2) Many-worlds Interpretation
The many-worlds interpretation or MWI (also known as relative state formulation, theory of the universal wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, Oxford interpretation or many worlds), is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that claims to resolve all the "paradoxes" of quantum theory by allowing every possible outcome to every event to define or exist in its own "history" or "world", via the mechanism of quantum decoherence, instead of wavefunction collapse.Proponents argue that MWI reconciles how we can perceivenon-deterministic events (such as the random decay of a radioactiveatom) with the deterministic equations of quantum physics; history, which prior to many worlds had been viewed as a single "world-line", is rather a many-branched tree where every possible branch of history is realised.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation |
3. Parallel Universe
Parallel universe or alternate reality in science fiction and fantasy is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a multiverse, although this term can also be used to describe all the parallel universes that comprise physical reality.While the terms "parallel universe" and "alternate reality" aregenerally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases,there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term"alternate reality" that implies that the reality is a variant of ourown. The term "parallel universe" is more general, without anyconnotations implying a relationship (or lack thereof) with our ownuniverse.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_universe_%28fiction%29
p/s: Yg. ni penerangan lebih pada fictional and fantasy skit. |
Satu lagi site yg menarik gak....ttg kajian/relation bagaimana pemikiran manusia (pemikiran yg dikumpulkan dari berbillion manusia yg ada skrg ni) dgn kejadian2 yg akan berlaku (triggerevent).
Global Conciousness Project : http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is an international effort involving researchers from several institutions and countries, designed to explore whether the construct of interconnected consciousness can be scientifically validated through objective measurement. The project builds on excellent experiments conducted over the past 35 years at a number of laboratories, demonstrating that human consciousness interacts with random event generators (REGs), apparently "causing" them to produce non-random patterns. A description of the technical implementation is given under procedures.
The experimental results clearly show that a broader examination of this phenomenon is warranted. In recent work, prior to the Global Consciousness Project, an array of REG devices in Europeand the US showed non-random activity during widely shared experiences of deeply engaging events. For example, the funeral ceremonies for Princess Diana, and the international Winter Olympicsin Nagano, Japan, created shared emotions and a coherence of consciousness that appeared to be correlated with structure in the otherwise random data.In the fully developed project, a world-spanning array oflabile REG detectors is connected to computers running software tocollect data and send it to a central server via the Internet. This network is designed to document and display any subtle, but direct effects of our collective consciousness reacting to global events. The research hypothesis predicts the appearance of coherence and structure in the globally distributed data collected during major events that engage the world population.
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oooooooo...yg aku selalu alami tu aku terrrrastral ke? ler hai...aku selalu bila keadaan mcm tu dimana aku leh tengok keliling bilik aku but body aku takleh gerak langsung..aku struggle gila nak gerakkan body aku...
kadang2 bila letih...aku biarkan jer..pastu terus tertido.
cis rugi betol la...
aku kena study benda ni... |
Originally posted by JunkMail at 26-4-2007 05:41 PM
oooooooo...yg aku selalu alami tu aku terrrrastral ke? ler hai...aku selalu bila keadaan mcm tu dimana aku leh tengok keliling bilik aku but body aku takleh gerak langsung..aku struggle gila nak ...
bagi pendapat aku......mmg ko dah TERRR...
kalau mengikut yg ko dah lalui..serupa je cam yg aku TERRR gak hehehe... |
Apa Itu Hantu
kalu sebut hantu, akan ada banyak pendapat/pandangan terutamanya dari berbeza agama. Ada yg kata hantu ni jin, syaitan, roh org yg dah mati dll. Ada yg saya dengar hantu pun x tahu yg dia ni dah mati.
Tapi ni penerangan apa itu hantu dari segi pandangan Buddha Tibet. Bagi saya penerangan ni lagi masuk akal n nampak lebih logikal...
That eerie thing which swishes around in the night with a few creaks and groans and which causes the hair on our heads to stand straight up, is harmless!
