( saya maksudkan si  katowjo dalam ayat ini ye bukan redskin - sebab aktowjo nak sangat minta tunjuk ayat rejam tu )  :
tengok surah  yg ada perkara rejam   in   4: 15 :

Sahih International: Those who commit unlawful sexual intercourse of your women - bring against them four [witnesses] from among you. And if they testify, confine the guilty women to houses until death takes them or Allah ordains for them [another] way.
Pickthall: As for those of your women who are guilty of lewdness, call to witness four of you against them. And if they testify (to the truth of the allegation) then confine them to the houses until death take them or (until) Allah appoint for them a way (through new legislation).
Yusuf Ali: If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.
Shakir: And as for those who are guilty of an indecency from among your women, call to witnesses against them four (witnesses) from among you; then if they bear witness confine them to the houses until death takes them away or Allah opens some way for them.
Muhammad Sarwar: Those of your women who commit fornication, let four (Muslim) witness testify to their act. If there is sufficient testimony, confine them to their homes until they die, or until God provides a way for their freedom.
Mohsin Khan: And those of your women who commit illegal sexual intercourse, take the evidence of four witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them (i.e. women) to houses until death comes to them or Allah ordains for them some (other) way.
Arberry: Such of your women as commit indecency, call four of you to witness against them; and if they witness, then detain them in their houses until death takes them or God appoints for them a way.

and tengok Muhsin Khan  translation of Al Quran -  surah 4: 15 di atas  di   ABROGATED by  the verse in An Nur  24: 2 di bawah

sila SEMAK !!!

Sahih International: The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah , if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.
Pickthall: The adulterer and the adulteress, scourge ye each one of them (with) a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the twain withhold you from obedience to Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers witness their punishment.
Yusuf Ali: The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.
Shakir: (As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the last day, and let a party of believers witness their chastisement.
Muhammad Sarwar: Flog the fornicatress and the fornicator with a hundred lashes each. Let there be no reluctance in enforcing the laws of God, if you have faith in God and the Day of Judgment. Let it take place in the presence of a group of believers.
Mohsin Khan: The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. (This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime but if married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death, according to Allah's Law).
Arberry: The fornicatress and the fornicator -- scourge each one of them a hundred stripes, and in the matter of God's religion let no tenderness for them seize you if you believe in God and the Last Day; and let a party of the believers witness their chastisement.


so KALAU  org yg musuh islam cakap macam ni

kalau kita fikirkanlah

a) if umar tulis jugak - sebab umar  tahu yg sahabat lain pun tahu akan wujudnya surah itu - dan umar  tambah ayat tu, and if sahabat lain tulis JUGAK, LAGI TERUK dan amat horror  kesannya

sebab u KNOW WHAT THIS  MEANS??? anda tahu apa maksudnya kalau dep aengkar arahan rasulullah saw???

sila guna akal ....


AL QURAN akan dijadikan bukti campur tangan tulisan orang lain dan yg bukan penyampaian wahyu  rasulullah saw  !!!!  TAKKAN KIta tahu orientalis yg dok attack quran akan bawa  bukti 1 400 years later kata : eh umar tulis sahabt tulis ni ..haaa?

FAHAM  tak JIKA   umar TULIS ayat yg BUKAN diizinkan rasulullah saw - yg messenger of Allah yg maksum and trustworthy yg tak pernah buat jenayah  pun - untuk jadi part of Quran ....

maka MAKA.........

kira Quran akan jadi tampered - tambahan tulisan UMAr and sahabatlah ..........

