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Author: tintopten


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Post time 2-2-2008 08:04 PM | Show all posts
Macam aku,aku amalkan minum air rendaman asam keping...ada artikel tu kuar dulu tentang asam keping yg bleh hilangkan masalah darah tinggi..sejak aku ngandung anak petama aku kena serangan darah tinggi saat akhir kandungan usia 35 minggu then pas ceaser pun still tak turun2 darah tingginye tp sejak baca artikel dalam suratkhabar tentang asam keping Alhamdulilah aku amalkan oklaaa...sekarang nie kalau sakit kepala pun aku tak tunggu lama aku rendam jek asam keping minum seteguk dua rehattt legaaa daaa kepala..kalau kekadang mabuk datang pun ASAM KEPING la penyelamat ku...

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Post time 2-2-2008 09:09 PM | Show all posts
akak pernah gak dikesan oleh doc kena darah tinggi dalam 140/90.  Tak terkejut sebab memang sejarah keluarga sebelah ibu, semua ada darah tinggi.  Cuma tak sangka nak dapat seawal ini (42 tahun).  So doc tak mau bagi ubat.  Dia suruh eksesais...or cuba sendiri2 dulu turunkan darah tu.  
Apa yang aku buat, aku p gym aku naik treadmill tu...selang sehari, tengahari waktu rehat aku p sauna seminggu dalam 3 kali.  Sebulan aku buat....badan aku jadi ringan n now dah hampir setahun..darah aku dah normal.  Tak ada langsung dah darah tinggi.  Aku boleh dikatakan tiap2 bulan p check, memang dah tak ada.  So now, aku masih lagi ke gym n sauna, cuma tak sekerap dulu.  Dalam seminggu sekali p gym, sekali p sauna.  Alhamdulillah.

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Post time 3-2-2008 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by harehak at 2-2-2008 08:04 PM
Macam aku,aku amalkan minum air rendaman asam keping...ada artikel tu kuar dulu tentang asam keping yg bleh hilangkan masalah darah tinggi..sejak aku ngandung anak petama aku kena serangan darah  ...

macam mana cara buat nye? leh explain?

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Post time 3-2-2008 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ThreeSya at 2-2-2008 09:09 PM
akak pernah gak dikesan oleh doc kena darah tinggi dalam 140/90.  Tak terkejut sebab memang sejarah keluarga sebelah ibu, semua ada darah tinggi.  Cuma tak sangka nak dapat seawal ini (42 tahun). ...

umur 42 mungkin bukan kira awal.... saya disahkan dapat high blood pressure pada umur 32 tahun. Dr cakap saya ni young hypertention.

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Post time 4-2-2008 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nizamje at 26-1-2008 21:40
aku nak share cerita dengan resminya doktor confirm aku kena essential hypertension. Dari apa yang aku dengar dari perbualan antara doktor ngan doktor, aku kena hypertension ni sebab kurangnya po ...
...aku nak tanya low was your potassium (K+) level??....were u given K+ replacement??...and is your blood pressure well control with losartan or still about the same like before u start losartan??...

...kalau u are on K+ replacement...and kalau your blood pressure takde improvement despite taking the losartan...perhaps u could ask the dr to check on your serum aldosterone level + renin level...make sure your aldosterone level is normal and not elevated...

...aldosterone nie is a hormone secreted by our adrenal glands...these glands are situated just above our kidneys...when your aldosterone level is high...your K+ and renin level are usually low...becos these hormones act on your kidneys to increase the loss of K+....

...base on aku punya experience sendiri...i was diagnosed to have hypertension in 1998...bermacam2 antihypertensive meds yang aku makan tapi darah tinggi aku tetap remained high as 200/ K+ was as low as 2.3mmol...normal values between 3.5 - 5.4 mmol...i was under the care of a prof...but...apparently...he wasnt competent enuff...cos...despite my high blood readings...he never initiated any form of investigations other than kept changing my medications...from atenolol to LA adalat...a combination of atenolol and captoril and norvasc and hydrochlothiazide...but when my bp still high...last2 dia cuma kasi aku norvasc...atenolon and LA adalat...K+ yang low pon dia never even bothered to replace...last2...aku dropped him...aku pi carik dr lain...

