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-------------- DeJA Vu ----------------

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Post time 6-5-2006 03:05 AM | Show all posts
This is interesting : Jamais Vu.

There is another experience worth mentioning; Jamais Vu. Its the opposite of deja vu. Instead of feeling extra familiar, thing seem totally unfamiliar. In this case there is too little connection between long-term memory and perceptions from the present. When a person is in this state, nothing they experience seems to have anything to do with the past. They might be talking to a person they know well and suddenly they person seems totally unfamiliar. Their sense of knowing the person, and knowing how to relate to them simply vanishes. A room in which they spend a lot of time suddenly becomes totally novel; everything seems new. Details they will have seen a thousand times suddenly become engaging.

Jamais Vu is not so common as deja vu, but it can be just as compelling.

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Post time 6-5-2006 03:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 28-7-2005 02:59 PM
takkan deja vu takde saintifik explaination kot???.. ape kate ahli sains?? ke remain mystery about this deja vu??:malu::malu:

Yang ni relevant kot :

The scientific explanation is that it has to do with memory processes. I'll make it as simple as I can here. The basic idea is that there are portions of the brain that are specialized for the past, the present and the future. In general, the frontal lobes are concerned with the future, the temporal lobes are concerned with the past, and the underlying, intermediate portions (the limbic system) are concerned with the present. When these are all doing their normal thing, in normal states of consciousness, the feeling that 'something is going to happen will only come up when we are thinking about the future, worrying about it, anticipating it or making plans for it. The sense of the past will only come up when our memories have been triggered in some way.

The structure that overwhelms our consciousness when we are 'in the present are 'being here now' is the amygdala. It assigns an emotional 'tone' to our perceptions. When you step into the street and see a car speeding towards you, and you instantly freeze in terror and jump out of the way, that terror is the amygdala at work. Present. Here and now. The amygdala also recognizes expressions the expressions on people's faces. When we are talking to someone, we can recognize their expressions and change the way we are talking to them just as quickly as we recognize danger. Words can often seem dangerous to the one hearing them. "we're thinking of letting you go." "I've been thinking that our relationship is holding me back." "You are under arrest."

Phrases like these need instant, appropriate responses, and the amygdala is specialized to provide them. For example, one function it participates in, the maintenance of the sense of self, is repeated 40 times per second. Each instance of the self is able to manifest a new emotional response, but only if circumstances have changed. Every 25 milliseconds. In fact, the duration of the 'present' in neurological terms is so brief that we don't experience it so much as remember it.

The next level could be called 'being around here-just about now.'

Short term-memory deals in periods of a few minutes. Its mostly based in the hippocampus. We know this because problems with the hippocampus. often lead to severe short-term memory problems. It helps us to stay oriented in time. There have been a few people who have lost all hippocampal functions, and they are unable to remember anything that happened after their brain problems began. Humans are a linguistic species, and an intensely social one. We relate to each other through words. We have conversations. In order to do this, we have to be able to remember what people say to us. We also have to be to think about it long enough to be able to respond to it. We have to remember what we have just finished doing in order not to have to do it again.

There is a joke I heard while working in a nursing home: Happiness is finding your glasses before you forget what you need them for.

Then there is long-term memory. Its 'seated' in the surface of the brain, along the bottom of the temporal lobes. The area has been called the parahippocampal cortex, and its very closely connected to the hippocampus.

Ordinarily, there is a fairly seamless integration of the past, present and the future. In simple terms, we experience something in the present, compare it to similar experiences in the past, and decide how we will respond. The time frame can be very brief; even a few seconds. Once in a while, though, there can be too much communication between short-term and long-term memories. When this happens, then the present can feel like the past.

If perceptions from the present are shunted through the parts of the brain that process memories from the past, those perceptions will feel like they are memories, and the person will feel that they are re-living a moment stored in long-term memory.

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Post time 6-5-2006 03:29 AM | Show all posts
Yang chique posted kat atas semua tu teori saintifik dan para-psikologi. Tapi chique ada teori sendiri tentang deja vu ni. Memang sejak kecik2 selalu mengalami deja vu tapi lepas baca artikel Harun Yahya tentang masa dan ruang, rasa macam tiba2 faham apa sebenarnya deja vu. Harun Yahya tak sebut langsung fasal deja vu tapi bila dia cerita kata sekatan ruang dan masa tu sebenarnya tak wujud, cuma persepsi kita di dalam minda kita (dia sertakan bukti2 dan reconcile dengan tafsir ayat2 qur'aan), dan semua yang telah berlaku sebenarnya kini sedang berlaku dan akan berlaku, dan semua yang kita rasakan sedang berlaku sebenarnya telah dan akan berlaku, dan semua yang akan berlaku sebenarnya telah dan sedang berlaku, jadinya masa kita mengalami deja vu tu, buat beberapa ketika kita 'diizinkan' melangkaui persepsi realiti kehidupan 3 dimensi kita. Memang la event tu sedang berlaku dan telah berlaku, cuma kita yang mempunyai persepsi bahawa masa adalah linear. Kalau tak faham, minta maaf ye. Tak berapa pandai nak terangkan.

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Post time 16-5-2006 09:05 AM | Show all posts

Mimpi Yang Jadi Kenyataan

Kita bermimpi... Mimpi dikatakan terjadi kerana roh kita berjalan keluar dr jasad di kala kita tidur merehatkan diri & minda...

Naz pernah bermimpi naz mandi di sebuah bilik air yg besar, ada bunga, ada byk pintu toilet, ada byk bilik air... kejadian tu berlaku masa alam persekolahan...

& akhirnya, bilik air tu, naz jumpa kat Stesen Bas Temerloh, Pahang... tekezut gaks first time masuk, sama mcm mimpi yg naz alami...

pernah tak kalian alami benda mcm ni?

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Post time 16-5-2006 09:50 AM | Show all posts
pernah..masa form 5...masa tu tgh risau sangat sbb nota pentong hilang..risau sampai tertido2..masa tu la mimpi jumpa nota tu bawah almari...esok pagi try carik..mmg jumpa..
lagi satu mimpi duduk umah depan kubur...ssekali kena pegi kelantan..umah yg kitorang duduk tu btol2 depan kubur..rupa pun lebey kurang dalam mimpi..yg ni masa darjah 6:nerd:

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Post time 16-5-2006 10:39 AM | Show all posts
kire mcm ala ala dejavu ... kdg2 kite pegi sesuatu tmpt kite dpt rase yg kite mcm penah pegi tmpttuh ..biasenye susah nk igt mane kite penah jumpe tmpt tuh .

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Post time 16-5-2006 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Ini dah ade dalam thread Dejavu...

Tak tau camne nak explain fenomena ni...

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Post time 16-5-2006 01:24 PM | Show all posts mcm dejavu...aku selalu kena camni...latest one yg aku paling ingat sebulan lepas...sbb jadik sebijik-sebijik cam dlm mimpi aku...

citer die start gini...aku ngan sorang ofis mate aku ni (A) isi borang utk mintak transfer ke division bila dah siap isi borang tu, hantar ler ke secretary gm utk mintak approval lah...

so masa balik rumah petang tu, kira aku excitedlah sbb post yg aku nak tu mmg aku suka buat....kira asyik terbayang-bayang jek post tu dlm pala otak aku...malam tu aku mimpi....mimpi aku mcm ni...aku mimpi secretary gm tu dtg tempat aku and bagi borang yg aku dah isi tu...and nampak lah kat borang situ yg gm aku dah sign...kira aku dah happylah...pastu aku tanya secretary gm tu...yg A punya sign tak...rupanya borang A ada bawah borang aku...and gm tak sign pun kat borang A tu...pastu terus aku tersedar dari tido...

besoknya, pepagi masa dah sampai ofis, aku citer le mimpi aku tu kat A....saja jek citerkan...maybe mimpi sbb asyik pikir pasal nak post tu jek...sekali tu secretary gm ni dtg...bagi borang aku...tengok mmg betullah gm dah sign borang aku TAPI die tak approve utk aku transfer ke post yang aku nak...aku dah sedih lah pulak...pastu terus aku tanya borang A plak camna....bebetul bawah borang aku tu borang A dan gm tak sign pun borang tu...cuma ada remarks lah dia nak discuss ngan head kitaorang...

bila dah tau camni, aku ngan A terkejuk beruklah...kira mimpi aku ni petunjuklah...cuma not in a positive way ler utk aku...huhu...berkurun ler nampak gaya  nyer aku kat sini... :cry:

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Post time 16-5-2006 01:42 PM | Show all posts
deja vu ni lebih kurang macam sesuatu benda tu pernah berlaku ataupun berulang kat kita,kita rasa macam ingat2 lupa..
aku pon pernah mengalami beberapakali, tapi dah tak berapa ingat

When you see familiar faces  
But you don't remember where they're from
Could you be wrong?   

When you've been particular places  
That you know you've never seen before  
Can you be sure?  

'Cause you know this has happened before  
And you know that this moment in time is for real  
And you know when you feel deja-vu

[ Last edited by  ChildrenOfBodom at 16-5-2006 01:43 PM ]

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Post time 16-5-2006 02:31 PM | Show all posts
aku penah dgr arwah ayah aku citer...
kalau kite tetiba berada dlm satu situasi yg keadaan tu mcm kita penah buat@penah pergi tp kita tak ingat bila@di mana...maknanye kite penah bermimpi perkara tu tp mimpi tu kita lupa@tak ingat...

korang paham tak apa aku ckp?

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Post time 16-5-2006 03:38 PM | Show all posts
pernah terfikir...
kalau terjadi deja-vu ni...

maybe skang ni kita duduk kt suatu tempat...
mcm padang mahsyar...lepas tu mcm replay balik apa yg kita buat kat dunia ni...
sbb tu rasa mcm dh pernah terjadi satu2 perkara yg dipanggil deja-vu tuh....
tp logik ker fikir mcm tuh?? :hmm:

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Post time 16-5-2006 03:45 PM | Show all posts
byk kali...

first time driving. keadaan sama sebijik mcm time my dream.. jalan, bangunan even situasi kena marah oleh instructor.. ( ermmm nf: ) pon sama.

second, time lepas interview,, i was really sad.. sedih sgt. tapi the next day lepas interview i dreamt about pakai baju uniform yg tukang interview pakai, buat keja yg dorang buat.. :hmm: pelik tapi time interview tu i was really hopeless.. dah confirm kat laki tak dpt la keja nie..

seminggu merana.. seminggu mcm putus centa..
pastu on tuesday hubby tanya how's thing kat tempat keja?  i said OK.. cuma ada satu dua masalah..
pastu dia start cerita.. bla bla ada org call pasal post.. bla bla.. you terima tak post tu?
i was : :.. you are kidding me?
NOPE, i am not..
YES you are..
betul dia call.. dia ada miscalled your hp. dan dia kata dia akan bincang lagi esok..

and i got that job! next month start :bgrin: hehehe

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aturcara This user has been deleted
Post time 16-5-2006 04:14 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnya kita tak tahu nak merge kan thread ni bawah dejavu ke tak..sebab lebih kurang sama ni,...hmmm....tapi kita pun ade citer yang sama...kita kalau lepas exam apa2 la..(gomen ni banyak periksa)...kita akan mimpi samaada kita lulus atau tak..mungkin kita yang terbawa-bawa tapi selalunya memang betul.dalam mimpi tu kata Lulus..dan tak lama kita dapatla result yang mengatakan kita lulus...tu yang kadang2 tu..takut gak kalau sesuatu terjadi dalam mimpi..yang positif takpe..kot2 negatif...

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aturcara This user has been deleted
Post time 16-5-2006 04:19 PM | Show all posts
nampak gayanya kena merge ...bincang bwh topik ni..ek....

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Post time 16-5-2006 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aturcara at 16-5-2006 04:14 PM
sebenarnya kita tak tahu nak merge kan thread ni bawah dejavu ke tak..sebab lebih kurang sama ni,...hmmm....tapi kita pun ade citer yang sama...kita kalau lepas exam apa2 la..(gomen ni banyak perik ...

susah jugak eiks nak promotion nie kena examm... :hmm:

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Post time 17-5-2006 10:51 PM | Show all posts
dulu selalu gak ada rasa macam dejavu nih...rasa macam aku pernah buat mende nih bila eh? cam gitu ler...tapi yg paling tak dapat lupa...tak tahulah ni dejavu ke sixth sense..

masa umur dalam 6 tahun gitu....kawan ler..lelaki tetiba jer ajak gi dapur...tiba-tiba bayangan muncul...bayangan tu menujukkan yang kawan lelaki tu nak dance dengan aku macam citer orang putih..siap nak kiss lagi...zasss tiba-tiba bayangan tu lesap..

aku jadik kecut sebab dia member aku kan...aku ikut jer la kan...pikir..mainan jer bayangan tadi tuh...lepas tu tappp memang sebijik apa yang dia buat dengan apa yang aku dapat tadi...sebelum dia sempat wat per2...aku blah dulu...ngeriii...sampai skang aku ingat lagi

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Post time 18-5-2006 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aturcara at 16-5-2006 04:14 PM
kita akan mimpi samaada kita lulus atau tak..mungkin kita yang terbawa-bawa tapi selalunya memang betul.dalam mimpi tu kata Lulus..dan tak lama kita dapatla result yang mengatakan kita lulus...tu yang kadang2 tu..takut gak kalau sesuatu terjadi dalam mimpi.

dejavu aku plak...kalau mimpi positif, yg akan berlaku mesti negative...
pernah sekali miimpi pasukan bola aku menang 2-1 atas pasukan lawan..
bila lawan betul2, pasukan aku kalah 1-2....huhuhuhuh....ini bukan dejavu.....

[ Last edited by  Sedi at 18-5-2006 04:52 PM ]

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Post time 18-5-2006 05:09 PM | Show all posts
AKu selalu kena macam nie...]

Katakanlah aku sedang duk saje2, mesti aku aku akan teringat mana2 lagu, then aku start humming, then tak pasal2 actually lagu yang sedang aku nyanyi sebenarnya at the same time mmg sedang main dalam radio...

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Post time 18-5-2006 05:49 PM | Show all posts
dejavu ni sama cam instinct ker?? lain kan?? sbb dejavu ni rasa cam penah berlaku tapi tak ingat biler...

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Post time 2-6-2006 04:20 PM | Show all posts
kdg2 besh but sometimes tension...
but for me xslalu jd pon..coz xslalu sgt mimpi
but rase cam pnh wat sth tuh slalu la..

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