Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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hane... sk...
tu pon kalau TERingat arr... ekekeke |
My new bag setelah lamaaa my colleagues waited for me while I made up my mind..hehehe..

I duno from which collection this bag is from..tau2 je lepas dah rounding the shop I settled on this one.. I tried to find this bag from the webby pon tak dpt jumpa.. Anybody knows?

Bought Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler, $24 aje..and it works! I bought Body Shop Clear Mascara coz my eyebrow yg tinggal ciput ni memang degil...Hee! |
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Reply #681 virgomal's post
Reply #682 skgerl's post
sk... lawa le bag coach tu... |
Reply #682 skgerl's post
that bag of yours tu Coach Carly Demi handbag... catergory Carly 
Carly ni one of Coach hot collection ;) |
Reply #688 skgerl's post
tu i beli ngan kawan, Ema.. another tokey.. her fren bought kat australia.. tote dia mmg cantek.. TDF!! and yes, its Legacy range ;)
[ Last edited by Hane at 3-12-2007 10:37 PM ] |
Originally posted by Hane at 29-11-2007 02:37 PM 
i guess bag ni dah takde kat offical website.. style no. dia 10730
adalah sket.. ada 3 wristlets, 1 keychain, 1 hobo signature, 1 denim shoulder bag, 1 swingpack... 1 pouch ni dah tukar milik ...
Wowee banyaknya collection.... I baru ada satu wristlet & the two handbags jer. For myself I have to stop buying Coach and start luking for other brands lah...takot dah rasa makin jelak...and oso menyampah sangat tengok my fren (yg suka Legacy tu) asik ikut-ikut.. Kita beli, dia pon nak beli..VERY the MELUATzzz..
...Mungkin my next handbag will be bag hantaran...? Heheee  |
Reply #691 skgerl's post
lom banyak lagik lah dear hane ingat pon nak tukar brand dah.. if ada rezeki lebih nak high-end punya, tapi ntah bila lah TERcapai  |

Asik lupa nak post...ni specs Levis I beli masa bulan puasa tu.. I pernah recce kat Century Sq and it was 300+. Pegi kat Bedok, it was $220 with lens so i pon cekup cepat2 lah walaupun bulan tu bulan puasa and dah broke pon...hehee! Dah pakai pon specs ni masa gath umah Chic hari tu Sukaaa! |
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Reply #697 skgerl's post
suka spek tu, tapi lagi suka pipi sk...
lembut jer nampak
erk sk.. soalan... lalat tu takder tpt lain ke
nak melabur... kat pipi situ jugak dia nak berak....
opssssssssss |
Reply #697 skgerl's post
lawanya pipi....Oops!
lawanya spek... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara