hish geram plak aku nengok gt wheel tuh...cam stering momo pong ader..kang ade yang beli ni kangggggggggggggg.... |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
Originally posted by snipersnake at 24-12-2004 08:42 AM:
hish geram plak aku nengok gt wheel tuh...cam stering momo pong ader..kang ade yang beli ni kangggggggggggggg....
beli jangan tak beli :lol :lol :lol kalau mau test kena datang umah aku :lol :lol
ff: xploder ari tu ok tak? |
ok..thanks..tetapi kengkadang hang ler..ala biase la..eekekekekekekk..puas aku layan nurbugrig..phieww!! |
kabler This user has been deleted
Thanks Alucard. Honestly, not much talent needed to do the hole cutting,dvd case cutting, case painting, and LED modding. Listed below is what you (those of you who are interested) really need get the case modded (in order of importancy):
1 Learn, ask people, be stupid if you don't know. That's what I always do...
2 A buttloads of patience.
3 Free time
4 Skill
5 Modding tools and materials( Dremel rotary tool, cans of spray paint, plexiglass for the dvd window, sandpaper, solder iron, and the list goes on..)
yosh!! |
aiyaoh..patience..thats what i DONT have!!! |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
mod rhoyo, we still waiting for your game rig lah.....
gamers, minta pandangan n nasihat .... what's the best value for money speaker for ps2? |
Originally posted by evoHahn at 28-12-2004 05:10 PM:
mod rhoyo, we still waiting for your game rig lah.....
gamers, minta pandangan n nasihat .... what's the best value for money speaker for ps2?
aku cadangkan ko beli yg ada boom box....dlm rm299 la..tapi sound dia..SOLID SNAKE!!!! |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
Originally posted by snipersnake at 29-12-2004 12:26 PM:
aku cadangkan ko beli yg ada boom box....dlm rm299 la..tapi sound dia..SOLID SNAKE!!!!
:hmm: boombox.... ada pics ngan spec tak? rm299 bit steep lah :stp: |
nanti aku carik.300 ratus tuh mmg dapat yg power la evo.aku pernah layan gt3, tgk replay, perggghhhh..masyukk...macam tgk tv!!! |
Alucard This user has been deleted
Yo Evo!
For ps2 I would recommend that you get either the logitech z640(rm300-rm400) or logitech z5300(rm650++).Both are 5.1 setup and have good reviews,infact all logitech speakers always got good reviews.Both speakers don't have internal decoders,it's not that important since most ps2 games only support dolby pro logic sound(kinda simulated surround sound).The differences by using optical vs the stereo input on these speakers are minimal and barely noticable for games.But as for dvd movies,the sound might be not as accurate as the true dolby digital from the optical connection.It is highly recommended that you get the z5300 because it got the THX certification(boomy sound) and look very stylish.Better still,get the z680 or z5500 for a full fledge,digital surround sound.These speakers can also be used on pc.Go here for the speakers pics.As for reviews,just google the name of these speakers.You can also try other top branded high quality speakers from Klipsch,Altec Lansing,Cambridge soundworks but these speakers ussually cost a fortune.Logitech always make good speakers for a reasonable and competitive prices.Edifier also make good speakers and have good prices too.You may want to check that out too.These are just my suggestions,whatever sounds good to you will be good enough right?Rock on!
Later... |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
rm 300~ 600 wahhh : : kinda steep for me :nyorok: thanks for the suggestion alurcard :tq: |
nilah gaming rig aku..actually baru aje beli ps2 pasal tak tahan nak main GT4..pc aku mostly pakai utk internet, download, tgk anime, tgk h-anime :devil:..........main H-games (main game gak huhuhu)...

[ Last edited by igor_lexus on 30-12-2004 at 01:38 PM ] |
ko connect ps2 kat sktin tuh ker??walauwei kayo la ko nih!! |
mane kaya biase aje.. :ah: anyway aku tgh usha Hori Upscan converter nak pasang kat monitor comp. ...mak aku tak bagi letak tv dlm bilik..tensen betul.. :hmm: TV ade tapi takleh dlm bilik... |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
nice rig, igor :clap: looks like someone is eye-ing a DFP :cak: :devil: |
Originally posted by evoHahn at 2004-12-30 03:13 PM:
nice rig, igor :clap: looks like someone is eye-ing a DFP :cak: :devil:
hahaha tajam betul mata evo-hahn ... tgklah ade budget boleh beli kot..takde budget senyap dulu la.. :gila: tapi 900 degrees rotation tu mmg best la.. :geram:
[ Last edited by igor_lexus on 31-12-2004 at 12:40 PM ] |
keeekekekekekeeee...ko stereng2 nih jangn2 main2 nagn evo..dia hustler tuh  |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
me?? hustler ??? :nyorok: :nyorok: :jeling: :jeling: :lol :lol :lol |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
Ceeh.... nak ke si solid snake naik wira :cak: :lol :lol :lol :lol |
| |