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Author: baronista

PMC @ tentera upahan @ askar swasta

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Post time 20-10-2009 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Firma ketenteraan persendirian
Jalan belakang untuk Hak-hak Asasi Manusia

Firma Ketenteraan Persendirian atau lebih dikenali tentera upahan. Malah ia turut disebut istilah popularnya, Dogs Of War (Anjing Perang). Kumpulan tentera ini tidak mempunyai taat setia kepada mana-mana negara selain hanya tunduk dan patuh kepada ganjaran ataupun upah yang diterima bagi meraih keuntungan.

Lebih 90 firma ketenteraan persendirian atau PMC(Private Military Corporation) yang berkhidmat untuk lebih 110 buah negara, memberikan perkhidmatan ketenteraan yang pelbagai dari latihan, membekalkan sistem persenjataan,logistik,kawalan keselamatan sehinggalah anggota tentera untuk menceroboh mana-mana negara.

Artikel 47 dalam Konvensyen Geneva menetapkan bahawa tentera upahan adalah mereka yang direkrut untuk menyertai konflik bersenjata oleh sebuah negara, yang bukan merupakan negara ibunda mereka dengan tujuan mendapat atau mengaut keuntungan peribadi semata-mata.

Oleh itu, tugas mereka lebih seperti pengawal atau tentera persendirian yang diupah oleh pemimpin atau diktator yang memerintah secara kuku besi. Mereka akan memastikan bahawa rejim yang mengupah mereka terus kekal memerintah ataupun memboloti sumber galian, industri dan kewangan yang wujud tanpa sebarang tanggungjawab kemanusiaan.

Malahan, firma ketenteraan persendirian (PMC) juga digunakan oleh kuasa besar untuk mengekalkan dan mempertahankan rejim-rejim (pemerintah) sahabat ataupun menjatuhkan rejim (pemerintah) yang mereka tidak sukai.

Contoh penggunaan firma ketenteraan persendirian (PMC), sebuah firma kontraktor PMC diberikan kontrak bernilai USD 77 juta oleh kerajaan Arab Saudi untuk mengawal keselamatan telaga-telaga minyaknya. Di benua Asia pula. Di Filipina, firma PMC dikatakan lebih ramai daripada tentera dan polis yang sedia ada. Firma PMC terlibat dalam melatih pasukan khas di Irian Jaya, di Kampuchea firma PMC menjalankan aktiviti mencari periuk api.

Masalah Firma Ketenteraan Persendirian (PMC)
Persoalan yang timbul, di mana letaknya Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) yang dilaungkan sebagai institusi yang suci lagi adil. Yang kononnya mampu menjaga kesejahteraan manusia. Sekiranya masih ada jalan belakang untuk dikhianati. Ternyata pembohongan hukum-hukum manusia ciptakan. Apa yang dilaungkan masih ada pintu keluar untuk dibolosi.

Ini kerana Firma Ketenteraan Persendirian (PMC) tidak terikat kepada undang-undang antarabangsa(PBB) dan PMC juga tidak pernah menandatangani apa-apa perjanjian yang berkaitan dengan Hak-hak Asasi manusia(HAM) serta tatacara peperangan. Malahan PMC juga tidak dapat dipantau seliaan senjata oleh negara yang diupahnya.

Ini bermakna, Firma PMC mampu melakukan sebarang keganasan dan kezaliman kerana ia tidak terikat dengan perjanjian Geneva ataupun Hak-hak Asasi Manusia. Maka, fungsi Hak-hak Asasi Manusia terhenti setakat ini saja.

