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Author: shanew3stgalz


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Buzzing_Bee This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2006 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 29-3-2006 11:16 PM
nf:nf:nf:huhh!!padann mukeee stephhh!selfish!ingt nk jage perasaan dia jeee ke..ngok aaa dia..sesuke ati tuduh marge macam2...sesuke ati tampo muke anak org..ckp tak serupe bikin!muke tak mal ...

Padan muka Margaret kena tampar. For me watak Margaret sangat2 hipokrit. Everything that Steph says towards her is true. She's in denial of the truth. Sbab tu dia patut kena tampar so that she realize it. What to do la kalau depa dua2 suka kat org yang sama. May the best person win la. Who does she think she is?! Sacrificing for the sake of Steph konon. Mulut kata I can fall in love again but what happen for the past 4 yrs without HArry? & with the presence of Harry?? Ada ke dia jatuh cinta... DOH!!! She even confess to her mother what Steph said is true...*at last she realise that*... If it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be la. William did a good job by saying that life doesn't end without Harry. MArgaret is such a living doll! Pathetic!

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Buzzing_Bee This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2006 01:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kumang at 4-4-2006 09:34 AM
aku dah mula naik menyampah dgn c steph tu even dia accident....margaretlah yg paling byk berkorban w/pun hati dia masih suka kat harry....jgn lak ending dia nanti buat aku tak puas hati udah....

huhuhu.. ye ker Margaret yg banyak berkorban???

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trisyafiq This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2006 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Buzzing_Bee at 5-4-2006 01:11 PM

huhuhu.. ye ker Margaret yg banyak berkorban???

margaret berkorban for the sake of her best friend. she still in love w harry tp terpaksa sacrifice becoz dia rasa steph patut dpt harry coz steph x dpt kasih sayang dr mak dia. tp steph tu yg x sdr diri..

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Buzzing_Bee This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2006 01:20 PM | Show all posts
I'm so into the character of Steph... It's so alive... Somebody once told me that an unwanted child without proper help & guidance will turn into a rebelious child.. Which is so true *thru my experience*

She's the opposite of Margaret. She speaks what she feels & Margaret hide what she feels.. By hiding what she feels *Margaret* she makes herself a very hypocrite person. And I don't like that in her ;p

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Buzzing_Bee This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2006 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by trisyafiq at 5-4-2006 01:16 PM

margaret berkorban for the sake of her best friend. she still in love w harry tp terpaksa sacrifice becoz dia rasa steph patut dpt harry coz steph x dpt kasih sayang dr mak dia. tp steph tu yg  ...

Kerana sedar diri la steph buat macam tu. She know that Margaret masih suka kat HArry..& she knows where she stand. Margaret comes in Harry's life b4 her. Being abandadoned by her mother since she was a child makes her living in anger. Sebab tu dia jadi rebelious. & knowing the fact yg mak dia la punca all the problems tambahla dia menderita. It's her OWN BIOLOGICAL mother.

And as MArgaret best fren she knew the fact that Margaret has  been suffering for the past 4 yrs kan.. As her best fren dia pun nak jugak Margaret happy. Maybe u guys doesn't see that bcos u guys r bz pitying Margaret..

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Post time 5-4-2006 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 5-4-2006 11:55 AM
yuri_kat..aku bg in brief je ekk..aku pon tak bape ingt sgt..

scene kt spital:

-andrew ckp dia nk start over again wif steph
-marge dgr sedey gler..pastu dia g chapel kt spital tu
-then har ...

thanks eskrem...mmg selfish tul si steph tue..mmg aku sian ngn dia tp dai mmg ptgkan diri sendiri la....takkan tak nampak ramai org sayang kat dia...Harry nie tul2 ke nak  ngn setph atau dia nak ngn magaret...

semalam tak de subtitles tgk cite nie....tue yg tukar cite lain....

