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Author: eise

[MERGED]Medical Card/Insurance Kesihatan...... What U should know...

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aypru This user has been deleted
Post time 7-6-2006 05:07 PM | Show all posts
pelik ye coz ingatkan with the mc we don't need to worry tapi reaction from the hospital boleh mempengaruhi jugak.
Interesting story coz i pun ada mc so kena berhati-hati jugaklah dgn this kind of hospitals.

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Post time 7-6-2006 05:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #61 aypru's post

That's why agent pun memainkan peranan......especially masa kecemasan....kalau agent yg baik dia akan tolong sampai kita settle kat bahagian pendaftaran dan masuk ke wad...dan tak lepas tangan....

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Post time 7-6-2006 05:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #60 eise's post


Does MAA has a lifetime limit?

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Post time 7-6-2006 05:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 Cakkkk....aaaa's post


agree...when it comes to Medical & Hospitalization Insurances, agent tak leh treat their customer cam jual insurance keta....all the way...

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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 7-6-2006 05:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sapubersih at 7-6-2006 05:13 PM

Does MAA has a lifetime limit?

Yes..until age 75 (guarentee renewal)..tak banyak Insurans company cover sampai umur 75 biasanya 65-70..

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Post time 7-6-2006 05:22 PM | Show all posts

I teruja to get into discussion in this bod sbb I feel others shud know more about Medical & Hospitalization Insurance before buying and what to expect.

I mintak maaf if you feel I am attacking..actually niat I is to educate those who doesn't know.

If you dun mind rather putting up a title of "Mahalnyer Bill Perubatan...." it will attract other interested client if you leh tukar to "Things to know about Medical & Hospitalization Insurances"...

If you want I can contribute as much as i can if we can try and focus to educate others..I know a bit of two sbb I pun tengah cari one for myself. I got MC for family but not me....ader Pre-Existing Illnesses that makes others to decline...

I do believe it benefits you also sbb pp will seek your guidance and eventually become your client.

Just my 2 cents....:nerd:

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Post time 7-6-2006 05:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #65 eise's post


tu age limit...I tanya lifetime limit. dia ngan annual limit adik beradik...

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Post time 7-6-2006 05:28 PM | Show all posts
kak BM..depa terlalu sibuk saving a life kot.that's why tak sempat nak explain bgs ler fast gitu.nih aku penah g satu a&e..anak aku demam panas.dr bdn tuh panas leh turun biler dok dlm aircond tg dok.nurse tak buat per pun.jumper dr..muker mcm ngantuk jek.anak aku demam dah berhari2...igtkan nak kena thn wad..igt nak redha ajer..rupernyer kasik ubat demam jek.aku nak explain keadaan anak aku pun dia dgr tak dgr jek....skt ati aku..g kaunter rupernyer outpatient byr sendiri dulu..nsb tak byk sgt..
yes..setuju ngan eise..pls check ngan spital tuh..certain spital though ada GL company still impose deposit,that's their policy.lgk satu aku rs kalo spital tuh takde problem payment ngan insurance tuh,pending GL pun dia kasik je admit.

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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 7-6-2006 05:34 PM | Show all posts

I teruja to get into discussion in this bod sbb I feel others shud know more about Medical & Hospitalization Insurance before buying and what to expect.

Tujuan consultant Insurans adalah educate people bukan hanya menjual...

I mintak maaf if you feel I am attacking..actually niat I is to educate those who doesn't know.

hehe no prob lah ,dah menjadi tugas i untuk memberi clear informatian setakat yang i mampu.

If you dun mind rather putting up a title of "Mahalnyer Bill Perubatan...." it will attract other interested client if you leh tukar to "Things to know about Medical & Hospitalization Insurances"...

Emm boleh jugak Kena suruh Moderator lah kan

If you want I can contribute as much as i can if we can try and focus to educate others..I know a bit of two sbb I pun tengah cari one for myself. I got MC for family but not me....ader Pre-Existing Illnesses that makes others to decline...

Pre existing ilness tak cover, dan kemunkinan u kena buat medical chekup atau bagi medical report kepada company..maybe ada caunter offer in term of premium atau exclution ilness..

I do believe it benefits you also sbb pp will seek your guidance and eventually become your client.


Just my 2 cents....

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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 7-6-2006 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sapubersih at 7-6-2006 05:23 PM

tu age limit...I tanya lifetime limit. dia ngan annual limit adik beradik...

