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Author: airwickss

♥~ Kim Bum aka So Yi Jung BOF~♥ 2nd ♥

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Post time 6-11-2009 09:02 PM | Show all posts
risau ai org dok puji2 neh...

airwickss Post at 6-11-2009 20:52

jgn risau...byk2 kn berdoa yer...semoga KB selamat


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 Author| Post time 6-11-2009 09:11 PM | Show all posts
jgn risau...byk2 kn berdoa yer...semoga KB selamat

Ley Post at 6-11-2009 21:02

selamat la hendaknya.....

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Post time 7-11-2009 09:05 AM | Show all posts
selamat dr segi apa ewicks....


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Post time 7-11-2009 11:01 AM | Show all posts
selamat la hendaknya.....
airwickss Post at 6-11-2009 21:11

buleh selamat tk caye jer

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Post time 7-11-2009 12:59 PM | Show all posts
buleh selamat tk caye jer
Ley Post at 7-11-2009 11:01


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Post time 9-11-2009 09:06 AM | Show all posts
motip oppa kat belakang....

up kan umah nie

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Post time 9-11-2009 09:15 AM | Show all posts
morning madus and oppa!!
singgah sebentar di umah oppa!!

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Post time 9-11-2009 09:16 AM | Show all posts
thank you night menaikkan thread oppa

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Post time 9-11-2009 11:51 AM | Show all posts
harus la kena support app-per-por....:pompom:

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Post time 9-11-2009 03:20 PM | Show all posts
mintak izin tumpang tepek artikel
hrp2 minik kimbum xngamuk ye

Kara's Goo Hara picked as Kim Bum's one desire, "Can we go on a date now?"

On the October31st broadcast of MBC's "Infinite Challenge" (Yoo Jae Suk, Park MyungSoo, Noh Hong Chul, Jung Joon Ha, Jung Hyung Don, Jun Jin, Gil), JungJoon Ha's guest Kim Bum picked Park Myung Soo's guest Goo Hara as his favorite member of Kara.

This broadcast gathered guests who offered to help rice farmers during the harvest.

Thus,Jung Joon Ha called previously mentioned Kim Bum; Gil called EpikHigh's Tablo; Jun Jin called fellow Shinhwa member Lee Minwoo; ParkMyung Soo called Kara's Park Gyuri; and Noh Hung Chul asked for Bada'shelp.

The first guest to appear was Kim Bum.

Kim Bum, whoknows Jung Joon Ha through the sitcom "Unstoppable High Kick," appearedin a clean black wardrobe with styled hair but then changed into farmerclothes and orange boots. He was complimented by all the members forreaping rice well on his first try.

Kara's members then came,doing the "Mister" butt dance. After the song ended, Yoo Jae Suk askedGoo Hara if she saw the sign as she came in. Goo Hara replied that shedidn't, and Yoo Jae Suk said the nearby neighborhood was "Guha-Ri." Hethen made a pun, "Save us~ Save the rice farmers~" (Goo Hara means tosave in Korean) which was met with laughter.

Kim Bum, whoenjoyed Kara's appearance on the show, was asked by Noh Hung Chul whohis favorite Kara member was. He whispered to Yoo Jae Suk that it was Goo Hara, who did not hide her excitement at being chosen.

Kim Bum then expressed his feelings by saying, "Can I leave to go on a date with Goo Hara?"

Also, as Kim Bum was harvesting, he approached Goo Hara and Noh Hung Chul pointed them out,saying "Kim Bum and Goo Hara stuck together! He was clearly on theother side but he pushed his way toward Hara." The mood got evenlivelier and Yoo Jae Suk yelled, "This rice field is just so animated~"and gave the weary members reason to go on.

On another note, Jung Joon Ha had colitis but shot this episode anyway, which got the netizens' attention.

source: article by Park Eunjoo at ArtsNews
translation by filmsession @ omona_prection

MyKorean friends told me there were rumors about Kim Bum and Hara datingso I had to go look it up. It was even one of the first searches to popup on Naver.
And lol at the Goo Hara pun. XD

ade rumors ke dorg 2 nih

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Post time 9-11-2009 03:23 PM | Show all posts
x penah dgr lak de rumors....
kena korek ni....
chomel lak tgk oppa dlm ni.....

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Post time 9-11-2009 03:57 PM | Show all posts
x penah dgr lak rumours nie...
xpe jap lg minik KB leh bagi pengesahan

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:15 AM | Show all posts
MyKorean friends told me there were rumors about Kim Bum and Haradatingso I had to go look it up. It was even one of the first searchesto popup on Naver.
And lol at the Goo Hara pun. XD

ade rumors ke dorg 2 nih
zeleia Post at 9-11-2009 15:20

x penah dgr pun.....

