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Author: R2D2

[Tempatan] Normal baharu. SOP KPM setebal 34 mukasurat. Antaranya check suhu pelajar di pin

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Post time 4-6-2020 07:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 4-6-2020 02:42 PM
Kita diamkn je sbb nk jaga hati budak. Dah ler parents tak peduli.. dpt mc pun..budak rela tido kt ...

Moga Tuhan sentiasa merahmati chuols. Meols sangat hormati cecikgus macam chuols.

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Post time 4-6-2020 07:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Harap Sop di sekolah ni dapat mendisiplin pelajar dan semua yg terlibat.

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2020 08:17 PM | Show all posts

Semua aktiviti sekolah dibenarkan, kecuali sukan, kokurikulum bersemuka dan perhimpunan

KUALA LUMPUR: Semua aktiviti sekolah dibenarkan apabila sesi persekolahan dibuka semula nanti, kecuali sukan, kokurikulum bersemuka dan perhimpunan serta program yang membabitkan himpunan ramai guru dan murid.

Makluman SOP Pembukaan Semula Ekonomi bagi sektor pendidikan yang dikongsi Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) hari ini, turut menetapkan individu dengan bacaan suhu badan lebih 37.5 Celsius serta menunjukkan simptom seperti sakit tekak, batuk dan susah bernafas tidak dibenarkan masuk ke sekolah.

Ia juga memaklumkan, rekod suhu badan guru, murid dan warga sekolah serta pekerja kontrak akan diambil di pintu pagar atau tapak perhimpunan sekolah setiap hari.

Garis panduan itu bagi memastikan semua murid, guru dan warga sekolah melalui saringan kesihatan yang dilaksanakan setiap hari di lokasi yang ditetapkan sebelum sesi persekolahan bermula.

Selain itu, mereka yang mahu mengunjungi sekolah juga perlu memuat turun dan mendaftar aplikasi MySejahtera ke dalam telefon bimbit masing-masing untuk rekod pengesanan kontak rapat.

Pengurusan sekolah turut diwajibkan membuat hebahan mengenai langkah kebersihan dan keselamatan pada waktu pagi, rehat dan sebelum sesi persekolahan tamat, termasuk ketika sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

"Setiap individu yang berada di sekolah perlu mematuhi penjarakan sosial satu meter, memastikan murid, guru dan warga sekolah kerap mencuci tangan menggunakan air dan sabun.

"Cecair pembasmi kuman pada tangan boleh digunakan sekiranya tiada kemudahan air dan sabun," demikian menurut makluman itu lagi.

Sesi persekolahan yang akan dibenarkan beroperasi kelak hanya membabitkan kelas peperiksaan seperti Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) serta Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM).

Mulai 19 Mac lalu, semua jenis sekolah di Malaysia diarah tutup susulan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) akibat penularan COVID-19.

Ia membabitkan semua prasekolah, sekolah kerajaan dan swasta termasuk sekolah harian, sekolah berasrama penuh, sekolah antarabangsa, sekolah ekspatriat, pusat tahfiz, kolej dan pusat GENIUS dan lain-lain institusi pendidikan rendah, menengah dan prauniversiti serta Institut Pendidikan Guru.

Serentak itu, murid sekolah tidak boleh menghadiri aktiviti seperti tuisyen, latihan sukan dan kegiatan kokurikulum.

Bagaimanapun, kakitangan yang mengendalikan hal ehwal kewangan, keselamatan dan kebersihan dibenarkan hadir bertugas kerana termasuk dalam senarai perkhidmatan penting, namun jumlah pekerja mesti diminimumkan.

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Post time 4-6-2020 09:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SPACE COP GABAN replied at 4-6-2020 06:13 PM
Cikgu2 negeri mana lah tu...yg i dgr ramai cikgu kalau boleh nak blk sekolah mengajar sbb selama n ...

Bukan lah semua... Segelintir lah... Cuma dah berehat 3 bulan... Mmglah ada bagi murid kerja tapi ttp xsama kalau gi sekolah... Dah kpm suh balik... Xyah nak bnyk bg alasan... Balik ajer lah...

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Post time 4-6-2020 10:03 PM | Show all posts
TuntungReturn replied at 4-6-2020 12:19 PM
karang dgr la cikgu komplen. .. keja depa la paling susah dlm dunia ni,kerja org lain senang:lo ...

dalam kes ni, aku relakan saja kalau cikgu banyak komplen...bukan mudah nak jaga budak waktu2 macam ni..

sedangkan parants jaga 3-4 orang anak kat rumah sepanjang pkp pun banyak komplen dengan perangai jahanam anak masing-masing..

apa lagi cikgu-cikgi yang kena melayan 30-40 orang anak murid..


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Post time 4-6-2020 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jaga org tua kt tmpt keja pon dh tension.. degil bkn main. Masa kita pnggil masuk kj bkn main tnya kita, kita ada sop tak.. ala2 klu xde sop xnk kj la..

