Reply #660 masarju's post
xdak duit.....huhu..kena mas blanja.huhu....
OKB tido sehari bp jam? |
Reply #662 masarju's post
biler smpai seru..hikhik..
OKB dh kahwin ker? |
cuber teka?
orang bawah ni pandai bawak lori? |
Reply #664 angel01's post
mestilah x...bwk kwtw jerk...
OKB suka main games x? |
games.....suka bangat
OKB ni suka menipu tak? |
Reply #666 naz_bella's post
OKB suke pelakon saper? |
Reply #667 juju_amin84's post
adam sandler..lawak slambe badak jer
okb rase kalo masuk matriks kena btol2 strugle habis ke? |
Reply #668 FAC's post
yup...strugle bebtl untuk dpt course yg diminati..kalo x nanti kementrian akan cmpk ke mane2 course yg kosong...hikhik...
OKB dh dpt surt twrn ker? |
Reply #669 juju_amin84's post
tak dpt surat lagi..tp da chek online..dpt kat gopeng plak..balik ke negeri kampung asal..hehe
kita tak boleh course yg kite minat sendiri ke? |
Reply #670 FAC's post
oh...congrats..yup..cth:katakan nk jadi akauntan..syrt untk ambk degree kena 3.5 katakan,tp ms matrik juz dapat 3.4.dalam kes ni, fac akn dicampk ke course bisnes misalnyer...mcm tu ah..kiranyer pointer ms matrik leh tlg untuk dpt course yg diminati masa nk smbg degree nanti.
OKB kena daftr matrik biler? |
Reply #671 juju_amin84's post
thank you! kena daftar 15 mei..so kirenye tak tentu lagi la kite dpt ape course yg kita hajat..oic
learning environment die dlm english or bm? |
Reply #672 FAC's post
for the past 3 years ni, if im not mistaken, speaking london...hikhik...
tu yg quit ramai yg kantoi....but since fac dh prepared by attending eng courses n etc..i guess should not be a problem..
OKB ramai ker kngkwn yg dapat? |
Reply #673 juju_amin84's post
ramai gak ar..tp ramai nk tunggu upu jer..takot masuk matriks
kalo dh dpt matriks possible ke nk dpt upu? |
Reply #674 FAC's post
hrmmm...setau den lah kan...kalo dh dpt matrik n dh dftr, upu xkn pgl dah.unless kalo thn ni both upu n matrik pgl sekali.so students leh choose..tp kalo kngkwn fac tlg matrik,insya4JJ1 leh dpt upu...
OKB nk terima ker tolak? |
Reply #675 juju_amin84's post
owhh fikir dlu la..tanye pendapat org yg lebih experience..hehe
tp ape yg struggle nye kat matriks tu? |
Reply #676 FAC's post
how nk habaq ek...actually, bg den lah kan...xd lah sush maner matrik dulu...hikhik....ok jer...hikhik...yg pntg,asas blajo masa lecturer ngajar tumpu....pastu ms kels tutorial fokus...sbnya den dulu pun bkn rjn blajo...tp ms tutor n kels tumpu...tu jer..enjoy2 gaks...hikhik..
OKB punyer family suh masuk ker? |
Reply #677 juju_amin84's post
kome tkde la paksa..kome tak kisah..eceh dh sleng perak la plak
okb from nogoghi ke? |
Reply #678 FAC's post
x ah...ahaks...memg anak jati sngor..huhu...pa n ma jerk yg sorg sana sorg sini..huhu...
OJB ni asai perak ker? |
Reply #679 juju_amin84's post
ayah from perak..ibu plak from n9..fac truly KLian..heheh
okb kg kat ner? |
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Category: Negeri & Negara