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Author: novelloverzz

Peristiwa Dunia, Mitos & Sejarah

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Post time 22-3-2014 08:42 PM | Show all posts
World Water Day

World Water Day has been observed on 22 March since 1993 when the United Nations General Assembly declared 22 March as "World Day for Water".
This day was first formally proposed in Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Observance began in 1993 and has grown significantly ever since; for the general public to show support, it is encouraged for the public to not use their taps throughout the whole day. The day has also become a popular Facebook trend.
The UN and its member nations devote this day to implementing UN recommendations and promoting concrete activities within their countries regarding the world's water resources. Each year, one of various UN agencies involved in water issues takes the lead in promoting and coordinating international activities for World Water Day. Since its inception in 2003, UN-Water has been responsible for selecting the theme, messages and lead UN agency for the World Day for Water.
In addition to the UN member states, a number of NGOs promoting clean water and sustainable aquatic habitats have used World Day for Water as a time to focus public attention on the critical water issues of our era. Every three years since 1997, for instance, the World Water Council has drawn thousands to participate in its World Water Forum during the week of World Day for Water. Participating agencies and NGOs have highlighted issues such as a billion people being without access to safe water for drinking and the role of gender in family access to safe water. In 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012 the UN World Water Development Report was launched on the occasion of the World Water Day.

Water Day, by the years2014: Water and Energy Water and energy are closely interlinked and interdependent. Energy generation and transmission requires utilization of water resources, particularly for hydroelectric, nuclear, and thermal energy sources. Conversely, about 8% of the global energy generation is used for pumping, treating and transporting water to various consumers.
In 2014, the UN System – working closely with its Member States and other relevant stakeholders – is collectively bringing its attention to the water-energy nexus, particularly addressing inequities, especially for the 'bottom billion' who live in slums and impoverished rural areas and survive without access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, sufficient food and energy services. It also aims to facilitate the development of policies and crosscutting frameworks that bridge ministries and sectors, leading the way to energy security and sustainable water use in a green economy. Particular attention will be paid to identifying best practices that can make a water- and energy-efficient 'Green Industry' a reality.
Coordinated by UNIDO and UNU-INWEH. Official Website
2013: Water Cooperation In December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation. In reflection of this declaration, the 2013 World Water Day, which will take place on 22 March 2013, also will be dedicated to water cooperation. Therefore, UN-Water has called upon UNESCO to lead the 2013 United Nations International Year on Water Cooperation, in particular because of the Organization’s unique multidisciplinary approach which blends the natural and social sciences, education, culture and communication. Given the intrinsic nature of water as a transversal and universal element, the United Nations International Year on Water Cooperation naturally would embrace and touch upon all these aspects.
Coordinated by UNESCO in collaboration with UNECE and UNDESA. Official Website
2012: Water and Food Security: The World is Thirsty Because We are Hungry Official Website
Coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The visual identity and communication campaign is by UN-Water. It is in conjunction with a one-day event organised by EU Minister for Water Stephen Tummon who has organised a one-day event to raise awareness about water, called "Aquatic Picnic". On the matter, Tummon said; "It's incredible how many people don't know that water actually exists, I first learnt about "water" in 2009 and my life hasn't been the same since. Thats what #aquapic (sic) is all about"
On the occasion of 2012 World Water Day, the ICRC is calling attention to the water-related challenges faced by civilians caught up in fighting. WaterAid partnered with Waterlogic to help raise funds for clean water and sanitation for poor communities worldwide.In participation with World Water Day 2012, Waterlogic pledged $225,000 USD to WaterAid over the course of three years.

2011: Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge

Coordinated by UN-HABITAT. The visual identity and communication campaign is by FAO WATER, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Water section.

2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World

Coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The communication and visual identity campaign is by FAO WATER, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Water section.
UN-Water is dedicating World Water Day 2010 to the theme of water quality, reflecting its importance alongside quantity of the resource in water management.
Clean water and war: in time of war the access to clean water is frequently restricted because water supply or purification systems have been destroyed, because water reserves are located in areas that have become dangerous or because of massive displacement. People ultimately resort to sources of water with a high health risk and many people contract water-borne diseases

2009: Trans Waters

Coordinated by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO), with the assistance of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Water section.[3]
On the occasion of 2009 World Day for Water, the ICRC called on governments to ensure safe water and decent sanitation for civilians in conflict zones. In many conflicts, disease kills more civilians than bullets.

2008: Sanitation

Coordinated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The World Day for Water 2008 also coincides with the International Year of Sanitation (2008), which was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in collaboration with the UN-Water Task Force on Sanitation.
On 21 March 2008, The Guardian Weekly published a special report on World Day for Water.OMG

2007: Coping With Water Scarcity

Coordinated by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2007's theme highlighted the increasing significance of water scarcity worldwide and the need for increased integration and cooperation to ensure sustainable, efficient and equitable management of scarce water resources, both at international and local levels.[11]

2006: Water and Culture

Coordinated by United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO). The theme 'Water and Culture' of 2006 drew the attention to the fact that there are as many ways of viewing, using, and celebrating water as there are cultural traditions across the world.[12][13]

2005: Water for Life 2005–2015
Coordinated by the United Nations (UN). The United Nations General Assembly at its 58th session in December 2003 agreed to proclaim the years 2005 to 2015 as the International Decade for Action, "Water for Life" (Water for Life Decade), and beginning with World Water Day, 22 March 2005. The Water for Life decade set the world's goals on "a greater focus on water-related issues, while striving to ensure the participation of women in water-related development efforts, and further cooperation at all levels to achieve water-related goals of the Millennium Declaration, Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of the World Summit for Sustainable Development and Agenda 21."[15]

2004: Water and Disasters

Coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). The message of the Day was: Weather, climate and water resources can have a devastating impact on socio-economic development and on the well-being of humankind. According to the World Meteorological Organization, weather and climate-related extreme events, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, storms, cyclones, floods and drought, account for nearly 75 per cent of all disasters. They lead to an enormous toll of human suffering, loss of life and economic damage. Monitoring these events, predicting their movements and issuing timely warnings are essential to mitigate the disastrous impact of such events on population and economy.

2003: Water for Future

Coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Water for the Future was the theme for World Water Day 2003. It called on each one of us to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of fresh water available to future generations. The goal was to inspire political and community action and encourage greater global understanding of the need for more responsible water use and conservation.[12]
2002: Water for Development
Coordinated by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The theme for 2002, 'Water for Development,' carried the message that the poor and deteriorating state of water resources in many parts of the world demand integrated water resources planning and management.

2001: Water for Health

Coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The message for the day was: "Concrete efforts are necessary to provide clean drinking water and improve health as well as to increase awareness world-wide of the problems and of the solutions. 22 March is a unique occasion to remind everybody that solutions are possible. Use the resources on this site to help turn words into political commitment and action."[16]

2000: Water for the 21st century

Coordinated by United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO).

1999: Everyone Lives Downstream

Coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The 1999 World Water Day's primary message is that when it comes to using freshwater, human beings, whether they live in a village or a megacity, cannot isolate themselves from their neighbours. Rather, there are fundamental linkages and dependencies between water users and uses in a given drainage basin that affect everyone in that basin.[18]

1998: Groundwater – The Invisible Resource

Coordinated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Nearly half of the world's population depends on groundwater sources for drinking water supply and for other uses. The UN is concerned about three primary gaps in groundwater management which have enormous implications for sustainable development: (1) The accelerated degradation of groundwater systems, through pollution of aquifers. (2) The lack of both professional and public awareness about the sustainable use and economic importance of groundwater resources generally. (3) The economic implications of not resolving groundwater demand and supply management.

1997: The World's Water: Is there enough?

Coordinated by United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO)and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The message for the World Day for Water 1997 was that water is a basic requirement for all life, yet water resources are facing more and more demands from, and competition among, users.

1996: Water for Thirsty Cities

World Day for Water 1996 emphasized the growing water crisis faced by cities across the world which threatens the sustainability of their social and economic development.

1995: Women and Water

1994: Caring for our Water Resources is Everybody's Business

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Post time 22-3-2014 08:54 PM | Show all posts
22 march 1929 P. Ramlee dilahirkan

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. P. Ramlee (dilahirkan sebagai Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Puteh; 22 Mac 1929 - 29 Mei 1973) merupakan seorang penyanyi, pelakon, pengarah, pemuzik dan penulis lagu yang berasal dari Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Beliau juga digelar sebagai "Seniman Agung Negara" kerana jasanya yang amat besar dalam industri hiburan terutamanya di rantau Asia Tenggara. Beliau pernah mendapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa seperti Best Male Lead Role (Festival Filem Asia Ke-4, Tokyo) dan Most Versatile Talent (Festival Filem Asia Ke-10, Tokyo). Beliau berjaya menghasilkan sebanyak 401 buah lagu dan 66 buah filem sepanjang hayatnya.

Latar belakangBeliau telah dilahirkan pada 22 Mac 1929, iaitu selepas khutbah selesai pada pagi Hari Raya Aidilfitri di Pulau Pinang.[2] Beliau adalah anak kepada pasangan Teuku Nyak Puteh bin Teuku Karim (1902 - 1955) dan Che Mah Hussein (1904 - 1967).[1] Sebelum Che Mah melahirkannya, Che Mah telah mengadu sakit perut pada sebelah paginya. Tetapi, bapanya harus menunaikan sembahyang raya. Mujurlah ibu Che Mah tinggal bersama-sama dengannya. Ibu Che Mah telah memanggil bidan dan orang ramai mula berkumpul di rumah mereka. Selepas pulang daripada menunaikan solat, Teuku Nyak Puteh mendapati anaknya telah selamat dilahirkan. Ibu Che Mah telah memanggil cucunya dengan panggilan "Ramlee" kerana kesukaran memanggil nama "Teuku Zakaria".[2]
Teuku Nyak Puteh merupakan anak tunggal yang berasal dari Lhokseumawe, Acheh. Bapanya mengembara untuk menjadi pelayar kerana merajuk kepada salah seorang ahli keluarganya. Akhirnya, beliau berkenalan dengan seorang janda bernama Che Mah Hussein. Perkenalan ini telah menyebabkannya berkahwin dengan Che Mah pada tahun 1925 di Kampung Kubang Buaya, Butterworth. P. Ramlee mempunyai seorang adik-beradik tiri melalui perkahwinan pertama ibunya, iaitu Syeikh Ali. Ibunya meninggal akibat penyakit barah gusi, ketika P. Ramlee dalam perjalanan pulang ke Pulau Pinang.[2]
PendidikanBeliau menerima pendidikan awal di Sekolah Melayu Kampung Jawa dan Francis Light English School. Seterusnya, beliau menyambung pelajaran di Penang Free School sehingga meletusnya Perang Dunia Kedua.[1] Ketika beliau masih bersekolah di Penang Free School, beliau dikenali sebagai pelajar yang kemas dari segi tulisan dan mempunyai bahasa yang menarik. Pada waktu tengah hari, beliau mempelajari pendidikan Islam dan pada sebelam malamnya, beliau aktif bersukan. Guru beliau, Encik Hashim adalah bapa kepada Ahmad Daud. Setiap hari, beliau akan disuruh oleh Encik Hashim untuk menghantar buku-buku pelajar ke rumahnya. Sebelum pulang ke rumah, beliau seringkali dipelawa untuk makan di rumah Encik Hashim.[2] Ketika zaman pendudukan tentera Jepun di Tanah Melayu, beliau belajar di Japanese Navy School (Kaigun Gakko) sebelum kembali ke Penang Free School apabila perang tamat.[1]
Permulaan kerjaya seniBeliau mula meminati bidang muzik apabila melihat rakan-rakannya bermain muzik di kampungnya. Beliau mula mengumpul duit hasil upahan orang dalam usaha untuk membeli sebuah biola. Ketika beliau bersekolah di Japanese Navy School, beliau pernah menjadi ketua dalam satu batalion seramai 150 orang. Apabila pertunjukan pentas diadakan pada setiap malam minggu, beliau seringkali diundang untuk menyanyi beberapa buah lagu. Sistem pendidikan Jepun telah menyebabkan beliau menguasai bahasa Jepun dalam masa yang singkat. Pihak Jepun telah menghantarnya ke merata-rata tempat untuk mengasah kemahirannya.[2]
Selepas selesai menunaikan solat pada waktu malam, beliau berlatih bermain muzik bersama pancaragam Sinaran Bintang Sore. Seterusnya, beliau menyertai Orkes Teruna Sekampung sebagai pemain biola, penyanyi, dan pencipta lagu. Encik Kamaruddin telah menyedari bakatnya dan menawarkan kelas bermain piano di rumahnya. Oleh kerana beliau tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya ketika sesi pengajaran, Normah iaitu anak Encik Kamaruddin telah membawa secawan kopi sebagai galakan.[2]
Beliau mula mencuba nasib dengan menyertai sebuah pertandingan nyanyian anjuran Radio Malaya bahagian utara. Pada tahun 1945, beliau memperoleh tempat ketiga manakala tahun seterusnya, beliau disenaraikan dalam tempat ketiga. Pada tahun 1947, beliau berjaya mendapat tempat pertama sebagai Bintang Penyanyi Utama Malaya. Sejak dari itu, namanya dan Orkes Teruna Sekampung dikenali ramai di kawasan utara. Kumpulan Rayuan Asmara yang terdiri daripada pelakon-pelakon pentas bangsawan telah mengadakan pertunjukan di Pulau Pinang. Pada ketika itu, beliau berhasrat untuk melihat persembahan tersebut walaupun tidak mempunyai wang. Hasil pendapatan beliau yang diperoleh daripada majlis keramaian dan pertunjukan pentas telah dibelanjakan untuk membeli pakaian. Pernah suatu ketika, beliau terpaksa memakai baju koyak dan menutupnya dengan sehelai kot di sebelah luarnya.[2]
Akhirnya, beliau memberanikan diri dengan memanjat pagar untuk melihat persembahan oleh kumpulan Rayuan Asmara. Kasma Booty menjadi penyanyi dalam kumpulan tersebut dan belum dikenali sebagai pelakon filem. Ahmad C.B. telah berjumpa dengan ketua Orkes Teruna Sekampung dan mencadangkan mereka bergabung dengan kumpulan Rayuan Asmara. Pada suatu pertunjukan hasil gabungan kedua-dua kumpulan, P. Ramlee telah berjumpa dengan Kasma Booty buat kali pertama. P. Ramlee juga mula berkenalan dengan pemain saksofon, Jaafar yang merupakan bapa tiri Kasma Booty. Untuk suatu ketika, beliau tidak lagi berjumpa dengan Kasmy Booty kerana kumpulan Rayuan Asmara sentiasa berpindah dalam mengadakan pertunjukan.[2]
Kejayaan dalam bidang lakonanFilem pertama lakonan P. Ramlee ialah Chinta, sebuah filem yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 1948. Beliau memegang peranan sebagai penjahat dan nyanyian latar. Kejayaannya terus berkembang dan telah berjaya berlakon di dalam 27 buah filem di antara tahun 1948 hingga 1955. Salah seorang pendorong dan guru beliau dalam dunia perfileman Melayu ialah Tan Sri L. Krishnan yang merupakan pengarah bagi filem Melayu sekitar tahun 1950-an hingga 1960-an. Gaya lakonan beliau yang amat berjaya itu adalah hasil inspirasi daripada dua pelakon yang terkenal dari India Selatan iaitu MGR dan Sivaji Ganesan. Filem terakhir lakonan beliau ialah Laxmana Do Re Mi pada tahun 1972 manakala lagu dan lirik terakhirnya ialah Air Mata di Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1973 sebelum beliau menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya.

