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Author: sephia_liza

Titanic History

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2006 09:55 AM | Show all posts

Map of Titanic's Foundering Position and Other Ships in the Vicinity


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 Author| Post time 12-4-2006 10:01 AM | Show all posts

Titanic's First Class Accommodations

First Class Reading and Writing Room - Located on "A" Deck, port side of ship. (also referred to as "Upper Promenade Deck" - adjoins lounge)

First Class Smoking Room - located aft on "A" Deck, or Upper Promenade Deck - adjoins Verandah and Palm Court.

First Class Lounge - located on "A" deck (Upper Promenade) - adjoins Reading and Writing Room

First Class Reception Room - Located on "D" Deck. Also referred to as the "Saloon Deck" located at the bottom level of Grand Staircase (adjoins dining room

First Class Dining Saloon - Located on "D" Deck. Also referred to as the "Jacobean Room."

First Class Cabin B-52 - Located on forward, port side "B" deck

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2006 10:06 AM | Show all posts

Newspaper Accounts of the Disaster

Early news announces the disaster in this Richmond Va. newspaper. The early death toll figure is higher than what actually was, most likely due to an incomplete survivor list radioed in from Carpathia at the time this went to print.

he Cable ship MacKay-Bennett retrieving bodies from the disaster site


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 Author| Post time 12-4-2006 10:10 AM | Show all posts

The Owner, the President, the Captain and the Officers

Post disaster photo of Titanic's surviving officers.
(seated) Third Officer Herbert Pittman, (standing left to right) Fifth Officer Harold Lowe, Second Officer Charles Lightoller, Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall.

Photo of Joseph Boxhall taken in the late 1960's shortly before his death. He served as a technical adviser for the 1958 film,  A Night to Remember based on the book by Walter Lord.

Pittman and Lightoller in New York City during the US Senate Sub-Committee Investigative Hearings 1912.

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Post time 12-4-2006 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tadika_action at 9-4-2006 06:21 AM
ada lagi ker survivor yang masih hidup?

sehingga tahun 2005 ada 3 orang survivor titanic yg masih idup
Lillian Gertrud Asplund, Barbara West Dainton, and Milvina Dean

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2006 11:00 AM | Show all posts

Eliza Gladys Milvina Dean

Originally posted by AzusaFuyutsuki at 12-4-2006 10:36 AM

sehingga tahun 2005 ada 3 orang survivor titanic yg masih idup
Lillian Gertrud Asplund, Barbara West Dainton, and Milvina Dean

one of four living Titanic passengers, will be guest of honour. Millvina was just nine weeks old when she was rescued from Titanic along with her mother and brother. Her father was lost when the ship went down. The sight of a tiny baby returning to England, a family抯 hopes of emigrating dashed yet a small life saved, endeared her to all aboard her ship and the public at home. Millvina will officially open the Titanic2002 event. Throughout the two days, lectures will be given on the Titanic experience by historians and experts, from academics to divers who have visited the wreck.

Titanic2002 will take place at the Moat House, Stratford-upon-Avon, October 12 to 13, 2002. Tickets for each day cost £6 adults and £3 children on the door.

A 10"x8" picture fo RMS Titanic getting underway surrounded by Tugs
The picture has been hand signed by survivor Millvina Dean and comes with a photo of her signing

Barbara J. West Dainton
Born March 1911, Age on Titanic 1 year old, Class 2nd, Lifeboat ?, age now 91, Residence: England.

Lillian Gertrude Asplund
Born 10/21/1906, age on Titanic 5 1/2 years old, Class 3rd, Lifeboat #4, age now 95, Residence: Massachusetts, USA.

[ Last edited by  sephia_liza at 15-4-2006 05:06 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2006 05:29 PM | Show all posts

A receipt for a Titanic ticket

Titanic's Propeller

The Barbershop

The Third Class Dining Room

The Anchor Chain

Olympic next to the Titanic being fitted out

The last photograph taken of the Titanic for over 73 years

The Boat Deck

A First Class Stateroom

Titanic's Bow under construction

[ Last edited by  sephia_liza at 15-4-2006 05:40 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2006 05:43 PM | Show all posts


