Untuk Kaper2 boleh kott ??
Sebab Kaper2 Kistian jugak la yg gegeh cukor bulu ketiak,bulu kening, bulu pepek, bertattoo bagai.
Mengubah god’s perfect creation …
Kenapa tak ikut Bible ? Ummah yg confused sepanjang zaman. Bible kata God’s creation 'very good' (Genesis 1:31) Manusia terciptain the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every oneof them, just as he wanted them to be.
Patutnya kaper2 ummah suci kena biarkan segala bulu2, kena simpan sampai jadik semak samun hutan banat..mana buleh ubah ciptaan Tohan as per Bebel !!!
Ini cuma kata2 Paul yg ummah Kistea keliru ikut membabi buta “Pauline Christianity” padahal Anak Tuhan Jesus sendiri pong berkhatandan menghina org2 yg tak berkhatan macam anjing ..
Pader Xavier A/L Pillaiyarkuppam Guadahlupe Chud, Melaka