So mana BOLEH tulis IKUT SUKA HATI !!!!

sebab itu Umar pi tanya rasulullah saw akan hal ini sebab depa tahu yakin dan percaya as i yakin tahu faham islam yg percaya yg SEGALA TINDAKAN RASULULLAH SAW  adalah bukan suka hati ye

dan adapun kes yg Allah tegur rasukullah in few instances  : suarah abasa, surah tahrim ke, surah yg ada  pasal fitnah a'isyah RA

BUT kita tahu yg  Umar habaq / khabar benda  ini dan direkodkan dalam hadis pun ada hikmah

so semua ORANG Islam tahu wujud surah surah itu yg dimansukhkan
dan org islam faham konsep  nasakh  and mansukh dah faham pun and said no BIG DEAL

sebab kalau ayat tu dah dimansukhkan tetapi hukuman rejam tu dikekalkan  ( so apa  problemnya dan dah pun diterangkan dalam surah yg i sebut tu di atas ) .

so - bagi org yg nak sangat minta ayat rejam tu dah ada pun ayat tentang REJAm dalam   4: 15  and ABROGATED by verse  24: 2

tentang nak persoalkan credibility dan validity al quran dan rasulllah saw

eh   jangan begitu  jahil sangatlah , sebab bukan Allah tak tahu wujudnya org seperti yg kita sedia maklum - musih islam, pemvenci islam yg sekarang ni akan buat tohmah, FITNAh , dan samarkan KONTEKS , PUTAR BELIT KONTEKS

SEBAB, buktinya ada dalam sural Al Baqarah  ayat 106 ( 2: 106)

Sahih International: We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things competent?
Pickthall: Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah is Able to do all things?
Yusuf Ali: None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?
Shakir: Whatever communications We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring one better than it or like it. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things?
Muhammad Sarwar: For whatever sign We change or eliminate or cause to recede into oblivion, We bring forth a better sign, one that is identical. Do you not know that God has power over all things?
Mohsin Khan: Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?
Arberry: And for whatever verse We abrogate or cast into oblivion, We bring a better or the like of it; knowest thou not that God is powerful over everything?


then ...

Segala keputusan Nabi SAW adalah petunjuk dari Allah SWT.

“And when Our Clear Verses are recited unto them, those who hope not for their meeting with Us, say: Bring us a Quran other than this, or change it.”Say (O Muhammad SAW): “It is not for me to change it on own accord; I only follow that which is revealed unto me. Verily, I fear if I were to disobey my Lord, the torment of the Great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).
(Quran, Surah Yunus 10:15).

so , kempen sikit dah nak tahu sangat pasal surah rejam tak nak sokong RUU 3 55 lagi , ke? u beria ria nak tahu ayat  ini

so u sokong tak RUU 355?


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Post time 15-3-2017 07:31 PM | Show all posts
abangbikerz replied at 15-3-2017 04:27 PM
Klu ko percaya lagi kes surah ar rahman air laut xbercampur tu maknanya ko masih baru lagi nak b ...

banyak error dalam quran ?

okay see that dalam tamadun islam tak pernah pun saintis zaman tu dibunuh atau dihukum atas penemuan saintifik mereka
banyak je proses proses ilmu berkembang
tamadun yg membawa rahmat ke seluruh alam
dari segala aspek

so inilah ' nilai dan sumbangan' dari al quran , sunnah  dan semuanya yg you kata ' ada banyak silap tu'?

tak ada pun islammenghukum penemuan saintifik pun..

yg ada dalam tamadun islam berkembangan proses  atau majlis ilmu  especially falsafah yg mana dalam kalangan ilmuwan yg wujud berdebat ...


ini bukti  positif  ' fitnah kesalahan  yg tak SALAH 'pun dalam Al quran yg anda tak akan dapat sanggah pun.


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Post time 15-3-2017 07:36 PM | Show all posts
lagi banyak pembenci liberalist ni dok posting and vent their views , ketahuilah polisi makers di luar sana, NGO islam etc yg extremist liberal ni thinking  mereka  pencong , sisih , memang skewed, so siapa nak dengar  pemikiran org yg memang tak faham satu ape pun tentang islam BERCAKAP TENTANg Islam ?

tapi kita tertanya berapa banyak yg actually mendalami pemikiran islam dan etc?


