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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Pengundi Tanjong Datu alu-alukan kehadiran PAS

SANTUBONG, 11 April: PAS tidak silap membuat keput ...
Anak_Nogori Post at 11-4-2011 14:03

rumah dibelakang tu x termasuk dlm 3% poverty rate di s'wak...ikot kata Muhyiddin, rumah camtu setarap rumah dabel storey kalo di pemiliknya tak miskin!

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Muntz

tak perlu sampai nangis muntz... harap2 mereka dapat sama bangunkan sarawak maca ...
zidlan Post at 11-4-2011 13:56

    Aku terharu jer noks.. walaupun aku tak ler sokong sangat PR Sarawak nih. Aku cuma wish all the best jah. PR S'jung much better and vibrant... sbb tu PR Sarawak terpaksa import pemimpin2 PR S'jung utk promote diorang.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:12 PM | Show all posts
itula, kalau tgk PKR dulu pun dpt 400
lawan ngan Adenan Satem
DTECCONAN Post at 11-4-2011 13:32

Kalau PKR pun boleh kalah, apa lagi PAS. Kalau Cina mgkin diorang pangkah PAS lah. Tapi Bumiputera pulak? Aku tak confident sangat org Melayu area Sematan/Lundu bagai nie nak sokong PAS. Kalau org Melayu area Betong-Saratok tu boleh lah.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Aku terharu jer noks.. walaupun aku tak ler sokong sangat PR Sarawak nih. Aku cuma wish al ...
Muntz Post at 11-4-2011 14:10

    malaysia kan termasuk sarawak juga sabah...
kalau tak buat apa dorang nak kempen kat labuan pula

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 756# Muntz

    sarawakian dan sabahan masihlah brothers utk orang semenajung...

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:13 PM | Show all posts
there is no money, no money for you -Lim Guan Eng

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:17 PM | Show all posts
tianchua Passenger Mok was local born, he commented: opp candidates came in boat or car, however BN leaders always came riding helicopter.

3 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

Dr twitter Tian Chua

** jpa rakyat pun nk belon...mana tau rs perit rakyat nk bot dan keta

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:19 PM | Show all posts
najib lawat pasar di kuching

najib sampai di pasar kuching pukul 8 pagi tadi. RM30K diberikan utk menaikkan taraf pasar ini. najib menyeru kpd rakyat di sana bhw mereka perlu ingati siapakah yg memberikan bantuan ini.
najib juga mengatakan lebih masalah tempatan akan diselesaikan jikalau masalah pd 16 April diselesaikan dahulu.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 766# ifanonline


hehe...veri original, hit song oleh wonder girls.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Aku respek kat PR sbb pemimpin2 mereka sudi utk turun ke Sarawak, Anwar Ibrahim, LGE, LKS, Hadi Awang, Nik Aziz.. mmg rasa terharu sangat2. Terima kasih lah sbb datang...  

Muntz Post at 11-4-2011 01:53 PM

nak menang, memang la kena jenguk
besok dah habis PRN hilangla depa, mcm dulu banjir di Kedah tak dak pun depa mai

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:30 PM | Show all posts
najib lawat pasar di kuching

najib sampai di pasar kuching pukul 8 pagi tadi. RM30K diberikan ...
gto28 Post at 11-4-2011 14:19

masalah tempatan patut di selesaikan 30 tahun dahulu, bukan dtg jer pilihanraya, baru nak janji sana sini...zaman sekarang orang tak bodoh mcm zaman dulu...

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:33 PM | Show all posts

LGE - najib kata tok uban akan berundur? najib tolong tunjukkan surat letak jawatan tok uban utk membuktikan keikhlasan.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by zach2008 at 11-4-2011 14:40

Reply 768# gto28

najib juga mengatakan lebih masalah tempatan akan diselesaikan jikalau masalah pd 16 April diselesaikan dahulu.

sebab tu ada baiknya apa yg berlaku sekarang. BN nak menang kena tabur janji byk2... tak tunai jugak, next PRU najib takde can jadi PM lagik...