Length: 882 feet, 8 inches/268 metres
Gross tonnage: 46,328 tons
Net tonnage: 24,900 tons
Total capacity: 3547 passengers and crew, fully loaded
Decks: 9 in total (counting the orlop deck) the boat deck, A,B,C,D,E,F,G and below G boiler rooms.
Beam: 92.5 feet/28 meters
Height: 60.5 feet waterline to Boat Deck, 175 feet keel to top of funnels.
Depth: 59.5 feet
Draft: about 34 feet
Engines: 2 reciproctating 4 cylinder, triple expansion, direct - acting, inverted engines: 30,000hp 77 rpm. 1 low pressure Parsons turbine: 16,000hp 165rpm
Propellers: 3 ; Center turbine: 17 feet ; Left/Right wings: 23 feet 6 inches
Boilers: 29 (24 double ended boilers and 5 single ended boilers)
Furnaces: 159 providing a total heating surface of 144,142 sq. feet
Steam pressure: 215 P.S.I.
Watertight compartments: 16, extending up to F deck
Lifeboat davits: 14 double acting Welin's with Murrays disengaging gear
Lifeboats: 20 total as follows:
14 wood lifeboats each 30

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2006 05:44 PM | Show all posts


3,364 bags of mail and between 700 and 800 parcels.
One Renault 35 hp automobile owned by passenger William Carter.
One Marmalade Machine owned by passenger Edwina Trout.
Oil painting by Blondel, "La Circasienne Au Bain" owned by Hokan Bjnstr-Steffanson.
Seven parcels of parchment of the Torah owned by Hersh L. Siebald.
Three crates of ancient models for the Denver Museum.
50 Cases of toothpaste for Park & Tilford
11 bales of rubber for the National City Bank of New York
Eight dozen tennis balls were lost which were to go to R.F. Downey & Co.
A cask of china headed for Tiffany's.
Five Grand Pianos.
Thirty cases of golf clubs and tennis rackets for A.G. Spalding.
A jewelled copy of The Ruby by Omar Khayy, with illustrations by Eliku Vedder sold for ?05 at auction in March of 1912 to an American bidder. The binding took two years to execute, and the decoration embodied no fewer than 1,500 precious stones, each separately set in gold.
Four cases of opium

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2006 05:45 PM | Show all posts

Passenger Facilities:

2 Parlor Suites each with a 50 foot private promenade and 67 other First Class Staterooms & Suites. Decorating designs included: Louis Seize, Empire, Adams, Italian Renaissance, Louis Quinze, Louis Quatorze, Georgian, Regency, Queen Anne, Modern Dutch and Old Dutch. Some had marble coal burning fireplaces.
Gymnasium with rowing machines, a stationary bicycle and an electric horse.
A heated swimming pool (the first ever built into a vessel).
Squash court on F deck.
Turkish bath.
2 Barber shops with automated shampooing and drying appliances available for all classes..
First & Second class smoking rooms (for the men).
Reading and writing rooms (for the ladies).
First & Second class libraries.
10,488 square foot First Class Dining Saloon. Seating capacity 554.
Authentic Parisien Caf?with French waiters.
A Veranda Cafe with real palm trees.
A piano in the Third Class common room/saloon (a luxury for its day).
Electric light and heat in every stateroom.
4 electric elevators complete with operators. (3 in first class, 1 in second class)
A state of the art infirmary staffed by 2 physicians that included an operating room.
A fully equipped darkroom for amateur photographers to try their skills.
A 5 kilowatt Marconi wireless radio station for sending and receiving passenger's telegrams.
A 50 phone switchboard complete with operator for intra-ship calls.

Other Facts
In 1912, skilled shipyard workers who built Titanic earned ? ($10) per week. Unskilled workers earned ? or less per week. A single First Class berth would have cost these workers 4 to 8 months wages.
Fee to send a wireless telegram: 12 shillings and sixpence/$3.12 ($36 today), for the first 10 words, and 9 pence per word thereafter.
Passenger telegrams sent & received during the voyage: over 250.
Cost of the Titanic (in 1912): $7,500,000
Cost to build Titanic today: $400,000,000

Crew Salaries
Captain E.J. Smith, Titanic: ?05 a month
Captain Rostron, Carpathia: ?3 per month
Seaman Edward Buley: ? a month
Look-out G.A. Hogg: ? and 5 shillings a month
Radio Operator Harold Bride: ?8 per month
Steward Sidney Daniels: ? and 15 shillings a month
Stewardess Annie Robinson: ? and 10 shillings a month
(Note: The range of salaries was quite extreme in 1912. In today's money, Captain Smith earned about $72,500 per year while Stewardess Robinson earned only $2400 per year!)