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Post time 15-3-2017 07:41 PM | Show all posts
abangbikerz replied at 15-3-2017 04:27 PM
Klu ko percaya lagi kes surah ar rahman air laut xbercampur tu maknanya ko masih baru lagi nak b ...

kita punya brain pun akan mati selepas 4 minit bila tiada oksigen.

tu pun dah cukup nak muhasabah diri kita semua.

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Post time 15-3-2017 08:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 15-3-2017 08:52 PM
katowjo replied at 15-3-2017 02:47 PM
jangan samapi mabuk..ikut setengah mazhab ok je..setengah lagi harom..

ikut buku pojaan lobai s ...

Ladies and gentlemen , boys & girls

Korang tau tak bro airfilterkotor dah bongkar temberang pader Maideen

Pader Maideen ni mahaguru pada si Katowjo in the dark arts of temberang

Ni dia link tersebut : ... 34443&extra=&page=1

Last2 , pader Maideen tak mampu lari lagi

Pos#18 (airfilterkotor)
Dah laa Meiden, memang takde Sam tulis cenggitu pun.
Ko jer yang memandai buat tanggapan seolah Sam yang tulis.

pos#21 (Maideen)
Oklah...dia tak ada tulis pasal omputih di England dan Amrika pon kawen dengan budak pompuan kecik jugak.....

pos#23 (airfilterkotor)
Yang ko baru tulis tu pun takdak.
Lagi mo tokok tambah.

Ko dah kenapa Meideen?  
Ni nak tanya.... sirap dah amik?

pos#24 (maideen)
Tak dak jugak ka?

Tak pa lah.......

Dgn nada yg sedih , dgn penuh rendah diri ...... tak tau lah dia menitiskan air mata atau tidak

Ha ha .... "tak pe lah tu" ...... macam pondan tua mintak maaf

Simpan aje link tersebut ..... ni kena tepek kat dahi maideen bila dia mula temberang

*** next change : kita bongkar pulak temberang si katowjo (anak murid pader maideen)



TQ bro airfilterkotor


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Post time 15-3-2017 09:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 15-3-2017 07:41 PM
kita punya brain pun akan mati selepas 4 minit bila tiada oksigen.

tu pun dah cukup nak mu ...

So atas sebab tu maka kena percaya buta2 pd agama?

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Post time 15-3-2017 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Jangan petik nama aku wehh.

Ciri-ciri beliau tu, memang ada dalam ayat bawah ni....
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8


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Post time 15-3-2017 09:58 PM | Show all posts

emm ..  geng2 lobai sini kata surah2 mengenai rejam ini takda pasai

dah di makan kambeng .  dan ada juga kata ini semua bersifat error .

ntahh dimana silapnya . tapi dibawa pula ayat2 dari bible .  masalahnya

boleh ke kita org Islam beriman dgn ayat2 dlm Bible  ??   bukankah bible

sendiri dah dikatakan telah dikorup  ??  telah dicampur tangan oleh manusia .

jadi berpandu kepada hadis ..  pernah tidak rasuallah sendiri telah melakukan

perkara rejam ini   ??   sedangkan kalau ada satu hadis sohih itu ,  nabi saw

telah menyuruh pulang seorang wanita yg telah datang kepada baginda dan mengatakan

ia telah berzina .  lalu disuruh pulang dan banyak2 memohon ampun dari tuhan .

ini kalau mengikut sunnah yg ada .  juga disini terpikir apakah amalan setiap wanita

yg telah berzina tidak diterima  ??   bagaimana pula pendekatan dgn bertaubat  ??

mengapa pula ada keadaan harus berteka2  ??   so bagaimana pula sebab tahu Islam

itu adil ,  jadi bagaimana pula keadaan lelaki yg berlaku zina  ??   dimana pula ayat2 dlm surahnya  ??

apakah juga telah dimakan kambeng  ??

