Pakaian/Aksesori/Senjata/Pengangkutan/Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Jepun Zaman Silam
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Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 26-11-2010 17:37
Sino-Japanese War Art Gallery (Woodblock)
Great Sino-Japanese Battle at Fenghuangcheng'' by Toyohara Kuniteru 111, October 1894
Attacking Pyongyang, Our Troops Conquer the Enemy Fortress by Mizuno Toshikata, September 1894
Fall of Pyongyang by Kobayashi Toshimitsu, September 1894
Illustration of Chinese Generals from pyongyang Captured Alive by Migita Toshihide, October 1894
The Fierce Battle on the Floating Bridge at Jiuliancheng by Kobayashi Toshimitsu, October 1894
The Japanese Second Army Battles at Jinzhou by Shuko, November 1894
In the midst of battle a crowd has gathered to watch two cavalrymen in one-on-one combat. The Battle of Mukden by Shunsai Toshimasa 1894
Great Victory at Port Arthur by Adachi Ginko, November 1894
Sergeant Kawasaki Crossing the Taidong River, artist unknown, October 1894
Captain Higuchi, A Fierce Warrior, Ready to Lay Down His Life for Mercy Sake at Fort Motianling by Okura Koto, January 1895
Major Sakakibara Fights Fiercely to the South of Ximucheng by Adachi Ginko January 1895
Great Rear Attack by Our Second Army at Weihaiwei, artist unknown, February 1895
Illustration of Major General Odera Desperate Fight - Commander of the 11th Brigade by Utagawa Kokunimasa, February 1895
Picture of a Fierce Battle at Gaiping by Nakagawa, February 1895
Sergeant Miyake Courage at the Yalu River by Watanabe Nobukazu, 1895
A powerful Chinese with a halberd fighting Captain Awata by Mizuno Toshikata 1895
Sino-Japanese Pitched Battles Two Generals
Illustration of the Death-Defying Squad of Captain Osawa and Seven Others from the Crew
Picture of a Discussion by Naval Officers about the Battle Strategy against China
Japanese Warships Fire on the Enemy near Haiyang Island
llustration of the Decapitation of Violent Chinese Soldiers
Picture of the Fearless Major General Tatsumi by Mizuno Toshikata, about 1895
After the Fall of Weihaiwei, the Commander of the Chinese Beiyang Fleet, Admiral Ding Juchang, Surrenders by Mizuno Toshikata, November 1895
http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/2 ... ia/toa_core_04.html
Imperial Japanese Navy
Kyoto Tomb May Be That Of Ancient Army General
An ancient tomb in Kyoto built for an unidentified dignitary may be that of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, an army general who subjugated tribes in northern Japan in the late eighth and early ninth century, according to a Kyoto University scholar.
Tamuramaro (758-811) subjugated Ezo tribes in northern Japan in the early Heian period (794-1192). He is said to have founded Kiyomizudera temple in Kyoto.
Associate Prof. Shinji Yoshikawa examined a document kept at Kiyomizudera and confirmed that the place written in the document as Tamuramaro's tomb matches the location of the mystery grave, known as Nishinoyama Kobo, on a map drawn at the time.
The tomb is believed to have been built between the late eighth century and early ninth century. Luxurious accessories, such as large swords decorated with gold, have been discovered at the grave. They were made public for the first time Wednesday at Kyoto University Museum as part of an exhibition of its collections.
Sources : http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/20070607TDY03003.htm
Evolusi Kimono
Tak ada cerita jepun attack malaya ke? macamana kehidupan zaman pemerintahan tentera jepun yang sampai memancung mancung kepala orang tu..... |
Originally posted by dory_ann at 2-10-2005 12:49 AM
yang aku tau...masa dulu2 ada la citer documentary kat tv...national geographic kot...
jepun ni asal nyer hamba dari negara china...satu hari dorang bergroup ramai2 lari dari cengkaman china.. ...
Erk.. aku tak setuju sangat statement you nih. Jepun ni memang originally duduk dekat area kepulauan jepun tapi because it's a small country, it's not as significant as china during the ancient years sebab china memang besar and penguasaannya meluas.