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Post time 5-4-2006 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Buzzing_Bee at 5-4-2006 01:33 PM

Kerana sedar diri la steph buat macam tu. She know that Margaret masih suka kat HArry..& she knows where she stand. Margaret comes in Harry's life b4 her. Being abandadoned by her mother si ...

r u saying that we're not aware of steph's feeling and how horrible her past childhood life was?yeah..true that she's being true,honest to herself n to the for me,i'm not bz pitying marge..aku tau le mmg sengsare jd steph tu..abandoned,tak cukup kasih syg..aku juz takleh nk terime,dlm keadaan dia skang,steph tu tak reti nk berterima kaseh..appreciate ape org buat kt dia..bak kate marge,jgn smpi satu hr nanti,takde sape pon yg syg kt dia lg..bile org pay attention kt dia,sesenang kate org sume wat juz sbb kesiankan least try to accept yg mak dia tgh cube baiki keadaan wpon slame ni mmg mak dia byk wat salah n mak dia la punca smer for marge..mmg la steph pon pk psl kebahagiaan dia leh terime ke kalo harry pilih marge..aku tak salahkan marge kalo dia cuba perjuangkan cinta dia kt harry slps asyik ditolak oleh dak steph tu..

ckp psl berkorban..i know that at the end of this story,steph is going to make a huge sacrifice to marge..but i'm talking bout wut is happenning rite now..jd minah hipo utk kebaikan org lain lg ok dr asyik mencari kesalahan org n asyik menyalahkan org lain..

well,my opinion lang intention to offense anyone yer..lain org lain pendapat..up to us whether nk suke sape n shows that the director had done his job very well,coz viewers keep on criticizing the show..n rite now,i really hope that the plot will switch to edward-diana's..enough for marge-harry-steph scene for the time being...sick of that!haha

[ Last edited by  eskremVanila at 5-4-2006 03:01 PM ]

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Post time 5-4-2006 05:49 PM | Show all posts
cam dah malaslah layan cerita nie...tak suka bila persahabatan musnah pasal cinta kat sorang lelaki...taulah in real life memang ada gini..tapi sedih bila tengok..ada one of them yang akan terluka in the end mesti ada orang yang terpaksa sacrifice..huhuhu sedehhhhhh

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Post time 5-4-2006 08:46 PM | Show all posts
aku kesian kat dua2 sekali..sebab tu lah aku cakap sorang ambik je lah si William tu..handsome apa...

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Post time 5-4-2006 08:47 PM | Show all posts


i br jek join..bkn aper b4 dis duk bc skg nih mmg rase hiram mmg bosan thp cipan aa.
suke tgk william although x hensem sgt tp o.k le belakon..x mcm c geoff tuh (ni pon x brp ensem gak)..nmpak cam buat2..

kalo ckp psl chemistry, of course la andrew ngan steph yg suka la gak ngan edward..
tp cite filipin ni tipikal cam cite melayu la..end mmg harry ngan margaret..steph mati..sophia nyesal..

wpon i lebih prefer steph ngan terima jelah..

hmm satu lag yg buat jd menyampah..ade prob jek nk lari..
c sophia tuh bkn nk pebetulkan kead tp nk lari lak..

kalo b4 dis tertunggu nk tau ape skg nih mmg hambar..

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Post time 5-4-2006 11:10 PM | Show all posts
hah udah..muncul la plak ex-pakwe diana tu..hadoi takpe list my wish has been granted..scene ed-diana dh start n ade konflik baru...takyah la nak dok pk masalah kanak2 3 org tuh..huahuahua..

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Buzzing_Bee This user has been deleted
Post time 6-4-2006 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 5-4-2006 02:57 PM

r u saying that we're not aware of steph's feeling and how horrible her past childhood life was?yeah..true that she's being true,honest to herself n to the for me,i'm not bz pitying  ...

well said eskremvanilla :-) ... everybody has their own opinion abt this soap operas... Tho I prefer Steph to be with Harry, I oso want Marge to stand out & fight for his love.. keeping it silence & suffer won't do her any good.. BTW, I oso know abt the ending hehehe... biasala org tidak sabar juga pi cari spoiler..muahaha

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Buzzing_Bee This user has been deleted
Post time 6-4-2006 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Yes, I do think Steph can accept it if Harry choses Marge. Bcos she knew Marge comes first kan. Steph is a realisic person & she's one strong girl. She's been rejected ever since she was in her mother womb, takkan yg 1 ni dia takleh handle. What she needs is time cure.