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:28 AM | Show all posts
Kim Bum Osen Interview

After working in the field on “Infinity Challenge”, Kim Bum’s backhurt for 3 days, and even moving was difficult. However he still saidit was an enjoyable experience.
Even though Kim Bum shed the image of So Yi Jeong, he stillmaintained good friendships with the F4. Even when he was extremelybusy, he would meet with them 4-5 times a month to talk about thedifficulties in filming or in life. They would talk for at least anhour, and sometimes talk more than 3-4 hours at a time. They are hisprecious friends who give him strength in time of need.

The rest of the interview talked about the show Infinity Challengeand his upcoming movie Bisang. A lot of it we’ve heard before, so I’mnot going to translate them. All the important and interesting partsare written above.
It’s really refreshing to know that they’re still good friends andtalk frequently. Then I’m thinking, do they ever talk about So Eun? Orhe met with her too, but of course he couldn’t say that in interviews
(Via Osen 1, 2)

cdt to bumsso

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:31 AM | Show all posts
“Kara, Kim Bum and Epik High harvest rice with Infinity Challenge”

After seeing off 2PM, Infinity Challenge will be welcoming more stars to assist them in their Rice Farming Special.
In the short preview for next week’s Infinity Challenge episode,girl group Kara, Epik High and actor Kim Bum will be getting down anddirty in the rice fields as they do some harvesting. Besidesharvesting, you can also expect to see some fun and laughter, forexample, a mass “Mister” butt dance. With songs and eye candy, youwouldn’t want to miss the episode next Saturday.

Source : Karaholic

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:41 AM | Show all posts
Mischievous Kiss, Korean Drama

tlg vote untuk kimbum & kim so eun ya.....

vote di sini

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:43 AM | Show all posts
Kim Bum’s fan meeting in Osaka

On November 8th, Kim Bum met withapproximately 1500 fans in NHK Hall in Osaka. He sang the song“Christmas Eve’s Sky”, and introduced the album along with the makingvideo. Rather than debuting as a singer, releasing an album is moreabout giving back to the fans who have supported him. Kim Bum thankedall the foreign fans who came to see him at every fan meeting andexpressed his desire to continue to meet with the foreign fans.

Kim Bum will meet with various interviewers in Tokyo to talk about his upcoming movie Bisang, set to release December 3rd.

Fan cams at the event (Credit as tagged, Baidu & DC):

The jacket style kind of reminds of SoEun’s leather jacket that she wore in the September Clride.N fansigning… although different materials of course.

cdt to bumsso

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Post time 10-11-2009 01:43 AM | Show all posts
nk lawan ngan MinSun ke....

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Kim Bum Newsen Interview
Part 1

When asked if he dreams about having an innocent lovelike the 21 year old youth in the movie, Kim Bum stiffly answered thatbecause of his busy schedule he doesn’t even have time to see hismother.

Next Kim Bum was asked if he had any female celebrities he likedespecially, and Kim Bum said, “I don’t have any. For this type ofdangerous confession, if something goes wrong, bad things will happen”and waved his hand.
How suspicious   Let’s find out what else he said in these 2 articles:

Part 1:
The man who would do anything for his love, “more beautiful thanflowers” – Kim Bum – returns as the “unstoppable man”. In the upcomingfilm Bisang (to be released December 3rd), Kim Bum transforms into aman who died protecting his first love Su Kyeong (Kim Byul).

Kim Bum recently came back from England, and he commented on thechilly weather, “I heard that England has gotten cold, but Korea seemscolder.” While being childish he still showed his cool side, and earnedthe nickname “Witty Bum”.
“Right after the ending party for ‘Dream’, I flew over to thePhilippines. After that I worked on releasing my single album, shot theposter for Dream, and shot commercials that were scheduled… Recently Iwent to England for environmentalist activities, but I also shotposters for the movie’s concept. I just came back but for the next 4days I have 20 interviews.”

In reality, the young actor Kim Bum, who left refreshing impressionson people, already has 5 years of experience under his belt.Kim Bum debuted in 2005 on KBS’s “Survival Star Audition.” It wasn’ta drama or movie debut, but because it was a “live broadcasting”, itwas very special.

“In reality, even before deciding to enter the entertainmentindustry, I had auditioned but didn’t make the cut. Therefore when KBSwas having the auditions I worked really hard. I really didn’t expectmuch. I failed when I had a 1/10 or 1/5 chance, but for KBS it was 1 in30,000, so I didn’t think I would make it.”

