sowi... asik x jd nak post utk kak G.. ...
halimi78 Post at 21-4-2011 09:41
wassalam mie....
tu lah...bila lah dpt jumpa mie & famili lagi kan? wifey & anak2 sihat?
nothing to wori mie...
kak g paham...kita masuk GPR ni pun ikut timing memasing....adat lah kan kalo x sempat nak bertego sapa dgn sumer org... yg penting masuk sini ilang tensen...
To En Joe... Hepi Besday.... Semoga dipanjangkn umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dirahmati Allah selalu
& berbahagia disamping cik puan terchenta nie...
May all ur dreams come true... Luv u 4 ever my dear...
You're the one who can calm me
and get me out of my moods,
You're the one who will hold me
when the tears start to fall,
You're the one when I'm lonely
who's name I will call.
You're the one who makes me laugh
at the silliest things,
You're the one who makes me happy
by doing all these things.
I love you so much
for all the love you give to me,
As a Husband you are
the very best there could be..
fanina Post at 21-4-2011 00:36
tq lalink...
tq for everything....
luv u muah...muah...muah.. {:1_147:}