Ana ada buat macaroni& cheese bakar....first time buat..mcm ok....boleh potong kuib..tapi second and third time buat...masa potong tu relai je..tak leh potong ...kenapa yek?? macam dry je..anybody can ...
anasue Post at 15-7-2009 16:21 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
cuba ana...letak susu...sikit bg dia basah n lembap....me prefer letak susu n cheese nk bg dia melekat dr letak telur...kekdang bila baca respi baked mac ni ade yg sampai 5 biji telur terus out.....sbb dh dpt bayangkan kemuaakkkan telur tu... |
742# chiquititamichi
Mak oi sampai 5 bijik telur! Kalau check kolesterol lepas makan baked mac & cheese sure cholesterol levels naik mendadak!![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
alang2 tu nak tanye skali...san remo macaroni cheese yg ready made sepeket rm 4.++ tu xde tande halal....tp aku ni baru pasan ..tetibe rase bersalah plak ni...sbb anak aku yg slalu makan mac cheese ni... |
haha tak senonoh la paper tak letak dlm pring..troz je amek gmbo.. |
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742# chiquititamichi
memang resepi ni tak guna telur pun
guna dua jenis sos.... spaghetti sos and white sos tu (Cheese+susu+tepung gandum sikit) |
bestnye makaroni...lame dh x masak..
dlu mase duk umah sewa ngan kwn2 rajin gak wat... |
gune daging fresh lg sedap kn....lalala...baru jer wat pasta mggu lepas...
pakai prego je...senang... |
Post Last Edit by ctsueraya at 19-8-2009 15:00
nak share spaggeti simple (spaggeti black pepper)
minyak utk menumis( if nak healthy olive oil is better)
bawang putih
bawang merah potong dadu
2 sudu besar black pepper (nak pedas leh tambah)
spaggeti or angle hair
perencah ayam/kiub ikan bilis
ayam, fishcakes
sayur mayur(sawi, carrot, cendawan..etc)
cara-cara buat
spaggeti rebus dan toskan
bawang putih ditumbuk dengan black pepper sampai hancur
pastue panaskan minyak
masukkan bahan yang ditumbuk
then masukkan bwg merah yang dipotong dadu
pastue tambah ayam, fishcakes or seafood (nie suka hati)
then masuk sapgetti, masuk perencah kiub, garam kacau rata...last sekali masuk sayur
nie yang i buat
i like to put lots of vegies..bagi cantik..hehe
![](http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u13/ctsueraya/sapggeti.jpg) |
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buat baked pasta bila ntah.....anak2 kalu wat nih suka bebenor la...
![](http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8921/dsc007462.jpg) |
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753# hairanaz
hairanaz, nak resepi.tengah rajin nak membako ni |
754# nunul
rasa mcm penah tepek dah katthread jugak la kot...tp tak pelah...say tepek sekali lagi.....teknik wat baked Pasta ni kira mcm sama ngan teknik wat lasagna jugak..cuma ganti lasagna tu dgn apa2 jenis pasta,..macaroni ke...penne ke....spiral ke...tak kisah...tp biasa saya suka guna Penne or Macaroni sbb nanti all the sauce akan terperangkap kat dalam lubang pasta tu...so sedp la..heheh
Baked Pasta
A jar of Prego Spaghetti Sauce (any flavour but I prefer Mushroom )-skang saya suka guna Kimball Spaghetti sos.
A can of Campbell's Mushroom Soup
a cup of parmesan cheese
a cup of mozarella cheese
350g of Penne
Method :
- preheat the oven at 180'c for 5 minutes
-boil enough water in a pot and put in the pasta. The pasta usuallytakes only a few minutes to cook. Once it is cooked, drain and setaside.
- in the same pot that you boil the pasta , cook thespaghetti sauce by following all the directions from the jar. You mayadd some minced meat or sausages into the sauce for richer flavour.
- repeat the same method for mushroom soup (Follow all the directions written on the can) .
- grease a casserole with some butter.
- cover the bottom of the casserole with the spaghetti sauce followed by a layer of the pasta covering the sauce.
- spread a layer of mushroom soup over the pasta, followed by the mozarella and the parmesan cheese.
