Truth.8 posted on 8-11-2014 01:48 PM
do you know the recent video on sex scandal like alivn and few others who behave bad...they are ...
Are you really 54 years old and had gone thru many things in your life as you claim Truth.8 ?? From the ultra biased opinions and views from you on foods and its relationship to behaviour of human being, do you honestly believe that behaviour of Alvin Tan has anything to do with pork ? Trust me, if you make this remark in front of scientific community, you will only make a mockery out of yourself. Since you said that being vegetarian make you a less violent and vile person, how are you going to explain the existence of violent monk ???
It is apparent that you have been deeply intoxicated and indoctrinated by wrong doctrine over long period of time which ultimately turn you into someone who can't think independently and logically, in other word, you have turn into yourself into a religious bigot with extreme unchristian views whichs are anything but correct.
wkk5159 posted on 9-11-2014 12:37 PM
Are you really 54 years old and had gone thru many things in your life as you claim Truth.8 ?? Fro ...
Are you really 54 years old and had gone thru many things in your life as you claim Truth.8 ?? From the ultra biased opinions and views from you on foods and its relationship to behaviour of human being, do you honestly believe that behaviour of Alvin Tan has anything to do with pork ? Trust me, if you make this remark in front of scientific community, you will only make a mockery out of yourself. Since you said that being vegetarian make you a less violent and vile person, how are you going to explain the existence of violent monk ???
Yes I have gone thru with my life in many order to experience, you have feels it. As for the Monk you claimed terrrorist you know many so called monk or buddhist not vegetarian, I have visited thailand, they eat meats include porks....I have visit Bodhgaya a place where Gautama received his Enlightenment ...all vegetarian....only few places or restaurant served meats....the peoples are peaceful ...I like that place because peace and relax...
I have seen the pork lovers...yes they behave like pigs....look at alvin...willing to be in nude doing porno with is girl you think vegetarian peoples does this....what you eat what you are.
It is apparent that you have been deeply intoxicated and indoctrinated by wrong doctrine over long period of time which ultimately turn you into someone who can't think independently and logically, in other word, you have turn into yourself into a religious bigot with extreme unchristian views whichs are anything but correct.
If you says wrong doctrine, than why you need to be better be free thinker like alvin tan....The Bible made very clear the laws was not done away rather uphold....
Here is another video.... this base islamic view but same as what the Bible says.. please watch until end....than you tell me you want to eat pork after watching this video?
Yes and people still eat shit(pork) after seeing this. It is disgusting how some people never change even if you try to convince them. It actually reaches a point that i would not even care if they get any of these diseases, and when they do i will say good for you now you suffer for not listening to me and many others. every time i tell them not to eat it they say no man when you cook it well all the diseases removed. Really you can take a piece of shit and cook it in an oven then present it and say it is all good man i cooked the shit out of it. Get real!
Truth.8 posted on 10-11-2014 11:11 AM
Yes I have gone thru with my life in many order to experience, you have feels ...
It is apparent that you are just a religion bigot who can't think logically and rationally Truth.8, let alone be able to understand and accept anything which is scientific. By generalise all pork eating population as despicable, you have officiallly indict yourself as religion bigot cum extremist who has insulted billions of Samarithans who consume pork.
Hah, don't portray the pig as scanvenger in Youtube if you are just a laymen, i'm in the field of veterinary medicine, you can only fool the ignorant and not me and zillion other scientific community. Do you know that technically pig and poultry are both omnivores and if you consume chicken, why you refrain from eating pork ??? Also, have you seen cattle scavenge in rubbish dumbing ground like a pig when opportunity arise ???? Most importantly, all modern commercial pigs are fed on grain and concentrate in which i think their flesh is more "kosher "...say than yours.
If you accuse Alvin Tan of being vile if he is a pork eater, then beside being a religion bigot, you are also a moronic ignorant who has no idea which ethnic group is the biggest criminal in this country, let's see in Indian community, those consuming pork are Sikh and Christian Indian whereas those not eating pork are vegetarians Hindu Indian, now tell me, who commit more crime ???