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Post time 15-3-2017 10:06 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 15-3-2017 07:25 PM
laa - kan ada hadis  yg rekodkan umar pun tahu ayat itu , hafalkan pun, And not only umar but  oth ...

tapi apa bezanya rejam dan sebat dekat sini  ??

dan kalau dlm konteks sebat ,  hukumnya sampai mana  ??

apakah mandatorinya sebat sampai mati  ??

atau apa pulk kekdah2nya dlm melaksanakan hukum sebat .

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Post time 15-3-2017 10:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dess402 replied at 15-3-2017 10:06 PM
tapi apa bezanya rejam dan sebat dekat sini  ??

dan kalau dlm konteks sebat ,  hukumnya s ...

Banyak tanya la kau ni, bila explain kau tak faham2 jugak.  Lembam

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Post time 15-3-2017 10:17 PM | Show all posts
krukforum replied at 15-3-2017 10:12 PM
Banyak tanya la kau ni, bila explain kau tak faham2 jugak.  Lembam

explain pun biarlah cara yg pandai .


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Post time 15-3-2017 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dess402 replied at 15-3-2017 10:17 PM
explain pun biarlah cara yg pandai .

Nak belajar pi jumpa ustad la dol, sebelum tu brenti isap rokok , kasi clear asap dlm kaplanotak kau tu dulu

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Post time 15-3-2017 10:40 PM | Show all posts
krukforum replied at 15-3-2017 10:25 PM
Nak belajar pi jumpa ustad la dol, sebelum tu brenti isap rokok , kasi clear asap dlm kaplanotak k ...

hahaha ..  kira2 ko ni tak pandai lahh .

jadik bodo buat cara bodo .

jangan malu2 bertanya .


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Post time 15-3-2017 10:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Berita dr India ... leshow/57519129.cms

National Investigation Agency (NIA) today issued notice to controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik asking him to join the investigation at its headquarters in New Delhi on March 14.
It is believed Naik is staying in Saudi Arabia to evade arrest after perpetrators of the Dhaka terror strike last year claimed they were inspired by him. The 51-year-old preacher has been booked along with unnamed officials of his
Islamic Research Foundation for promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion. He's also been accused of indulging in acts prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony beside various sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention

P/s: so,heshe ade balik ke new delhi x smlm, ke takut nak balik le tu mcm tikus cencurut sembunyi dlm lobang ,tunggu heshe kene pakse balik interpol ke india,aku pakat gelak je kat lobai2 dlm ni

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Post time 15-3-2017 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 15-3-2017 10:46 PM
dess402 replied at 15-3-2017 10:06 PM
tapi apa bezanya rejam dan sebat dekat sini  ??

dan kalau dlm konteks sebat ,  hukumnya s ...

posting saya tu kat atas tu hukum atau ayat berkaitan hukuman zina - ada dalam quran , itu intipati utama posting saya tu. jelas.
yg nak minta sangat ayat yg tak ditulis tu daa sebenarnya tercatat dalam narration sarjana islam pun so no problem.

cumanya sebelum nak pertikaikan  tu semua fahami dulu konsep naskah dan mansukh - ini tajuk perbincangan kita bukan pun soal nak implement berapa banyak sebatan dan rajam dan kepada kaum waniat ke lelaki ke - itu belum lagi.
so posting u complicates benda yg paling asas pun pihak seperti anda pembenci islam anda  yg tak faham.

posting saya tu jelas nak tunjukkan konsep abrogated

nasakh dan manskuh

ayat yg menceritakan tentang hukuman zina mulanya dan kemudian Allah abrogated ayat iti 4: 15 di atas dan digantikan dengan surah An Nur , 24: 2.

so , sememangnya ayat yg menggantikan ayat terdahulu lebih baik dan setara.

so , tak ada isu pun.