P. Ramlee pernah berkahwin tiga kali. Kali pertama beliau berkahwin dengan Junaidah Daeng Harris pada 1950 tetapi perkahwinan mereka menemui kegagalan pada tahun 1954. Perkahwinan kedua beliau adalah dengan Noorizan Mohd. Noor pada 6 Februari 1955 yang merupakan seorang kerabat diraja bagi negeri Perak yang sanggup meninggalkan kehidupan di istana demi cintanya itu. Walaubagaimanapun, Norizan mengharapkan sesuatu yang lebih dari perkahwinan mereka tetapi beliau lebih menumpukan hidupnya kepada kerjaya seni yang menyebabkan perkahwinan mereka berakhir pada tahun 1961. Kali terakhir adalah dengan Saloma pada 21 November 1961 dalam satu majlis yang sangat sederhana bersama rakan-rakan terdekatnya.
Wanita yang mencintai beliau mempunyai sebab-sebab yang berbeza. Isteri pertama beliau, Junaidah, menyintainya ketika masih belum terkenal. Seterusnya, Norizan pula mencintainya sebagai seorang seniman dan pembikin filem yang terkenal. Walaubagaimanapun, Saloma mencintainya dengan seadanya iaitu sebagai seorang seniman dan sebagai seorang yang biasa. Perkara ini yang menyebabkan Saloma menjadi teman hidup sehati sejiwa beliau sehingga ke akhir hayat.
Anak-anakP. Ramlee mempunyai ramai anak yang dijaga beliau dan tetapi hanya dua orang sahaja yang merupakan anak kandungnya hasil perkahwinan beliau dengan Junaidah. Anak-anak beliau banyak membantu beliau dalam kerja seperti menjadi penyanyi latar kanak-kanak (contohnya lagu Tolong Kami Bantu Kami daripada filem Tiga Abdul) dan pelakon kanak-kanak tambahan (contohnya Sazali yang berlakon sebagai anak pekerja ladang dalam Anak Bapak). Berikut merupakan anak-anak yang pernah dijaga beliau:
  • Mohd Nasir : Anak kandung bersama Junaidah (1953-2008)
  • Arfan : Anak kandung bersama Junaidah (1954-1998)
  • Sazali : Anak angkat (lahir 1958)
  • Abdul Rahman : Anak tiri (anak Junaidah)
  • Norma : Anak tiri (anak Noorizan)
  • Armali : Anak tiri (anak Saloma dan A.R.Tompel)
  • Betty : Anak angkat
  • Zakiah @ Zazaloma : Anak angkat (lahir 1963)
  • Sabaruddin @ Badin : Anak angkat (1966-2007)
  • Salfarina @ Dian : Anak angkat (keturunan Cina)

Penghargaan selepas pemergian dan kematian

P. Ramlee telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada pagi Selasa yang bertarikh 29 Mei 1973 ketika berusia 44 tahun akibat sakit jantung semasa mahu tiba di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan jenazahnya dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Bagi mengenang jasa dan sumbangannya, beliau telah dianugerahkan Bintang Kebesaran Darjah Panglima Setia Mahkota oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada tahun 1990 yang membawa gelaran Tan Sri. Selain itu rumah terakhir beliau di Jalan Dedap, Setapak telah diubahsuai dan dijadikan sebagai Pustaka Peringatan P Ramlee pada tahun 1986. Manakala di tengah pusat bandar raya Kuala Lumpur namanya turut diabadikan pada sebatang jalan iaitu Jalan P. Ramlee (dahulunya Jalan Parry) pada tahun 1982. Di Kuching juga ada sebatang jalan yg dinamakan Jalan P. Ramlee. Beliau turut mendapat penghargaan doktor falsafah dalam bidang seni persembahan pada tahun 2005 yang membawa gelaran "doktor". Beliau juga diberi penghormatan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak dengan penganugerahan Darjah Yang Amat Mulia Bintang Kenyalang Sarawak atau Datuk Amar Bintang Kenyalang (Posthumous) (DA (P)) pada 2009. Anugerah tersebut telah disampaikan kepada anak angkat beliau iaitu Dian P. Ramlee.
Kemudian, sempena 50 tahun kemerdekaan Malaysia iaitu pada tahun 2007, beliau telah terpilih sebagai 10 calon terakhir bagi program Anak Gemilang Malaysia yang mengiktiraf rakyat Malaysia yang banyak memberi sumbangan kepada negara dan kejayaan dalam menaikkan nama negara di mata dunia.
Pada tahun yang sama, kisah hidup beliau juga telah dipentaskan dalam satu pementasan teater muzikal dengan tajuk P. Ramlee the Musical... Hidup, Cinta dan Inspirasi.
AnugerahBerikut merupakan senarai anugerah yang terlibat dengan beliau dan karya beliau sepanjang hidup beliau.
  • Pertandingan Nyanyian Radio Pulau Pinang Malaya
"Tempat ke-3" - P. Ramlee1946
  • Pertandingan Nyanyian Keroncong Pulau Pinang
"Tempat Pertama" - P.Ramlee dan Pancaragam Keroncong Pemuda Indonesia
  • Pertandingan Nyanyian Radio Pulau Pinang Malaya
"Tempat ke-2" - P.Ramlee1947
  • Pertandingan Nyanyian Radio Pulau Pinang Malaya
"Tempat pertama" - P.Ramlee1951
  • Majalah Filem Raya Malaya
"Bintang Pujaan Malaya and Indonesia" - P.Ramlee1952
  • Majalah Filem Raya Malaya
"Pelakon Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Filem Terbaik" - Antara Senyum Dan Tangis"Filem Kegemaran" - Juwita1953
  • Majalah Filem Raya Malaya
"Filem Terbaik" - Hujan Panas"Pelakon Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Filem Kegemaran Malaya" - Antara Senyum Dan Tangis"Filem Kegemaran Malaya dan Indonesia" - Antara Senyum Dan Tangis"Pelakon Kegemaran Malaya dan Indonesia" - P.Ramlee
  • Majalah Filem dan Sukan Utusan Malaya
"Artis Tahunan 1953" - P.Ramlee"Filem Terbaik" - Hujan Panas
  • Radio Malaya
"Penyanyi Lelaki Terbaik" - P.Ramlee1956
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-3 Hong Kong
"Skor Muzik Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Pelakon Pembantu Wanita Terbaik" - Zaiton bagi Hang Tuah
  • Majalah Bintang Singapura
"Seniman Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Pengarah Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Penggubah Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Penyanyi Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Filem Terbaik" - Semerah Padi"Filem Kedua Terbaik" - Anakku Sazali"Pengarah Kedua Terbaik" - Phani Majumdar bagi Anakku Sazali"Pelakon Wanita Terbaik" - Saadiah Baharom bagi Semerah Padi
  • Majalah Filem dan Sukan Utusan Malaya
"Filem Melayu Terbaik" - Penarik Beca"Pengarah Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Seniman Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Lagu Terbaik" - Inang Baru dari Penarik Beca1957
  • Festival Filem Antarabangsa Berlin
Terpilih untuk Tayangan - Hang Tuah
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-4 Tokyo
"Pelakon Lelaki Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Pelakon Kanak-kanak Terbaik" - Tony Castillo bagi Anakku Sazali1958
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-5 Manila
"Fotografi Hitam Putih Terbaik" - Abu Bakar Ali bagi Sumpah Orang Minyak
  • Majalah Kisah Bintang Dan Filem Malaya
"Seniman Terbaik" - P.Ramlee"Filem Terbaik" - Sumpah Orang Minyak"Lagu Kedua Terbaik" - Tudung Periuk dari Sumpah Orang Minyak1959
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-6 Kuala Lumpur
"Filem Komedi Terbaik" - Pendekar Bujang Lapok1960
  • Majalah Gelanggang Singapura
"Filem Paling Popular" - Pendekar Bujang Lapok"Fotografi Hitam dan Putih Terbaik" - Nujum Pak Belalang
  • Majalah Bintang Singapura
"Filem Kegemaran" - Pendekar Bujang Lapok"Pengarah Kegemaran" - P.Ramlee"Fotografi Hitam dan Putih Terbaik" - Abu Bakar Ali bagi Nujum Pak Belalang"Seniman Teratas" - P.Ramlee"Lagu Kegemaran" - Jangan Adik Angan-Angan dari Musang Berjanggut
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-7 Tokyo
"Filem Komedi Terbaik" - Nujum Pak Belalang1962
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-9 Tokyo
Pencalonan bagi "Filem Komedi Terbaik" - Seniman Bujang Lapok"Ahli Mangku Negara" - P. Ramlee A.M.N.1963
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-10 Tokyo
"Fotografi Hitam dan Putih Terbaik" - Abu Bakar Ali bagi Ibu Mertuaku"Bakat Paling Pelbagai" - P.Ramlee1964
  • Festival Filem Asia ke-11 Taipei
"Filem Komedi Terbaik" - Madu Tiga1965
  • Festival Filem Dunia Paris
"Anugerah Khas" - Ibu Mertuaku

senarai lagu p.ramlee

senarai lakonan p.ramlee


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Post time 25-3-2014 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Penubuhan Pasukan Polis

Pada hari ini  dalam  tahun  1807, pasukan polis yang pertama telah ditubuhkan di Pulau Pinang. Pasukan  ini  asalah  asas  kepada  penubuhan  pasukan  PDRM  yang  ada  pada  hari  ini. Ketua  Pasukan  Polis  yang  pertama  dilantik  ialah  Mr. James Carnegy. Pasukan  ini  dianggotai  sepenuhnya  oleh  anak  tempatan  ini  telah  menjadi  perintis  kepada  pasukan  polis  di negeri-negeri  lain. Negeri Melaka telah  menubuhkan  pasukan  polisnya  pada 1827.  Kedua-dua pasukan  ini  kemudiannya  bergabung  menjadi  Pasukan  Polis  Negeri-negeri  Selat.  Pada 2 Jun 1896, Pasukan Polis Negeri-negeri Melayu  Bersekutu  ditubuhkan  dan  Kapten  H.C  Syers  dilantik sebagai Ketua  Pasukan. Ketika  ini  satu  pentadbiran  pusat  telah  diwujudkan. Manakala  penubuhan   Negeri-negeri Melayu Tidak Bersekutu mula  ditubuhkan  di  negeri Johor pada 1882, Kedah dan Kelantan 1909 dan Terengganu 1914. Pasukan Polis Sarawak pada 1862 manakala  Sabah pada 1882. Seterusnya   pada 1948 seluruh   pasukan  polis Semenanjung Tanah Melayu , Sabah dan Sarawak  bergabung  dan  membentuk  Pasukan  Polis  Diraja  Malaysia (PDRM).  Pengorbanan dan  komitmen  yang  ditunjukkan  pasukan  polis  amat  berharga  terutama  ketika  Negara  masih  baru  merdeka dan  seterusnya  mengekalkan  kemakmuran  dan  keamanan  tanah  air  tercinta hingga  hari  ini.  Sesungguhnya  penubuhan  pasukan  polis  kini  mencapai  usia  200  tahun,  dan  Negara  yang  semakin  matang  di  usia  50  tahun  selepas  kemerdekaan  dicapai.

