cik_Sally replied at 6-12-2024 08:38 AM
Ngai mau lancar perang....ini kot masa terbaik utk pihak hr kemukakan saman firnah berkaitan isu gam ...
Jgn haraplah HR dan famili bukan kesah pun maruah diinjak bekas isteri/menantu....satu Malaysia kutuk mereka...sori to say mereka tak pentingkan maruah pun termasuklah menantu baru...... |
wuuu statement ni la yg dia screenshot merempan2 dlmg igs dia tu...
tasha replied at 6-12-2024 08:44 AM
Jgn haraplah HR dan famili bukan kesah pun maruah diinjak bekas isteri/menantu....satu Malaysia ku ...
It’s not fair to say that to them. If I were them, I would take the same approach. Kena hadap kes mahkamah ni bukan a stroll in the park. Duit habis, masa terbazir, hati tak tenang. Kalau ada jalan utk tamatkan semua ni, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Bukan semua benda kita nak ‘menang’ sedangkan Tuhan tak pernah tidur. Semua ni hanya sementara tapi balasan perbuatan yg zalim tetap akan berlaku. And in my opinion, shu dh pun terima ni dlm bentuk kes debik diteruskan. Disebabkan kes ni, dia dh tersepit dlm byk sudut. Ibarat telur di Hujung tanduk. Pergi mana-mana pun akan jatuh jgk. |
melekaifc replied at 6-12-2024 09:02 AM
Kalau guna protections visa boleh ke report tu? |
tengok la. kalau dia ke Finland maknanya belum apply kot. dah bridging memang susah nak keluar ozzy tanpa alasan kukuh.
emera replied at 6-12-2024 07:45 AM
Ye dia kalu takut, dia akan jd gila sama kes mcm ancut2 aritu. Dia ketakutan, terus mengancut2 & a ...
Kan....dah boleh baca perangai dia.
Acah ugut sana sini tp habuk pun tarak. |
Ngai, kalau gitu, meh la balik malaysia. Filekan saman fitnah terhadap MKL, HR and keluarga. Tapi ada agreement kan??? So means dalam agreement mesti dah mentioned kan, HR dan keluarga ada hak melawat anak-anak jika masih di perlis. Tapi kalau hang dah bawa lari anak ke MEL sana, so hang dah breach the agreement la kan? Come on ngai! Buktikan anda ibu tunggal yang teraniaya. Come on! Fight for it. Meh la balik malaysia meh. Berani kerana benar, lari kerana salah |
melekaifc replied at 6-12-2024 09:20 AM
tengok la. kalau dia ke Finland maknanya belum apply kot. dah bridging memang susah nak keluar ozz ...
Setahu guwe.. Bukan dia bleh pergi travel kemana2 negara lain kecuali Malaysia tempat kelahiran sndiri smntara apply bringing tu. Ada komen2 dari acikpor pasal benda ni. |
sembang je la dia ni nak menyaman itu ini.. bongkak je lebih. |
Travel on a bridging visa
What you can do on a BVB
When you can travel on a BVB
When to apply for a BVB
If your substantive visa is still valid
When the travel period ends
Overview A bridging visa is a temporary visa we might grant you in certain circumstances. Bridging visas let you stay in Australia lawfully while your immigration status is resolved. The type of bridging visa we might grant you depends on your circumstances.
While bridging visas let you remain in Australia lawfully, only a Bridging visa B (BVB) will let you leave and re-enter Australia while you wait for a decision.
You might be eligible for a BVB if:
- you hold a BVA or BVB
- you are awaiting a decision on an application that is not yet finally determined or is at judicial review
- you have a good reason for leaving and returning to Australia while you wait for the outcome of your visa application
See more about eligibility for a BVB.
What you can do on a BVB A BVB lets you remain in Australia while:
- we process your substantive visa application, or
- you await a judicial or merits review
It will also have a defined travel period. You can leave Australia and re-enter on a BVB within this defined travel period. If you are in Australia when the travel period ends and you need to travel outside Australia again, you can apply for another BVB.
See more about what you can do on a BVB.
When you can travel on a BVB BVBs are granted with a defined travel period. You can leave and re-enter Australia during this travel period.
When we determine the BVB travel period we will consider:
- why you want to travel
- when we are likely to make a decision on your substantive visa application
When you apply for the BVB:
- provide evidence of your reason for travel outside Australia
- let us know when you intend to travel
Your visa grant notice will clearly define the travel period of your BVB if we grant it.
We can't change or extend the BVB travel period after we grant it. If you are in Australia when the travel period ends and you need to travel outside Australia again, you can apply for another BVB.
When to apply for a BVB Consider your circumstances before you apply for the BVB.
You can only apply for and be granted a BVB if you are in Australia.
When we consider your application for a BVB, we will take into account when we are likely to make a decision on your substantive visa application to avoid unduly delaying this process.
We recommend you apply for a BVB no more than 3 months and no less than 2 weeks before you want to travel.
If your substantive visa is still valid You can hold a substantive visa and a BVB at the same time. If you still hold a substantive visa that lets you leave Australia and return, but you think it might expire before you re-enter Australia, you might still choose to apply for a BVB and wait until it is granted before you travel.
As long as you return to Australia within the BVB travel period, you can stay in Australia on the BVB while you wait for our decision on your visa application.