A ghost is just an etheric force which wanders about according to the habit of its previous owner, until eventually that etheric force, that etheric double, is dissipated. A strong healthy person who is suddenly killed by prehaps extreme violence, has a very strong etheric. If a person is being attacked, then he or she focuses the etheric into a strong entity. If, then, the Silver Cord is suddenly severed in that process which we call death, the astral body goes off, the physical body decays and the poor etheric becomes a homeless, mindless, wandering waif.
Throughout the whole life of the body, the etheric has been modelled on that body, it is a habit pattern of the body. So if the body was in the habit of going to a certain place, or thinking of certain people, then the etheric will do likewise until perhaps during centuries the power becomes dissipated and eventually vanishes.
The etheric body is the one which attends seances and gives the so-called 'messages' from beyond the grave. It is quite a tragedy really because people on Earth should realise that when we leave this world we have other thing to do and cannot always and do not want always, to get in touch with people left behind. The etheric, or ghost, is a thing of no moment and should be disregarded.
Supposing you were in some city and very busy with some special task requiring concentration, would you like it if some person kept phoning you from some other city, kept phoning you and asking you all sort of stupid questions? You would soon get tired of the whole thing. In the same way, the real entities, whom, if you can call Souls, do not like being disturbed, they have too much else to do. |
etheric Double
This is the substance existing between the physical body and the aura. The etheric is of a bluish-grey colour and is not substantial like flesh and bone. The etheric can pass through a brick wall, leaving both intact.
The etheric double is the absolute counterpart of the human flesh and blood body, but in etheric form. The stronger a person's physical, the stronger will be the etheric. When a person dies and that person has a certain gross interest in life, his etheric double is physically very strong and he leaves a ghost which, through habit, acts in precisely the sale way as the person did while in the physical body.
A person who has been killed by violance or in a state of terror will have a very strong etheric indeed. People who have died by violence will ofthen leave a ghost which can be seen.
Frequently disembodied etheric doubles try to dissipate their useless energy by going to seances and giving senseless messages. It is clear that if Uncle Timothy has died and Aunt Matilda wants to get in touch with him, she will go to a seance and because of personal magnetism, she will attract the stupid etheric double of Uncle Timothy. This etheric double has no knowledge but only habits and so it will react in much the same way as Uncle Timothy did on the Earth and will just give senseless information because it has no brain to direct it.
The etheric double is a useless thing which has to be dissipated before one is completely free of the bonds of Earth. It is the stuff of which senseless ghosts are made.
A person who is said to be earthbound is linked to Earth by this strong etheric double. |
Silver Cord
Just as the new-born child is connected to its mother by the umbrilical cord, so we connected to our Overself by the Silver Cord. Just as the puppet is connected to the puppet master by a bit of string, so are we connected to our puppet master by the Silver Cord.
The Silver Cored has its mane because, being composed of rapidly rotating particles of all the colours in existence, it apprears to be silver. The myriad colour reflect to the clairvoyant as a pure bluish-white silver.
This cord is infinitely extensible, and it has no limitations. When a person is doing astral travel, the inner body separetes from the outer sheath of flesh and floats away at the end of the Silver Cord in much the same way that you can let a kite up at the end of a cord. When the body demands the astral body, the latter is reeled in just the same way as a kite is reeled in.
Everthing that we do on Earth is transmitted to the Overself by way of the Silver Cord. Anything the Overself wants to tell us is transmitted downwards to the sub-conscious, where the information is stored until we want it, trasmitted downwards by way of the Silver Cord.
When we come to death, then the Silver Cord thins and parts; just as a baby 'dies' to its mother when the umbilical cord is severed, so does the flesh body die to the Overself when the Silver Cord be severed 'and the Golden Bowl be shattered.' The Golden Bowl, of course, is the nimbus or higher etheric force which surrounds the head during life and depart at the moment of death. |
There is a lot of confusion about ego, soul, overself and all the rest of it. Well, let us remember that we here are like puppet.
The Overself is the soul, the super-ego, the super-being, the overseer, the one who manages us from some distant plane of existance. The Overself is the real 'I'.