...this time...nasib aku baik...cos the dr did a thorough investigation...she sent some blood for aldosterone and renin level and bila result kluar my aldosterone level was tremendously referred me to an endocrinologist...after some other tests...i was diagnosed to have conns syndrome...then...she started me on spirinolactone to suppress my aldosterone level...she also gave me tab K+ as replacement...alhamdulillah...barulah bp aku back to normal...K+ level aku normal...dan aldosterone aku normal...

...then...i had to go for ct scan  and angiogram tuk menentukan whether the left or the rite adrenal gland yang hyperstimulate...ct scan of cos tak sakit lah...the angiogram...adehhhh...perit siot...hehehehe... the was my left adrenal gland yang suggest aku removed that gland saja...which i did...i had it removed few years ago...and alhamdulillah...till today...bp aku normal...K+ aku normal...and i dont even have to take any antihypertensive meds anymore... not saying that u have conns is worthwhile to check on your aldosterone and renin level...

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Post time 4-2-2008 09:01 PM | Show all posts
nizamje...awak rendam jek sekeping asam keping dlm air suam..biar dlm 15minit..pastue minumm arr buat minum cam jus oren..dlm sejam dua ok da mabuk n sakit pale tue...

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Post time 5-2-2008 12:44 PM | Show all posts
to blackmore..... thanks.... I read ur post... I will read it again and get thorough understanding about it.... aku dont know my potassium or K+ level... but i will discuss with my dr about it when I meet her.... By the way.... bila kita leh jamming sama? he he he... off topic.....

to harehak... thanks... I will try

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Post time 6-2-2008 12:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 nizamje's post

BM,pi la jamming dgn nizam

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Post time 6-2-2008 06:18 AM | Show all posts
just calm down urself

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Post time 6-2-2008 11:20 AM | Show all posts
There are lots of things that contribute to hypertension, or high blood pressure. Your age, your sex, and your race are all factors that can contribute to high blood pressure. The level of noise that you are exposed to and the levels of stress that you live with are also factors that contribute to hypertension and high blood pressure. Lifestyle choices like obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise are often thought to be the most villainous of villains, but the fact is that high cholesterol is actually the largest contributing factor to hypertension. ... nsion&id=953623

kakak kat ofis prego consulted doc abt her BP problem, then doc suh dia makan certain amount of oats each day.. tak kisah pagi ke or malam, about 6 tablespoon.. then end of month bleh check whether BP better or not..

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Post time 6-2-2008 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mkay98 at 6-2-2008 00:51
BM,pi la jamming dgn nizam

...shhhhh....dia ajak aku pi jamming tu...hang jangan jeles ok???...

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Post time 6-2-2008 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nizamje at 5-2-2008 12:44
to blackmore..... thanks.... I read ur post... I will read it again and get thorough understanding about it.... aku dont know my potassium or K+ level... but i will discuss with my dr about it wh ...

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Post time 6-2-2008 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 6-2-2008 15:44

...shhhhh....dia ajak aku pi jamming tu...hang jangan jeles ok???...

aku xmau jeles
tp terpaksa gak jeles

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Post time 7-2-2008 10:23 PM | Show all posts
aku pun nak kongsi pengalaman. Aku lagi teruk umur aku 26 aku dah kena high blood. Dr diagnosed young hypertension/ sometimes aku baca mild hypertension. Waktu kesan mula-mula dulu 155/ 105. Ni semua ada kaitan dgn aku punya kerja dan lifestyle yg mana aku kerja tak tentu masa. Tidur dan makan terbalik drpd org lain. Lepas tu berat badan aku pun bertambah. Lepas kena caj high blood tu aku makan ubat. Tapi lepas 2 bulan aku stop, then makan balik. Lepas tu stop sampai hari ni. Itu dah 4 tahun and umur aku skrg 30. Selama-lama aku berhenti makan ubat aku cuba ubat tu ubat ni including the traditional prescriptions. Darah aku selalu 130/ 90 atau 140/ 90 which is dr kata tinggi sangat untuk umur aku. Aku ni degil tak nak cek kat spital walaupun dr suruh aku panjangkan rawatan takut ada masalah lain seperti buah pinggang.