PR pun kena janji byk2 jugak kalau nak perintah sarawak. Tak tunai, next PRU tak tercapai la hajat anwar nak jadi PM

Sekrang org sarawak kenalah pandai pilih man ayg lebih menguntungkan. Satu rimau satu lagi buaya

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:40 PM | Show all posts

jangan percaya tok uban akan turun. ini taktik najib, kata pemuda PKR Lee Kai Lun (nama translasi). mematahkan majoriti 2/3 mesti dilakukan utk memastikan tok uban turun.
beliau juga menyeru anak2 sarawak balik utk mengundi dan jangan biarkan peluang transformasi ini.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:41 PM | Show all posts
FB tokey zentrum

Sarawak 2011: Dari kedudukan BN75% PR25% sebelum pencalonan, sekarang period kempen PR50% BN50% - Borneo mungkin mula bersahabat dengan angin dari mediteranean

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by NAT_11 at 11-4-2011 15:14
nak menang, memang la kena jenguk  
besok dah habis PRN hilangla depa, mcm dulu banjir di  ...
DTECCONAN Post at 11-4-2011 14:29

    Ekkkkekkk CONAN, ko ni asik pitnah je. Kan ke Anwar, Nik Ajis.
   Lim guan Eng ,Kit siang semua datang masa banjir tu. Siap
   nolong angkat barang and bila banjir surut, bersihkan rumah.
   Bagi setiap keluarga Rm1000 setiap seorang untuk mulakan idup..........

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:46 PM | Show all posts

Najib troubled as Pakatan crowd growing in numbers at each Ceramah. Last night he attracted only a thousand to DBKS indoor stadium despite present of BN bigwigs (Taib/Koh Tsu Koon/Najib/all SUPP candidates). While Anwar, Guan Eng, Nik Aziz attract as many as 10,000. Read here

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Tiada janji untuk menyelesaikan masalah bekalan air, kecuali 20 tangki air yang akan diagihkan

Meskipun bekalan air dan eletrik sudah diminta oleh penduduk untuk 10 tahun lamanya, namun kemudahan asas ini belum disediakan sehingga hari ini.  Kali ini, Mohd Shafie Apdal selaku Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Malaysia datang menjenguk rumah panjang James Medan di Sekuau ketika PRN Sarawak berlangsung, mengumumkan projek bekalan elektrik bernilai RM2.4 juta.

Tiada had tempoh janji tersebut ditunaikan.  Tiada janji untuk menyelesaikan masalah bekalan air, kecuali 20 tangki air yang akan diagihkan kepada 57 pintu Rumah James Medan dalam masa terdekat.  Seorang penduduk memberitahu MerdekaReview, bekalan air dan elektrik telah diminta 10 tahun yang lalu, namun tetap belum dipenuhi kerajaan.

(pemberita handsome merdekareview dikelilingi wanita jelita rumah panjang)

Namun demikian, penduduk tempatan secara jujur berkata, mereka sanggup mempercayai janji Barisan Nasional, sekurang-kurangnya janji tersebut adalah satu harapan untuk mereka.  Malah, ada yang berkata, "Itulah politik..."  


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Post time 11-4-2011 02:50 PM | Show all posts
the star

By George! It’s a tough battle

Miri’s most famous son and SUPP president Tan Sri Dr George Chan is leading his party’s most challenging electoral bid yet.

THEY say that Miri is George Chan and George Chan is Miri.

Tan Sri Dr George Chan does tend to dominate the Miri landscape particularly now that his face has been plastered all over Miri or rather Piasau where he is seeking re-election in the Sarawak polls.

Election posters of his smiling face greet visitors when they arrive at this scenic coastal city built on oil and timber money. Giant billboards hail him as a true son of Miri, someone who really cares about Miri.

“Born in Miri, Grew up in Miri, Serves in Miri,” proclaims one billboard.

Another shows him and two other Barisan Nasional candidates standing against a backdrop of the cityscape. One of them is in a hardtop hat with an oil rig in the background.

The message is that he and his team played a major role in transforming the former gritty little oil town into a modern city.

His campaign icon is a red heart, a symbol of his love for Miri, although some joked that the heart stands for his new wife who looks like a younger version of Datuk Michelle Yeoh.