Namun, bahaya firma PMC ini mampu mencereboh negara sasaran untuk menjatuhkan pemerintahan yang kuasa besar tidak sukai. Serta mampu mempertahankan pemerintahan yang berkuku besi walaupun seluruh rakyat di wilayah tersebut membencinya bahkan tidak menjadi masalah sekiranya sebahagian besar anggota tentera tempatan turut tidak menyukai. Mungkin inilah digunakan bagi wilayah penduduk islam di Uzbekistan, Pakistan, dan sebagainya. Tidak hairanlah sekiranya Islam Karimov, selaku pemerintah kuku besi di Uzbekistan mampu bertahan lama walaupun pembunuhan ke atas rakyat yang mencintai Islam untuk diterapkan dibunuh secara berleluasa. Pastinya, semakin ramai penduduk di Uzbekistan tidak menyukai pemerintah rejim tersebut. Namun, atas pertolongan dan menggunakan perkhimatan firma ketenteraan persendirian(PMC) dapat mengekang masalah tertimbul.

Sejauh Mana Kesetiaan PMC
Selaku tentera upahan yang diupah, semestinya ketaatan dan kesetiaan mereka tertakluk imbuhan wang yang diterima. Ikatan mereka sekadar Ikatan Materi. Ikatan semacam ini, adalah ikatan yang longgor dan tidak sendat. Kerana, ikatan semacam ini adalah bersifat sementara. Sekiranya, ada peluang ganjaran upah yang lebih lumayan ditawarkan. Tidak mustahil firma PMC mengkhianati pihak yang mula-mula mengupahnya.

Atau, sekiranya ada ancaman yang mengugat keuntungan firma PMC, kemungkinan besar firma PMC akan melarikan diri. Benarkah mereka sedia mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk agenda majikan mereka. Semestinya mereka amat sayang akan nyawa mereka dan mereka (orang kafir) memang terkenal sebagai insan yang takutkan mati. Mereka akan berjuang hanya separuh hati. Kalau tidak percaya, kita lihat orang Gurkha yang hidup di wilayah ini. Mereka juga kita sebutan tentera upahan

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Post time 20-10-2009 02:32 AM | Show all posts
masyuk keja PMC nih haha..

baca dalam FHM tu..dia keja kat afgan satu hari ratus2 pound jugak

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Post time 20-10-2009 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Masyuk tu masyuk la....tapi belum sempat masyukkkkkk, dan masyuk kubur.....camne?

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Post time 20-10-2009 09:14 AM | Show all posts
well, at least sebelum masyuk kubur, sempat beraya sakan..

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Post time 20-10-2009 09:58 AM | Show all posts
kat m'sia ada PMC ker?

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Post time 20-10-2009 11:36 AM | Show all posts
tak dengar lagi ada PMC..

kalau pertubuhan jual pangkat askar ada la..

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Post time 20-10-2009 11:53 AM | Show all posts
tak dengar lagi ada PMC..

kalau pertubuhan jual pangkat askar ada la..
tok_rimau87 Post at 20/10/2009 11:36

ko dah beli? pangkat apa? koperal?

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Post time 13-11-2009 10:50 AM | Show all posts
merceneries nie...askar upahan kan... ada ke dipraktikan pada zaman sekarang... sbb mcm risky je amik askar upahan... mana tau kot-kot depa belot ke... patah arang...

erk..itu kalau ikut pemahaman ai lar pasal merceneries...tu pun based on films je...

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2009 12:08 PM | Show all posts
itulah aku nk tw..sebab dari yg aku wiki mmg ade xtw lak keje dorang aper.perang je ker?

same ker Private Military Company ngn merceneries nih?

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Post time 13-11-2009 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Jazim, apakata kau merged thread nih ... bukan ke dah ada dulu?

Ala, yg byk citer pesal Blackwater & other PMC tuh? Atleast leh tlg member baru nih ...

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2009 02:24 PM | Show all posts
dah ade ker?esemen..xtw lak aku.sile2 merged..

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Post time 13-11-2009 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Air Hitam sekarang sudah jadi XE

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Post time 13-11-2009 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Sedara baron, hah, bang Jazim dah merged kan ... belek je kat m/s lepas2 .... happy reading!

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Post time 14-11-2009 12:15 AM | Show all posts
ko dah beli? pangkat apa? koperal?
razhar Post at 20-10-2009 11:53

haha aku mmg dah ada pangkat dah..begulung atas bahu nih

ada sijil sign pak lah lagi..

tp Pengakap punye la haha..jadi la, dari masuk pertubuhan pelik2 tu..