Life time limit based on plan yang di ambil..

cth plan 1..(Individual)

Coverage setahun RM 50k
Life time coverage RM 150k

MAA tak menyediakan plan family untuk medicalife 206,,kena apply individual jugak untuk setiap ahli keluarga.maknanya setiap sorang ahli keluarga akan ada 1 kad dan 1 polisi..

[ Last edited by  eise at 7-6-2006 05:52 PM ]

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Post time 7-6-2006 07:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 4-6-2006 03:30 PM

...sis..yours was it laparoscopic surgery or open surgery??.

...eerrr...but memandangkan ko stay sampai 8 hari my guess was an open surgery huh???...i had mine done laparoscopically...emerge ...

ye la Blackmore, akak punya mmg open surgery, sbb doktor kata tak leh wat  laparoscopic surgery , so no choice . . .
panjang tau, lebeh kurang 8 to 9 inch,  nak tanya ni, ape akan jadik kalau terlebih makan mende2 berminyak, ade yg kata tak boleh, nanti ade effect kat hati iye ke tu? hai pening pening . . .

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Post time 8-6-2006 09:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #70 eise's post

For those yang tak tau what I tengah discuss ngan eise is what they called the exhaustion of the policy limit. Maksudnyer di sini, Annual Limit ialah dalam setahun bil hospital anda tidak bole lebih dari Annual Limit bagi plan yg you dah subscribe...kalu lebih atau spilover, you kena bayar from your own pocket lebihan dari annual limit. So, be extra careful bila membeli plan2 yg sedia ada. Suma tu ikut pada Insurance company tu sendiri...ada yg limit RM 50K, RM 75K, RM 150K dan maximum so far yg pernah I nampak is RM 300,000 setahun....

Lifetime limit pulak bermaksud policy yg kita beli ni akan luput hayatnyer bila bil hospital kita dah mencapai limit lifetime tadi...bila ini terjadi bermakna bila renewal kena subject to new premium calculation, loadings etc dan yg palng teruk kena decline renewal. Lifetime limit ni kira sepanjang hayat kita lar bermakna selagi kita tak pernah claim apa2 kita masih berhak utk mengguna policy sedia ada selagi kita membayar premium setiap tahun.

Jadi utk pengetahuan suma bila membeli cuba jgn tengok pd premium yg kena bayar sbb itu mungkin akan mengaburi mata kita masa membeli....

Guna step by step seolah2 kita ni seorg underwriter. contohnye:

1. Mula2 kaji plan2 yg di tawarkan. Fokus pd Annual Limit, Lifetime Limit, Room & Board, berapa lama utk hospitalization yg di benarkan 90 hari, 120 hari then baru tengok others. Yg next important to see is Post Hospitalization Care & Treatment after discharge berapa hari...normally 30 tu stended but 60 hari is best.
2. Then baru tengok premium. Tu pun kalu dah berpuashati ngan benefit dia.. kena dok selak depan belakang berulang kali nak tetapkan samada kita mampu atau tidak...
3. Kalu boleh cari ler 2 atau 3 lagi plans dari syarikat lain utk buat comparison. Perlu di ingat murah tak bererti bagus cuma mampu jek....but bila buat comparison jgn compare harga dgn harga tapi benefit dgn benefit.
4. Bila dah buat suma ni then sit down buat kajian tentang sejarah kesihatan keluarga nak tengok samada dlm chain ada tak kes yg berat2. then baru decide plan yg mana nak amik....

bagi yg bekerja dgn kerajaan, saya rasa tidak salah utk beli plan2 medical insurance sbb walaupun kerajaan akan cover, ader setengah2 perubatan atau perbelanjaan hospital yg kena tanggung sendiri. Ini terjadi pd kedua ibubapa saya sendiri. Kedua2 mereka persara kerajaan. Room & Board juga kena bayar tapi sgt rendah jadi kalu amik plan MC ni tadi ade setengah policy dia bagi elaun sehari kalu kena warded dlm hospital kerajaan..jadi you akan dpt cash allowance utk di gunakan membayar bil hospital yg di kenakan bayaran...

Kerajaan tidak tanggung sepenuh bil hospital tapi ada bahagian2, tak salah utk membeli....

bagi yg bekerja swasta pula, walaupun company cover atau membeli bagi pihak tapi samada ianya cukup atau tidak itu kita kena buat penilian sendiri. Tak salah ada 2 policy kerana bila ader claim kedua2 policy bole bekerjasama utk membiayai bil hospital tadi....