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2006 02:48 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2006 05:32 PM | Show all posts

Telegram: Titanic Disaster 15 April 1912

Captain Rostron of Carpathia informs AP New York of Titanic disaster

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Post time 15-12-2006 02:42 PM | Show all posts
citer Titanic ditayangkan di TV3 mlm td dan mlm ini

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Post time 15-12-2006 07:30 PM | Show all posts
adegan wap dalam kete di cut off hehehe

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ikankiut This user has been deleted
Post time 15-12-2006 08:21 PM | Show all posts
i beli tape video dulu. masa tu cd mahal.

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Post time 31-12-2008 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Dua surat penumpang tragedi Titanic dilelong

NEW YORK: Dua surat penumpang kapal Titanic yang karam akan dilelong di New York, bulan depan dengan salah satunya menceritakan detik-detik manis sebelum belayar.

Surat yang mengisahkan 'Kisah Dalam Kapal RMS Titanic' itu dianggap paling unik dan berbeza dengan artifak Titanic lain yang ditimpa malapeta, kata pakar lelongan Robert Litzenberger, dari Pusat Lelongan Spink Smythe.

Kedua-dua surat akan dilelong 16 Januari ini dengan permulaan harga setiap satu ditawarkan antara AS$10,000 hingga AS$20,000.

Surat itu juga akan dilelong secara online oleh Spink Smythe.

Dalam salah satu surat, ahli perniagaan, Adolphe Saalfeld sempat menulis nota kepada isterinya sebelum Titanic belayar meninggalkan Pelabuhan Southampton pada 1912.

Selepas belajar, kapal mewah itu karam bersama 1,500 penumpang lain di utara Lautan Atlantik selepas kapal persiaran itu melanggar kubah ais.

揌ampir sejam saya berlegar-legar dalam kapal yang amat menakjubkan ini...saya amat menyukai kabin saya. Ia seperti sebuah kamar tidur dan agak luar.

"Saya pasti sayalah orang pertama menulis surat ini dalam kapal kerana mereka masih sibuk dengan urusan memasuki kapal," kata Saalfeld yang terselamat selepas menaiki bot kecemasan.

Satu lagi surat ditulis George Graham, seorang jurujual pasar raya.

Dalam suratnya itu, beliau meminta maaf kepada rakan perniagaannya kerana terlalu sibuk membuat persiapan belayar sehingga tidak dapat menghubungi rakannya.

揝aya berharap anda semua dalam keadaan baik walaupun sedikit lewat menghubungi anda.

"Saya berharap kita berjumpa lagi tahun depan," katanya dalam surat yang ditulis dalam detik-detik terakhir sebelum kapal itu karam. - AFP

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Post time 1-1-2009 02:07 AM | Show all posts
nak tanye skitt jake and rose tuh mmg ade kerr in real life atau fiksyen semata mata

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Post time 1-1-2009 02:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by choolakaw at 1-1-2009 02:07 AM

nak tanye skitt jake and rose tuh mmg ade kerr in real life atau fiksyen semata mata

jack dawson tu cuma watak dalam citer titanic .. sama gak ngan rose de witt bukater
nama, watak & citer deme memang fiction .. TAPIII

sebenarnya wujud .. " J. DAWSON " .. tapi dia bukannya penumpang macam dalam citer titanic tuh
dia sebenarnya salah sorang pekerja atas kapal tuh .. jap aku pastekan bio dia ..

Joseph Dawson

He was born in September1888

When the Titanic sank Joseph Dawson was aged 23 years

He was single.

He lived in Southampton Hampshire England

Occupation: Trimmer

He signed-on to the Titanic Engine crew at Southampton

Dawson died in the sinking. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett (No. 227) and was buried at Fairview Lawn Cemetery Halifax Nova Scotia Canada on Wednesday 8th May 1912.

The real J. Dawson buried at Fairview Cemetery was James Dawson, a 23 year old native of Dublin Ireland. He was sandy-haired and had a moustach. He was hired on as one of about twenty coal trimmers, one of the lowliest jobs on the ship. When his body was found intact he was dressed in the coal-stained denim coat and pants that marked his place in the ship. His grave is one of the most visited and decorated of the Titanic graves in Halifax.

tapi ada gak yg argue .. pasal nama dia nih .. either Joseph atopon James ..

nih gambor kubur dia kat halifax

ntuk senarai nama mangsa titanic yg dikebumikan kat halifax, klik sini

[ Last edited by  naen at 1-1-2009 02:37 AM ]

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Post time 1-1-2009 08:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #77 choolakaw's post

Aisey...takkan boleh terconfuse kot?

Tapi beberapa watak pembantu (geng2 mak Rose) dalam filem tu adalah berdasarkan orang sebenar

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Post time 1-1-2009 01:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #78 naen's post

oooo...tipu the way thanks sebab carikannn

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