Pendapat mengatakan bangsa jepun memiliki ciri yang sama dengan orang tibet based on their DNA. In fact, kumpulan orang Cina, Korea, Jepun & Taiwan share the same root, most probably nenek moyang diaorang datang dari tibet, migrated to the surounding areas (central asia & east) and started their own civilisation. |
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 17-10-2009 09:38
edit........................... |
Generasi Pertama Pedang Jepun Di Import Dari China Pada Zaman Dinasti Tang
CHOKUTO/KEN/JO-KOTO (Straight, Double Or Single Edged Sword)
# Sebelum 900: Lurus dengan dua mata, seperti pedang Cina pada era yang sama, ini boleh dikatakan sebagai 'Stail Cina' Chinese Style.
# 700-1500: 'Koto': jenis ini dianggap kemuncak seni pedang Jepun. Model awal mempunyai lengkungan tidak sekata dengan dengan lengkungan paling besar pada bahagian pangkal.
#Sebelum 1500: Kebanyakan pedang digantung dengan ikatan pada pinggang, mata kebawah. Stail ini dipanggil 'jindachi-zukuri', dan semua daito dipakai menurut cara ini dikenali sebagai 'tachi'.
#Wakizashi dalah pedang Jepun tradisi dengan mata bilah antara 30 dan 60 sentimeter (antara 12 hingga 24 inci), serupa tetapi lebih pendek berbanding dengan katana yang sering dikenakan bersama-sama. Apabila dikenakan bersama, pasangan pedang ini dikenali sebagai daisho, yang apabila diterjemahkan secara harafiah sebagai "besar dan kecil"; "dai" atau besar untuk katana, dan "sho" untuk wakizashi.
Wakizashi diperbuat dengan bentuk zukuri dan niku yang berbeza, dan biasanya lebih nipis berbanding dengan katana. Ia seringkali mempunyai kurang niku (harafiah. 'daging', ukuran bagaimana bengkok convex mata bilah itu) dan dengan itu memotong sasaran lembuh dengan lebih dashyat berbanding katana.
Wakizashi digunakan sebagai senjata samurai apabila ketiadaan Katana. Apabila memasuki bangunan, samurai akan meninggalkan katananya pada para berhampiran dengan pintu masuk. Bagaimanapun, wakizashi akan sentiasa ada bersama setiap masa, dan dengan itu, ia menjadi senjata sisi bagi samurai, serupa seperti penggunaan pistol bagi tentera. Seseorang samurai akan mengenakannya dari masa dia sedar sehingga masa mereka tidur. Pada waktu silam, terutamanya semasa perang saudara, tanto dikenakan bagi menggantikan wakizashi.
Jenis2 Mata Pedang ''Zukuri''
Hira Zukuri (Rare In Daito)
Kiriha Zukuri (Rare - Archaic Form)
Kogarasu-Maru "Little Crow" Zukuri (Kissaka-Maroha Zukuri)
Shinogi Zukuri (Most Common Nihon-to Shape)
Kissaki In The Shinogi Zukuri
"Regarding blade form and samurai culture in the history"
Some type of kissaki is typical in a particular period of time.
Of course it comes from practical advantages in the fighting style but that is not the only reason.
The spirit of the samurai culture makes the style of each period.
The late Heian to the early Kamakura period
In the 12th century, the samurais' status is not so high. They are guards of the nobility.
The government never stand without samurai but they don't have political power.
They fight often for the political game of the nobilities. And they are longing for the nobility culture.
In the battle field, the main weapon is the bow and arrow, so the armour is heavy and hard.
The typical blade style in this period is big funbari, emphatic koshi-zori, and ko-kissaki.
It is elegant for the eyes and good to aim for the openings in the armour.
But all blade is not the same so there are various types of blades in every period.
I speak about just the typical type of each period.
The early Kamakura period to the middle
At the end of 12th century, samurais get their own government.
Officially, it is a guard of the emperor.
Blades become strong and powerful.