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Post time 25-3-2014 03:40 PM | Show all posts
WikiWikiWeb launched on 25 March 1995

The WikiWikiWeb is the first ever wiki, or user-editable website. It was launched on 25 March 1995 by its inventor, programmer Ward Cunningham, to accompany the Portland Pattern Repository website discussing software design patterns. The name WikiWikiWeb originally also applied to the wiki software, written in the Perl programming language, that operated the website, which was subsequently renamed to "WikiBase". The site is frequently referred to by its users as simply "Wiki", and a convention established among users of the early network of wiki sites that followed was that using the word with a capitalized W referred exclusively to the original site.
The software and website were developed in 1994 by Cunningham in order to make the exchange of ideas between programmers easier. The concept was based on the ideas developed in HyperCard stacks that Cunningham built in the late 1980s.[1][2][3] On March 25, 1995, he installed the software on his company's (Cunningham & Cunningham) website, Cunningham came up with the name WikiWikiWeb because he remembered a Honolulu International Airport counter employee who told him to take the Wiki Wiki Shuttle, a shuttle bus line that runs between the airport's terminals. "Wiki Wiki" is a reduplication of "wiki", a Hawaiian language word for fast or quick. Cunningham's idea was to make WikiWikiWeb's pages quickly editable by its users, so he initially thought about calling it "QuickWeb", but later changed his mind and dubbed it "WikiWikiWeb".
The WikiWikiWeb's current WelcomeVisitors page contains the following description:
Welcome to WikiWikiWeb, also known as Ward's wiki or just Wiki. A lot of people had their first wiki experience here. This community has been around since 1995 and consists of many people. We always accept newcomers with valuable contributions. If you haven't used a wiki before, be prepared for a bit of CultureShock. The beauty of Wiki is in the freedom, simplicity, and power it offers. This site's primary focus is PeopleProjectsAndPatterns in SoftwareDevelopment. However, it is more than just an InformalHistoryOfProgrammingIdeas. It started there, but the theme has created a culture and DramaticIdentity all its own. All Wiki content is WorkInProgress. Most of all, this is a forum where people share ideas! It changes as people come and go. Much of the information here is subjective. If you are looking for a dedicated reference site, try WikiPedia; WikiIsNotWikipedia! (last updated 17 October 2010)
Hyperlinks between pages on WikiWikiWeb are created by joining capitalized words together (a technique referred to as CamelCase). This convention of wiki markup formatting is still followed by some more recent wiki software, whereas others, such as the MediaWiki software that powers Wikipedia, have abandoned it.

WikiWikiWeb created by Ward Cunningham

howard G. "Ward" Cunningham (born May 26, 1949) is an American computer programmer who developed the first wiki. A pioneer in both design patterns and Extreme Programming, he started programming the software WikiWikiWeb in 1994 and installed it on the website of his software consultancy, Cunningham & Cunningham (commonly known by its domain name,, on March 25, 1995, as an add-on to the Portland Pattern Repository.
He currently lives in Beaverton, Oregon, and is the Co-Creation Czar for CitizenGlobal. He is Nike's first Code for a Better World Fellow.
He has authored a book about wikis, titled The Wiki Way, and also invented Framework for Integrated Tests. He was a keynote speaker at the first three instances of the WikiSym conference series on wiki research and practice

Personal historyCunningham received his Bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary engineering (electrical engineering and computer science) and his master's degree in computer science from Purdue University. He is a founder of Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. He has also served as Director of R&D at Wyatt Software and as Principal Engineer in the Tektronix Computer Research Laboratory. He is founder of the Hillside Group and has served as program chair of the Pattern Languages of Programming conference which it sponsors. Cunningham was part of the Smalltalk community. From December 2003 until October 2005, he worked for Microsoft Corporation in the "patterns & practices" group. From October 2005 to May 2007, he held the position of Director of Committer Community Development at the Eclipse Foundation.
In May 2009, Cunningham joined AboutUs as its chief technology officer. On March 24, 2011 The Oregonian reported that Cunningham had quietly departed AboutUs to join Venice-based CitizenGlobal, a startup working on crowd-sourced video content, as their Chief Technology Officer. He remains "an adviser" with AboutUs
Ideas and inventionsCunningham is well known for a few widely disseminated ideas which he originated and developed. The most famous among these are the wiki and many ideas in the field of software design patterns. He owns the company Cunningham & Cunningham Inc., a consultancy that has specialized in object-oriented programming.
When asked in a 2006 interview with whether he considered patenting the wiki concept, he explained that he thought the idea "just sounded like something that no one would want to pay money for."
Cunningham is interested in tracking the number and location of wiki page edits as a sociological experiment and may even consider the degradation of a wiki page as part of its process to stability. "There are those who give and those who take. You can tell by reading what they write."
According to Steven McGeady, Cunningham advised him in the early 1980s, "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it’s to post the wrong answer." McGeady dubbed this Cunningham's Law. Although Cunningham was referring to interactions on Usenet, the law has been used to describe how Wikipedia works.
Patterns and extreme programmingCunningham has contributed to the practice of object-oriented programming, in particular the use of pattern languages and (with Kent Beck) the Class-Responsibility-Collaboration cards. He also contributes to the extreme programming software development methodology. Much of this work was done collaboratively on the first wiki site.

wikiwikiweb logo
Type of site
Wiki with focus on software design patterns
Not implemented; users can edit using any name and optionally create a page about themselves under that name
Available language(s)
Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc.
Created by
Ward Cunningham
25 March 1995
Current status

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Last edited by jiwakacau06 on 25-3-2014 03:49 PM



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Post time 27-3-2014 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Situ Gintung

Situ Gintung (Sundanese, Lake Gintung) was an artificial lake near to the town of Cirendeu (pronounced [url=][tʃirəndɤ][/url]) in Tangerang District, Indonesia. It was formed by a dam up to 16 metres (52 ft) high which was built by Dutch colonial authorities in 1933. The dam failed on 27 March 2009, draining the lake, with resulting floods killing at least 100 people.
HistoryThe lake and dam are located in the suburb of Cirendeu, Ciputat in Tangerang District.[] The dam was originally built of earth by Dutch colonial authorities in 1933 and was up to 16 metres (52 ft) high.[] It was made from earth compacted into a wall 16 metres (52 ft) high and the reservoir held at least 2,000,000 cubic metres (71,000,000 cu ft) of water.[] The original use of the dam had been to retain water for irrigation of rice paddies which were then replaced by urban development.[] People living near the dam had made complaints about leaks in the past and the dam actually breached in November 2008 but no damage was done. It is thought that little maintenance had been carried out since the dam was built.
2009 flood2009 Situ Gintung flood
27 March 2009
at least 99 deaths
Areas affected
Cirendeu, IndonesiaThe area experienced several hours of heavy rain on the night of 26–27 March 2009 which caused the dam level to rise, apparently because the gate leading to the spillway was too small. The dam was overtopped, eroding the dam surface and resulting in a breach 70 metres (230 ft) wide at around 2 am on 27 March local time (7 pm 26 March GMT).[ Cracks were reportedly visible in the face of the dam embankment from around midnight.\ The dam operators apparently sounded a warning siren shortly before the dam failed. A surge of water and debris several metres high was sent into the town of Cirendeu, washing away cars, houses and a brick-built bridge. The flood hit while most of the population was asleep and left standing water up to 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) deep. Many people were trapped in the town, many townspeople took to their rooftops to avoid the floodwaters. The flood killed 98 people, and 5 more were unaccounted for.The waters also inundated around 400 homes of which 250 were damaged or destroyed, displacing 171 people The flood submerged five power terminals cutting drinking water supplies to the nearby suburb of Lebak Bulus.
The government of Indonesia evacuated people to higher ground at a nearby university campus.[] The Indonesian Army was brought in to rescue survivors and to move dead bodies to a nearby makeshift morgue.[] The site of the disaster has been visited by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Vice-President Yusuf Kalla and Welfare Minister Aburizal Bakrie and the government stated that it would pay for repairs to houses damaged by the flood. Emergency repairs to the dam structure are underway and the government has begun inspections of similar dam structures.[] President Yudhoyono promised that the cause of the disaster would be investigated, and any dam staff found to have been negligent in their duties would face court charges. Six officials have since been cited for negligence by the Indonesian Forum for the Environment.[]
According to the BBC the area has "an ageing, poorly maintained drainage system which struggles to cope with heavy rainfall".[ Floods in 2007 in the nearby capital Jakarta killed more than 50 people. Yudhoyono has vowed to rebuild the dam "in a proper way so that it will not cause any further public concern".

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Post time 27-3-2014 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Nanterre massacre

The Nanterre massacre refers to an act of mass murder that occurred on March 27, 2002, in Nanterre, France. Gunman Richard Durn, 33 years old, opened fire at the end of a town council meeting, resulting in the deaths of eight councilors, and the injury of 19 others. Durn committed suicide the following day, by leaping from a police station window during questioning.
ShootingAt approximately 1:15 a.m. (CEST), at the Nanterre town hall, following a meeting of the municipal council chaired by Mayor Jacqueline Fraysse, Richard Durn rose from his seat, removed firearms previously hidden under his jacket, and opened fire. Durn killed eight councilors and injured 19 others; 14 critically, before being overpowered by Gerard Perreau-Bezouille and other councilors. Once overpowered, Durn began shouting, "Kill me!"
Following eventsDurn was interrogated at the police station at 36 Quai des Orfèvres, Paris, on March 28. After confessing, Durn committed suicide by throwing himself from the fourth floor window.
Durn had sent a letter to a friend in which he explained his plan: "Because I have by my own will become a kind of living-dead, I have decided to end it all by killing a small local elite which is the symbol of, and who are the leaders and decision makers in, a city that I have always detested." He explained that he intended to kill the mayor, "and then as many people as possible [...] I will become a serial killer, a mad killer. Why? Because I am frustrated and I do not want to die alone, because I have had a shitty life. I want to feel powerful and free just once."
Richard Durn

The perpetrator in the shootings was Richard Durn, 33, who was originally from Slovenia. He held a Masters degree in political science and a degree in history. According to the police, Durn was an environmental activist, and a former member of the Socialist Party before joining the Greens. He was also a member of the Ligue des droits de l'homme.
AftermathAn official tribute was paid to the victims on April 2, in the presence of President Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and Interior Minister Daniel Vaillant.
The massacre was discussed by French philosopher Bernard Stiegler in his book, Acting Out. Stiegler argues that Durn's feeling of non-existence was symptomatic of a society which tends to destroy the love of oneself and others, and that Durn's actions represent a "hyper-diachronic" acting out which is made possible by this feeling of non-existence.