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Post time 4-6-2020 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Nenasketum replied at 4-6-2020 02:00 PM
Cikgu pandai jer lah nak bunyik. Padahal berapa kerat jer yang buat keje lepas cuti skolah dan dalam ...

kalau geram pada cikgu yang pemalas,
geram sekali pada anak murid yang berganda-ganda lagi pemalas...lepas tu disokong oleh parents berperangai gangster yang marah2 cikgu bagi kerja sekolah pada anak waktu2 pkp ni..

baca aja tweet budak2 kat twitter tu..sekor2 tak malu tunjuk perangai pemalas sambil berbangga tipu cikgu kononnya tak boleh belajar sebab tak ada internet..sakit hati baca tweet budak zaman sekarang..

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Post time 4-6-2020 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 4-6-2020 01:16 PM
Hari2 biasa sebelum ni ada je budak demam dtg jugek ke sekolah. Pagi2 dh masuk pjbt mtk guru bertuga ...

Ada cgu kena antar budak g klinik?
Biasa skrg ni call mak ayah. Suruh dtg amik. Kalau tak boleh dtg, rehat kat bilik.sakit. tunggu cgu habis.kelas baru dpt hantar. Ikut samada cemas ke tak

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Post time 4-6-2020 10:44 PM | Show all posts
virgo19 replied at 3-6-2020 10:49 PM
Kesian budak2.. dah tak boleh nak bergurau peluk2 kawan. Duduk pun jauh2.. silap2 kawan baik duduk k ...

sini kat my daughter playschool kat quebec ni,
memang tiada social distance pun..
ialah budak 4 tahun....

so memang bergantung sangat dengan ibubapa
untuk tidak terjangkit covid kemudian jangkit kat anak,
dan anak sebar pula kat kekawan..

cikgu pakai mask dan ppe.

parents tak boleh masuk bangunan sekolah dah,
cikgu ambil anak kat depan pintu atau
kat playground.

1 parent 1 masa aje.

nak balik jemput anak, kami guna appli. hophop,
so set gps, so otomatik sekolah boleh detect parents
sampai dalam sekian masa, so dorang siap siapkan
terus anak dan tunggu parents kat tempat menunggu.

sebulan dah, so far so good, bilangan covid
kat sini pun semakin berkurang, lebih bilangan yang dah recover
dan semua cam dah terima kenyataan pasal new norm...


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Post time 4-6-2020 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nampak gaya sekolah rendah cuti lagi

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Post time 4-6-2020 10:59 PM | Show all posts

saya mahu mencadangkan

kalau murid2 sekolah rendah tak eprlu ke sekolah lagi
para guru MESTI mengadakan pengajaran online ... WAJIB
ikut jadual seperti biasa

akan ada keciciran sebab bukan semua budak2 ada HP atau komputer
Tapi nak buat macam mana

Takkan nak bagi cikgu2 ni tak kereja sampai tahun depan dengan gaji penuh jalan

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2020 12:25 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-6-2020 01:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 5-6-2020 12:25 AM

Tq for sharing...
Seharian tunggu wakil pibg share tapi takdak
Maknanya murid sbp nak balik kena naik bas la kan?

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2020 08:46 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2020 08:47 AM | Show all posts

Schools with many students to face teething problems
    Friday, 05 Jun 2020

PETALING JAYA: Schools with high enrolment are going to find it challenging to adjust to the “new norm”, say teachers.

Teachers are concerned about implementing some of the Education Ministry’s school reopening management guidelines which were developed together with the Health Ministry and the National Security Council.

Although the official detailed guidelines – reported to be 34 pages long – have yet to be released, many are anxious about effective compliance.

Kolej Tingkatan Enam Sri Istana teacher Chandrika Menon said the Klang college’s enrolment was high, with some classes having more than 30 students.

“It will have an impact as we have to ensure there are enough classes to place these students in because we have to split the classes as per the ministry’s guidelines of having tables one metre apart.

“We will also have to worry about the new batch of lower Form Six students because we currently face a shortage of infrastructure, such as insufficient classes and isolation rooms, ” she said.

“The new norm will take a while for teachers to get used to, ” she said, adding that teething problems were bound to occur in order to ensure the well-being of students and staff.

“We do not have enough workers or guards to help out, ” she said.

“We will adhere to the guidelines but as our students are young adults, we hope they too will take responsibility for their own health and follow the ministry’s guidelines.” Relieved that the main points in the guidelines were out, she said the college started making preparations early to facilitate lessons once schools reopen.

Meanwhile, teachers must be at their place of duty and ready to work after the mid-year holidays scheduled to end on June 7 and 8, Education Ministry deputy director-general (school operation sector) Adzman Talib said yesterday.

“Instruction letters for teachers to return to work may be issued by their respective head of departments, ” he said in a circular to department heads and state education directors.

Among the practices students must adopt when schools reopen, based on the ministry’s guidelines, including temperature screening before entering schools and eating in the classroom during recess, Bernama reported (see info-graphics).Education Minister Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin said the guidelines stipulated that teachers would carry out body temperature checks when students entered the school compound and if they showed any symptom, further action would be taken.

Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said the guidelines should be tightened wherever and whenever possible.

“Students must be continually reminded of the need to conform, ” she said, pointing out that some schools do not have the luxury of space to accommodate teachers and students within the stipulated distance.

She said some parents might be forced to send their children to school even when they think the guidelines were not good enough.

“For example, parents who think that online learning and teaching attempts are ineffective would still send their kids to school.

“Learning for some subjects have been non-existent since mid-March. Some teachers did not attempt to reach out to their students, ” she said.

“The government must seriously think about investing heavily in digital learning not just for now but for the future.”

A Form Six teacher, who only wants to be known as Koo, said due to the large student population in his school, it would take time for them to record the students’ temperature and arrange them to enter the canteen in stages.

“The teachers’ burden will increase but we will do our best to provide our students a safe environment to be in, ” he said.

“As a teacher, I am taking a risk but my school is prepared and I want to see my students progress so I’m willing to sacrifice.”

A Form Five teacher from a school in Melaka said it would be tough to manage and adjust to the new guidelines.

Her school has 30 to 40 students per class.

She foresees the teachers’ workload increasing with the additional measures they are tasked with implementing.

“I’m also worried about possibly contracting Covid-19 when I come into contact with my students but if schools, teachers and students are able to follow the guidelines as requested, I believe the situation will be under control, ” she said.

A mother of four, who wanted to be known as Premah, said the guidelines sound “quite comprehensive” but whether they could be successfully executed would depend on the students themselves.

“Change doesn’t come easy... The new norm will be difficult to practise if students are not cooperative. Even if the guidelines are perfect, it is pointless if students do not comply, ” she said.

Noting that parents play an important role in making their children understand the need to comply with the standard operating procedure, the housewife said parents should not push their responsibility to teachers.

National Union of the Teaching Profession secretary-general Harry Tan said adjustments could be made as only Forms Five and Six students would return to school at the moment.

“Schools can readjust teachers’ workload so as to cater to the needs of the guidelines, ” he said.

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Post time 5-6-2020 09:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Patut smua pakai baju ppe aja..tkde kos nk beli?beli je plastik Smpah rm1.50 30 bungkus.  Potong2 leh buat 3 set baju ppe

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Post time 5-6-2020 09:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TuntungReturn replied at 4-6-2020 12:19 PM
karang dgr la cikgu komplen. .. keja depa la paling susah dlm dunia ni,kerja org lain senang:lo ...

terpaksa setuju , sbb penjawat awam lain bila kuar arahan , saya yg menurut perintah

tapi cikgu2 .. amboii laju je merungut

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Post time 5-6-2020 09:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 4-6-2020 01:16 PM
Hari2 biasa sebelum ni ada je budak demam dtg jugek ke sekolah. Pagi2 dh masuk pjbt mtk guru bertuga ...

nak tak nak parents tpaksa mintak cuti tiap kali anak demam.   tapi adakah parents akan patuhi?  mcm mustahil jer.  klu ada 4 anak berapa kali nak apply cuti.  x campur dgn cuti emergency sbb2 lain

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Post time 5-6-2020 10:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
harizs replied at 5-6-2020 09:59 AM
nak tak nak parents tpaksa mintak cuti tiap kali anak demam.   tapi adakah parents akan patuhi?  m ...

Mmg ada sesetengah parents anggap cgu ni babysitter hahahaha..harapkn cgu bwk anak sakit ke hospital.
Bygkn kes ni.
Rabu mlm warden bwk anak ke hospital. Khamis dpt mc.. pggl parents amik bwk balik.
Jumaat budak dtg skolah.. pengsan dlm klas jd kita tanya ler.. bukan ko mc ke smlm? Rehat ler kt rumah sampai ahad..
Rupa2nya pg jumaat bpk dah antar balik asrama.. dah ada tiket nk ke mana ntah.
Dlm fikiranku.. budak ni anak tiri ke... tp tgk ic.. betul.nama bpk.

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Post time 5-6-2020 10:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
caca_eric replied at 4-6-2020 10:13 PM
Ada cgu kena antar budak g klinik?
Biasa skrg ni call mak ayah. Suruh dtg amik. Kalau tak b ...

Ada je.. sbb skolah dgn hospital dlm 15km. Kalo skolah yg jauh dari hospital.. ada van.
Guru bertugas 2 org. Ada je yg hati kering.. biar je budak tggu dpn pjbt.  Kang tetiba kita sbg rakan setugas dpt pm dari PK1.. tlg antar budak ke hospital. kalo mdm pengetua terus antar kt tele group.. yg malu kita jugek..
Aku antar sbb kesian tgk budak nk nangis.. bila kita tanya mak bpk ko mana.. knapa tk cuci luka kaki berhari2.. mc ko buat apa.. dah tk dtg skolah.. pergi la hospital..
Pkp ni.. demam je mesti ada tindakan tegas sbb kita nk jaga kesihatan org yg tk demam pulak.

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