However Kim Bum’s first appearance on television was in 2007 on thesitcom “Unstoppable High Kick”, playing as Lee Min Ho (Kim Hye Sung)’sclose friend.

“A lot of people asked me about my relationship with Park Min Young,but since I was playing Kim Hye Sung’s close friend, he left a deeperimpression on me. All the hug scenes and jealous scenes were with KimHye Sung. It wasn’t that type of concept from the beginning and it wasmerely rare adlibs, but it made the director and audience laugh a lotso in the end it became like that.”

In reality there are a lot of big stars who starred in the sameproductions as Kim Bum. The most recent costar is Son Dam Bi, who wasin tvN’s “STAR, Become the New Employee!” and SBS’s “Dream”. Anothercostar is Wonder Girls’ So Hee, who acted as his girlfriend in “I LikeIt Hot”.

“When I was acting with So Hee in ‘I Like It Hot’, it wasn’t toolong after my debut so I didn’t feel burdened, but after the moviepremiered, Wonder Girls became the generation’s idols that peopleshouldn’t be too close to [because of protective fans], so on the stageand movie premieres I was very careful . (Laughs)”

Even so there were a lot of reactions from the fans.
“Even though I can laugh about it now, but back when my CyworldMinihompi was attacked, I was really scared. Being attacked by unknownpeople was very scary. But looking back, it was probably better for amale like me to get attacked than a female.”

All throughout the interview Kim Bum answered with a smile, but nowswitched to more of a serious tone. He especially stressed themasculinity of the movie Bisang. Because it’s both a melodrama andaction film, he feels very burdened. Kim Bum answered all the questionsthat weren’t difficult with a smile.

“It’s a shame that while filming, time was always tight. I worriedabout my character, which was natural, but because I started a newproject right after finishing one, I felt like I was losing myself.”

However, even in that state he still gave it his all.

“The amazing thing is, once I’m immersed in that project my worriesare gone. I must change myself completely to be in character. Asidefrom only thinking this way, I also need to wear clothes that fit withthis character. I think people will have different opinions about mycharacter. The clothes I wear will just be clothes that the characterwear for a while and show other people, but my role is making theclothes match with my character…”

Kim Bum will be acting as the “host” in this story. Kim Bum said he couldn’t reveal a lot about his character.

“Shi Bum is like a lot of people my age. Even though he’s only inhigh school, he has a cheerful personality. The difference between usis that he goes to audition because he aspires to be an actor, hedoesn’t have parents, and have financial difficulties. Because he meetsSu Kyeong, his life is changed. Even though he has a lot of scars,because he has decided to protect Su Kyeong, he returns to the hostbar.”

“Because I didn’t have experience [as a host], it was not an easytask. However if the actors only do things they have done before, thenpeople can’t shoot movies [on anything]. So compared to the people whoshoot historical dramas it was a lot easier.”

Because of this movie, Kim Bum got injured. While high schoolstudent Park Shi Bum was fighting, Kim Bum was doing a stunt where hewas kicking, and got injured because of that. “Even so, havingexperienced this was very fun.” Kim Bum revealed that, at that time,there was danger of getting knocked out or breaking his nose.

Having felt the great love from his fans, he’s so busy to a pointthat he doesn’t have any time. Therefore for him, what kind of emotionis “love”?

“I think love is like how Shi Bum feels in the movie. ‘Even if I getinjured I will love, and I will wait.’ And personally it’s the onlything that can change my daily routines.”

When asked if he dreams about having an innocent love like the 21year old youth in the movie, Kim Bum stiffly answered that because ofhis busy schedule he doesn’t even have time to see his mother.

“In “Boys Over Flowers”, I established my role as the playboy So Yi Jeong, but compared to that character I’m more like the innocent Shi Bum.”

As “The 2nd ‘Beat’” [Korean action movie], Bisang, which describesthe passionate love between two young adults, garnered a lot ofanticipation from movie fans. What kind of colors will theboy-turned-man Kim Bum show us in this movie? This has caught theattention of many.

Bisang will premiere on December 3rd.


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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Part 2:

Kim Bum, who made the audience burst out in laughter as “Boardinghouse Bum” returned as “Harvest Bum”.

“Yesterday (November 2nd) I came back and saw the broadcast[Infinity Challenge] and thought it was interesting. I went to filmingwithout knowing anything. Did you see? I changed my hairstyle…”

On October 31st’s broadcast of “Infinity Challenge”, Kim Bum was aguest star on the “Harvesting Part”, and received the nickname as“Harvest Bum”. Because of this, Kim Bum thought it was a very enjoyableexperience, and there was a glow on his face.