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Last edited by jiwakacau06 on 27-3-2014 03:43 PM



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Post time 5-4-2014 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Apr 5, 1614:Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Indian confederacy, marries English tobacco planter John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia. The marriage ensured peace between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan Indians for several years.
In May 1607, about 100 English colonists settled along the James River in Virginia to found Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America. The settlers fared badly because of famine, disease, and Indian attacks, but were aided by 27-year-old English adventurer John Smith, who directed survival efforts and mapped the area. While exploring the Chickahominy River in December 1607, Smith and two colonists were captured by Powhatan warriors. At the time, the Powhatan confederacy consisted of around 30 Tidewater-area tribes led by Chief Wahunsonacock, known as Chief Powhatan to the English. Smith's companions were killed, but he was spared and released, (according to a 1624 account by Smith) because of the dramatic intercession of Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan's 13-year-old daughter. Her real name was Matoaka, and Pocahontas was a pet name that has been translated variously as "playful one" and "my favorite daughter."
In 1608, Smith became president of the Jamestown colony, but the settlement continued to suffer. An accidental fire destroyed much of the town, and hunger, disease, and Indian attacks continued. During this time, Pocahontas often came to Jamestown as an emissary of her father, sometimes bearing gifts of food to help the hard-pressed settlers. She befriended the settlers and became acquainted with English ways. In 1609, Smith was injured from a fire in his gunpowder bag and was forced to return to England.
After Smith's departure, relations with the Powhatan deteriorated and many settlers died from famine and disease in the winter of 1609-10. Jamestown was about to be abandoned by its inhabitants when Baron De La Warr (also known as Delaware) arrived in June 1610 with new supplies and rebuilt the settlement--the Delaware River and the colony of Delaware were later named after him. John Rolfe also arrived in Jamestown in 1610 and two years later cultivated the first tobacco there, introducing a successful source of livelihood that would have far-reaching importance for Virginia.
In the spring of 1613, English Captain Samuel Argall took Pocahontas hostage, hoping to use her to negotiate a permanent peace with her father. Brought to Jamestown, she was put under the custody of Sir Thomas Gates, the marshal of Virginia. Gates treated her as a guest rather than a prisoner and encouraged her to learn English customs. She converted to Christianity and was baptized Lady Rebecca. Powhatan eventually agreed to the terms for her release, but by then she had fallen in love with John Rolfe, who was about 10 years her senior. On April 5, 1614, Pocahontas and John Rolfe married with the blessing of Chief Powhatan and the governor of Virginia.
Their marriage brought a peace between the English colonists and the Powhatans, and in 1615 Pocahontas gave birth to their first child, Thomas. In 1616, the couple sailed to England. The so-called Indian Princess proved popular with the English gentry, and she was presented at the court of King James I. In March 1617, Pocahontas and Rolfe prepared to sail back to Virginia. However, the day before they were to leave, Pocahontas died, probably of smallpox, and was buried at the parish church of St. George in Gravesend, England.
John Rolfe returned to Virginia and was killed in an Indian massacre in 1622. After an education in England, their son Thomas Rolfe returned to Virginia and became a prominent citizen. John Smith returned to the New World in 1614 to explore the New England coast. On another voyage of exploration in 1614, he was captured by pirates but escaped after three months of captivity. He then returned to England, where he died in 1631.

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Last edited by anniez08 on 5-4-2014 09:14 AM



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Post time 5-4-2014 09:23 AM | Show all posts


Pada  hari  ini  dalam tahun  1996,  Perdana  Menteri,  Y.A.B  Dato’  Seri  Dr.  Mahathir Mohamad   telah  melancarkan  kereta  Proton  Tiara  di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra  (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur. Turut  serta  dalam  majlis  pelancaran  tersebut  ialah   Datin  Seri Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali,  Datuk Seri Yahya Ahmad Pengerusi PROTON-DRB Sdn.Bhd (USPD).  Proton Tiara merupakan  produk  sulung  hasil  kerjasama  Usahasama  Proton  - DRB  Sdn.  Bhd.  (USPD)  dengan  Citreon Automobil Industries  pengeluar  kereta  terkemuka  yang  berpangkalan   di  Perancis.  Proton   Tiara  yang   menggunakan enjin 1124 cc,  merupakan  kereta  kompak yang  dibangunkan  berdasarkan  model  Citreon  AX.   dijual  pada  harga  antara  RM 34,000.00 hingga  RM 37,000.00 seunit.  Pada   peringkat  awal, pengeluarannya  sebanyak  1,900 unit   sebulan  akan  dikeluarkan  berbanding  dengan  kapasiti  penuh  pengeluarannya  antara  2,500 hingga 3,000 unit.  Sesungguhnya,  pelancaran  Proton  Tiara  ini  telah  membuka  lembaran  baru  industri automobil  negara  dalam  melaksanakan  projek  usahasama  yang  menggabungkan  industri  kereta  tempatan  dengan  teknologi  industri kereta  dari  Eropah.

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Post time 6-4-2014 09:20 PM | Show all posts


Pada  hari  ini  dalam  tahun  1993,   Ketua  Setiausaha  Negara,  Tan  Sri  Ahmad  Sarji  telah  merasmikan  Waktu  Standard  Malaysia  bertempat  di  SIRIM,  Shah  Alam,  Selangor.  Waktu  Standard  Malaysia  merupakan  waktu  yang  diselaraskan  oleh  Institut  Piawaian  dan  Penyelidikan  Perindustrian  Malaysia  (SIRIM)  yang  telah  dilantik  oleh  kerajaan  sebagai  penyimpan  Waktu  Standard  Malaysia  pada  5  Ogos  1992  yang  dipertanggungjawabkan mengendalikan  sistem  ini  sebagai  sumber  rujukan  yang  unggul  di Malaysia.  Waktu  Standard  ini  telah  selaraskan  dengan  standard  frekuensi,  masa  dan  waktu  yang  diselenggarakan  oleh  National  Institute  of  Standard  and  Technology  (NIST)  serta  United  State  Naval  Observatory  di  Amerika  Syarikat.  Pada  majlis  tersebut,  Tan  Sri  Ahmad  Sarji  telah  menekan  satu  butang  yang  menandakan bermulanya  Waktu  Standard  Malaysia  tepat  pada  pukul  10:01  pagi  dan  24  saat  (10:01:24).  Dalam  ucapannya, beliau  telah  menyatakan  dengan  pertumbuhan  pesat  sektor  perindustrian  berteknologi  tinggi,  keperluan  untuk  merujuk  kepada  pelbagai  standard  pengukuran  adalah  sesuatu  yang  wajib  bagi  menjamin  kualiti  produk  yang  dihasilkan.  Lanjutan  daripada  ini,  kerajaan  telah  menetapkan agar  Waktu  Standard  Malaysia   disebarkan  kepada  umum  yang    melalui  RTM,  TV3 dan  Syarikat  Telekom  Malaysia  Berhad.

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Post time 6-4-2014 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Apr 6, 1896:First modern Olympic Games

On April 6, 1896, the Olympic Games, a long-lost tradition of ancient Greece, are reborn in Athens 1,500 years after being banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius I. At the opening of the Athens Games, King Georgios I of Greece and a crowd of 60,000 spectators welcomed athletes from 13 nations to the international competition.
The first recorded Olympic Games were held at Olympia in the Greek city-state of Elis in 776 B.C., but it is generally accepted that the Olympics were at least 500 years old at that time. The ancient Olympics, held every four years, occurred during a religious festival honoring the Greek god Zeus. In the eighth century B.C., contestants came from a dozen or more Greek cities, and by the fifth century B.C. from as many as 100 cities from throughout the Greek empire. Initially, Olympic competition was limited to foot races, but later a number of other events were added, including wrestling, boxing, horse and chariot racing, and military competitions. The pentathlon, introduced in 708 B.C., consisted of a foot race, the long jump, discus and javelin throws, and wrestling. With the rise of Rome, the Olympics declined, and in 393 A.D. the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games as part of his efforts to suppress paganism in the Roman Empire.
With the Renaissance, Europe began a long fascination with ancient Greek culture, and in the 18th and 19th centuries some nations staged informal sporting and folkloric festivals bearing the name "Olympic Games." However, it was not until 1892 that a young French baron, Pierre de Coubertin, seriously proposed reviving the Olympics as a major international competition that would occur every four years. At a conference on international sport in Paris in June 1894, Coubertin again raised the idea, and the 79 delegates from nine countries unanimously approved his proposal. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was formed, and the first Games were planned for 1896 in Athens, the capital of Greece.
In Athens, 280 participants from 13 nations competed in 43 events, covering track-and-field, swimming, gymnastics, cycling, wrestling, weightlifting, fencing, shooting, and tennis. All the competitors were men, and a few of the entrants were tourists who stumbled upon the Games and were allowed to sign up. The track-and-field events were held at the Panathenaic Stadium, which was originally built in 330 B.C. and restored for the 1896 Games. Americans won nine out of 12 of these events. The 1896 Olympics also featured the first marathon competition, which followed the 25-mile route run by a Greek soldier who brought news of a victory over the Persians from Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. In 1924, the marathon was standardized at 26 miles and 385 yards. Appropriately, a Greek, Spyridon Louis, won the first marathon at the 1896 Athens Games.
Pierre de Coubertin became IOC president in 1896 and guided the Olympic Games through its difficult early years, when it lacked much popular support and was overshadowed by world's fairs. In 1924, the first truly successful Olympic Games were held in Paris, involving more than 3,000 athletes, including more than 100 women, from 44 nations. The first Winter Olympic Games were also held that year. In 1925, Coubertin retired. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the foremost international sports competition. At the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, more than 10,000 athletes from 200 countries competed, including nearly 4,000 women. In 2004, the Summer Olympics returned to Athens, with more than 11,000 athletes competing from 202 countries. In a proud moment for Greeks and an exciting one for spectators, the shotput competition was held at the site of the classical Games in Olympia.
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Last edited by anniez08 on 6-4-2014 09:31 PM



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Post time 9-4-2014 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Camilla Parker Bowles

The wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Camilla Parker Bowles took place in a civil ceremony at Windsor Guildhall, on 9 April 2005. The ceremony, conducted in the presence of the couple's families, was followed by a Church of England service of blessing at St George's Chapel. The groom's parents, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, did not attend the civil wedding ceremony but were present at the service of blessing and held a reception for the couple in Windsor Castle afterwards.
The marriage culminated the controversial romantic relationship between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, who was later styled HRH The Duchess of Cornwall. Charles, 56, and Camilla, 57, were both married once before their union, raising memories of the Edward VIII abdication crisis of 1936, which was sparked by the then-king's desire to marry a divorcee. The proceedings of the Service of Prayer and Dedication were covered by the BBC network. Notable figures in attendance included international political, religious, and royal figures, and various celebrities.

