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Author: KingNepTune

REVOLUSI Arab? Update : Hosni Mubarak Letak Jawatan #1206

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Org putih berhibur, mereka ada degree bagai, dpt scholarship for being excel in academic or  ...
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 12:26

dlm american idol tu pun doc... ade gak stok2 felda jer p audition....

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts
the years before 2012...

New World Order In The Making?????

Perkembangan terbaru.....

Mubarak membubarkan kabinet...
Beberapa bangunan kerajaan dibakar....
Ibu pejabat ruling entity terbakar....
Massier 'senyapkan' internet - rupanya bukan susah pun meneutralisekan internet
Bursa saham New York jatuh kebimbangan situasi Mesir
Minyak melonjak semula ke paras $90++ bimbang bekalan minyak terganggu

Pelik - Wikileaks dedahkan:

US penyumbang gerakan di Massier menumbangkan diktator Pro US ???

US sokong secara rahsia pemimpin pemberontak ... ehind-uprising.html

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Jikalau ular menyusur akar, tiada hilang bisanya
Acong Post at 29-1-2011 12:20

    gilak lah Cong

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
dlm american idol tu pun doc... ade gak stok2 felda jer p audition....
dino Post at 29-1-2011 12:27

Tapi kan Dino, entah kenapa, minda haku dah set bahawa:

Malaysian Idol tu lebih berkualiti dari AF.
Adakah Amrika berjaya menjajah minda haku???

Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Secara serius, kita sedih tengok sebilangan goongan muda mudi Malaysia, terlalu leka & hanyut ...
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 11:35

ini polisi senyap kerajaan untuk menjadikan orang2 melayu supaya minda tidak terangsang untuk memahami apa yg berlaku dlm geopolitik tempatan. Jika berlaku penyelewengan mereka tak nampak, tidak kisah atau kerajaan pandai cover. Yg penting AF kena layan...hiburan kena layan, sapa yg menang anugerah kena tahu.

Cuba tgk apa yg media pro-kerajaan boleh offer? Hiburan.....and lots of it! Propaganda....mcm tak ada had.

So, at the end sapa yg rugi?

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:31 PM | Show all posts
New World Order In The Making?????

Perkembangan terbaru.....

Mubarak membubarkan kabinet.. ...
KingNepTune Post at 29-1-2011 12:29

Mungkin kah ini startegi Amrika nak menawan Piramid?

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:32 PM | Show all posts
ini polisi senyap kerajaan untuk menjadikan orang2 melayu supaya minda tidak terangsang untuk me ...
ronin Post at 29-1-2011 12:31

    Tu pasal aku harap, masih ada sisa baki golongan muda di sini, yang celik akal nya.
Dan yang dah terjerumus ke kancah hiburan melampau tu, supaya balik ke pangkal jalan.

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Tapi kan Dino, entah kenapa, minda haku dah set bahawa:

Malaysian Idol tu lebi ...
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 12:30

mmg org kite anggap omputih tu hebat...... klau omputih mai msia tu ingat seme kaya2.... pdhl tiket lrt 3 hinggit pun beria2 mintak refund psl terslh beli.....

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Secara serius, kita sedih tengok sebilangan goongan muda mudi Malaysia, terlalu leka & hanyut ...
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 11:35

kO perli COnan ke?

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 19# totokumngok

    jarang2 totok post yang menarik tapi yang ni doc red bagi extra tacanglah... terbaik, syabas totok

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:34 PM | Show all posts
mmg org kite anggap omputih tu hebat...... klau omputih mai msia tu ingat seme kaya2.... pdhl tike ...
dino Post at 29-1-2011 12:32

Putih = kaya, pandai

Hitam = miskin, bodoh


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Post time 29-1-2011 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Latest news!  sudah merebak ke Jordan .. .. KSA senyap dan sunyi lagi

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:36 PM | Show all posts
kO perli COnan ke?
penyo. Post at 29-1-2011 12:33


Tu general statement lah

Conan aku lihat terbuka minda beliau dalam menilai suasana geopolitik...
Mungkin kalau beliau ialah benar2 seorang fan AF tegar, beliau boleh memainkan peranan mentarbiyah fan2 AF yg lain, supaya tak melupakan pelajaran/general knowledge, disamping berhibur.

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Latest news!  sudah merebak ke Jordan ..  .. KSA senyap dan sunyi lagi
Mawlay Post at 29-1-2011 12:35


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Post time 29-1-2011 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Tu pasal aku harap, masih ada sisa baki golongan muda di sini, yang celik akal nya.
Dan y ...
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 12:32

naluri nak berhibur tu mmg seme org ade kan.... yg penting takde berlebih2.... takde la terkinja2.....  
mcm org jepun depa keje gile2... berhibur2 gile... tp depa tetap maju gak....

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:39 PM | Show all posts
from christian amanpour's facebook:

Christiane Amanpour
Mubarak tells Egypt that he will replace the government tomorrow. Some Egyptians say that is not enough.
4 hours ago via HootSuite

selected comments:
Maged Fahmy Most Egyptians
Ahsan Khan lol @ changing everyone except himself haha

Polona Florijančič پلنا فلریینچیچ all real Egyptians say it's not enough!

Omar Noureldin A LOT of Egyptians say its not enough. He did not respond to the concerns of the people. The people are protesting him personally... not the government.

True Burns Of course it's not enough. Who cares if the government is replaced if the man the nation wants out is the one appointing the replacement?