The late Kamakura period
In the late 13th century, Japan gets attacked by Mongols twice.
Samurais fight very hard and then they have to prepare for the third attack.
The period is very exciting and samurais are united against the next invasion.
In this period the blade with an ikubi-kissaki is typical.
The strong blade with ikubi-kissaki is a symbol of the samurai spirit in this age.
A short and thick kissaki may be heavy duty.
The Nanbokucho period
In the early 14th century, the samurai government is broken and two imperial governments appear.
Samurais fight each other for their emperors.
In this period there is no order in samurai society.
Each samurai tries to display themselves to emphasize their power.
In this period, large and o-kissaki blades become typical.
So also is a very artificial wavy hamon and designed engravings.
Such a blade is easy for the eyes to feel the power.
The Muromachi, Momoyama, and Edo period
After the 15th century, most of the blades have chu-kissaki or o-kissaki.
There is no era that is a special kissaki type.
In history, the style of the blade is a fashion of the period.
Probably it means the spirit of the samurai culture in the period.
It is the meaning of shape. "chu" means "middle".
The width and the length of the kissaki are in good proportion.
The length is a little bigger than the width.
It is common on a katana.
It is a little short.
The kissaki width and the length is almost same or the length is smaller than the
It looks hard and steady.
It is the typical shape of tachi in 13th century.
This kissaki appears on broad and thick blades in the period.
The line from the start of the kissaki to the top of it is almost straight.
Such a kissaki is especially called "kamasu-" even if the kissaki is long or short.
It looks very sharp.
This type has a little different meaning than other types.
Because, this type is an original shape of the kissaki before the 14th century.
So this type is very rare today.
The tip is very sharp and delicate so it is easy to be broken in a fight.
The kissaki line easily becomes round by re-polishing after use.
We can see kamasu type only in some old temple or shrine as a treasure.
They were put in there before use to celebrate Buddha or god.
Therefore we have to change the image of the kissaki shape when we think about the original in the period of samurai living before 14th century.
After the 15th century most of the kissaki shape is "chu-" and "o-kissaki". There has never been seen "ikubi-" or "ko-kissaki".
It is not a matter of shape. It means "small kissaki" and it is a matter of size.
Most of the time, the word is used for tachi in 12th century.
For example such blades have a long blade (about 80 cm), a wide width at the base
(about 30 mm), and the blade becomes narrow towards the kissaki, (about 15 mm width at kissaki).
The kissaki looks very small compared to the base.
Such kissaki is especially called "ko-kissaki".
Such blades have to have big funbari and an emphatic koshizori.
The shape of this kissaki is almost the same as the chu-kissaki or ikubi-kissaki.
It is a long kissaki. "o" means "large".
It looks emphatic for eyes.
The kissaki length is far larger than the width.
This type started in the 14th century.
It appears on a large blade, over 90 cm long.
The blade width also is large towards the kissaki and it is proportional to the length.
But the thickness doesn't become large.
And a wavy hamon pattern (notare) were developed at the same age as a set with long kissaki.
Semasa Perang Dunia Kedua, Pedang Jepun Dipakai Oleh Askar Jepun Yang mula-mula dikenali Oleh Masyarakat Tanah Melayu (Malaya) semasa penjajah jepun, sebagai Pedang Samurai.
Pengistiharan Haitorei pada tahun 1876 hampir mengharamkan pedang dan senjata api, melumpuhkan golongan samurai. Bagaimanapun, kebangkitan terhadap pengistiharan ini dan pemerintahan tentera mengakibatkan meledaknya semangat kebangsaan dan sokongan terhadap maharaja yang sebelum ini hanyalah sekadar lambang.
Ketika Perang Dunia I, Jepun adalah setaraf dengan kuasa dunia dari segi ketenteraan. Bagaimanapun secara umum, ia juga menandakan berakhirnya zaman samurai kerana senjata api turut diperkenalkan kembali. Ia juga menandakan tempoh kemerosotan dalam kualiti penghasilan pedang, apabila katana secara beransur digantikan dengan Gunto: pedang saber murah untuk pegawai tentera laut.