sebab topik dalam thread ini menceritakan perihal ayat quran yg dimakan kambing kononnya lenyap lah walhal dalam surah al baqarah ayat 106 pun Allah dah berfirman awal awal pun yg Allah boleh saja lakuka ap ayg dihendaki-Nya dalam ilmu-Nya dan pengetahun-Nya yg Maha Luas.
menjwab persoalan anda tu - sya bukan ahli undang undang islam dan  saya percaya yg pakar undang undang syariah ada jawapan.

i think persoalan tu layak dijawab oleh mereka yg pakar. tak bermakna kalau awak tak ada jawapan  pada pemahaman awak , pakar syariah  tak boleh jawab.

yg penting fahami lah hududh takzir etc.

so no big deal pun.


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Post time 15-3-2017 11:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 15-3-2017 11:27 PM
katowjo replied at 15-3-2017 02:37 PM

last dah tu nak larikan diri..lepas habis dibagi bible la..surah yang takde sebut ...

Ha ha .... skg kita bongkar pulak bebodohan & konar baring si mamat katowjo ni

(1) Dia kata ayat rejm kena makan kambing (rujukkan hadith tapi tak percaya pada hadith) jadi ayat tersebut dah hilang
- mati2 dia percaya kambing tersebut dah makan ingatan para hafazan zaman tersebut and tak tau pon ada ramai lagi yg mempunyai tulisan tersebut
(2) Mamat Katowjo (dari gua kat Jawa tengah) dengan gah kata ikut hadith Quran tak complete
- dah bagi hadith Nabi Muhammad(saw) sendiri tegah ayat tersebut direkodkan dlm suhuf Quran dan ada hadith konfom Umar(ra) tau mengenai ayat rejm tersebut , tapi mamat Katowjo ni tak terima hadith tersebut

Sah mat Katowjo ni dah mereng. Bagai nak gah rujuk hadith ayat Quran kena makan kambing tapi bila kantoi tak mau terima hadith Nabi Muhammad(saw) tegah penulisan ayat tersebut dan Umar(ra) tau ttg ayat tersebut.

Ha ha ..... ni lah dia kaki temberang. Muka tak malu , nak hujah pakai hadith tapi bila dah tersepit , tak percaya pada hadith ..... konar baring nak lari

(a) Dah kantoi , bawak pulak isu penghafalan ayat tersebut. Bagai nak gila mintak ayat tersebut
- apa nak buat ..... mat katowjo ni kurang waras. Kalo ayat tersebut dah tak ada dlm Quran , tak lah diajar lagi mau pon dihafal lagi.

LOL , ini bermakna mat Katowjo ni have no comon sense. 1400thn bersamaan ~30 generasi ..... hilang lah ayat tersebut ..... this is common sense. Kesian .... mat Katowjo ni , do not possess any common sense .... tak ada otak

Bila semua dah kantoi .... mula lah ikut perangai mahaguru dia ... Pader Maideen ..... temberang lah apa lagi

Mula lah temberang pasal bawak masuk bible Pos #626
takde dah pulak..tadi ade...tadi ramai hafal..lepas tu dibagi surah bible bagai..lepas tu takde balik..

Bagus betul konar baring menipu , walhal pasal bible adalah menjawab soalan dari

pos#493 (decaffeinated)
Kenapa Allah tak pelihara kitab2 terdahulu e.g. bible?

Last2 pecah tembelang pasal percaya pada benda bangang .... eeeeeww .... hadith dtg 200 thn selepas wafat nya Nabi Muhammad(saw) .... jadi tak boleh pakai.

Ini kepercayaan  & kenyataanyg paling bangang. Ini bukti yg mamat Katowjo ni kureng membaca .... tu lah dulu .... suruh pergi kelas ugama ko ponteng

Baca balik pos#661

Yg paling best : kecut telok mamat Katowjo ni bila disuruh jelaskan tatacara solat dari Quran

Awat hang pengecut sgt?


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