So, diharap kita mendapat iktibar dari discussion ni....jika ada pertanyaan leh tanya eise dan saya akan membantu bila terluang...insyaallah....

[ Last edited by  sapubersih at 8-6-2006 09:28 AM ]



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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 8-6-2006 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sapubersih at 8-6-2006 09:26 AM
For those yang tak tau what I tengah discuss ngan eise is what they called the exhaustion of the policy limit. Maksudnyer di sini, Annual Limit ialah dalam setahun bil hospital anda tidak bole lebi ...

Wahh,, tips yang amat berguna kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk memiliki MC..Murah tak semestinya baik, memamag tips2 ni yang perlu kita tengok sebelum membeli MC..mcm kita beli barang la kena survey harga,kualiti,jenama  dll,,tapi dalam insurans ni survey tak boleh sebarang survey ,kena survey dengan ilmu,,dalam nak wat comparison, kena tanya yang tahu..

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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 8-6-2006 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Ciri-ciri asas MAA Medicalife 206

Overall Annual Limit Per Insured
50,000 - Plan 1
100,000 - Plan 2
150,000 - Plan 3
200,000 - Plan 4

Life Time Limit - After 2 policy years, provided that insured has been claim free
150,000 - Plan 1
300,000 - Plan 2
450,000 - Plan 3
600,000 - Plan 4

Daily Room & Board
(Maximum 200 days per annum)

120 - Plan 1
180 - Plan 2
260 - Plan 3
350 - Plan 4

Intensive Care Unit
(Maximum 60 days per annum)

1) Deposit Kemasukan Hospital Panel RM 2,500

2) Surat Jaminan Pembayaran Untuk Kemasukan Hospital Panel (Guarantee Letter)

3) Khidmat Kecemasan 24 jam sehari, 365 hari setahun oleh MediExpress

4) Perlindungan perubatan meliputi seluruh dunia

5) Bayaran bil perubatan terus-menerus ke hospital panel  (mengikut had maksima yang dipilih di dalam plan insurans)

6) Had Tahunan dan Had Seumur Hidup yang lebih tinggi

7) Pembaharuan Terjamin (sehingga umur 75 tahun) selagi jumlah keseluruhan tuntutan tidak melebihi had sepanjang hayat

8) Tiada jadual pembedahan terbatas dan tiada perbezaan premium di antara lelaki dan wanita

9) Penjagaan Kejururawatan di Rumah (bila diperlukan sahaja)

10) Senarai panel hospital swasta yang lebih banyak termasuk SJMC, Tawakal, Pusrawi & Glen Eagles Ampang.

11) Bayaran bil termasuk cukai perkhidmatan kerajaan dan yuran laporan perubatan

[ Last edited by  eise at 8-6-2006 10:25 AM ]

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Post time 8-6-2006 10:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #73 eise's post


I normally faced this problem di mana I dun have anybody to refer to. Most of the time, I take the pains to learn it, study it and then baru make decision and most of the time 50% of the decision is the right ones but unfortunately the other 50% are not but I am grateful coz, that's makes me a wiser man.

Tu pasal I have this sifat suka share wif others bila di perlukan...tu jek...sbb I know how pain it was to go through the learning path. Sometimes what we read are not really teaching us how to make a good decision. Sbb each and every one of us have different sets of questions and queries.

I started to get myself into this medical & hospitalization insurance in 2004 after I was hospitalized for stone in urinary tract. dah terhantuk baru tengadah....however, the bills was covered by OK lar...tu yg I am very much desperate and concern over medical bills.

But membeli mmg menyeronokkan tapi memedihkan bila coverage yg kita bila tak seindah khabar dari be careful bila nak buat decision utk select your own plan.

Saya ni bukan agent maupun penjual insurance but dari pengalaman sendiri dimana saya bukan pekerja kerajaan...selection kena based on feeling bukan poket....kenapa kita mampu beli LCD TV yg beribu2 ringgit dan juga kereta yg mahal2 tapi medical insurance utk kita dan family kita amik yg paling murah....i think that does not help much in financial planning kita...

Example lar: kalau satu plan yg bagi RM 100K annual limit cost about RM 2,000 setahun utk diri kita, isteri kita dan 3 org anak.....imagine kita cuma spent only RM 167 sebulan.