Di bawah pendudukan Amerika Syarikat pada akhir Perang Dunia II golongan samurai dibubarkan sama sekali dan pedang diharamkan . Hanya pedang yang merupakan khazanah seni, yang tidak boleh dikeluarkan dari muzium atau kuil dibenarkan.
Disebabkan oleh perlucutan senjata ini, pada 1958 terdapat lebih banyak pedang Jepun di Amerika Syarikat berbanding yang kekal terdapat di Jepun: Tentera Amerika yang kembali dari Orient dengan timbunan pedang, sebanyak yang mungkin. Sebahagian besar daripada lebih 100,000 pedang adalah dari jenis gunto, tetapi terdapat juga sebilangan daripadanya dari jenis shin-shinto.
Ini melambangkan cabaran terakhir pada kuasa samurai pada abad terkini. Bagaimanapun, penghasilan pedang berterusan kembali, walaupun ini disebabkan oleh keperluan budaya dan bukannya disebabkan oleh peperangan.
Sumber Wikipedia
Kebanyakan Pedang Gunto (Pedang Ketenteraan Jepun) Buatan Kilang (Mesin)
Tanda Pembuat Pedang (Kilang) dibahagian ''Tang''
Shin Gunto
NCO Shin Gunto
Kai Gunto (Untuk Pegawai Tentera Laut)
Kyu Gunto (Russo-Japanese Style Mounts)
Tentera Darat
Tentera Laut
Kyu Gunto (Pedang Gunto Zaman Pendudukan Jepun Di Tanah Jajahan)
Jajahan Korea
Jajahan Taiwan
Sources : http://home.earthlink.net/~steinrl/military.htm
[ Last edited by HangPC2 at 23-12-2007 04:12 PM ] |
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 17-10-2009 09:25
Yamato Era (Kofun) ( ca. A.D. 300 -- A.D. 710)
Kofun Period dress is a clay figure from the burial mound and see. The women's wardrobe, men are saying and hakama garment, similar to the current suit. Feature in the previous match in the ceremony, the left anterior neck strap to fit in with a single point.
Asuka Era (645 - 710)
Asuka period, Buddhism was introduced, Tang-style clothing and textiles are used now. Both women are in short robe with long sleeves this one, there are two. The man's head is a crown of his head, the machine's claws-collar territory of wearing it long to scrap the waist, under a ceremonial skirt Yes.
Nara Era (710 - 794)
Yoro Code introduced, Copying Tang Lu (The Tang Dynasty Code)
Heian Era (794 - 1192)
Heian period clothing materials, silk aristocracy in the center. Hemp clothes are popular mainly in the silk is not permitted. From the era of Japanese-made climate-friendly as kimono. Women's clothes are of lesser juni-hitoe robe and beard, the wife formal costumes or costumes tone.The man was dressed.
Kamakura Era (1192 - 1333)
Kamakura period since the mid-term, on behalf amateurish way of a national dress.
Azhuchiimomoya Ma Era (Sengoku Era) (1568 -1603)
Edo Era (Tokugawa Era) (1603 - 1867)
Sources : http://www.takata-courtrobe.co.jp/en1.htm
Yamato Era (Kofun) ( ca. A.D. 300 -- A.D. 710)
Sources : Kodansha Magazine November 1914 Issue
[ Last edited by HangPC2 at 3-4-2008 12:36 AM ] |
sekali tgk macam lukisan budak-budak.. |
Reply #77 kawasakininja's post
mudah paham agaknya lah.... |
Second Sino Japanese War (1937 - 1945)
Kodansha book's touching tale Shina Incident Committee eloquence Kodansha, Japan Showa 12 years
Kodansha March 1918 Issue Womens Sabre Unit(Housewife Kazu Tomoaki) To Build A Military Sword '' Gunto ''
Sources : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tadanorih/
Aku minat nak tau apa sebabnya tercetusnya Perang China-Jepun yang pertama.Apa puncanya,siapakah individu yang terlibat dan sebagainya.
Terima kasih. |
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