Many people have claimed to have originated the word 'Overself', but actually it comes from a very old Tibetan word which indicates loosely 'the Man in Charge Above'. So when you think of yourself down here, you should think of yourself as a puppet dangling on the end of a string, the string which is the Silver Cord, trying to carry out the wishes of the Man in Charge Above.
If you are very erudite you may like to have the sanskrit name; in Sanskrit the Overself is termed the Adhyatma and in Sanskrit it is the whole nucleus, the whole power, the whole fount of our existence; it is the point from which all fealing, all senses, everthing about us, originates, and to which everthing about us returns. |
sejak aku balik mesia pun aku dah terastral hampir setiap hari....masa aku kat luar negara dulu,aku kena fokus tahap gaban untuk astral...hari ni aku nak cuba astral baliklah...harap2 berjaya hendaknya,tapi aku nak buat apa aa bila astral??? |
Reply #86 prototaip's post
Ko pernah rasa akashic wind? |
masih belum dapat akashic lagi..aku masih beginner je... |
Ko biasa terus ke astral ke OBE masuk real time zone? |
Originally posted by prototaip at 30-6-2007 09:19 PM
masih belum dapat akashic lagi..aku masih beginner je... Saya ada beritahu Akashic ecord ni camner kat thread Penipuan Darwin...
Originally posted by prototaip at 30-6-2007 08:34 PM
harap-harap aku boleh masuk akashic record!
aku teringin nak tau mana yang betul....sama ada teori adam atau teori darwin....
buat masa ni aku yakin teori adam...
dan aku masih percayaka ... saya baru2 ni baru faham apa itu Akashic Record, sebenarnya ia bukanlah sebuah tempat khas, sebuah dewan khas atau apa saje. Tapi melalui astral travel, ia membolehkan kita bergerak lebih laju daripada cahaya. Disebabkan badan fizikal kita tak mampu bergerak selaju cahaya, so astral travel lah jawapannya.
Mesti kamu pernah dengar, apa yg kamu lihat kat matahari adalah kejadian yg berlaku 8 minit lepas. Jadi utk melihat kejadian masa lepas, katakan nak lihat kejadian peperangan melaka dan portugis....
bergerak ke sebuah ruang (angkasa lepas kot) berjarak 496 tahun cahaya dari Bumi, halakan diri kamu ke arah Bumi dan selaraskan getaran kamu sama ngan getaran cahaya. Jadi i membolehkan kamu menjadi seperti alat penerima gelombang. So akhirnya kamu dah berjaya mengakses Akashic Record...
sebenarnya dalam astral ni, kalu dah kita menganggap apa yg kita percaya tu betul , dalam kes ni awak menganggap Islam lah yg betul, maka ia selari dengan pemikiran kita. Apa yg kita fikir, itulah yg kita "alami". Kalu kita percaya ikut Islam, maka ia akan sama ngan Islam, dan sebaliknya...
Nak tanya awak lah, masa awak astral travel, ada nampak Silver Cord awak (suatu cam tali elastik yg berwarna perak)? Awak/Overself = kewujudan sebenar awak masih bersambung ngan badan fizikal. Bila ia putus bermakna, awak mengalami proses kematian... |
Prototaip, mcm mana ko buat benda tu haa??
Aku dah try tapi still tak jadi..
Aku try malam tadi, antara situasi yg aku rasa adalah,
1) aku pejam mata, baring terlantar, aku cuma rasa dizzy, mcm gayat,
2) lepas tu aku dapat rasakan denyutan nadi di leher dgn jelas sekali...
Tapi still tak jadi apa2, 2 jam lebih aku try.....last2 aku tido...
deskripsi tu sebujik mcm experience ake kene tindih hantu time sekolah dulu.... |
Reply #90 johnconan's post
silver cord aku dekat pusat..haha....tapi warna cam merah sikit,tak betul2 silver...rasa rimas pula dengan silver cord ni...
nanti bila aku dah confident,aku akan try apa yang kau tulis tu...... |
Reply #94 prototaip's post
cuba ko cabut silver cord tu??? |
Reply #89 Agul's post
OBE dulu..... |
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