Engagement and preparationsOn 10 February 2005, it was announced that Camilla Parker Bowles and the Prince of Wales would marry on 8 April 2005, at Windsor Castle with a civil service followed by religious prayer. Mrs Parker Bowles' engagement ring is a Windsor family heirloom that belonged to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. With a 1920s platinum setting, it is composed of a square-cut central diamond flanked by six diamond baguettes.[1] After the engagement announcement, the couple were congratulated by Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, indicating that consent had been granted under the Royal Marriages Act 1772.[2] The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams; the Prime Minister, Tony Blair; the Leader of the Opposition, Michael Howard; the Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Charles Kennedy; the Leader of the House of Commons, Peter Hain; and the Prime Ministers of the other Commonwealth realms also added their congratulations.[3]
Questioning a royal civil weddingThe Prince was the first member of the royal family to marry in a civil ceremony in England. Dr. Stephen Chetney, a Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford questioned whether Charles and Camilla could marry in a civil ceremony, as the Royal Family was specifically excluded from the law which instituted civil marriages in England (Marriage Act 1836). On 14 February the BBC's Panorama uncovered documents of official legislative research advice dating from 1956 and 1964, which stated that it was not lawful for members of the royal family to marry in a civil ceremony in England and Wales, though it would be lawful in Scotland.[4] These documents' statements were dismissed by Clarence House on the advice of four unnamed legal experts.[5] These experts' views that the 1836 Act had been repealed by the Marriage Act 1949 were upheld by the British Government. Acting through Lord Falconer of Thoroton, Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor, the sitting government issued a written statement published by the House of Lords in their debate record:
Quote from "Royal Marriage", Lords Hansard, 24 Feb 2005: "The Government are satisfied that it is lawful for the Prince of Wales and Mrs Parker Bowles, like anyone else, to marry by a civil ceremony in accordance with Part III of the Marriage Act 1949. Civil marriages were introduced in England, by the Marriage Act 1836. Section 45 said that the Act "... shall not extend to the marriage of any of the Royal Family". But the provisions on civil marriage in the 1836 Act were repealed by the Marriage Act 1949. All remaining parts of the 1836 Act, including Section 45, were repealed by the Registration Service Act 1953. No part of the 1836 Act therefore remains on the statute book. ... We are aware that different views have been taken in the past; but we consider that these were overcautious, and we are clear that the interpretation I have set out in this Statement is correct. We also note that the Human Rights Act has since 2000 required legislation to be interpreted wherever possible in a way that is compatible with the right to marry (Article 12) and with the right to enjoy that right without discrimination (Article 14). This, in our view, puts the modern meaning of the 1949 Act beyond doubt."[6]
Eleven objections were received by the Cirencester and Chippenham register offices but were all rejected by the Registrar General (and National Statistician) Len Cook, who determined that a civil marriage would in fact be valid,[7] the Human Rights Act 1998 apparently superseding any previously enacted legislation barring members of the royal family from civil marriages. There were calls for a short piece of legislation to remove all doubt, but no legislation was in fact introduced. In fact the matter was never seriously in issue, however, as it is a truism of English law that a statute is pro tanto repealed by a subsequent statute to the extent of any inconsistency, whether or not the prior inconsistent statute is expressly repealed for that or any purpose. (To what extent such an inconsistency exists however was itself a point of contention.)
Change of the wedding location and dateOn 17 February, Clarence House announced the marriage's change of venue from Windsor Castle to the Windsor Guildhall, immediately outside the walls of the castle.[8] This substitution came about when it was discovered that the legal requirements for licensing the royal castle for civil weddings would require opening it up to other prospective couples for at least three years. On 22 February, Buckingham Palace announced that the Queen would not attend the wedding ceremony, but would attend the church blessing and host the reception afterwards.[9] The reason stated by the palace was the couple wanted to keep the occasion low key. On 4 April, it was announced that the wedding would be postponed 24 hours until 9 April, so that the Prince of Wales could attend the funeral of Pope John Paul II as the representative of the Queen. The postponement also allowed some of the dignitaries that were invited to the funeral to attend the wedding. In keeping with tradition, the Prince of Wales spent the night apart from his bride-to-be at Highgrove House, his country mansion in Gloucestershire, with his sons Princes William and Harry.[10]
Wedding and blessingThe wedding took place at the Windsor Guildhall at 12.30 pm BST (11:30 UTC) on 9 April 2005. Crowds had gathered on the streets since dawn ahead of the service. A civil ceremony was planned because of controversy within the Church of England regarding the remarriage of divorcees[10] (see, for example, Edward VIII abdication crisis). It should be noted that there would have been no impediment to Charles re-marrying in the Church of England to a non-divorcee since his ex-wife's death back in 1997 had made him a widower according to Church law. The problem was that his bride's ex-husband was still alive.[11]
The ceremony was attended by all the senior royals apart from the Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.[12] When Princess Anne married Timothy Laurence after having divorced Mark Phillips, she chose to do so in the Church of Scotland. Remarriage of divorcees is less controversial in the Church of Scotland, and the sovereign has no constitutional role in the governance of the Church. The Prince of Wales and his bride did not elect this course of action.[10]
The arrival of the Royal guests in a locally-hired mini-bus was unprecedented. After the wedding, the couple's witnesses were Prince William of Wales and the bride's son, Tom Parker Bowles.[13][14] In keeping with tradition, the couple's wedding rings are crafted from 22 carat Welsh gold from the Clogau St David's mine in Bontddu. The tradition of using Clogau Gold within the wedding rings of The Royal Family dates back to 1923.[1] The design of the wedding rings is by Wartski, a London jeweller that has held the Royal Warrant to The Prince of Wales since 1979. The Prince wears his on the small finger of his left hand. For the wedding, the duchess wore a cream-coloured dress and coat with a wide-brimmed cream-coloured hat. For the blessing afterward, she wore a floor-length embroidered pale blue and gold coat over a matching chiffon gown and a dramatic spray of golden feathers in her hair.[15] Both ensembles were by Antonia Robinson and Anna Valentine, London designers who work under the name Robinson Valentine; both hats were made by the Irish milliner Philip Treacy.[1]
The wedding was followed by a televised blessing at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, led by The Archbishop of Canterbury.[16]
The wedding cake was made by Mrs Blunden, owner of the "Sophisticake" cake shop in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire.[17] In April 2005 a hotelier paid £215 in an internet auction for a slice of cake.[18]
Public and commercial interestManufacturers of pottery and other commemorative items faced a late rush to change the dates on their products after the delayed wedding date became known. However, sales of those with the incorrect date soared when people began to think that they would become collectors items. For the wedding day, the theme park Alton Towers changed the name of their rollercoaster "Rita: Queen of Speed" to "Camilla: Queen of Speed". Television commercials and signs around the park were all updated to reflect this change.[19]
The BBC gained the rights to broadcast the event where there was live coverage of the Service of Prayer and Dedication from St George's Chapel. On BBC One Huw Edwards and Sophie Raworth presented the live coverage of the event and fashion advisors Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine contributed as the contemporary social commentators. The BBC had around thirty cameras at the event and shared footage with broadcasters throughout the world. BBC News 24 also had coverage during the day with Jane Hill and Simon McCoy reporting live from Windsor.[20]

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Post time 9-4-2014 05:09 PM | Show all posts
April 9 tragedy

The April 9 tragedy (also known as Tbilisi Massacre, Tbilisi tragedy) refers to the events in Tbilisi, Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, on April 9, 1989, when an anti-Soviet demonstration was dispersed by the Soviet Army, resulting in 20 deaths and hundreds of injuries. April 9 is now remembered as the Day of National Unity (Georgian: ეროვნული ერთიანობის დღე erovnuli ertianobis dghe), an annual public holiday.


The anti-Soviet movement became more active in the Georgian SSR in 1988. Several strikes and meetings were organized by anti-Soviet political organizations in Tbilisi. The conflict between the Soviet government and Georgian nationalists deepened after the so-called Lykhny Assembly on March 18, 1989, when several thousand Abkhaz demanded secession from Georgia and restoration of the Union republic status of 1921–1931. In response, the anti-Soviet groups organized a series of unsanctioned meetings across the republic, claiming that the Soviet government was using Abkhaz separatism in order to oppose the pro-independence movement.
The protests reached their peak on April 4, 1989, when tens of thousands of Georgians gathered before the House of Government on Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi. The protesters, led by the Independence Committee (Merab Kostava, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, Giorgi Chanturia, Irakli Bathiashvili, Irakli Tsereteli and others) organized a peaceful demonstration and hunger strikes, demanding the punishment of Abkhaz secessionists and restoration of Georgian independence.
Local Soviet authorities lost control over the situation in the capital and were unable to contain the protests. First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party Jumber Patiashvili asked USSR leadership to send troops to restore order and impose curfew.

The demonstrations

In the evening of April 8, 1989, Colonel General Igor Rodionov, Commander of the Transcaucasus Military District, ordered his troops to mobilize. Moments before the attack by the Soviet forces, the Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II addressed the demonstrators asking them to leave Rustaveli Avenue and the vicinity of the government building due to the danger which accumulated during the day after appearance of Soviet tanks near the avenue. The demonstrators refused to disband even after the Patriarch's plea. The local Georgian militsiya (police) units were disarmed just before the operation.
On April 9, at 3:45 a.m., Soviet APCs and troops under General Igor Rodionov surrounded the demonstration area Later, Rodionov claimed in his interview that groups of Georgian militants attacked unarmed soldiers with stones, metal chains and rods. The Soviet troops received an order from General Rodionov to disband and clear the avenue of demonstrators by any means necessary.

The Soviet detachment, armed with military batons and spades (a favorite weapon of Soviet special forces ), advanced on demonstrators moving along the Rustaveli Avenue.During the advance, the soldiers started to attack demonstrators with spades, inflicting injuries both minor and serious to anyone who was struck. One of the victims of the attack was a 16-year-old girl who tried to get away from the advancing soldiers, but was chased down and beaten to death near the steps of the government building, receiving blows to the head and chest.[[url=]citation needed[/url]]
She was dragged out of the area by her mother who was also attacked and wounded. This particularly violent attack was recorded on video from the balcony of a building located on the other side of the avenue. The video was used in the aftermath as evidence during Sobchak's Parliamentary commission on investigation of events of April 9, 1989.[url=]

The stampede following the attack resulted in the death of 19 people, among them 17 women. Autopsies conducted on the victims concluded the direct cause of death of all those who died, with the exception of one case of serious skull and brain injury, was suffocation (asphyxia) caused by both the compression of the body and the inhalation of chemical substances.
Official Soviet reports blamed the demonstrators for causing the clash, saying that the troops were attacked with sticks and knives.According to Tass, the soldiers followed orders not to use their weapons, but that extremists attacked them with pieces of metal, bricks and sticks. Tass described the demonstrators as stirring interethnic strife and calling for the overthrow of the Georgian government. President Gorbachev slammed "actions by irresponsible persons" for loss of life. He said that the disturbances sought to overthrow the Georgian government and stir ethnic tension in Georgia. Foreign ministry spokesman said that the clashes were sparked by "die-hard nationalists, extremists and political adventurists who are abusing democratization to the detriment of our new policy of openness and of our very society."
CN and CS gas were used against the demonstrators; vomiting, respiratory problems and sudden paralyses of the nervous system were reported.
The unarmed police officers attempted to evacuate the panicked group of demonstrators, however a video taken secretly by opposition journalists showed that soldiers did not allow doctors and emergency workers to help the injured people; even ambulances were attacked by the advancing soldiers  Captured on film, the image of a young man beating a tank with a stick became a symbol of the Georgian anti-Soviet movement.
On April 10, the Soviet government issued a statement blaming the demonstrators for causing unrest and danger to the safety of the public. The next day, Georgian TV showed the bodies of the 19 women violently killed, demonstrating alleged brutality by the Soviet soldiers, as the faces of the deceased women were hard to identify due to the facial injuries and blows to the head. The Soviet government blamed the demonstrators for the death of the 20 people, claiming that they had trampled each other while panicking and retreating from the advancing Soviet soldiers. Ironically there was some truth in this, as Soviet troops had blocked all exists from the area except for one narrow passage, which made flight from the area difficult and induced the crush of the crowd and, possibly, some desperate defensive violence by the trapped demonstrators.
A Parliamentary commission on investigation of events of April 9, 1989 in Tbilisi was launched by Anatoly Sobchak, member of Congress of People's Deputies of Soviet Union. After full investigation and inquiries, the commission confirmed the government's claim that the deaths had resulted from trampling, but another contributing factor had been the chemical substances used against the demonstrators. It condemned the military, which had caused the deaths by trying to disperse demonstrators. The commission's report made it more difficult to use military power against demonstrations of civil unrest in the Soviet Union. Sobchak's report presented a detailed account of the violence which was used against the demonstrators and recommended the full prosecution of military personnel responsible for the April 9 event


The April 9 tragedy radicalised Georgian opposition to Soviet power. A few months later, a session of the Supreme Council of Georgian SSR, held on November 17–18, 1989, officially condemned the occupation and annexation of Democratic Republic of Georgia by Soviet Russia in 1921.
The events of April 9 also gave rise to the so-called 'Tbilisi Syndrome'. This syndrome was characterized by the a reluctance of military officers and soldiers to take any tactical decisions or even obey orders without a clear trail of responsibility to a higher authority. It arose because of the Soviet leaderships refusal to take responsibility for the orders to clear the square and the commission report's and Shevardnadze's criticism of the military in general. 'Tbilisi Syndrome' continued to spread in the coming years, especially following event in Baku and Vilnius, and contributed in 1991 to the refusal of soldiers to prevent demonstrations during the August 1991 putsch.
On March 31, 1991, Georgians voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence from the Soviet Union in a referendum. With a 90.5% turnout, approximately 99% voted in favor of independence. On April 9, the second anniversary of the tragedy, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia proclaimed Georgian sovereignty and independence from the Soviet Union.
A memorial to the victims of the tragedy was opened at the location of the crackdown on Rustaveli Avenue on November 23, 2004.

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Post time 22-4-2014 08:27 AM | Show all posts
Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.

In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace, to first be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day was later sanctioned in a Proclamation written by McConnell and signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations. A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Nelson was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award in recognition of his work. While this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues.

Earth Day 20and Earth Day 1990

Mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting the status of environmental issues onto the world stage, Earth Day activities in 1990 gave a huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide and helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Unlike the first Earth Day in 1970, this 20th Anniversary was waged with stronger marketing tools, greater access to television and radio, and multimillion-dollar budgets.

Two separate groups formed to sponsor Earth Day events in 1990: The Earth Day 20 Foundation, assembled by Edward Furia (Project Director of Earth Week in 1970), and Earth Day 1990, assembled by Denis Hayes (National Coordinator for Earth Day 1970). Senator Gaylord Nelson, the original founder of Earth Day, was honorary chairman for both groups. The two did not combine forces over disagreements about leadership of combined organization and incompatible structures and strategies. Among the disagreements, key Earth Day 20 Foundation organizers were critical of Earth Day 1990 for including on their board Hewlett-Packard, a company that at the time was the second-biggest emitter of chlorofluorocarbons in Silicon Valley and refused to switch to alternative solvents. In terms of marketing, Earth Day 20 had a grassroots approach to organizing and relied largely on locally based groups like the National Toxics Campaign, a Boston-based coalition of 1,000 local groups concerned with industrial pollution. Earth Day 1990 employed strategies including focus group testing, direct mail fund raising, and email marketing.