No wonder you lose your debate everytime with hardcore muslims because you don't know what is fact and what is fallacies.
wkk5159 posted on 10-11-2014 02:33 PM
It is apparent that you are just a religion bigot who can't think logically and rationally Truth.8 ...
t is apparent that you are just a religion bigot who can't think logically and rationally Truth.8, let alone be able to understand and accept anything which is scientific. By generalise all pork eating population as despicable, you have officiallly indict yourself as religion bigot cum extremist who has insulted billions of Samarithans who consume pork.
Hah, don't portray the pig as scanvenger in Youtube if you are just a laymen, i'm in the field of veterinary medicine, you can only fool the ignorant and not me and zillion other scientific community. Do you know that technically pig and poultry are both omnivores and if you consume chicken, why you refrain from eating pork ??? Also, have you seen cattle scavenge in rubbish dumbing ground like a pig when opportunity arise ???? Most importantly, all modern commercial pigs are fed on grain and concentrate in which i think their flesh is more "kosher "...say than yours.
If you accuse Alvin Tan of being vile if he is a porghos eater, then beside being a religion bigot, you are also a moronic ignorant who has no idea which ethnic group is the biggest criminal in this country, let's see in Indian community, those consuming pork are Sikh and Christian Indian whereas those not eating pork are vegetarians Hindu Indian, now tell me, who commit more crime ???
No wonder you lose your debate everytime with hardcore muslims because you don't know what is fact and what is fallacies.
I guess you not a Bible reading person...and true christain...this normal for typical chinese using christain name but celebrate pagan festival like hungry ghost and etc..I have seen this before..using christian name such as willam but still with their pagan ritual ...
watch here another : Christians Lies pt.1 "We may eat pork"
Here another :
Paul Did NOT Give You "Christians" Permission To Eat Pork!!!!
Truth.8 posted on 11-11-2014 01:43 AM
I guess you not a Bible reading person...and true christain...this normal for typical chinese us ...
Now you try to blabber about some Chineses with Christian or Western names who are celebrating traditional pagan beliefs ??? These are no Christians and we all know, we are discussing about the pork and you try to divert attention by talking about non Christian Chineses with Christian names, no wonder you can't debate with facts ! Btw, i don't have a Christian name if that spiritual deficient and biased mind of yours fail to see.
Why post some Youtube by some cult again ??? No genuine Christian would bother to watch it.
If you insist on your dumb logic of eating flesh of particular creature will turn oneself into the character of that creature, then you Truth.8, You should be a cannibal and go around killing and eating good people because that's what your ideal meat is all about.
wkk5159 posted on 11-11-2014 09:16 AM
Now you try to blabber about some Chineses with Christian or Western names who are celebrating tra ...
Now you try to blabber about some Chineses with Christian or Western names who are celebrating traditional pagan beliefs ??? These are no Christians and we all know, we are discussing about the pork and you try to divert attention by talking about non Christian Chineses with Christian names, no wonder you can't debate with facts ! Btw, i don't have a Christian name if that spiritual deficient and biased mind of yours fail to see.
Yes I have seen peoples or the chinese using christian name but practise pagan of their faith....a true Christian will never practise such pagan ritual.
and you not a true christian. you just a free thinker who need liberal and free wills....go ahead eat all you want and when times going regret for your health...
Why post some Youtube by some cult again ??? No genuine Christian would bother to watch it.
why? is cult to you ....anyone who do not eat pork are cult to you??