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Post time 14-11-2009 10:12 PM | Show all posts

"Mat"-I think I have posted this before a while back can't remember.

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Post time 14-11-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts

It’s been revealed that the number of contractors hired in Iraq exceeds the number of US troops there now. That’s right, there’s over 180,000 people on the US payroll in Iraq, including over 100,000 Iraqis. This is bad for so many reasons I hardly know where to start.

However, let’s start with security, since ostensibly this whole mess was supposed to make the USA more secure. How do we know that some of the Iraqi contractors aren’t insurgent infiltrators? Even the tens of thousands of foreign contractors are suspect, since for the most part they come from countries with Muslim populations and no way to really check their backgrounds. These are the people we want building US bases and supplying US troops? I wonder how many are working on the new US Embassy? Anyone remember when the new American Embassy in Moscow had to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch because they used Russian workers in it’s construction? Turns out the Russians had installed so many eavesdropping devices in the walls that there was no hope of ever finding them all, they found one device that had a battery that would keep it functioning for over a century! And it hardly needs to be mentioned, but hidden eavesdropping devices are the least of our worries when it comes to hidden devices in Iraq.

Another problem is the hiring of armed American contractors, a new and unfortunate development in the USA. Yes, our army is now so small that we now hire tens of thousands of American mercenaries to fill out the ranks. I will probably blog exclusively on this topic at some point, we managed to make it through 200 years of history without hiring mercenaries, it’s not a good development for the Republic. In Iraq Bush is still being dodgy about just how many of these guys there are, but over 20,000 is a good guess.

The main problem with these guys is that they are armed and under nothing like military control. In fact they have been given immunity from prosecution under Iraqi law! That’s right, tens of thousands of Americans Rambos are running around with guns, with no fear of criminal prosecution, in a country where the local population is regarded as little more than terrorist towel heads. Think these guys are winning any hearts and minds? Anyone remember the video a few enterprising ones made a few years ago, where they drove around shooting people at random to the sound of heavy metal music? You can bet the Iraqis do.

Even worse, these guys are all ex-military and have now been hired back at a huge increase over their military salaries. That’s right, the USA spends piles amounts of money to train these guys, then they get to retire with pensions and get hired back at vastly increased salaries. There is a word for this. Corruption. And what really annoys me is that the military claims “…contractors cut costs while allowing troops to focus on fighting wars rather than on other tasks.” Let me get this straight, we are hiring private companies and people to perform tasks at a vastly higher salary than the military pays, plus huge corporate profits are being made in the bargain…and this is going to cut costs? There’s a word for this too. Lies. And I’ve just scraped the surface here too. The problems with quality control in the projects built under contract remain rather alarming.

What does it all mean? This shows at the very least that we don’t have enough troops in Iraq, we can’t have our cake and eat it too. We either need to conscript enough people for the army to do it’s job, or we need to cut back on what the army is being asked to do. What really frustrates me about stuff like this is that there’s no good way to understand it. Maybe this is just plain old corruption, and the administration is happy that it’s corporate sponsors are making a mint at public expense. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking and poor organization, for all I know the administration is still clinging to the belief that things are “just about to get better” in Iraq and this is only a temporary stopgap measure.

Yeah, a stopgap measure that has lasted longer than World War Two. One last thing that concerns me. Do we want private American armies in the USA? The above picture of Blackwater Mercenaries was taken in New Orleans.

ape2 pon amerika wat askar upahan ni untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan perang di kat dia outsorce la in order to sustain their invasion program kat iraq ni...

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2009 02:00 PM | Show all posts

"Mat"-I think I have posted this before a while back can't remember.
taiaha Post at 14-11-2009 22:12

ini merceneries ker nih?

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Post time 15-11-2009 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Kat Mana nih...

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Post time 15-11-2009 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Anti-piracy training pic, "Mat" works for a PMC.

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Post time 22-11-2009 04:32 PM | Show all posts
nih company escort kapal..based kat Spore..

nih kira private military company gak ke?

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