The Earth Day 20 International Peace Climb was led by Jim Whittaker, the first American to summit Mt. Everest (many years earlier), and marked the first time in history that mountaineers from the United States, Soviet Union, and China had roped together to climb a mountain, let alone Mt. Everest.  The group also collected more than two tons of trash (transported down the mountain by support groups along the way) that was left behind on Mount Everest from previous climbing expeditions. The master of ceremonies for the Columbia Gorge event was the TV star, John Ratzenberger, from "Cheers", and the headlining musician was the "Father of Rock and Roll," Chuck Berry.

Warner Bros. Records released a single in 1990 entitled, "Tomorrow's World", written by Kix Brooks (who would later become one-half of Brooks & Dunn) and Pam Tillis. The song featured vocals from Lynn Anderson, Butch Baker, Shane Barmby, Billy Hill, Suzy Bogguss, Kix Brooks, T. Graham Brown, the Burch Sisters, Holly Dunn, Foster & Lloyd, Vince Gill, William Lee Golden, Highway 101, Shelby Lynne, Johnny Rodriguez,Dan Seals, Les Taylor, Pam Tillis, Mac Wiseman, and Kevin Welch. It charted at number 74 on the Hot Country Songs chart dated May 5, 1990.


Last edited by cloudy_83 on 22-4-2014 10:31 AM



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Post time 25-4-2014 09:18 AM | Show all posts

The date of the landing at ANZAC, the 25th April was chosen to be the day that would become our national day of commemoration.

Initially, ANZAC DAY was a mark of respect for those who served and sacrificed their lives in the Great War for Civilisation, the war as many hoped, to end all wars. However, because of the vicissitudes of man, the date has become the day on which the nation remembers those who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice in all the conflicts that Australia has participated up to the present day in the continuing struggle to preserve our freedoms in the attempt to rid the world of tyranny.  

ANZAC, originally an acronym for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, that was used by the clerks of General Birdwood’s staff at his headquarters in Shepheard’s Hotel in Cario, Egypt. The word ANZAC was approved by General Birdwood as the code for the Corps, when the word was proposed by a Major CM Wagstaff. It is thought the suggestion came from a Lieutenant AT White of the Royal Army Service Corps. It is recorded in the official history that “it was some time before the code word came into general use, and at the Landing (on the 25th April, 1915) many men in the divisions had not heard of it”.

After the landing, General Birdwood gained permission to use the name for the area occupied by the Australian and New Zealand Forces.  At ANZAC on the Dardanelles Peninsula, Australian and New Zealand troops landed on the 25th April 1915 where they, along with other Commonwealth Forces, held ground against almost impossible odds for the next eight months, against a Turkish force determined to defend to the death their homeland.

The British action planned to secure the heights overlooking the forts guarding the narrow straits at the entrance to the Sea of Marmora. The purpose to silence them and allow the French and British Navy to proceed to Constantinople (now Istanbul) and by a show of force convince the Turkish Government to capitulate and to come on the side of the Allies. The plans did not bear fruit and what ensued was a tremendous series of battles by both sides over the next eight months. It was all the British forces (of which the Australian and New Zealand force were a part), could do to hold ground against a Turkish army determined to drive them into the sea. It was a battlefield where no one, not even General Birdwood and his staff were safely out of the range of Turkish guns. The odds against them were tremendous, but they held on repulsing many Turkish counterattacks in conditions of hardship that tested the hardiest.  Both sides suffered horrendous casualties amongst the many ravines and gullies of that rugged battleground on which the ANZAC tradition was formed and that has become the benchmark for standards of courage, mateship, humour and a determination to complete a given task, and has set an example for all Australians to follow whenever faced with difficulties.  

The ANZACs, as they became known went on to continue that tradition on the Western Front and Palestine throughout the 1914 – 1918 conflict where conditions at times were a greater trial than at ANZAC. In that war the first Australians fought and proved themselves as a Nation to be reckoned. ANZAC forces in the field suffered over 270,000 casualties of which in excess of 78,000 Australians and New Zealanders were either killed in action or died of wounds. There have been many more since.  

The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance
Lest We Forget

The ANZAC Day History


The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign, the Battle of Gallipoli or the Battle of Çanakkale (Turkish language: Çanakkale Savaşı), was a World War I campaign that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916. The peninsula forms the northern bank of the Dardanelles, a strait that provides a sea route to what was then the Russian Empire, one of the Allied powers during the war. Intending to secure it, Russia's allies Britain and France launched a naval attack followed by an amphibious landing on the peninsula with the eventual aim of capturing the Ottoman capital of ConstantinopleIstanbul. The naval attack was repelled and, after eight months' fighting, with many casualties on both sides, the land campaign also failed and the invasion force was withdrawn to Egypt. The campaign was one of the greatest Ottoman victories during the war and a major Allied failure. In Turkey, it is regarded as a defining moment in the nation's history: a final surge in the defence of the motherland as the Ottoman Empire crumbled. The struggle formed the basis for the Turkish War of Independence and the founding of the Republic of Turkey eight years later under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who first rose to prominence as a commander at Gallipoli. The campaign is often considered as marking the birth of national consciousness in Australia and New Zealand and the date of the landing, 25 April, is known as "Anzac Day". It remains the most significant commemoration of military casualties and veterans in those two countries, surpassing Remembrance Day (Armistice Day).

Ottoman entry into the war
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ottoman Empire was the "sick man of Europe", weakened by political instability, military defeat and civil strife following a century of decline. Power had been seized in 1908 by a group of young officers, known as the Young Turks, who installed Mehmed V as a figurehead Sultan. The new regime implemented a program of reform to modernise the outdated political and economic system and redefine the racial make-up of the empire. An enthusiastic supporter, Germany provided significant investment. German diplomats subsequently found increasing influence despite Britain previously being the predominant power in the region, while German officers assisted in training and re-equipping the army. Despite this support, the economic resources of the empire were depleted by the cost of the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 and the French, British and Germans had offered financial aid. A pro-German faction influenced by Enver Pasha, the former Ottoman military attaché in Berlin, opposed the pro-British majority in the Ottoman cabinet, and subsequently moved to secure closer relations with Germany.

In December 1913, the Germans sent a military mission to Constantinople, headed by General Otto Liman von Sanders. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire's geographic position meant that her neutrality in the event of war in Europe was of significant interest to Russia and to her allies France and Britain.  During the Sarajevo Crisis in 1914, German diplomats offered an anti-Russian alliance and territorial gains in Caucasia, north-west Iran and Trans-Caspia. The pro-British faction in the Cabinet was isolated due to the British ambassador taking leave until 18 August. As the crisis deepened in Europe, Ottoman policy was to obtain a guarantee of territorial integrity and potential advantages, unaware that the British might enter a European war. On 30 July 1914, two days after the outbreak of the war in Europe, the Ottoman leaders agreed to form a secret alliance with Germany against Russia, although it did not require them to undertake military action.  

On 2 August, the British requisitioned two modern battleships – Sultan Osman-ı Evvel and Reşadiye which were being built for the Ottoman Navy in British shipyards – for their own use, alienating British supporters in Constantinople despite the offer of compensation if they remained neutral. This action strained diplomatic relations between the two empires and the German government offered two cruisers, SMS Goeben and SMS Breslau to the Ottoman navy as replacements, in an attempt to gain influence. The Allies tried to intercept the ships, which escaped when the Ottoman government opened the Dardanelles to allow them to sail to Constantinople, despite being required under international law, as a neutral party, to block military shipping. By allowing the German ships to enter the Dardanelles, the Ottomans confirmed their links to Germany.  

In September, the British naval mission to the Ottomans, which had been established in 1912 under Admiral Arthur Limpus, was recalled due to increasing concern they would soon enter the war and command of the Ottoman navy was taken over by Rear Admiral Wilhelm Souchon of the Imperial German Navy. Acting without orders from the Ottoman government, on 27 September the German commander of the Dardanelles fortifications ordered the passage closed, adding to the impression that the Ottomans were "in the German camp".

The German naval presence and the success of German armies on all fronts gave the pro-German faction in the Ottoman government enough influence to declare war on Russia. On 27 October, Goeben and Breslau, having been renamed Yavûz Sultan Selîm and Midilli, sortied into the Black Sea, bombarded the port of Odessa and sank several Russian ships. The Ottomans refused an Allied demand to expel the German missions and, on 31 October 1914, officially entered the war on the side of the Central Powers.

Russia declared war on Turkey on 2 November. The next day, the British ambassador left Constantinople and a British naval squadron off the Dardanelles bombarded the outer defensive forts at Kum Kale and Seddulbahir. A shell hit a magazine, knocked the guns off their mounts and killed 86 soldiers. Britain and France declared war on 5 November and the Ottomans declared a jihad (holy war) later that month, launching an offensive in the Caucasus against the Russians to regain former Turkish provinces there. Fighting also began in Mesopotamia following a British landing to occupy the oil facilities in the Persian Gulf.

The Ottomans prepared to attack Egypt in early 1915, to occupy the Suez Canal and cut the Mediterranean route to India and the Far East. Strachan wrote that in hindsight Ottoman belligerence was inevitable, once Goebenand Breslau were allowed into the Dardanelles and that delays after that were caused by Ottoman unreadiness for war and Bulgarian neutrality, rather than uncertainty about policy.


The significance of the Gallipoli Campaign is felt strongly in both New Zealand and Australia. Within popular historiography, the campaign is referred to as both nations' "baptism of fire" and linked to their emergence as independent nations. It has been argued that the campaign proved significant in the emergence of a unique Australian identity following the war, which has been closely linked to popular conceptualisations of the qualities of the soldiers that fought during the campaign, which became embodied in the notion of an "Anzac spirit".  

The landing on 25 April is commemorated every year in both countries as "Anzac Day". The first iteration was celebrated unofficially in 1916, at churches in Melbourne, Brisbane and London, before being officially recognised as a public holiday in all Australian states in 1923. The day also became a national holiday in New Zealand in the 1920s. Organised marches by veterans began in 1925, in the same year a service was held on the beach at Gallipoli; two years later the first official dawn service took place at the Sydney Cenotaph[/url]. During the 1980s it became popular for Australian and New Zealand tourists to visit Gallipoli to attend the dawn service there and since then thousands have attended services every year. Over 10,000 people attended the 75th anniversary along with political leaders from Turkey, New Zealand, Britain and Australia. Dawn services are also held in Australia; in New Zealand, dawn services are the most popular form of observance of this day. Anzac Day remains the most significant commemoration of military casualties and veterans in Australia and New Zealand, surpassing Remembrance Day (Armistice Day).

In Turkey the battle is also thought of as a significant event in the nation's emergence, although it is primarily remembered for the fighting that took place around the port of Çanakkale where the Royal Navy was repulsed in March 1915. For the Turks, 18 March has a similar significance as 25 April to Australians and New Zealanders, and although it is not a public holiday, it is commemorated with special ceremonies. The campaign's main significance to the Turkish people lies in the role it played in the emergence of Mustafa Kemal, who became the first president of the Republic of Turkey after the war. "Çanakkale geçilmez" (Çanakkale is impassable) became a common phrase to express the nation's pride at stopping the massive assault. The song "Çanakkale içinde" (A Ballad for Chanakkale) commemorates the Turkish youth who fell during the battle.

Sumber: Wikipedia: Battle of Gallipoli Last edited by cloudy_83 on 25-4-2014 12:20 PM

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Post time 5-5-2014 01:56 PM | Show all posts
BOAC Flight 911

BOAC Flight 911 (Speedbird 911) was a round-the-world flight operated by British Overseas Airways Corporation that crashed near Mount Fuji, Japan, on 5 March 1966. The Boeing 707-436 operating this flight was commanded by Captain Bernard Dobson, 45, from Dorset, an experienced 707 pilot who had been flying these aircraft since November 1960.[1]

The aircraft, registered G-APFE, disintegrated and crashed near Mount Fuji, Japan, shortly after departure from Tokyo International Airport, at the start of the Tokyo-Hong Kong segment. All 113 passengers and 11 crew members were killed in the disaster, including a group of 75 Americans associated with Thermo King of Minneapolis, Minnesota,[2] on a 14-day company sponsored tour of Japan and Southeast Asia. There were 26 couples traveling together in the group, leaving a total of 63 children orphaned.[3]

This was the third fatal passenger airline accident in Tokyo in a month, following on the heels of the All Nippon Airways Flight 60 incident 4 February and Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402 the day before Flight 911 crashed.