Dua bulan lepas aku decide aku kena rawat diri aku sebab aku malas nak pikir yg aku ni sakit. Tak dinafikan aku selalu pitam, berdebar, jantung berdegup cepat, so aku dah tak tahan. Tambah tambah lagi ramai kawan dan sedara-mara mati pasal stroke, semuanya berpunca high blood. Jadi apa aku buat, aku berazam diet. Aku kurangkan nasi. AKu makan nasi seminggu sekali. Makan buah everyday dan setiap mlm sebelum tidur aku minum segelas air asam jawa. Sayur dan air memang aku ambik. Mula-mula susah sebab dah biasa makan ikut suka tapi after 2 minggu aku jadi seronok.

Yg lebih seronok, minggu lepas aku pi cek darah. For the first time after 4 years tanpa makan ubat, tetiba dr cek tekanan darah, dia kata darah aku normal. 120/90 dia kata okey cuma perlu monitor. Dia langsung tak suggest makan ubat. Aku jadi gembira dan berazam nak teruskan cara hidup sihat. Tapi dia kata itu tanda-tanda awal tapi aku happy at least ada perubahan.



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Post time 9-2-2008 10:40 AM | Show all posts
nak tanya sikit.. kurangkan minum air buleh kontrol high blood pressure tak?

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Post time 10-2-2008 12:04 PM | Show all posts
tak tau la mcm mana BP jd tak normal balik if saya tak makan gamat tu.. lah lagi pun gamat healin tu cume supplement aje..bukan ubat..

saya dapat darah tinggi umur 27tahun...masa tu sebelum & selepas bersalin..
selalu bacaan 130/90, 140/100...selalunye mcm tu la..
dada selalu berdebar2..mcm org tunggu giliran nk kene interview aje..
jantung plak degup laju..nafas pun kadang2 laju je..

tak tau bile nk pi check darah lagi..

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Post time 10-2-2008 03:54 PM | Show all posts

Makanan Untuk Orang Sakit Jantung + Darah Tinggi + Kencing Manis

recently, doctor detect my mum kena sakit jantung..
ada block kat jantung..
then, dah pasang spring + baloon yg ada ubat utk bukak block tu..

before this, my mum ada penyakit kencing manis dah darah tinggi..
so, saya nak tanya, apa makanan yg bgs utk pesakit jantung + kencing manis + darah tinggi..
ada sesiapa bleh membantu?


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Post time 11-2-2008 10:50 AM | Show all posts
waktu bila kita elok check blood pressure???
Waktu pagi lepas bangun tido? atau waktu malam sebelum tido?

ke bila2 masa saje ek?

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Post time 11-2-2008 11:35 PM | Show all posts
ish... pagi tadi aku check blood pressure 120/80..... belum makan ubat lagi masa tu

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Post time 12-2-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
mmm...kalo nak ikutkan umur, rasanya moi paling muda dapat nih baru 24 thn. dapat masa bersalin. Bersalin pon masa kandungan 8 month...thru ceaser..skrg anak nak masuk 3thn. BP still high..tak tau nak buat camner lagi. slalu berdebar2...tapi dr. tak bagi ubat pon. just slalu kena monitor la. tapi slaluyer bila jumpa dr. musti tinggi tak pernah kata nak turun. maybe jangka masa dok tunggu dr. tuh tension kot lama sangat. so, teringin gak nak sihat mcm org lain. nak kata cepat penat...balik keja naik lrt n turun naik tangga, jalan kaki tuh mcm senaman gak, still kuar peluh..camner lagi???

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