- repeat the same method (starting with the spaghetti sauce ) again until all the pasta and the sauces are finished.
- Finished the top with mozarella and parmesan cheese...lots of it!
- bake the pasta in the oven for about 25 minutes or until the cheese turns golden.
- When the pasta is cooked ,take it out from the oven and leave it for about 5 minutes before you can serve it. YummmY!
-boleh jugak tambah minced meat or sosej or sayur2 mcm carrot,mushroom or apa2 lah....dalam sos spaghetti tu. |
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yang ni kategori pasta jugak...
tak berapa suka pakai lasagna sheet, so lynn buat my versi utk
lynn's malaysian lasagna
1 biji bawang bombay (dipotong dadu)
2 ulas bawang putih (diketuk dan dicincang)
1 pek (400g) minced chicken RAMLY
50g pizza sos powder (bancuh dgn air sampai pekat)-beli kat bakeri
1 buku roti (dibuang kulit)
3 slice chicken ham didadu
chedar cheese dan mozarella cheese (yg diparut)
sedikit oregano leaf
3 biji telur
250ml fresh milk
(pukul telur bersama dgn susu segar)
cara membuatnya
tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih. Masukkan ayam cincang RAMLY. Masukkan sos pizza. Masak sampai sedikit kering.
sediakan loyang 4 segi 9" or 10". Alas dengan parchment paper. Celup roti dalam bancuhan telur dan susu. Susun 4 slice dalam loyang. masukkan inti ayam tadi. Ratakan. tabur chicken ham yg didadu. tabur sedikit cheedar cheese dan mozarella cheese. Buat lapisan kedua, ulang proses tadi. Akhir sekali, tutup dgn roti yg dicelup bancuhan telur tadi. Tabur sedikit mozarella cheese dan sikit oregano leaf. Bakar api 180" selama 30 min. tak payah garing sangat...
![](http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r87/lynnhassan77/lasagna-1.jpg) |
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smlm try masak pasta utk bukak pose...actually aku not into pasta sgt....krg minat...pnh la skali dua masak spaghetti n macaroni....so smlm 1st time try pakai sos carbonara...so this is the result la....
![](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2480/3905461770_43facdc939_m.jpg) ![](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2615/3904690405_8dfdd44d13_m.jpg)
- 1 paket pasta 250gm (sebarang jenis, aku pakai fussili) - rebus mengikut instruction, masukkan sesudu minyak masak n garam sket
- 1 labu bawang besar - dipotong dadu
- 3 - 4 ulas bawang putih - dititik
- 1 biji tomato - dipotong
- Cendawan butang (separuh tin) - dipotong dadu
- Daging cincang (separuh paket)
- Stgh biji capsicum (boleh ltk byk kalo suke) - dipotong dadu
- 1 tin Sos mushroom carbonara (campbell 300gm)
- 2 slices cheese - dipotong kecik2 (aku pakai yg slice aje sbb yg grated halal mahal gile, nk pakai sket aje)
- Serbuk lada hitam, lada sulah & oregano - secukup rasa
- Garam & serbuk perasa secukup rasa
Cara buat:
1. Tumis bawang n capsicum sehingga masak
2. Masukkan daging cincang n sedikit air, biar hingga empuk
2. Masukkan cendawan butang n tomato
3. Masukkan segala jenis serbuk di atas
3. Masukkan sos carbonara
4. Kaco hingga sebati dan perisakan dgn garam n serbuk perasa
5. Masukkan cheese n tutup api serta merta
dh siap aku mkn dgn ayam goreng rempah n kopok ikan made in trg...heheh...aym tu pon aku perap ngn serbuk2 yg sama mcm buat sos pasta tu....plus bwg besar n putih ditumbuk....nak kasi rasa dia masuk ngn pasta tu....
![](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2659/3904710973_f870a8c145.jpg) |
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aikkk letak keropok??? ehehhehe
tapi sedap kannn? |
758# rienafaiz
riena...kopok tu side dishes aje.....aku org trg ni slalu ade stok kopok tu.....kalo mkn jenis2 masakan mcm mi, bihun or nasik goreng...suke mkn ngn kopok ni....so smlm kebetulan ade yg dh digoreng...aku mkn la ngn pasta...sedap la pulok....hihih..... |
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