His wife has become a campaign issue and he had to clear the air about their relationship and clarified that they had been married for about two years.

But the billboard that attracted the most attention is one that attempts to portray his team as young and energetic. In it, he is depicted twirling a basketball, Senadin candidate Lee Kim Shim is holding a football while Pujut candidate Andy Chia is swinging a racquet.

Dr Chan is 75, Lee is 61 and Chia is 59, hardly what one might describe as in their prime.

Dr Chan, who is the SUPP president and also Deputy Chief Minister, is making his sixth and most challenging bid for the seat.

His challenger is a tall and tanned 28-year-old lawyer from DAP. Ling Sie Kiong is an unknown and not anything special but he is riding a political groundswell that is the talk of journalists covering the Sarawak polls.

The DAP rallies in the city centre have drawn record crowds night after night. Miri has never seen anything like this before and there is a feeling that something big is about to happen.

On Saturday evening, the crowd was so massive that even the “been there, seen it, done it” Lim Kit Siang grew quite excited. He spoke for almost 40 minutes, swinging his arms in the air like a windmill, his Rolex watch glinting expensively under the spotlights.

Dr Chan is aware of the mood and has made a passionate appeal to Miri folk to give the SUPP a chance. His party has fielded the most number of new faces among the Barisan parties.

Moreover, thanks largely to him, Miri is one of the most pleasant places to live in Sarawak. Dr Chan was responsible for securing its city status and Miri is now second only to Kuching.

New oil wells discovered recently will ensure that Miri will continue to grow.

Penangites will feel at home in Miri. It has a long coastline, a laidback pace of life, the people are down-to-earth and the sea is as polluted as that around Penang. Incidentally, some of Dr Chan’s friends call it George Town.

Miri is where many of Sarawak’s shipping and timber tycoons call home and the exclusive Luak Bay is lined with residences that look like palaces – very grand though not always tasteful.

Even the Catholic Bishop’s house has a vintage Jaguar parked outside.

One shipping magnate has a fabulous mansion on a hill with bungalows on the slopes for his managers. The drawback is that he is known to summon them for 2am meetings.

Politicians are fond of claiming more credit than they deserve but Miri is truly Dr Chan’s legacy after 30 years as the local big man.

Yet, Dr Chan has rated his chances of retaining his seat as 50:50.

The soft-spoken politician is asking voters to give his 19 SUPP candidates in Miri, Kuching and Sibu a chance to prove their worth.

SUPP politicians are struggling to respond to the aggressive campaigning style of the parties from the peninsula. Dr Chan has lashed out at them as “outsiders who come here to talk, then go off and are not seen again until the next election.”

He is telling the voters that Barisan will be returned as the state government but that if SUPP loses, then there will be no Chinese representation in the government.

But the thrust of DAP’s campaign is that a vote for SUPP equals to a vote for Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud – and SUPP is unable to fight back on that without being disloyal to Taib.

Dr Chan has been put on the defensive on this count and last weekend, he had to deny having anything to do with an alleged multi-million ringgit project in Kuching awarded to Titanium Management, a company owned by Taib’s eldest son.

He has a long track record in Miri. He has helped Miri grow and the infrastructure is impressive for this northernmost tip of Sarawak.

Yet this election has seen him on the defensive rather than on the offensive and at times, he even came across as rather apologetic.

Dr Chan is appealing to urban voters to assess the individual SUPP candidates on their own merit, to give credit to what they have delivered and to give those with potential a chance to deliver what he calls “transformational change”.

The man who loves Miri is hoping the Chinese will now show his party some love on April 16.

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Post time 11-4-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 778# gto28

Namun demikian, penduduk tempatan secara jujur berkata, mereka sanggup mempercayai janji Barisan Nasional, sekurang-kurangnya janji tersebut adalah satu harapan untuk mereka.  Malah, ada yang berkata, "Itulah politik..."

apa la PR nih... 10 tong air BN tak boleh nak lawan. Sepatutnya PR kenan janji selesaikan amsalah air dia org dgn buat loji air khas utk rumah pjg tsb. Paling kurang pun BN janji 10 PR kena janji 100 tong air. Baru pengundi kata "saya mesti pilih"

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