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Author: xyla73

[SBS/Netflix] - Hyena (Kim Hye Soo, Joo Ji Hoon)

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Post time 29-3-2020 12:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-3-2020 07:22 AM
Ya lembut menten cun. Tu yg i cepat boring n takleh nak masuk. Suzy n park shin hye pun i tak bole ...

kebanyakan ahjumma berlakon best..
maybe sbb dh byk pengalaman kan...

mcm suzy, park shin hye n park min young tu iols pun x iols lakonan diorg agak byk drama maybe sbb glamer kn...

gong hyo jin iols minat..wpun sstgh org komen stail lakonan dia mcm sama bg iols dia berlakon best..mcm bg jiwa kt watak tu..maybe jugak sbb iols minat kan..jd bias la..

jun ji hyun pun best n very muka cun kn..son ye jin pun sama la..ramai sgt kan pelakon dorg yg best2...drama pun mmg byk pilihan utk tgk kdrama ni..bleh pilih2 ikut taste memasing..hihi

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2020 01:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 29-3-2020 12:22 PM

shk skrg mcm menjurus untuk watak lembut n ayu mcm tu..maybe sbb lately byk bek watak gi ...

SHK cantik..sedap mata memandang..
Iols suka tgk dia nangis..mcm cantik je..nangis pun cantik..

Yup iols pun paling suka dia dlm full house..lagi satu dlm citer that winter the wind blows..dlm dots watak dia biasa2 je..

Kim Hye Soo mata dia cantik..even Ju Ji Hoon pun cakap benda yg sama..dlm interview The Swoon (ada dlm youtube) punya panjang berjela dia puji KHS..

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2020 01:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 29-3-2020 12:14 PM

ahjussi ni ada dlm misaeng jugak kan..

Haah dia ada dlm Misaeng..berlambak lagi drama lain dia pun byk..tapi mostly dia bawak watak2 ahli korporatlah..x pernah lagi iols tgk dia bwk watak org kampung ataupun org susah..

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2020 01:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-3-2020 07:22 AM
Ya lembut menten cun. Tu yg i cepat boring n takleh nak masuk. Suzy n park shin hye pun i tak bole ...

Ahjumma2 memang ramai yg best berlakon..lagi sorang Kim Nam Joo dlm Misty.. phenomenal betul dia punya acting..iols sampai ada girl crush kat dia..

Anyway rajin2lah memunculkan diri..we need more people to give good reviews..u punya review jujur, on point & x bias..i suka baca..

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Post time 29-3-2020 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 29-3-2020 01:03 PM
SHK cantik..sedap mata memandang..
Iols suka tgk dia nangis..mcm cantik je..nangis pun cantik..

aah la...lupa plak iols nangis2 tgk dia dlm drama that winter wind blows tu...
watak mcm tu sesuai sgt dgn dia kn..
lg satu shk dgn hero slalunya chemistry kuat...
tp btulla uols ckp...range watak dia agak terhad...watak ganas mcm x match..

amboi ji hoon..
panjang berjela ek..
iols nk kena tgk hyena behind the scene nmpknya..dorg berdua cute je gaduh2..

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Post time 29-3-2020 07:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 29-3-2020 01:30 PM
Ahjumma2 memang ramai yg best berlakon..lagi sorang Kim Nam Joo dlm Misty.. phenomenal betul dia p ...

yup btul tu...

iols pun suka baca review uols sume..
iols x pandai sgt nk bg review..
borak2 iols pandaila..haha
tu yg slalu ot manjang tu..huhu

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Post time 29-3-2020 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Something wrong dgn reply button ni isk . Anyway nak sentuh sikit pasal Misaeng. It is one of a kind drama eh. The way i get absorbed because the similarities with our own life, the struggle nampak realistik sgt kan. Its a slow burned drama, but i was so glued to it that i tak skip langsung any scene. Its that good pd i. Amazed with the korean scriptwriter and production team derang, how they pull cerita kehidupan rakyat marhaen yg kita blh relate.

Now cerita pasal Hyena pulak, asik off topic hahaha. Ok so the plot thicken in epi 11 n 12. Masa mistress chan ho mati, Seo Jung hwa eh lupa nama, i really thought that, JGJ what have u done!

Bcos JGJ yg pujuk dia utk stay kan, n continue having affair dgn JunHo. But bila Mr Song buat deal dgn JunHo n Kevin, nampak fishy pulak SH mati. Or maybe CH really killed SH and Mr song take this opportunity to destroy him since he is in the way of Mr Song grand plan. CH definitely not a reliable CEO with his drug n drunken habit. The actor play CH ni pun very convincing ye actingnya, i feel so sick watching him. Geli.