If you insist on your dumb logic of eating flesh of particular creature will turn oneself into the character of that creature, then you Truth.8, You should be a cannibal and go around killing and eating good people because that's what your ideal meat is all about.
this clearly show you never read the was vegetarian in was GOD plan....since humans sin...than God lay out which meats are good and which meats are not good....
now , since you call those refuse to eat pork are this :
1. Porking You Up It’s a fact—ham, sausage, and bacon strips will go right to your hips. Eating pork products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase your waistline and increase your chances of developing deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, asthma, and impotence. Research has shown that vegetarians are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and they have 40 percent of the cancer rate of meat-eaters. Plus, meat-eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than pure vegetarians are. 2. Pigs Have Feelings TooNinety-seven percent of pigs in the United States today are raised in factory farms, where they will never run across sprawling pastures, bask in the sun, breathe fresh air, or do anything else that comes naturally to them. Crowded into warehouses with nothing to do and nowhere to go, they are kept on a steady diet of drugs to keep them alive and make them grow faster, but the drugs cause many of the animals to become crippled under their own bulk. 3. Pigs and Playstations
Think that you can outplay a pig on your Playstation? You may be surprised. According to research, pigs are much smarter than dogs, and they even do better at video games than some primates. In fact, pigs are extremely clever animals who form complex social networks and have excellent memories. Eating a pig is like eating your dog! As actor Cameron Diaz put it after hearing that pigs have the mental capacities of a 3-year-old human: “[Eating bacon is] like eating my niece!
4. Pigs Prefer Mud, Not Crud Pigs are actually very clean animals. If they are given sufficient space, pigs are careful not to soil the areas where they sleep or eat. And forget the silly saying “sweating like a pig”—pigs can’t even sweat! That’s why they bathe in water or mud to cool off. But in factory farms, they’re forced to live in their own feces and vomit and even amid the corpses of other pigs. Conditions are so filthy that at any given time, more than one-quarter of pigs suffer from mange—think of your worst case of poison ivy, and imagine having to suffer from it for the rest of your life. 5. Farming Family Values Factory farms are pure hell for pigs and their babies. Mother pigs spend most of their lives in tiny “gestation” crates, which are so small that the animals are unable to turn around or even lie down comfortably. They are repeatedly impregnated until they are slaughtered. Piglets, who are taken away from their distraught mothers after just a few weeks, have their tails chopped off, their teeth are clipped off with pliers, and the males are castrated—all without painkillers. 6. The Manure Is Blowing in the Wind … A pig farm with 5,000 animals produces as much fecal waste as a city of 50,000 people. In 1995, 25 million gallons of putrid hog urine and feces spilled into a North Carolina river, immediately killing between 10 and 14 million fish. To get around water pollution limits, factory farms will frequently take the tons of urine and feces that are stored in cesspools and turn them into liquid waste that they spray into the air. This manure-filled mist is carried away by the wind and inhaled by the people who live nearby.
7. Bacteria-Laden Bacon and Harmful Ham Extremely crowded conditions, poor ventilation, and filth in factory farms cause such rampant disease in pigs that 70 percent of them have pneumonia by the time they’re sent to the slaughterhouse. In order to keep pigs alive in conditions that would otherwise kill them and to promote unnaturally fast growth, the industry keeps pigs on a steady diet of the antibiotics that we depend on to treat human illnesses. This overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of “superbacteria,” or antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. The ham, bacon, and sausage that you’re eating may make the drugs that your doctor prescribes the next time you get sick completely ineffective. 8. Hell on Wheels More than 170,000 pigs die in transport each year, and more than 420,000 are crippled by the time they arrive at the slaughterhouse. Transport trucks, which carry pigs hundreds of miles through all weather extremes with no food or water, regularly flip over, throwing injured and dying animals onto the road. These terrified and injured animals are rarely offered veterinary care, and most languish in pain for hours; some even bleed to death on the side of the road. After an accident in April 2005, Smithfield spokesperson Jerry Hostetter told one reporter, “I hate to admit it, but it happens all the time.”
9. Killing Them Without Kindness A typical slaughterhouse kills up to 1,100 pigs every hour, which makes it impossible for them to be given humane, painless deaths. The U.S. Department of Agriculture documented 14 humane slaughter violations at one processing plant, where inspectors found hogs who “were walking and squealing after being stunned [with a stun gun] as many as four times.” Because of improper stunning methods and extremely fast line speeds, many pigs are still alive when they are dumped into scalding-hot hair-removal tanks—they literally drown in scalding-hot water. 10. Ditch the Bacon and Get Fakin’ Save pigs from hell and yourself from bad health by feasting on faux pork products instead. Stuff a sandwich full of Yves brand veggie ham slices, or throw some Lightlife Smart Bacon into a sizzling skillet—the freezer and “health food” sections of your local grocery or health food stores are packed full of these and other tasty substitutes.