Jangan jagi macam saya bila dah ader pre-existing illness baru nak carik satu dah tu pulak dah takde choice sbb almost 90% of the MC yg ader dlm market decline. Alhamdulillah, I baru jek dpt satu company who are willing to sell me a policy.

Bila dah tak boleh pilih, masa tu mmg lagi serabut kepala why wait?

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Post time 8-6-2006 10:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #74 eise's post

I rasa you kena elaborate sikit item 4. tak silap most of the companies yg I dah approach said, kalu di luar negara, bil hospital kita kena cover dulu then kita leh claim balik dari MC kita....unfortunately, this one tak leh wat apa2 sbb kita deal ngan outside malaysia....

MAA sama gak ker?

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Post time 8-6-2006 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eise at 7-6-2006 05:34 PM

I teruja to get into discussion in this bod sbb I feel others shud know more about Medical & Hospitalization Insurance before buying and what to expect.

Tujuan consultant Insurans a ...

...eerrr...sis...interesting jugak baca korang pey discussion  pasal medical coverage korang nie semua...but...eerrr...i see that u do not noe how to do a multiple quote would be a lot easier if u noe how to do it....i tell u what...since aku free...aku teach u how to do it ok?? least aku tak confuse which is your answer and which one is the question...:love:

...ok...take your posting #69 sebagai contoh...this is what u can do...u copy the entire posting of mr usual...ko click that reply button...and paste his posting yang ko dah copy earlier...from there...ko bley further break it down and answer para by para...all u need to do is to put a [.quote] at the beginning of that para yang ko nak jawab dan end it with [./quote] ...eerr...aku terpaksa letak full stop dalam tu kotak sebab kalau tidak apa yang aku nak cakap akan kluar dalam ko buat ngan betul...akan jadilah seperti di bawah nie...heh..

Originally posted by sapubersih at 7-6-2006 05:22 PM

I teruja to get into discussion in this bod sbb I feel others shud know more about Medical & Hospitalization Insurance before buying and what to expect.

Tujuan consultant Insurans adalah educate people bukan hanya menjual...

I mintak maaf if you feel I am attacking..actually niat I is to educate those who doesn't know.

hehe no prob lah ,dah menjadi tugas i untuk memberi clear informatian setakat yang i mampu.

If you dun mind rather putting up a title of "Mahalnyer Bill Perubatan...." it will attract other interested client if you leh tukar to "Things to know about Medical & Hospitalization Insurances"...

Emm boleh jugak Kena suruh Moderator lah kan

If you want I can contribute as much as i can if we can try and focus to educate others..I know a bit of two sbb I pun tengah cari one for myself. I got MC for family but not me....ader Pre-Existing Illnesses that makes others to decline...

Pre existing ilness tak cover, dan kemunkinan u kena buat medical chekup atau bagi medical report kepada company..maybe ada caunter offer in term of premium atau exclution ilness..

I do believe it benefits you also sbb pp will seek your guidance and eventually become your client.


Just my 2 cents....

...eerr...macam tu lah...simple jer...tapi...apa2 pon...aku mintak maaf kalau aku menyinggung ko in anyway...heh...:love:



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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 8-6-2006 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 8-6-2006 11:04 AM

...eerrr...sis...interesting jugak baca korang pey discussion  pasal medical coverage korang nie semua...but...eerrr...i see that u do not noe how to do a multiple quote would be ...

:nerd: tq black..mklumlah aku ni budak baru blaja berforum.hahahaha..btw tqtq next time aku try buat mcm ni

[ Last edited by  eise at 8-6-2006 11:25 AM ]

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Post time 8-6-2006 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eise at 8-6-2006 11:09 AM

:nerd: tq black..mklumlah aku ni bukan nya selalau berforum sangat..hahahaha..btw tqtq next time aku try buat mcm ni hal...tapi...ko jangan plak amik hati...aku nie memang bzbodi kat sini...ekekekeke...:bgrin:

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eise This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 8-6-2006 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sapubersih at 8-6-2006 10:35 AM
I rasa you kena elaborate sikit item 4. tak silap most of the companies yg I dah approach said, kalu di luar negara, bil hospital kita kena cover dulu then kita leh claim balik dari MC kita....unfo ...

Yup,,betul tu,,kalau di luar negara memang tak boleh pakai kad, apa2 pun kena bayar dulu claim balik kat insurans company..MAA pun mcm tu..kat luar negara pun tak boleh bermastautin melebih 90 hari berturut-turut.

[ Last edited by  eise at 9-6-2006 02:01 PM ]

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