Lagu agnes monica selalu kluar kt radio ...lg2 lpas pngmuman wktu smbhyg..
Yg dia sebut "Ya Allah....inayah,...dll..."
And she's chinese christ..
edmundo Post at 22-2-2010 16:38
biar dia sebut byk2 kali..mane ar tau tibe2 hati dia jd terang menderang..masuk islam plk..
bertambah umat islam kt dunia nih... |
hmm nk kata tanah kt indon terhad tak jugak....apelah masalah diorg ni? |
astafirulahalazimmmmmmmm.....nauzubillah....mintak simpang laa...:geram: |
ada gak mcm ni.. tatowt nyew.. |
mcm kubur org kristian je semua tuh |
In response to the question in point, The European Council for Fatwa and Research issued the following Fatwa:
There are certain determined legal rulings concerning the Muslim on his death, such as washing him, wrapping him with a shroud, performing the janazah or funeral prayer for him, in addition to burying him in a Muslim cemetery. That is because Muslims have their own way of burying the dead and preparing graves, such as simplicity, facing Qiblah, and avoiding the imitation of polytheists, the affluent, and the like.
It is known that every religious community has its own cemeteries; Jews have their own cemeteries, as do Christians and pagans; therefore, it is natural that Muslims have their own cemeteries too. Muslims living in non-Muslim countries should try, through approved channels, to have their own cemeteries whenever possible, for that would enhance their presence and preserve their personality. If they fail to have their own separate cemetery, they should at least have a specific and exclusive spot within the cemetery of non-Muslims wherein they can bury their dead.
If even both alternatives are not available and a Muslim dies, he may be buried anywhere possible, even if in the cemetery of non-Muslims, for Allah does not burden a person beyond his ability. In this case, burying the Muslim in a cemetery of non-Muslims would not cause him any harm, for what will benefit the Muslim in the Hereafter will be his endeavor and righteous deeds and not the spot where he is buried. Almighty Allah says, (And man can have nothing but what he strives for…) (An-Najm 53: 39). Salman al-Farisi (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Land does not sanctify anybody, but a person’s own deeds sanctify him.” ( Mentioned by Malik in al-Muwatta' (no. 2232) with the word “man” instead of “person”.)
Besides, burying the deceased in the place where he or she dies is the practice primarily recommended by the Shari`ah, and it is easier than transferring the dead to Muslim countries, as some Muslims do, which causes difficulties and costs a lot of money needlessly.
If the Islamic cemetery is far from the residence of the deceased’s family, it will not be an acceptable excuse to bury him in a (nearby) non-Muslim cemetery, for visiting cemeteries is primarily recommended for the benefit of the visitor to receive admonition and learn a lesson, as this is confirmed in the hadith: “I commanded you not to visit graves, but now I strongly recommend visiting them, for that makes the heart tender and the eye shed tears and it reminds of the Hereafter.” (Reported by Ahmad and Al-Hakim on the authority of Anas)
A Muslim can pray for the dead person and ask forgiveness for him, and, by the Grace of Allah, the reward thereof will reach him wherever the supplicant or the seeker of forgiveness for him may be."
Excerpted, with slight modifications, from: http://www.ecfr.org
DIPETIK DARI http://www.islamonline.net/servl ... 46560#ixzz0jAMIh3dI |
mula2 tgk pic2 ni agak terkezut gak..tp x heran lah,coz diorg pun leh kawen cmpr2,x yah msk Islam bg pasangan yg kafir tu..ade sesape penah tgk slot Lagenda kat tv3,yg citer2 indon tu.tjk citernye-Cap Goh Meh.agak pelik jgk tgk citer tu.psgnnye yg cina(lelaki) siap boleh menikah ngn pasangannye yg p'puan(beragama Islam),tanpa memeluk Islam terlebih dahulu,n diorg ni siap ade mas kahwin wlupun diorg ni berlainan agama.
pttlah bnyk bala kat sana.astaghfirullah.. |
astaghfirullahalazim ...... syukurla malaysia masih waras lagi.... Malaysiaku tercinta... |
boleh la..orang islam yang dapat lindungan Allah time dalam kubur dgr orang kapir sebelah die kene seksa |
Indon ni memang semuanya main taram...kahwin pun boleh main campur sorang Islam sorang Kristian...sampai mati pun...kebumi boleh main campur2 juga...rasanya itulah antara sebab kenapa negara mereka ni banyak sangat dilanda musibah...agama Islam di negara mereka macam tak dijaga kesuciannya...kalau tidak...masakan hal2 macam ni boleh terjadi... |
member aku pernah tanya sorang kawan dia orang indon.. kenapa kubur indon suma bercampur.. boleh ke mcm tu.. indon tu jwb mcm ni "takkan lah malaikat tak kenal mana islam mana kafir" ... aiyak... member aku tu kata dlm hati bodoh piang.. |
pelik nya..
tu la sibuk nak klaim sana sini.. |
tapi kan, bersih je kawasan perkuburan ni.
kalau kat malaysia, jarang jumpa kawasan kubur yang bersih, biasa banyak daun bersepah, time nak raya je baru ada kerja2 pembersihan. |
boleh la..orang islam yang dapat lindungan Allah time dalam kubur dgr orang kapir sebelah die kene seksa
sayang_mulut Post at 26-3-2010 14:38 tapi kan x best lak rasanya...macam semayang dalam masjit ader mat salleh ngah beroa ngan jesus dia... tu bagi selimut la... jangan pas nie ader perkuburan 1 malaysia udahler |
tak silap aku ade 1 negara barat yang kawasan kuburnya sangat luas dan dibahagi kepada 4 bahagian berdasarkan agama iaitu jews,buddhist,muslim,christian. |
my firend penah explain about this..nanti aku carik balik.. |
mnakutkn plak............ |
dari sumber yang dipercayai.. nie kawasan kubur untuksebuah kg.. semua yang mati akan dikuburkan kat situ walaupown berlainan agama... dashat tuuu
selimutpurple Post at 21-11-2009 06:25 PM
gila tul..semangat 1 kampung la ni, tak tercapai akalku |
tu gambau last tu kubo kristian cantum dgn kubor muslim tu nak tunjuk depa tu laki bini sehidup sekubor ke? |
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