Think before you eat another sausage link— live healty life style by eating more veges, fruits and nuts...a smart way of living....not piggy way
Truth.8 posted on 11-11-2014 12:03 PM
Yes I have seen peoples or the chinese using christian name but practise pagan of their faith.. ...
It is official, you have established yourself as Fallacy.8 instead of Truth.8, you just can't absorb anything which is scientific, don't you ..? Beside incapable of understanding what i've written, you also selectively adopt biased pseudo scientific fact about the pork, likewise, i can give zillion of scientific proofs on benefit of consuming pork. Can you accept it ?
If you insist on your cultch view of pork founded by prophetess Ellen G White, so be it, true Christians and good Samaritans just won't and can't deceive by your misintepretation of sacred Bible.
I notice that beside poor ability in comprehend the Bible, you are also very narrow minded and have a pathetic zilch exposure to foreign culture, especially dietary culture. I saw your ridiculous post in other thread in which your subjectively think that fish can only be cooked with spices in order to get rid of the fishy smell, such a benighted ignorance ! Guess you don't mix around with East Asian like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. You personal view is nothing short of being a racist bigot.
Are you a bigotry sudroid like Sephiroth ? I guess you are.
wkk5159 posted on 13-11-2014 09:11 AM
It is official, you have established yourself as Fallacy.8 instead of Truth.8, you just can't ab ...
It is official, you have established yourself as Fallacy.8 instead of Truth.8, you just can't absorb anything which is scientific, don't you ..? Beside incapable of understanding what i've written, you also selectively adopt biased pseudo scientific fact about the pork, likewise, i can give zillion of scientific proofs on benefit of consuming pork. Can you accept it ?
If you insist on your cultch view of pork founded by prophetess Ellen G White, so be it, true Christians and good Samaritans just won't and can't deceive by your misintepretation of sacred Bible.
I notice that beside poor ability in comprehend the Bible, you are also very narrow minded and have a pathetic zilch exposure to foreign culture, especially dietary culture. I saw your ridiculous post in other thread in which your subjectively think that fish can only be cooked with spices in order to get rid of the fishy smell, such a benighted ignorance ! Guess you don't mix around with East Asian like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. You personal view is nothing short of being a racist bigot.
Are you a bigotry sudroid like Sephiroth ? I guess you are.
regarding the fish things..yes it smell of fishy (hanyir)because the chinese cook it using soy sauce, salt and....hence i found the cooking is not wonder why many prefer to eat in indian and mamak restaurant because it cook well and not smell of meat or fishy...this you cannot deny...
i m not racist...i do have chinese friends but when coming to foods...chinese do not cook food that realy kind short cut...everything is ready made/ or instance 'perasa' such ajinomot , kicap, cili sauce compare to indians and mamak or even arabs...they real use herbs that blend to cook so that it wont smell....maybe you like smelly things.... that why seen some chinese do smell 'hanyir'.....i have experience this situation before with chinese and also mat salleh...those eat pork , you noticed after 40's their body skin, face look ugly ...freckle , dry skin and look ugly compare those are veges lovers...
regarding pork:
another article:
Why You Should Avoid Pork
If you’re at all familiar with the Bible you’ll probably remember that in it God specifically instructed His people not to eat pork and shellfish. Many people are surprised to find this out, but in the Old Testament God warned us that the pig was an unclean animal–a scavenger and not to be eaten (Check out Leviticus 11).Why You Should Avoid PorkNo matter how you think about it, pigs are a rather dirty animal. They are considered the scavengers of the farm (created to eliminate any waste on the farm), often eating anything they can find. This includes not only bugs, insects, and whatever leftover scraps they find laying around, but also their own feces, as well as the dead carcasses of sick animals, including their own young.