When the travel period ends We will let you know the specified travel period of the BVB in your visa grant notice if we grant the visa.
You can't re-enter Australia on a BVB after the travel period ends. If you are outside Australia when the travel period ends, you will need to apply for and be granted another visa before you can re-enter.
If you are in Australia when the travel period ends and you need to travel outside Australia again, you can apply for another BVB.
When the BVB endsYour BVB ends if:
- we grant you the substantive visa you applied for
- we grant you another bridging visa
- we cancel your BVB or the substantive visa you held when you were granted the BVB
- you are outside Australia when the travel period ends
- you leave Australia after the travel period ends
melekaifc replied at 6-12-2024 09:50 AM
Travel on a bridging visa
Okay kejap guwe baca. . Thanks for info ya. |
kalau bridging A dia keluar memang tak leh masuk sampai lulus visa protection. kot la dia apply bridging B tu kene sebab yang munasabah baru dapat. setakat pegi melancong susah nak dapat.
peahtahilalat replied at 6-12-2024 06:54 AM
ok terjwb sudah..
peah speku psl smlm kot nie..
Wow! Ayat sebijik dri forum. Confirm Mmg baca forum bingai ni.
Ayat sape tu eh? Hahahah maleh ku nak Gali. Hahahaha ngai #jandapenipu #jandakakispin #jandagersang, awat Takut ka??? Hang spill Mcm2 Lepas tu burukkan ex hang Dan fitnah ex hang boleh pulak?? Ehhh kau ni. Kau buat orang boleh, orang buat kau, kehmain kau MENJENTAT ye!!! (Tiru perkataan Kau Yg suka pakai “menjentat”)
Kau dah hamik duit orang tu bagi siap belagak kaya, kau hina dina keluarga mentua kau, ehhhh aci ke??? Akal tu function lah sikit! Walau hati tu dah hitam berkeladak sebagai hitamnya jari jemari kau. Eiiiii geli aku membayangkan balik! Nk muntohhhh! ![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif) |
Edited by doodlediddle at 6-12-2024 10:37 AM
peahtahilalat replied at 6-12-2024 06:54 AM
ok terjwb sudah..
peah speku psl smlm kot nie..
Korang tgk….dia put the blame to HR balik pasal x byr nafkah. Ehhhh dia ni mmg pompuan eh bukan tino gilo lah. Easily she shift the attention to paint HR is useless and not carrying out his responsibilities.
Ngai, bak bukti lah HR xbyr nafkah anak2. KAU NI SADIS LAHHH. Kau lupa ke sape yg BAYAR YURAN TERTUNGGAK 11K anak kau tu?????? Tu kau DIAM XBERKUTIK KAN. Xde pun kau nk clear kan nama mantan kau. Eeeeeiii aku x Thu lah ape jenis manusia kau ni. Betul2 hati keji.
Xpernah lagi aku jumpa orang muka busuk dgn hati busuk macam kau. Semoga kifarah atas dirimu kerana Hari jumaat ini, semoga Allah makbulkan doa orang teraniaya. Amin! |
aaminn.. takleh dah nak doa baik2 kat si ngai ni, tgk mcm gini punya perangai dia... harap dia dok oz tu jadi mcm haniz la..tak tentu arah hidupnya..
Dah faham sangat dah MO ngai bila dah buat taik lepas tangan. Hujung2 dia petik benda dah basi, benda dah lepas, dia dah move on apa lagi pihak sana mahu blablabla dan disambut pula tukang bekap yg bangang ada otak tak reti pikir dgn attack apis, odah n in laws bertalu2. Dan ngai terus mendonia terpaling fly high.
Hey ngaii / balaci ngai, since dah bawak keluar hal forum, dah tengok hasil csi acik2 di sini? Gigil tangan ketap2 bibir tak apa2 yg kau cirit berjaya dicantas acikF?
tasha replied at 6-12-2024 08:41 AM
Salah pada HR dan parents juga. Terlalu melayan kerenah ngai..educated tp lembab gitu je diayam2ka ...
Educated belum tentu bijak.
Tengok ngai bijak menipu. Clean pulak tu sampai orang percaya. Bukan setakat tololwers, immi oz pun percaya.
Kadang2 rasa nak padankan muka belah apiz. Duit habis, maruah tercalar. Apa pun takde.
Sabar bukan bermakna kita boleh biarkan maruah kita dipijak2. Kalau berterusan gini la, itu bukan sabar. Itu bodoh. |
momopoko replied at 6-12-2024 10:23 AM
Dah faham sangat dah MO ngai bila dah buat taik lepas tangan. Hujung2 dia petik benda dah basi, be ...
Sebelum² ni pun ada yg kata MKL tu either hr atau ay kan? Tapi senyap je dia.
MO dia, nak dekat² tarikh ke mahkamah mula la dia buat huru hara. Esp lepas tersebar gambar kondo busuk dan sc pasal hotel potetoes tu. |
tgk pd statement yang ni, ayat belah kanan bawah tu dia nmengiyakan yang dia mengamuk kes ancut2 (#abgbomba) tu sebab ditriggered dek MKl la kan sbnrnya.. bukan mengamuk2 sebb HR sebar dokumen mahkamah, HR hina mak dia seperti yang dia ckp kat tololwers dia, sbb sbnrnya mmg HR takde buat benda2 tu kan, ngai?
| |