Dina Said Of course this is not enough. The laws will remain the same. The injustice will remain the same. The corruption will remain the same. The difference will be only in faces!!!
We were waiting for him to resign or at least make fair elections.

Dina Fergani yea so 15 people died and thousands in the street cause they want to change a government that is already changed periodically , wow that makes sense.

Ruhi Al-Ahmed ‎"All" would be a better word selection rather than "some" Egyptians.

Shahrokh Talmoud it is similar to 1978 with Iran and Shah. Mubarak never learned from President Sadat's Friend (Shah of Iran). Now after 30 years the history repeats.

Roger A. Banks Sr. The people want to get rid of him not the Government!!! lol ok, we'll see how this pans out!

Godwin E Morka Snr He should graciously step aside. The tide had risen and he cannot push it back. It is capable of swallowing him and his cohorts any time now

Robert Schiele Of course that isn't enough. It wouldn't be for me, if I were Egyptian. It still leaves Mubarak in the position of deciding what and who constitutes the gov't.

Holuwatoyin 'Hadewhale We in other parts of Africa support the Egyptian cause for total change,he should go with the whole govt. The revolution is spreading,Nigerians get ready.

Saba Gill Blah! He missed the whole point. People want him to replace himself.

Muna A. Ali THIS MAN IS INSANE he will never give it up.. but he should look around an see, what others brought to.. f exp. somalia an iraq..

Amr Radwan He is a dictator that hijacked a constitutional democracy with a 30 year marshal law. What do you think?

Ahmad A. El-Komy This is not what the people of Egypt want! Ash-Shaab Youreed Isqat An-Nizammmmmmmmmmmmm! The people (of Egypt) demand the collapse of (this) Regimmmmme!
Son-Of Mein Owei It is not enough and it will never be enough after 30 years of getting rich while every one else starves. How can it be enough. That is an insult to the people of Egypt.

Mido Hassan it is not a goverment issu, it is mubarak issu, mr mubarak please go hell

Blaise Buma Ben Ali started by making concessions. Let's hope that as Mubarak starts making these concessions, he will eventually step down.

Pearl Nkeangnyi Yeah that old trick. Replace them all, appoint a nu set of stooge victims, giv them 'firm' orders. And that's it!
Raymond Eke Mubarak deserves some stroke of the cane for such insipid speech. He should be thrown out for people to have a feel of fresh air.


Azita Kiai I guess it won't be enough until the Muslim brothers take over Egypt and make another Islamic republic of it, in which case..... God save us all!!!

Abby Rockson Are the rest of the dictators on the continent watching? They should start putting their house in order before it gets messy.

Bleck Ben The message from the White House is "Yes you must act on these reforms but persuing a hopeful future for the people of Eygpt is critical". The response to Mubarak's message was measured with extreme care.

Quentae Batiste Let me get this straight. An 82 year old man is clinging to power. The Egyptian people do not want the guy in power. The solution. fire all the low level government officials. WTF!

Déo Ngango-Rwigema hahaha Mubarak just missed the whole point, the people of Egypt are exhausted &j want him to leave. Its TIME to build strong instutitions instead of strong man.

Gehan Ahmed down with Mubarak! he must to butt out today before tomorrow. It is sooooooo clear that all the Egyptians hate him.

Ibrahim Habarneh America can not bet on mubarak neither his son Jamal, Mubarak has cancer and his son is hated by egyptians, so the bet will be on a new leader with more openness to the west, and a reformist to the country.!/amanpourabc/posts/104949332916763

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:39 PM | Show all posts

Tu general statement lah

Conan aku lihat terbuka minda beliau da ...
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 12:36

tentu la doc blum begitu mengenali dtec

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:40 PM | Show all posts
naluri nak berhibur tu mmg seme org ade kan.... yg penting takde berlebih2.... takde la terkinja2. ...
dino Post at 29-1-2011 12:37


Sebenarnya Dino, segala caci maki terhadap AF tuh, I tujukan kpd golongan yg super lagha
Cuma dari satu aspek, I punya pendirian agak tegas, iaitu 'mengundi sms tu memang pembaziran, hatta satu sms sekalipun'.

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:40 PM | Show all posts

Tu general statement lah

Conan aku lihat terbuka minda beliau dalam menilai suasana geopolitik...
Mungkin kalau beliau ialah benar2 seorang fan AF tegar, beliau bolehmemainkan peranan mentarbiyah fan2 AF yg lain, supaya tak melupakanpelajaran/general knowledge, disamping berhibur.
RedDevils Post at 29-1-2011 12:36

Maksudnya...wolrd......wolrd jugak....akhirat jangan di lufe?

Oct 26 2005, 07:53 AM
Kehebatan golongan selebriti memang tak boleh dinafikan. Kalau tidak tak kan lah Mawi diangkat menjadi wira Melayu yang baru. Mawi, anak peneroka Felda yang tak mempunyai kelulusan agama dari Universiti Al-Azhar atau UIA berjaya menafaatkan firman Allah agar sentiasa berpesan-pesan antara sesama manusia. Tentu anda masih ingat pesan Mawi ketika membuat persembahan di Danga Bay, Johor Bharu, “World... world jugak, akhirat jangan lupa.”

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Post time 29-1-2011 12:40 PM | Show all posts
tentu la doc blum begitu mengenali dtec
dino Post at 29-1-2011 12:39

  Of coz.
Tak pernah jumpa lagi personally. Dino pernah ka?

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