Flight and accident investigation results

The aircraft arrived in Tokyo at 12:40 hours on the day of the accident from Fukuoka Airport where it had diverted the previous day due to conditions on the ground in Tokyo.[4] The weather there had since improved behind a cold front with a steep pressure gradient bringing cool dry air from the Asian mainland on a strong west-northwest flow, with crystal clear sky conditions. During their time on the ground, the crew received a weather briefing from a company representative, and filed an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan calling for a southbound departure via the island of Izu ōshima, then on airway JG6 to Hong Kong at flight level 310 (31,000 feet).[4]

At 13:42 hours the crew contacted air traffic control requesting permission to start engines, and amending their clearance request to a visual meteorological conditions (VMC) climb westbound via the Fuji-Rebel-Kushimoto waypoints, which would take them nearer to Mount Fuji, possibly to give the passengers a better view of the landmark.[5] The aircraft began taxiing at 13:50 and took off into the northwest wind at 13:58. After takeoff, the aircraft made a continuous climbing right turn over Tokyo Bay, and rolled out on a southwest heading, passing north of Odawara.[6] It then turned right again toward the mountain, flying over Gotemba on a heading of approximately 298°, at an indicated airspeed of 320 to 370 knots, and an altitude of approximately 4,900 m (16,000 ft), well above the 3,776 m (12,388 ft) mountain peak.[4]
Mount Fuji as seen from an airliner

The aircraft left a debris field 16 km (10 mi) long.[7] Analysis of the location of wreckage allowed the accident investigators to determine that the vertical stabilizer attachment to the fuselage failed first. It left paint marks indicating that it broke off the port side horizontal stabilizer as it departed to the left and down. A short time later, the ventral fin and all four engine pylons failed due to a leftward over-stress, shortly followed by the remainder of the empennage.[8] The aircraft then entered a flat spin, with the forward fuselage section and the outer starboard wing breaking off shortly before impact with the ground.[7][9]

Although some stress cracking was found in the vertical stabilizer bolt holes, it was determined by subsequent testing that it did not contribute to this accident. Still, it was potentially a significant safety-of-flight issue. Subsequent inspections on Boeing 707 and similar Boeing 720 aircraft as a result of this discovery did reveal this was a common problem, and corrective maintenance actions on the fleet eventually followed.[10]

One day after the tragedy, speculation was that fierce winds above Mount Fuji were responsible. The New York Times reported: "Despite these reports of a fire and explosion aviation experts said that adverse wind conditions around the volcanic cone about 40 miles south of Tokyo may have caused the crash. The vicinity of the 12,388-foot peak is notorious for tricky air currents. Technicians in New York said that a condition could exist where turbulent air could have caused the aircraft to undergo a drastic maneuver that might lead to a crash. Such violent forces, they said, might have caused an engine to disintegrate, possibly setting fire to the wing or fuselage."[11]

The probable cause determination was: "The aircraft suddenly encountered abnormally severe turbulence over Gotemba City which imposed a gust load considerably in excess of the design limit."[4]





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Post time 23-5-2014 09:44 PM | Show all posts

Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1983 Perusahan Automobil Nasional Bhd. Proton lahir secara rasmi melalui persetujuan yang ditandatangani antara perbadanan Industri Berat Malaysia Hicom dan kumpulan Mitsubishi dari Jepun di Kuala Lumpur. Dalam upacara menandatangani persetujuan ini, Hicom diwakili oleh Tan Sri Datuk Jamil Rais Mohd Jan, Pengerusi Mitsubishi Motors Corporation MMC, Dr. Tomio Kubo mewakili syarikatnya dan Pengarah Urusan Mitsubishi Corporation MC Yoshio Morita menandatangani bagi pihak MC. Melalui persetujuan ini Proton dipertangungjawab mengendalikan pengeluaran kereta-kereta buatan Malaysia yang pertama mulai tahun 1985 di kilangnya yang sedang dalam pembinaan di Shah Alam. Antara persetujuan dan kontrak lain yang dipersetujui oleh Hicom, MMC dan MC ialah persetujuan usahasama, persetujuan bantuan teknikal, persetujuan pinjaman pemegang saham, kontrak pembinaan dan bahan dan kontrak bekalan alat-alat kereta. Juga dipersetujui ialah pihak Hicom akan memegang saham proton sebanyak 70%, MMC 15% dan MC 15%. Jelasnya, persetujuan yang dicapai pada hari ini dalam tahun 1983 yang melahirkan Proton telah mencatat sejarah dalam usaha merealisasikan cita-cita Kerajaan Malaysia untuk mengeluarkan kereta buatan tempatan.

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Post time 23-5-2014 10:11 PM | Show all posts
May 23, 1934:

Police kill famous outlaws Bonnie and Clyde

On this day in 1934, notorious criminals Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are shot to death by Texas and Louisiana state police while driving a stolen car near Sailes, Louisiana.Bonnie Parker met the charismatic Clyde Barrow in Texas when she was 19 years old and her husband (she married when she was 16) was serving time in jail for murder. Shortly after they met, Barrow was imprisoned for robbery. Parker visited him every day, and smuggled a gun into prison to help him escape, but he was soon caught in Ohio and sent back to jail. When Barrow was paroled in 1932, he immediately hooked up with Parker, and the couple began a life of crime together.
After they stole a car and committed several robberies, Parker was caught by police and sent to jail for two months. Released in mid-1932, she rejoined Barrow. Over the next two years, the couple teamed with various accomplices to rob a string of banks and stores across five states--Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico and Louisiana. To law enforcement agents, the Barrow Gang--including Barrow's childhood friend, Raymond Hamilton, W.D. Jones, Henry Methvin, Barrow's brother Buck and his wife Blanche, among others--were cold-blooded criminals who didn't hesitate to kill anyone who got in their way, especially police or sheriff's deputies. Among the public, however, Parker and Barrow's reputation as dangerous outlaws was mixed with a romantic view of the couple as "Robin Hood"-like folk heroes.
Their fame was increased by the fact that Bonnie was a woman--an unlikely criminal--and by the fact that the couple posed for playful photographs together, which were later found by police and released to the media. Police almost captured the famous duo twice in the spring of 1933, with surprise raids on their hideouts in Joplin and Platte City, Missouri. Buck Barrow was killed in the second raid, and Blanche was arrested, but Bonnie and Clyde escaped once again. In January 1934, they attacked the Eastham Prison Farm in Texas to help Hamilton break out of jail, shooting several guards with machine guns and killing one.
Texan prison officials hired a retired Texas police officer, Captain Frank Hamer, as a special investigator to track down Parker and Barrow. After a three-month search, Hamer traced the couple to Louisiana, where Henry Methvin's family lived. Before dawn on May 23, Hamer and a group of Louisiana and Texas lawmen hid in the bushes along a country road outside Sailes. When Parker and Barrow appeared, the officers opened fire, killing the couple instantly in a hail of bullets.
All told, the Barrow Gang was believed responsible for the deaths of 13 people, including nine police officers. Parker and Barrow are still seen by many as romantic figures, however, especially after the success of the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde, starring Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty.

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Post time 2-6-2014 03:43 PM | Show all posts
02 Jun 1958

Pada  hari  ini dalam  tahun 1958,  Ordinan  Angkatan  Tentera Udara  telah  dikuatkuasakan.  Ordinan  yang  telah  diluluskan  oleh  DYMM  Seri  Paduka  Baginda  Yang  Di Pertuan  Agong  Tuanku  Abdul  Rahman  Ibni  Almarhum  Tuanku  Muhamad  di  Majlis  Perundingan  Persekutuan  pada  1  Mei  1958  ini  memperuntukkan  penubuhan  satu   Angkatan   Tentera  Udara  di  Raja  Persekutuan  Tanah  Melayu.  

Pada  awal  penubuhannya  Angkatan  Tentera  Udara  dikenali  sebagai  Tentera  Udara Diraja  Persekutuan  yang  mempunyai  dua  buah  kapal  terbang  Twin  Pioneer  dengan kekuatan  anggota  seramai  12 orang,  terdiri  daripada  anak-anak  tempatan.  Ketua Turus  Angkatan  Tentera  Udara  mengetuai  keseluruhan  Operasi  Angkatan  Tentera Udara ini.  Manakala  kawalan ke  atas  gerakan di  pangkalan-pangkalan  dan  unit-unit Tentera  Udara  dalam negeri  disenggarakan  oleh  Panglima  Markas  Udara.   

Pada 14 Mac 1967,  DYMM  Seri  Paduka  Baginda  Yang  di-Pertuan  Agong  Tuanku  Ismail Nasiruddin  Shah  Ibni  Almarhum  Sultan  Zainal  Abdin  telah  menganugerahkan  panji-panji  Yang di-Pertuan Agong  kepada  Angkatan  Tentera  Udara  yang  menjadi lambang  taat  setia  kepada  Raja  dan  Negara.  Sesungguhnya,  Angkatan Tentera  Udara  telah  memberi  sumbangan  yang  besar dalam  mengekalkan keamanan dan kemerdekaan  negara.


Sejarah Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) bermula apabila Ordinan Tentera Udara diluluskan oleh Parlimen pada hari Isnin, 2 Jun 1958 dan semasa ditubuhkan ia dikenali sebagai “Tentera Udara Diraja Persekutuan“.
Air Commodore A.V.R. Johnstone seorang pegawai Tentera Udara Diraja British (RAF) telah dipinjamkan untuk menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan kemudiannya telah dilantik menjadi Ketua Turus Tentera Udara yang pertama. Beliau bertanggungjawab merangka penubuhan Tentera Udara Diraja Persekutuan bagi negara yang baru merdeka dari segi organisasi, sumber manusia, aset dan syarat-syarat perkhidmatan. Sebagai angkatan yang termuda di dalam Angkatan Tentera ketika itu anggota terawalnya adalah terdiri daripada pegawai dan anggota yang dipinjamkan daripada Tentera Udara Diraja British.
Sekumpulan pegawai dan anggota yang menjadi perintis Tentera Udara Diraja Persekutuan telah ditukarkan daripada Tentera Udara Diraja British pada bulan November 1958. Mereka yang menjadi tenaga penggerak organisasi TUDM ialah Flying Officer Li Heng Lip, Sergeant Subramaniam, Corporal Razi Osman, Corporal Othman Mohd Ismail, Corporal Wan Said, Sorporal J D Pasley, Corporal Mahevan, Senior Aircraftsman (SAC) Surindran, SAC Md Noor, SAC Zainal Abidin, SAC Mohd Hussain dan Junior Technician (JT) Ismail Arifin.
Sebagai angkatan yang muda tugas awal yang diamanahkan kepada Tentera Udara Diraja Persekutuan pada ketika itu ialah untuk memberikan perkhidmatan perhubungan melalui udara dan membantu pasukan keselamatan menjalankan operasi memerangi komunis yang mengancam negara. Dengan tertubuhnya Malaysia pada 16 September 1963, nama Tentera Udara telah ditukar kepada “Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia” atau lebih dikenali sebagai TUDM.