I think Steph bukan tak nak berterima kasih, as I've said b4 Steph character is so alive. She's living in anger, as a human being bila kita marah, kita akan cari org utk kita melampiaskan kemarahan kita kan?It's human nature, we tends to find who causes this and who causes that. Ni Steph punya marah dah sampai tahap dewa sbb tu she's acting that way. mmg kudos to the author la.. It's real..

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Post time 6-4-2006 10:23 AM | Show all posts
bagi akulah, aku mmg faham perasaan c steph tu sbb kurang kasih sayang dari mak dia....even aku sendiri pun mmg pernah mengalami apa yg steph alami semasa kecik....mmg sakit dan susah nak diubat even bila dah growing up....bagi aku 2-2 nya bagus kalau di tgk dari segi realiti....aku tau w/pun steph nampak selfish tapi dia tak boleh lari dari bayangan kisah silam antara margaret dgn harry sbb dia tau margaret masih suka kat harry....dan steph tau pengorbanan margaret terlalu besar utk dia terima sbb dia tau margaret dah menderita selama 4 the point is mmg mak dia yg patut kena blame dlm soal ni....

dan margaret lak....alaaaaa susah2 ko ambik jer william tuh....hensem apa....lagipun william dah byk berubah disebabkan margaret tul tak....aku kalau ada lelaki ensem cam william tu sanggup pose tak mkn pasal nak aku idop happy, jgn harap aku nak lepas hihihihihi...


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Post time 6-4-2006 10:27 AM | Show all posts
so mlm ni aku nak tgk c diana tu bagitau edward yg margaret tu anak dia....

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Post time 6-4-2006 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Hi All.....

kiter tumpang sekaki sesangat dapat jumpa group yang mengikuti citer nie... kalau tertinggal leh la tanya ngan you all ek ?

[ Last edited by  solara at 6-4-2006 12:18 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2006 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kumang at 31-3-2006 11:17 AM
jangan2 mak c harry tu xwife c edward

dakkkk kottt... kiter agak le c harry tu ler anak edward dengan ex-wife dia charlotte ka apa tah nama dia tuh...
edward pernah ngaku kat sophia yang dia still mencari2 anak dia yang ex-wife dia amik lepas perceraian dorang dulu...
masa tu edward tgh comfortkan si sophia pasal hubungan dia ngan stephanie...
tu agakan kiter jek laa... apa2 pon kena la tengok sampai abesss...

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Post time 6-4-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts
;)) sekali lagi nak jadi nujum pak belalang....

sekiranya benar c harry tu adalah anak x edward ngan x-wife dia... makanya c margaret & c harry adalah 2 beradik. Oleh sebab itu, c Harry tak boleh la meneruskan hubungan cinta dia dengan kakak dia sendiri ( c margaret).
Maka lastly c andrew/harry dapat lah meneruskan perhubungan dengan stephanie....

iskkkk.. tak sesabau nak tau ending....

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Post time 6-4-2006 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by solara at 6-4-2006 11:57 AM
Hi All.....

kiter tumpang sekaki sesangat dapat jumpa group yang mengikuti citer nie... kalau tertinggal leh la tanya ngan you all ek ?

Hi solara...welkam2 hehehe

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trisyafiq This user has been deleted
Post time 6-4-2006 04:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 5-4-2006 02:57 PM

r u saying that we're not aware of steph's feeling and how horrible her past childhood life was?yeah..true that she's being true,honest to herself n to the for me,i'm not bz pitying  ...

actually dulu i suka steph dgn andrew ni, at that time perangai steph mcm mary ann dlm crita SWAN, tp lama2 tgk crita ni terserlah perangai mengada2 & 'jual ikan' dia tu...tu yg start nyampah tu. i can accept dia jd mcm tu sbb kekrgn kasih sayang tp teruk sgt la plak....

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