sam1528 posted on 18-12-2012 06:12 PM
Why are you going sideways and not addressing the issues? No answers?
- can you address Prof ...
Why are you going sideways and not addressing the issues? No answers?
- can you address Prof Ehrman's claim that the bible contain lies?
- can you explain why you claim that the resurrection of biblical Jesus is different from the resurrection at judgement day?
- why are you so inconsistent that you are ok with the biblical God lying but have a problem when Allah deceived the would be killers of Prophet Isa(as) in order to save Allah's messenger?
- can you challenge the biblical verses quoted that carries the meaning of biblical Jesus escaped crucifixion and biblical Jesus did not die and not resurrected?
Going to and fro in non arguments and hoping that the issues would fade away is the action of a person whose mouth is frothing.You actually have nothing
you consider like pharisee ...
u not even Bible expert or scholar...u asking question...if u have guts...go and ask question to Bible scholar face to face than hidding infront of the monitor
Truth.8 posted on 19-12-2012 10:08 AM
you consider like pharisee ...
u not even Bible expert or scholar...u asking question...if u ...
Very true Truth.8, you see in this thread i answered almost all of his queries in post 5# to 8# but he seems to be suffering from psedo-dyslexia or advance stage of Alzheimer...........
Truth.8 posted on 19-12-2012 10:08 AM
you consider like pharisee ...
u not even Bible expert or scholar...u asking question...if u ...
you consider like pharisee ...
u not even Bible expert or scholar...u asking question...if u have guts...go and ask question to Bible scholar face to face than hidding infront of the monitor
I have never considered myself a bible scholar and my reference have always cited the bible commentary and actual bible scholars. I cite real and known bible scholars like Prof Ehrman , Prof Tabor , Dr Peter Enns. Why are you whining on this issue but so far failed to address the issues? You are making up issues in an effort to avoid addressing the issues.
I am going to borrow a couple of quotes from Rev Professor Jeffrey J. Butz in his work ‘The Brother of Jesus and the Lost Teachings of Christianity’:
“It is more than than intriguing that the Muslim understanding of Jesus is very much in conformity with the first Christian orthodoxy – the original Jewish Christian understanding of Jesus.” p186
“If Jewish Christianity had prevailed over Pauline Christianity, history would likely have been written quite differently. It is quite likely that such atrocities as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust would never have happened. If the Jewish Christian understanding of Jesus had prevailed, Jews and Christians might never have parted ways, and Islam would have never have become Christianity’s perceived enemy.” p 187
If you now want me to confront a bible scholar , why did you in the first place started all these?
wkk5159 posted on 19-12-2012 10:38 AM
Very true Truth.8, you see in this thread i answered almost all of his queries in post 5# to 8# bu ...
Very true Truth.8, you see in this thread i answered almost all of his queries in post 5# to 8# but he seems to be suffering from psedo-dyslexia or advance stage of Alzheimer...........
Ha ha , the words of a half crazed cheerleader. Ok then , pinpoint where did you answer :
- can you address Prof Ehrman's claim that the bible contain lies?
- can you explain why you claim that the resurrection of biblical Jesus is different from the resurrection at judgement day?
- why are you so inconsistent that you are ok with the biblical God lying but have a problem when Allah deceived the would be killers of Prophet Isa(as) in order to save Allah's messenger?
- can you challenge the biblical verses quoted that carries the meaning of biblical Jesus escaped crucifixion and biblical Jesus did not die and not resurrected?
This is very common. When a bible thumping fundie like you cannot answer any questions , they will go into a state of delusional denial.
ayurvedar posted on 19-12-2012 08:15 PM
So the Islam God lies and the Christian God also lies. Why don't you start believing in the real God ...
I know you are either a Buddhist or Hindu but if you read my reply and other Christian's reply, you will get the real answer and not the twisted facts by some muslims........
Trurh.8 , forget about the mocking from the ultra imbecilic worshipper of demon, he's not even science literate as can be witnessed from all those puffer fish and toad stuff in your thread "Baca is not Mecca" and this shameless serpent want to be a charlatan Bible scholar some more and start smearing the Bible like those familiar anti-Christ figure we had encountered much too often.......we don't have to deal with him, our Lord will !
wkk5159 posted on 23-12-2012 06:29 PM
Son of Hamas spent years reading Bible and Koran side by side, his conclusion; koran contains thou ...
Observe folks the small minds of these bible thumping fundies 'wkk5159' and 'truth.8'
When we muslims state that the bible is corrupted and contain lies , we refer to the works of world reknown bible scholars like Prof Bart Ehrman , Rev Prof (late) Bruce Metzger , Dr AE Harvey , Dr Peter Enns. Not even a squeak from these people is because they have never heard of these bible scholars until their names have been mentioned. 'truth.8' has been harping on bible scholars but now it is clear that he does not even know these big names in bible scholarship. Suddenly the issue of bible scholar has disappeared from his argument
However when these Paulinians try to argue against Islam , all they have are videos of
- so called son of Hamas (self admitted , only by him) stating that Quran is corrupted
- so called ex muslims with Father Zakaria talking about seerah Rasullah but not identifying what seerah they talking about
Ha ha , the intellectual disparity is there for all to see ...
Truth.8, this idiot obviously don't learn from the last few threads when i clearly quoted views of Prof Ehrman, a former bible scholar turn bible critic, which are in direct contradiction even with teaching of Islam. One commentator describes this spot on when he said;" muslims around the world like to quote Prof Ehrman's' view in their articles and video footages as if Ehrman is their unsung hero but in reality a lot of Ehrman's views also slap muslims' cheek on both side." What can i said, Islam beside turning somebody into a spiritual zombie, also turning them into intellectual dumb ass. In the case of Sam1XXX, he either suffers from advanced stage of Alzheimer or pseudodyslaxia.....either way, his position now is beyond embarrassment already.
