Fuh... dasat. Miss_blur tu tgh survey geng nk gi kuria time winter tu. Huhuhu....
naadianaa Post at 24-1-2011 16:24 
hehehehe...nak jugak merasa winter..termasuk la itinerary tuk winter yg kita angan2 last nite...hihihi..kering kontang la acc bank ni..huhuhu |
mmg dasat....
bleh cari 1 mamat kuria time g autumn tu, pastu kate kt mamat tu nnt jumpe l ...
mawarsari Post at 24-1-2011 16:59 
tu yg penting tu mawarsari.. nak yg ala2 so ji sub ke taec yon ke..hahaha..angan2 melampau...winter sonata la jawabnye.. |
tu yg penting tu mawarsari.. nak yg ala2 so ji sub ke taec yon ke..hahaha..angan2 melamp ...
miss_blur Post at 24-1-2011 17:45 
angan yg terlampau nih aku rase...  |
Reply 723# azradiza
hahaha..memang pun.. ..lambatnye autumn ni.. |
Reply azradiza
hahaha..memang pun....lambatnye autumn ni..
miss_blur Post at 24-1-2011 17:56 
lambat tak lambat, ko ade lagik 2 musim nak kene go through before sampai autumn...  |
Reply 645# naadianaa
erkkkkkkkkkkk... taun ni nak merepeat x dapek la... penuh woooooo.. akan dtg maybe.. tgok camner..  |
Reply 651# aciq
oo yeaaaaaaa.. tp ari tu email.. try nak book terus kata lagi 2 bln nak pegi br book.. mcm awal sesgt le plak.. owhhh namsan 1 kena menapak jauh yek.. ermmmmmmm.. try amik 4person per room ari tu.. @70,000 won per nite.. kalo namsan 2 sure mahal lg ler plak yek.. |
Reply aciq
oo yeaaaaaaa.. tp ari tu email.. try nak book terus kata lagi 2 bln nak pegi b ...
qif Post at 24-1-2011 19:58 
mengikut citer otai2, namsan 1 ni kene menapak naik bukit .... tu yg ramai opt for Namsan 2.. |
Reply 728# azradiza
ermmm.. kena amik kira gak la yek.. sbb qif bwk kids.. sian lak kat deme kena menapak..  |
Akhirnya, dpt gak thermal wear yg ku cari.... |
laju gila laaa umah koya ni! bila time aku nk pegi nih, msti dh umah ke berapa ntah. gagagaga |
laju gila laaa umah koya ni! bila time aku nk pegi nih, msti dh umah ke berapa ntah. gagagaga
bdk2 Post at 24-1-2011 22:50 
bdk2, ko bile nak pegi...? celebrate new year sane nanti ehh..?? |
Akhirnya, dpt gak thermal wear yg ku cari....
mrafidi Post at 24-1-2011 10:41 PM 
ha kat mane ko jumpe? murah tak? |
otai2 semua, another question..
let say aku kene amik flight awal pagi dari incheon balik kl... AA ...
azradiza Post at 22-1-2011 11:20 
since aku dah study SPA on Air kat incheon ni...pendpt aku tak sesuai tuk malaysian...baik amik IGH, murah dan berbaloi sbb ada airport transfer free jer..ni review dr penguna SPA ON AIR kat incheon...mmg tak best..
I stayed there last night (on a Monday). Will try to not repeat info in other posts. The spa is for both men and women. 20,000 to use it. 12,000 additional for a private room. It is "Spa on Air" and not "Spa One Air" as posted elsewhere on the Net.
In the lounge area for both men and women, there are:
12 chairs
6 couch/sleepers
5 recliners
2 big screen TVs
Adjacent to the lounge, also for men and women are 2 rooms called foot treatment rooms. One has 6 recliners, one has 3 beds/cots. This is all first come, first served. I only saw people laying there and no foot treatments.
Also a concessions area for drinks and chips. You can order food in from a restaurant down the hall.
Then there are the spa areas, one for men, one for women. I assume the women have the same things. In the men's area were:
8 private rooms (about 4'x8', with a blanket and pillow on a firm massage-type bed.) It had a real lock. But you can not lock it from the outside. They keep the key. And they want you to only go in when you go to bed. I think because of the culture of being cheap and bending the rules, people would just go in there and sleep if not locked. But, the room was really warm. There is ventilation, but seemed to be 30 C or more and I couldn't sleep much because of the heat. These rooms are down a dark dead-end hall, so you are not on display or anything, but the door is glass and people can go down the corridor and look at you sleeping. It is much cooler in the open sleeping areas, but no privacy and not as quiet.
Several showers with glass dividers, but no curtains or privacy.
Dry and steam saunas.
Huge hot tub.
Drinking water machine (bring your own bottle), body wash, shampoo, towels, t-shirt, swim shorts, blow dryers provided.
Sleeping room with 6 mats and 1 recliner that was cooler than the private rooms.
There are also 4 massage rooms each for men and women.
Some things to consider...
I went there to sleep. They want you to stay there once you check in. They told me I could only leave for 1 hour. So I checked in at 5 PM, went in the airport to eat and exchange the rest of my money and sat in the lounge with a lot of people just watching TV, then went to bed early. There were lots of places for people to sleep when I went to bed, but when I got up at 4 am, every sleeping spot was taken and people were sleeping in chairs and on the floor on mats they must have rented. So if you don't mind the heat, make a reservation. |
Reply 734# PrincessFiona
aku pun dah wat research sket mlm tadik... tak tau la nak dok sini ke tak .. servis cam ampeh jer.... |
ha kat mane ko jumpe? murah tak?
chimei Post at 25-1-2011 08:33 
Going Places, BB Plaza..... kanak2 - RM49 sepasang, dewasa - RM79 sepasang... ok x? malas dah nak carik kat tmpt lain... aku rasa harga mcm ok jer... tu kira murah ker mahal? |
cek in umh baru.....
utk yg baru.. nih rujukan season kat korea...
Spring Waltz
aciq : 24/2/11 - 1/3/11
chuckiey : 24/2/11 - 5/3/11
haszyoe : 28/2/11- 5/3/11
manggis : 8/3/11 - 14/3/11
cmf _kinna : 15/3/11 - 21/3/11
monik : 22/4/11 - 26/4/11
aya : 26/4/11 - 2/5/11
azradiza & winter & wulan_cinta: 28/4/11 - 7/5/11
nora11 : 29/4/11 - 5/5/11
G_vitagen : 29/04/11 - 07/05/11
chazzy : 18/5/11 - 24/5/11
meklin & kenkawan: 20/5/2011 - 26/5/2011
-AyA- Post at 11-1-2011 17:20 
hoyeh...... nama dah masuk...
agak2 tarikh kinna pegi sana..... dapat ke saki baki salji.... huhuhu....
manggis n monik.... kita mcm berlari berganti2 pulak kat sana... selisih sehari... |
Reply PrincessFiona
aku pun dah wat research sket mlm tadik... tak tau la nak dok sini ke tak . ...
azradiza Post at 25-1-2011 09:23 
kalo pompuan mmg tak best sbb review mmg hampeh cam tak secure jer tpt ni...kalo boy lak cam ok ler diorg tak kisahnya..hehehehhe...kitaorg stay kat Incheon guesthouse , bilik share lagi murah dr stay kat Spa on Air ni.. |
snif...snif...cam terbau monik n has kat sini.......bon voyage yaaa...kiriman ku jgn lupa hehe.... bila laa turn qies nak ke korea huhu......
Opie oooo opie where are you...paper hk kita camno nie hehe.... |
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