    Air Commodore A.V.R. Johnstone
Last edited by gerbera.memopad on 2-6-2014 03:47 PM

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Post time 4-6-2014 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah Sedunia (3 JUN ....)
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350 - Roman usurper Nepotianus, of the Constantinian dynasty, proclaims himself Roman Emperor, entering Rome at the head of a group of gladiators.
1083 - Henry IV of Germany storms Rome, capturing St Peter's Cathedral
1098 - After 5-month siege in First Crusade, the Crusaders seize Antioch (now in modernTurkey)
1140 - French scholar Peter Abelard is found guilty of heresy.
1326 - Treaty of Novgorod delineates borders between Russia and Norway in Finnmark.
1357 - Peace of Aat
1539 - Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
1540 - Hernando de Soto crosses Appalachian Mountain, 1st European to do so
1620 - Construction of the oldest stone church in French North America, Notre-Dame-des-Anges, begins at Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
1621 - Dutch West India Company (WIC) receives charter for The West Indies (included, The Americas, Caribbean and West Africa)
1658 - Pope Alexander VII appoints François de Laval vicar apostolic in New France.
1665 - Duke of York (future James II) defeats Dutch fleet off the coast of Lowestoft
1748 - Amsterdam establishes municipal postal service
1752 - Moscow houses & churches destroyed by fire
1770 - Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo founded in Calif
1781 - Jack Jouett rides to warn Thomas Jefferson of British attack
1789 - Alex Mackenzie explores Mackenzie River (Canada)
1818 - Maratha Wars between British & Maratha Confederacy in India ends
1833 - 4th national black convention meets (Phila)
US President Thomas Jefferson 1851 - 1st baseball uniforms worn, NY Knickerbockers wear straw hat, white shirt & blue long trousers
1856 - Cullen Whipple patents screw machine
1860 - Comanche, Iowa, completely destroyed by one of a series of tornadoes
1861 - 1st Civil War land battle-Union defeats Confederacy at Philippi, WV
1864 - Gen Lee wins his last victory of Civil War at Battle of Cold Harbor
1871 - Jesse James & his gang robs Obocock Bank (Corydon Iowa), of $15,000
1876 - Lacrosse introduced in Britain & Canada
1884 - John Lynch (R-MS) chosen 1st black major-party natl convention chair
1886 - 24 Christians burn to death in Namgongo, Uganda
1888 - "Casey at the Bat" published (SF Examiner)
1889 - The Canadian Pacific Railway is completed from coast to coast.
1899 - W G Grace's last day of Test cricket aged 50 yrs 320 days
1906 - Belgian King Leopold II claims Congo as his private possession
1907 - Centro Escolar University is established by Librada Avelino and Carmen de Luna in Manila, Philippines.
1911 - "Come Josephine in My Flying Machine" hits #1
Outlaw Jesse James 1913 - Dutch 1st Chamber accepts Health laws
1916 - US National Defense Act establishes Reserve Officers Training Corps
1918 - US Supreme Court in Hammer v. Dagenhart rules child labor laws unconstitutional
1919 - Liberty Life Insurance Co (Chicago) organized by blacks
1921 - A sudden cloudburst kills 120 near Pikes Peak, Colorado
1924 - Gila Wilderness Area established by US Forest Service
1925 - Eddie Collins, is 6th to get 3,000 hits
1925 - Goodyear airship "Pilgrim" makes 1st flight (1st with enclosed cabin)
1925 - White Sox manager Eddie Collins gets 3,000 hit
1929 - 1st trade show at Atlantic City Convention Center (electric light)
1929 - Chile, Peru & Bolivia sign accord about Tacna-Arica-area resolving border dispute
1930 - Grover Cleveland Alexander is released by the Phillies
1932 - John McGraw, who came to NY in 1902, resigns as manager of Giants
1932 - Lou Gehrig is 1st to hit 4 consecutive HRs; Yanks beat A's 20-13
1932 - Paul Von Hindenburg disbands German Parliament
Baseball Player Lou Gehrig 1933 - A's score 11 runs in 2nd, Yanks score 10 in 5th & win 17-11
1933 - Pope Pius XI encyclical "On oppression of the Church in Spain"
1934 - Dr Frederick Banting co-discoverer of insulin, is knighted
1935 - French liner Normandie sets Atlantic crossing record of 1,077 hours
1935 - One thousand unemployed Canadian workers board freight cars in Vancouver, British Columbia, beginning a protest trek to Ottawa, Ontario.
1937 - Josh Gibson HR's just 2 feet below rim of Yankee Stadium (580' drive)
1938 - German law on "Entartete Art" legalizes art robbery
1939 - 71st Belmont: James Stout riding Johnstown wins in 2:29.6
1939 - Beer Barrel Polka hits #1 on the pop singles chart by Will Glahe
1940 - Last British/French troop leave Dunkirk
1941 - Attack on telephone exchange in Schiphol
1941 - German occupiers stamp "J" on Jewish passports
1943 - United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration forms
1943 - A mob of 60 from the Los Angeles Naval Reserve Armory beat up everyone perceived to be Hispanic, starting the week-long Zoot Suit Riots.
1944 - 76th Belmont: G L Smith riding Bounding Home wins in 2:32.2
Physician Frederick Banting 1944 - Generals Giraud & de Gaulle reach agreement on constitution
1944 - Nazis pull out of Rome
1946 - 1st bikini bathing suit displayed (Paris)
1946 - International Military Tribunal opens in Tokyo against 28 Japanese war criminals
1947 - British Viceroy of India Lord Mountbatten visits Pakistan
1948 - The musical "Sleepy Hollow" opens at St James Theater NYC for 12 performances
1948 - 200" (5.08 m) Hale telescope dedicated at Palomar Observatory
1948 - Korczak Ziolkowski begins sculpture of Crazy Horse near Mt Rushmore
1949 - 1st negro to graduate from US Naval Academy (Wesley Anthony Brown)
1949 - Dragnet is 1st broadcast on radio (KFI in Los Angeles)
1949 - GN Clark becomes 1st female US treasurer
1950 - French expedition reaches top of Himalayan peak of Annapurna in Nepal
1952 - Romanian premier Petru Groza chosen president
1953 - Congress cites research of NYC librarian Robert Henderson in proving
1953 - KVOS TV channel 12 in Bellingham/Vancouver, WA (CBS) begins
1953 - Alexander Cartwright officially credited by U.S. Congress as founder of baseball
1955 - KLFY TV channel 10 in Lafayette, LA (CBS) begins broadcasting
1955 - Stan Musial hits his 300th HR
1956 - 3rd class travel on British Railways ends
1956 - KGUN TV channel 9 in Tucson, AZ (ABC) begins broadcasting
1956 - Marlene Bauer Hagge wins LPGA Pittsburgh Golf Open
1957 - Howard Cosell's 1st TV show
1958 - Referendum allows city to sell Chavez Ravine to the Dodgers
1959 - 1st US Air Force Academy graduation in Colorado Springs, Colorado
1959 - Eisenhower routes Canadian premier Diefenbaker message off the Moon
1959 - Real Madrid wins 4th Europe Cup 1
1959 - Singapore adopts constitution
1961 - "Wildcat" closes at Alvin Theater NYC after 172 performances
1961 - 93rd Belmont: Braulio Baeza aboard Sherluck wins in 2:29.2
US President John F. Kennedy 1961 - JFK & Khrushchev meet in Vienna
1962 - Air France Boeing 707 crashes on takeoff from Paris, kills 130
1962 - Betsy Rawls & Kathy wins LPGA Babe Didrikson-Zaharias Golf Open
1962 - Lee Harvey Oswald arrives by train in Oldenzaal, Netherlands
1962 - WBKO TV channel 13 in Bowling Green, KY (ABC) begins broadcasting
1963 - A Northwest Airlines DC-7 crashes in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of British Columbia, killing 101.
1964 - Ringo Starr collapses from tonsillitis & pharyngitis

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Post time 4-6-2014 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Sambungan Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah Sedunia (3 JUN 1964 hingga 2013)
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1964 - Rolling Stones begin 1st US tour (with Bobby Goldsboro & Bobby Vee)
1965 - Gemini 4 launched; 2nd US 2-man flight (McDivitt & White)
1966 - European DX Council forms in Copenhagen (shortwave listeners)
1966 - Gemini 9 launched; 7th US 2-man flight (Stafford & Cernan)
1967 - 99th Belmont: Bill Shoemaker aboard Damascus wins in 2:28.8
1967 - Aretha Franklin's "Respect" reaches #1
1968 - Canada announces it will replace silver with nickel in coins
1968 - Poor Peoples March on Washington
1968 - Yanks turn 21st triple-play in their history lose 4-3 to Twins
1968 - Valerie Solanas, author of SCUM Manifesto, attempts to assassinate Andy Warhol by shooting him three times.
1969 - Last episode of Star Trek airs on NBC (Turnabout Intruder)
1970 - 1st artificial gene synthesized
1970 - Ray Davies of Kinks travels round trip NY-London to change 1 word in "Lola," (Coca-Cola to Cherry Cola) because of BBC coml reference ban
1971 - Chic Cub Ken Holtzman 2nd no-hitter beats Cin Reds, 1-0
1971 - Test Cricket debut of Imran Khan, v Engl at Edgbaston (5, 0-36, 0-19)
1972 - "Hot Rod Lincoln," by Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen hits #9
1972 - 1st female US rabbi installed, Sally J Priesand at 25
1972 - Sally J Priesand becomes 1st female US rabbi
1972 - Yanks score 8 times in 13th beating White Sox 18-10
1973 - "Smith" closes at Eden Theater NYC after 17 performances
1973 - At Paris air show, Tupolev 144, a Soviet supersonic airliner ("Concorde-ski"), crashes, 15 killed
1973 - Kathy Cornelius wins LPGA Sealy-Faberge Golf Classic
1974 - Yitzhak Rabin forms a new Israeli government
1976 - Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" goes gold
1976 - Test Cricket debut of Mike Brearley v West Indies (0 & 17)
1976 - US presented with oldest known copy of Magna Carta
1977 - Balt Orioles pull their 6th triple play (9-6-4-6-6 vs KC Royals)
1977 - Belgium government of Tindemans forms
1977 - US & Cuba talk about diplomatic relations
1978 - Phillies Dave Johnson is 1st to hit 2 pinch hit grand slams in a year
1979 - "Madwoman of Central Park West" opens on Broadway
1979 - 33rd Tony Awards: Elephant Man & Sweeny Todd win
1979 - Ex-president Idi Amin of Uganda flees to Libya
1979 - Ixtoc I rig in Gulf of Mexico blows; 3 million bbl of oil spilled in one of world's worst oil spills
1979 - Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Golden Lights Golf Championship
1980 - "It's So Nice to Be Civilized" opens at Martin Beck NYC for 8 perfs
1980 - Crew of Soyuz 36 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35
1980 - ESPN begins televising college world series games
39th US President Jimmy Carter 1980 - Jimmy Carter wins enough delegates for renomination
1980 - NY Mets draft Darryl Strawberry, 18, #1
1981 - Pope John Paul II released from hospital after assassination attempt
1982 - 55th National Spelling Bee: Molly Dieveney wins spelling psoriasis
1982 - Israeli ambassador Shlomo Argov seriously wounded by Palestinians
1984 - "Wiz" closes at Lunt Fontanne Theater NYC after 13 performances
1984 - 30th LPGA Championship won by Patty Sheehan
1984 - 38th Tony Awards: Real Thing & La Cage Aux Folles win
1985 - Brewers draft B J Surhoff #1
1985 - Massive anti-ETA demonstration in Basques
1986 - Battles in Beirut; 53 killed
1987 - "Little Shop of Horrors" released in France
1987 - "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" released in France
1987 - Cubs & Astro tie Oriole & Ranger record of 3 grand slams in a game
1988 - "Big" premieres in US
264th Pope John Paul II 1988 - Margo Adams sues Red Sox 3rd baseman Wade Boggs for palimony
1989 - Beginning of the Tiananmen Square Massacre as Chinese troops open fire on pro-democracy supporters in Beijing
1989 - Houston Astros beat LA Dodgers, 5-4, in 22 innings (7:14:09)
1989 - Leaking pipe in Asha, USSR, causes 2 trains to catch fire; 460 die
1989 - Nolan Ryan pitches his 2nd one-hitter this season & 11th overall
1990 - 3rd Children's Miracle Network Telethon raises $894,560
1990 - 44th Tony Awards: Grapes of Wrath & City of Angels win
1990 - Cathy Gerring wins LPGA Lady Keystone Golf Open
1991 - Mount Unzen erupts in Japan, worst eruption in Japanese history
1991 - NY Yankees selected 19-year-old Brien Taylor, #1 in amateur draft
1991 - Thomas Hearns captures WBA light-heavyweight title
1992 - Joan Lunden ordered to pay her ex-husband $18,000 a month support
1992 - World's largest environmental summit opens (Rio De Janeiro Brazil)
1993 - 66th National Spelling Bee: Geoff Hooper wins spelling kamikaze
1994 - 5.9 earthquake/floods SE Java (150+ killed)
1994 - WIIZ (98.7) FM goes off the air
1995 - Expos pitcher Pedro Martinez perfect game is broken up in 10th inning as San Diego's Bip Roberts leads off with a double, Mont wins 1-0
1995 - 1st Blockbuster Entertainment Awards held at Pantages Theatre, Hollywood
1998 - Eschede train disaster: an ICE high speed train derails in Lower Saxony, Germany, causing 101 deaths.
2001 - 55th Tony Awards: The Producers & Proof win
2006 - The union of Serbia and Montenegro comes to an end with Montenegro's formal declaration of independence.
2007 - USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) engaged pirates after they boarded the Danish ship Danica White off the coast of Somalia. (details)
2012 - Suicide car bombing kills 15 and inures 42 people in Bauchi, Nigeria
2012 - Plane crash in Lagos, Nigeria, kills all 152 passengers and 40 people on the ground
Golfer Tiger Woods 2012 - Tiger Woods' 73rd PGA tour victory equals Jack Nicklaus's record
2013 - 20 people, including 10 children, are killed by a suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan
2013 - US extends sanctions against Iran through its automotive industry and currency
2013 - 119 people are killed in a poultry farm fire in Jilin Province, China

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