This in itself can explain why the meat of the pig can be so dirty or at the very least not so appetizing to consume. And while being ‘grossed out’ may or may not be a valid reason not to eat something it’s vital to understand a bit more about pork before reaching your own conclusion. Pork 101: Know the FactsPork is one of the most consumed meats in the world. China is the largest producer of pigs that were first domesticated way back around 7500 B.C. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that more than 100 viruses come to the United States each year from China through pigs. There are some obvious concerns about this. Aside from not needing more viruses to fight off, some of these viruses can prove to be downright dangerous to humans.
Of course, you’re probably familiar with H1N1, better known as ‘the swine flu.” This too is a virus that has made the leap from pig to human.
But H1N1 is not the only disease to fear from the pig. There are other sicknesses you can get from eating the meat of the pig.
Pork meat is loaded with toxins, more so than most other meats like beef and chicken. Is Pork Meat Toxic?There are reasons that the meat of the pig becomes more saturated with toxins than many of its counterpart farm animals. The first reason has to do with the digestive system of a pig.
A pig digests whatever it eats rather quickly, in up to about four hours. On the other hand a cow takes a good twenty-four hours to digest what it’s eaten. During the digestive process, animals (including humans) get rid of excess toxins as well as other components of the food eaten that could be dangerous to health.
Since the pig’s digestive system operates rather basically, many of these toxins remain in their system to be stored in their more than adequate fatty tissues ready for our consumption.
Another issue with the pig is that it doesn’t have any sweat glands. Sweat glands are a tool the body uses to be rid of toxins. This leaves more toxins in the pig’s body.
I don’t have to tell you that when you consume pork meat, you too are getting all these toxins that weren’t eliminated from the pig. None of us need more toxins in our systems. In fact we should all be doing what we can to eliminate and cut down on toxin exposure. One vital way to do this is by choosing what you eat carefully. Trichinellosis, Pork Meat, and Your HealthDid you know that pigs carry a variety of parasites in their bodies and meat? Some of these parasites are difficult to kill even when cooking. This is the reason there are so many warnings out there about eating undercooked pork.
One of the biggest concerns with eating pork meat is trichinellosis or trichinosis. This is an infection that humans get from eating undercooked or uncooked pork that contains the larvae of the trichinella worm.
This worm parasite is very commonly found in pork. When the worm, most often living in cysts in the stomach, opens through stomach acids, its larvae are released into the body of the pig. These new worms make their homes in the muscles of the pig. Next stop? The unknowing human body who consumes this infected meat flesh.
And while no one particularly wants to consume worms, trichinellosis is a serious illness that you should do virtually anything to avoid. Common Symptoms of Trichinellosis:
Swollen eyes
Muscle pain
Aching joints
Coordination problems
Heart issues
Breathing problems
These symptoms of trichinellosis can really put you out of the game for quite a while. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) these symptoms can last for weeks and in more serious cases months on end.
The CDC recommends thorough cooking of pork as well as freezing the pork meat prior to cooking to kill off any worms. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel good about eating anything that I first have to kill off its worms to eat.
In fact, it’s been theorized that trichinellosis is the exact cause of Mozart’s rather sudden death at age 35. An American researcher theorized this after studying all the documents recording the days before, during, and after Mozart’s death. He found that Mozart suffered many of the above listed symptoms and he, himself, had recorded in his journal the consumption of pork just forty-four days before his own death.
(If you want to read more on this intriguing story you can find it in the Archives of Internal Medicine’s June 2001 issue.)
But that’s not all….
Pigs carry many viruses and parasites with them. Whether by coming in direct contact with them through farms or by eating their meat we put ourselves at higher risk of getting one of these painful, often debilitating diseases (not to mention put our bodies on toxic overload.) Pigs are primary carriers of:
Taenia solium tapeworm
Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome)
Nipah virus
Menangle virus
Each of these parasites and viruses can lead to serious health problems that can last for years to come.
What you choose to eat is up to you. Myself, I choose to stay away from unclean pork (and shellfish.) The reasons discussed here are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to eating pigs and your health.