And by the time habis epi 12, nampak true color Mr Song. Masa dia dok kipas2 the politician etc tu pun dah nampak lain mcm je. Kesian plak kat HJ, abang dia pun x sampai hati nak ckp that he indeed look like mr song dog. Mr song surely seems more desperate to execute his plan (whatever that is) since Ms Kim balik. Still tak dpt clue on this part kan , Mr Song and Ms Kim . Apa rahsia di sebalik animosity between this two. And apa kena mengena dgn wife mr song yg koma tu. How does the inheritance law benefitted Mr Song, because its obvious dia nak bolot law firm tu. Or is he aiming higher? Blue house was mention before kan? Tak dpt relate lg.

But ending epi 12, shows JGJ mmg care about HJ kan. She warned him about his father going down. Scripwriter mmg buat HJ mcm lurus sikit kan, as describe by JGJ , too sheltered. He does show discomfort with Mr Song, we can see it from his expression, but its like he's holding back. Why? Out of respect or he still believe that they do no wrong? He knows there will be backlash when he proposed the changes inheritance tax law, he knows its an unfair deal, but he still follow the order. Frankly tak sure nak categorized kan HJ good lawyer or bad lawyer hahaha. JGJ and HJ both ada hyena personalities with different approach. Cant wait for next epi. I think their romance has to be put on hold, things mcm getting more serious lepas ni.

Oh sblm lupa, the confession scene, HJ cari rumah JGJ, tunggu , masuk, keji2 sikit apsal duduk kat situ dgn barang2 flea market, than they talk. HJ bearing his heart out....i cannot not love him for that. I bg sepuluh bintang for that scene. And it was soooo close to maybe another comfort but the call kill it. Demmm hahaha.

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Post time 1-4-2020 08:30 AM | Show all posts
wah ada yang tengok jugak eh
summer baru habis ep4
part yang muka YHJ ternganga tengok JGJ masuk S&K tu
memang win

tu pun habiskan kingdom dulu
baru nak sambung balik
nanti dah habis baru khatam balik sini

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2020 10:40 AM | Show all posts
cmf_summer_snow replied at 1-4-2020 08:30 AM
wah ada yang tengok jugak eh
summer baru habis ep4
part yang muka YHJ ternganga tengok JGJ masuk S ...

okey..nanti dah habis tgk kingdom jangan lupa masuk sini balik..

iols suka citer ni sebab heroin dia bukan bese2..
mula2 memanglah x suka dgn pendekatan dia tu..
tapi bila dah tau latar belakang dia barulah faham kenapa dia jadi camtu..
JJH pun best..kena je semua ekspresi muka dia tu..

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Post time 1-4-2020 02:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-3-2020 10:33 PM
Something wrong dgn reply button ni isk . Anyway nak sentuh sikit pasal Misaeng. It is one of a kind ...


so detail explanation n komen uols..
pasal romance dorg,
iols rs yhj mcm dh nk mengalah...nk serah diri pd jgj tp sbb jgj pun asik reject dia...dia ala2 ego sket pun ada...bile scene tunggu kt umah tu..mmg rs berbunga time tu plak chan ho buat pasal..

iols pun geli tgk chan ho...
dhla asik lalok...
suara garau jiwang2 plak tu..
tp dia ada rupa lelaki melayu yg gatal..huhu
tp klau org nk aniaya dia n bkn dia bunuh rs mcm kesian padan la muka kan..sape suruh x serius n main dadah bagai...

actually..iols konpius team mana yg jahat..
team or

buat masa ni iols di pihak
sbb meluat tgk duk kipas2 tu..

tp nmpk mcm keji n licik plak cara duk gunakan yhj n ayah dia tu..n now kevin pun sama...
terlibat dgn

maybe jugak yg villain kan..
n dia jugak penyebab wife dia terbaring koma camtu...lebih pd tamak nk bolot firm tu sorg2 la kot...


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 Author| Post time 1-4-2020 10:20 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 1-4-2020 02:11 PM

so detail explanation n komen uols..

citer ni ada mcm2 rasa..
kejap rasa suspens, kejap rasa curious, kejap rasa berbunga2 hati tgk YHJ yg love struck kat JGJ..
ada org kata YHJ sejak mabuk cinta ni dah kurang fokus..
tapi memang mcm tu pun..
org kalau mabuk cinta memang buat benda yg di luar kewarasan dia..

iols x kesian pun kat chan ho tu..
sebab perangai dia teruk & dia memang xde kaliber nak jadi pewaris syarikat..
the right person is Hye Won tapi ayah dia x suka pulak..

ahjussi yg jadi Mr. Song ni master bwk shady characters..
tu sebab iols x boleh percaya kat dia..
dia nak pinda inheritance tax law tu pun mesti ada kena-mengena dgn position dia dlm song & kim tu..