Christians all over the world knew about the likes of bible scholars turn bible critics like Prof Bart Ehrman , Rev Prof (late) Bruce Metzger , Dr AE Harvey , Dr Peter Enns, but in an enviroment which encourage and favour freedom of expressions and ideas which of course is very much impossible in Islamic countries..... Mosab Yousef is lucky to go into hiding and exile, the unlucky one will surely be persecuted and put to death.
Mosab Yousef brilliantly quoted koran surah 9:5 "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush"
No wonder ex-muslim like him with clear conscience and love for humanity, condemns, loathes and leaves Islam after finding out the truth.
wkk5159 posted on 24-12-2012 10:40 AM
Truth.8, this idiot obviously don't learn from the last few threads when i clearly quoted views of ...
Observe folks , the weakness and the lack of logic of of 'wkk5159' , a bible thumping fundie frothing in his mouth
Truth.8, this idiot obviously don't learn from the last few threads when i clearly quoted views of Prof Ehrman, a former bible scholar turn bible critic, which are in direct contradiction even with teaching of Islam. One commentator describes this spot on when he said;" muslims around the world like to quote Prof Ehrman's' view in their articles and video footages as if Ehrman is their unsung hero but in reality a lot of Ehrman's views also slap muslims' cheek on both side." What can i said, Islam beside turning somebody into a spiritual zombie, also turning them into intellectual dumb ass. In the case of Sam1XXX, he either suffers from advanced stage of Alzheimer or pseudodyslaxia.....either way, his position now is beyond embarrassment already.
Christians all over the world knew about the likes of bible scholars turn bible critics like Prof Bart Ehrman , Rev Prof (late) Bruce Metzger , Dr AE Harvey , Dr Peter Enns, but in an enviroment which encourage and favour freedom of expressions and ideas which of course is very much impossible in Islamic countries..... Mosab Yousef is lucky to go into hiding and exile, the unlucky one will surely be persecuted and put to death.
Mosab Yousef brilliantly quoted koran surah 9:5 "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush"
No wonder ex-muslim like him with clear conscience and love for humanity, condemns, loathes and leaves Islam after finding out the truth.
Ha ha , the issue here is that Prof Bart Ehrman in his works concluded and supported by facts and other bible scholars that the bible contain forgeries and also lies. When we muslims quote the good prof , the following is the answer from you , 'wkk5159'
- the quoted views of Prof Ehrman is in direct contradiction to the Quran
- freedom of expression
Ha ha , this is answering but not answering to the point. Who cares if the opinion of Prof Ehrman contradict the Quran. Prof Ehrman is a bible scholar not a Quran scholar. 'Freedom of expression' still does not address the point that it has been proven that the bible is not inerrant. Address the issue that the bible has been proven inerrant by leading bible scholars. Its kind of faith shattering , isn't it. The bible that you 'die die' claim to be the word of your biblical God has been proven to be corrupted , contain forgeries and lies.
Hmm lets look into the opinion of a leading non muslim academic of the Quran , Prof Angelika Neuwirth :
new findings of Qur’anic text fragments , moreover , can be adduced to affirm rather than call into question the traditional picture of the Qur’an as an early fixed text composed of the suras we have. Nor have scholars having to deconstruct that image through linguistic arguments succeeded in seriously discrediting the genuineness of the Quran as we know it
Ha ha , this is funny. You being a bible thumping fundie is really desperate. 'Son of Hamas' is your hero? Ha ha , only he admitted to it and there has not been any verification of his identity. In other words , you are forcing yourself to believe in a speculation , ie. no evidence. Quran9:5? How come he has forgotten to quote verse 6 , as follows , sahih international :
And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.
Oops , is it killing and more killing issit? Hmm , delivering another to a safe place is killing to you? This alone is evidence of the fradulant nature of yours and 'son of hamas' argument.
ussopp posted on 24-12-2012 01:25 PM
dont think violence is always bad, and tenderness always the best...
even satan can trick us us ...
Bear in mind that i don't base my "right" and "wrong" on human's standard.
If you base your ethic and moral conducts on human created standard and value, then who do you listen to ?? Western ?? Eastern ?? Or some ancient phiilosophies ???
For Christians, we believe in absolute standard of morality based on Bible teaching, there is no gray area !
Truth.8 posted on 24-12-2012 04:09 PM
even an author who is born muslim wrote satanic verses....
So , what about the satanic verses?
What is your issue?
Who is the bible scholar that has been teaching you? You have been blabbering about bible scholar but you don't even know the works of the world's leading scholars on the inerrancy of the bible. You are an ignorant bible thumping fundie
ussopp posted on 24-12-2012 08:44 PM
so im lucky u are using one of books that has its reputation recognized in Quran....
i though u ...
Recognized reputation in Quran ? Isn't Islam consider Bible as corrupted ? By the way, we Christians don't need your recognition as Bible and Quran is utterly imcompatible. Biggest lie in Quran for Christian is denial of deity of Jesus Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection !
wkk5159 posted on 24-12-2012 11:43 PM
Recognized reputation in Quran ? Isn't Islam consider Bible as corrupted ? By the way, we Christia ...
in particular, im talking about those legalized war and punishment that both state in Quran and bible....
thats all....
thats enuf to debunk ur post that i quote where you say you prefer so called tenderness only and reject violence, while violence is stated in true religion as valid for proper punishment (not abuse)