“(When I went to the filming location) I started to feel nervous. Ireally didn’t know. I just knew I was going on “Infinity Challenge” butdidn’t know what I had to do. A long time ago I called (Jung) Jun Hahyung and told him to buy me food so I went to greet him, and then Iwent… in reality, as you know, I am Yoo Jae Seok hyung’s fan. (Laughs)Usually I am given these events but because I am a fan of “InfinityChallenge”, I felt proud to be able to become a guest, so I was veryhappy.
In this broadcast Kim Bum had a passionate scene with Kara’s (famousbutt dance) Goo Hara. When asked whether he knew Kara he answered witha laugh.

“In reality I knew them. While filming for ‘Boys Over Flowers’, KimHyun Joong’s company brought food once or twice. At that time theyweren’t the Kara like we know now. One day seeing them they became theKara we know now.”

Next Kim Bum was asked if he had any female celebrities he liked especially, and Kim Bum said, “I don’t have any. For this type of dangerous confession, if something goes wrong, bad things will happen”and waved his hand. It’s been five years since his debut, but Kim Bumhas not done anything in the variety department. Kim Bum was asked ifthere was a specific reason, and he answered very seriously.

“In reality, recently there aren’t a lot of chances for variety, andI don’t have time to act in dramas, movies, and variety. In otherwords, I must focus on my main work. This year I had three projects,and compared to others, I didn’t even have time to rest. Coming on“Infinity Challenge” was a rare thing and it was burden-free so Iaccepted. If I do variety, what would I do… It seems like I am anentertainer without a suitable variety to go on.”

However without “skills”, the shy Kim Bum released his first single album in Japan.:pompom:

“I finished recording for “I’m Going To Meet Her Now” and 2 newJapanese songs. Only releasing the single in Japan, the fans in Koreamight be disappointed, but this is only for fan service. I don’t haveany plans to become a singer.”

Kim Bum, whose determination for acting differs from other actors,was asked whether he had a role model in the entertainment industry,which he answered shyly.

“Before I debuted I didn’t worship a lot of celebrities. The extentof my knowledge was: a singer is someone who sings, and an actor issomeone who acts. At that time the only celebrity I liked was Jo InSung sunbae.

By chance we met privately and ate together. I bought 10tickets to the movie ‘Frozen Flower’. If we have a chance to worktogether in the future, it would be my pleasure. For foreign actors Ilike Al Pacino. I think I’ve seen all of his movies that I can find inKorea.”

Also Kim Bum recently went overseas to introduce that country’sculture and learn about the environmental procedures, and he also shotposters for the movie’s concept. Therefore, he stated that there wouldbe a travel log to be published.
“This is my first time going to Europe and I liked it a lot. I had many good memories.”

After “Unstoppable High Kick”, “East of Eden”, and “Boys OverFlowers”, Kim Bum’s schedule became very busy. However he seems alittle down when asked about the recent drama “Dream”.

“‘Dream’ means a lot to me. When ‘Dream’ started, there were a lotof questions about whether it was too quick to jump into a new project.The actors, staff, and director I worked together tried really hard,but the low ratings were such a shame. If I had to do it over again, Iwould choose to do the same. If I can’t go on with it, then I wouldregret it. Even though deciding on this project came very quickly, Inever regretted it.”

When asked about the upcoming movie “Bisang”, Kim Bum showed a special expression.

“When I was deciding on projects, I decided on ‘Bisang’ first. Thefilming for ‘Bisang’ ended first… Even though I was less busy filmingfor a movie than filming a drama, we were a little short on timefilming for ‘Bisang’, which was a shame. A week after I finishedfilming for ‘Boys Over Flowers’ I started filming for ‘Bisang’.
Howeverwhile filming for “Boys Over Flowers’ I have already decided to film‘Bisang’. The script for ‘Bisang’ is very good.”

In this movie Kim Bum acted as Shi Bum, a host, and he acted verypassionately. He expressed the sufferings in a host’s life, with alonely look in his eyes and without any fantasies about love. However,in order to protect his first love Su Kyeong (Kim Byul), he willtransform into someone who protects her at the cost of his life.

At the end Kim Bum expressed, “I’m very thankful that my fans havegiven me so much care and love.
You guys have given me so much but itseems like I haven’t give you anything. I will work harder in return.It seems that I have a lot of overseas activities for the remainder ofthe year, and although it’s a shame, please continue to support me nextyear.”

(Via Newsen 1, 2. Translated by bumsso. Take out with full credits please.)

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