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Post time 2-4-2020 12:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 1-4-2020 10:20 PM
citer ni ada mcm2 rasa..
kejap rasa suspens, kejap rasa curious, kejap rasa berbunga2 hati tgk YH ...

aah..iols br abis tgk epi 12...

jahat rupanya ajussi song tu...
kevin pun sama...huhu

sian tgk yhj meluah perasaan...

chan ho maybe kambing itam dorg la kot
sbb x berguna sesen pun kn...

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2020 11:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Such a roller coaster epi..
Ni turn YHJ pulak feeling down of what happened to his father..

So confirm dah Mr. Song ni jahat..dia nak bolot sorang2 song & kim tu..
Mr. Ma report pasal YHJ & JGJ kat Korean Bar Association..

lawak pulak jawapan JGJ masa kena soal siasat tu..salah ke kalau diorg in relationship pun? X pernah tgk cerita romance atau baca novel cinta ke?

Scene last tu berbunga2 pulak hati dengar jawapan diorg..YHJ tu taulah dia mesti akan jwb camtu..tapi JGJ unexpectedly mengaku that they were in love..

I nak komen pasal fashion sense JGJ kat epi ni..yg leather jacket hitam cool & sexy..lain pulak drpd biasa..

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Post time 4-4-2020 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 4-4-2020 04:57 PM
xyla73 replied at 3-4-2020 11:56 PM
Such a roller coaster epi..
Ni turn YHJ pulak feeling down of what happened to his father..

Kannn. Konfem jahat mr song. Tp dia dah start buat mistake kan. Nampak dah desperate sbb kemahin cepat dia pancung HJ n JGJ from CH case. Kalau dia relax, org pun jd tak sure dia involved ke tak. Plg kuat pun dia nampak as opportunist je.

I kesian HJ, dia tak blh buat apa2 nak protect ayah dia lps JGJ inform. Dok harap mr song, tgk2 mr song betrayed him n his father. I rasa phone call tu Mr song ugut kot, thats why SupJ Yoon tu try suicide...suicide le kan sbb sengaja lintas kat bz road camtu.
But at least now HJ dah nampak true color mr song. Still dia lambat 1 step sbb mr song dgn lajunya terus report (through mr ma) ke bar council bila dia rasa HJ akan kacau dia punya plan n HJ dia tak blh kawal.

Then i tak puas hati Ms Kim nampak tak strong dlm episod ni haha..mcm lambat sgt baca taktik mr song. I hope she come back better lps ni.

U rasa Mr Ga, akan loyal to HJ tak? Scene yg dia jumpa girlfren dia tu nak bgtau pasal dia handle case CH, girlfren kata must stay tergantung.

Bar council itw tu kelakar n sweet sbb confession di situ hehe..sukaaaa. Bila JGJ tanya balik panel, apa maksud derang dgn relationship..kekeke tergamam panel nak jawab haha. Jawapan semua konfiden tak buat salah haha. Akhirnya JGJ mengaku sweet hehe. Jgn lepas ni dia tarik balik sudah.

Walopon x byk skin ship, the chemistry both of them is so strong kan. A few scene yg JGJ tunjuk dia care tu sgt obvious. Mcm yg dia redah meeting Mr song dgn Politician tu. Bila mr song tanya dia nak apa, dia ckp takde apa2, just nak confirmkan suspicion je. Padahal JGJ kan salu barter info dgn duit ke or benda2 lain kan. Scene yg dlm kereta, tapaukan food. Walopon cara ckp dia just mcm2 tu je, nampak dia care. Cengkung tak sexy la haha. Taknak makan sudah, biar i yg makan haha. Kategori gurau2 manja doraemon ke apa ni kekeke.

Anyhow JGJ /HJ dah dpt connect the dot sikit2 kan between CH case, Judge Yoon , inheritance law, issume and kevin. Center nya semua Mr song. Malam ni punya epi maybe akan lebih clear motif mr song. I still dont get issume tu , dia nak owner yg dia blh control, so dia nak letak si Jun ho tp dia nak kevin beli issume. If kevin beli, then how dia nak control kevin?

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2020 06:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 4-4-2020 04:50 PM
Kannn. Konfem jahat mr song. Tp dia dah start buat mistake kan. Nampak dah desperate sbb kemahin ...

Yg kesiannya tu nmpk depan mata sendiri time ayah dia nak commit suicide impact dia lagi kuat..

Ternyata krisis lagi mendekatkan hubungan HJ & GJ..actually they care for each other walaupun time lain depa asyik gaduh2 je..

Haha..gurau2 stail doraemon GJ lain hokey..dia punya stail ganas..actually iols wonder jugak kenapa dlm ramai2 pompuan, HJ suka gak kat GJ..dia hensem, dia blh dpt mana2 pompuan yg dia nak..cthnya Ms. Bo tu..awal2 episod dulu nmpk Ms. Bo suka kat HJ..tapi lately rasanya dia blh agak the connection between HJ & GJ..

Yup their chemistry is on fire..even scenes yg xde skinship pun blh rasa chemistry tu..menusuk ke jiwa..sampai ke ulu hati gitu..skrg ni very rare we can see that level of chemistry..

Part issume tu i guess kita still need to wait & see the connection..cite ni tinggal 3 episod je lagi..sempat ke nak wrap up semua ni? Tgk preview, mlm ni HJ pindah ke ofis GJ..diorg kena sacked kot..

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2020 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 5-4-2020 10:41 AM

byk yg iols nak tulis pasal epi 14 tapi sebelum tu nak try tepek gif antara highlight utk epi 14..
JGJ bagi semangat utk YHJ masa diorg keluar dari ofis Song & Kim..
it's tough for YHJ to be kicked out dari tempat yg dia dah anggap dia punya home ground..
lagi2 pulak dia dibesarkan dlm environment yg comfortable..
while for JGJ it's small matter sebab dia dah biasa hadap benda2 gini..

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Post time 5-4-2020 10:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 5-4-2020 10:31 AM
byk yg iols nak tulis pasal epi 14 tapi sebelum tu nak try tepek gif dulu..

I was like...argghhhhh..small gesture but huge meaning. HJ must be in pain to leave SnK in such manner kan. It must take everything he had in him to remain calm n proud. Thank god JGJ yg dah biasa kena tindas, her phone call to HJ, is exactly the  boost that HJ need at that moment. Such a supportive ex girlfren hik hik hik. This is the only skinship we get last night hahaha. Just from their expression,  camera panning n zooming, we can fell it. Bagus betul derang berlakon...n director semua la.

The other scene kat ofis lama JGJ tu, end up nothing happen haha. Saje tau scriptwriter fooling us the viewer. Setup kemahin cantik dah.

Another unforgetable scene, bila derang keluar dr court lepas confirm derang akan representing CH case ,  the whole pack of hyena walk out together, in style...umpphhh sangat. That scene was cliche but i cannot help to marvel at the view haha. They have each other, strong bonding tu.

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2020 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 5-4-2020 11:17 AM

this ending scene is really cool..
if only Ms. Boo pun join diorg..
tapi kenapa dia x join yek..

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2020 11:37 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 5-4-2020 10:50 AM
I was like...argghhhhh..small gesture but huge meaning. HJ must be in pain to leave SnK in such ma ...

haha..ex girlfriend ke..
JGJ is not an affectionate type with the small gestures that she make it actually speaks volumes..
dia membesar dlm loveless we can't expect much from her..
despite of that, she managed to stand tall..
tapi ada kebaikannya..she complement YHJ very well..

actually at the beginning i agak skeptikal whether they can be a good match because of their contrasting upbringing..
at the first glance diorg x sekufu..
but as the stories unfold, we can see that it's good that they have different background..
so that they can rely to each other during their hard times..

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2020 12:14 PM | Show all posts
ni komen keseluruhan iols utk epi 14..

1st of all, Mr. Ga Gi Hyeok..why oh why? i thought he's loyal but sadly he chose position over loyalty..
even then YHJ still treat dia mcm kawan till the end..
but then GGH doesn't have the same capabilities as YHJ or JGJ..
senang2 je Chan Ho hilang kepercayaan kat dia..

regarding Chan Ho, yes he's bad and incompetent tapi dia x sepatutnya disabitkan kesalahan atas apa yg jadi kat Seo Jeong Hwa..the real killer is still out there..dia cuma dijadikan kambing hitam supaya senang Mr. Song nak ambik kesempatan kat Issume..looks like Mr. Song is trying to take over Issume using AP EON..

puas hati pulak tgk Ms. Kim gaduh dgn Mr. Song depan2 Kevin..habis semua pekung Kevin sees Mr. Song punya true color..

lastly regarding the development of the main leads..i'd like to say their relationship is unconventional..diorg x mcm couple dlm kebanyakan drama2 lain whereby heroine is portrayed  as damsel in distress..there is a contrast in this drama..kalau dlm drama lain selalunya hero yg selamatkan heroin but not in this we can see dlm 2 epi terakhir ni JGJ is the one who gives the moral support to YHJ..kalau dlm masa2 senang, diorg asyik gaduh je even though gaduh2 manja tapi di masa susah, diorg backup each other..this is the beauty of their relationship even though they are not technically in a relationship..

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