Do your own research, carefully consider what the Bible so many years ago warned us about, then make your own educated decision about what you choose to feed yourself and your loved ones.
Think before you consume pork— live healty life style by eating more veges, fruits and nuts...a smart way of living....not piggy way...humble advise from Truth.8
Post time 13-11-2014 03:50 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 13-11-2014 12:39 PM
regarding the fish things..yes it smell of fishy (hanyir)because the chinese cook it using soy s ...
You have no cure, Fallacy.8. Beside believing in thrash facts, you are also a avid upholder of pseudo science, do you honestly think that Chineses and Whites stink more than say; sudroid like you ? You live in the world of denial don't you ? How does majority of vegans keling smell ah ?
And add further insult to your ignorance, majority of pork lovers do not develop wrinkle or bad complexion but in fact have far better complexion than yours....
wkk5159 posted on 13-11-2014 03:50 PM
You have no cure, Fallacy.8. Beside believing in thrash facts, you are also a avid upholder of pse ...
all your statements are base on your view and emotional....none from the Bible...
Ok, you go and eat lot of pork and later when you reach 40's you see the side than ...there is no use...go ahead eat pork
Paralysed by a PORK CHOP: Father-of-two, 46, almost dies after eating undercooked meat
[size=1.2em]A father-of-two today told how he almost died after eating an under-cooked pork chop.
[size=1.2em]Darren Ashall, a plant operator from Chorley, Lancashire, developed a potentially lethal brain bug that has left him in hospital for nearly five months.
[size=1.2em]The 46-year-old [size=1.2em]cannot walk and still struggles to communicate. However, doctors told him he is lucky to be alive after listeria meningitis attacked his immune system and left an abscess on his brain.
Struggle: Darren was described as the 'life and soul of the party' before he developed a brain abscess (left). He is now wheel-chair bound but hopes to walk again (right)
[size=1.2em]He first fell ill after cooking two pork chops on a caravan stove while working away from home in Birmingham.
[size=1.2em]He said: 'I thought one of the chops wasn't cooked properly. I regretted eating it straight away. I knew it was a mistake.
[size=1.2em]'A month later I went to hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. After three days, my face started drooping on one side and people thought I was having a stroke.
[size=1.2em]'I was treated for that, but nothing helped.'
[size=1.2em]Darren had picked up t[size=1.2em]he listeria bug, which can lay dormant for up to 70 days. [size=1.2em]He first visited Chorley and South Ribble Hospital on February 11 but was initially sent home.
[size=1.2em]He returned two days later after his condition worsened and he was[size=1.2em] checked into intensive care. His wife Paula, 43, and sons Sam, 19, and Jack, 21, kept a bedside vigil as he deteriorated.
[size=1.2em]Mrs Ashall said she was sure her husband was going to die. She said: 'On Darren's birthday the doctor took us into a side room and told us how poorly he was and I was convinced they were going to tell me he wouldn't make it.
[size=1.2em]'I just had this horrible feeling he was going to die. They said that if he had been a couple of years older he wouldn't have made it.'
Paralysed: Darren was close to dying but said he was determined to keep fighting for the sake of his family
[size=1.2em]Darren was left completely paralysed and was even placed on a ventilator to help him breathe.
[size=1.2em] After a few weeks he was transferred to the Royal Preston Hospital and slowly regained his sight and voice.
[size=1.2em]Speaking from his hospital bed, he said: 'It was such a battle and the experience absolutely drained me.
[size=1.2em]'I was in intensive care and I was too scared to close my eyes because I didn't think I'd ever wake up again.
[size=1.2em]'I was surrounded by my children and my wife Paula, and they all just looked terrified.
[size=1.2em]'We found it hard to talk about my condition without crying, and we often thought it would be the last time we saw each other.
[size=1.2em]'But I told myself I wasn't going to die, and I slowly started to win the fight.'
[size=1.2em]He added: 'My family have been my rock, and I'm looking forward to being back at home with them. The man I used to be is long gone though.'
[size=1.2em]Darren will never fully recover from the effects of the bug and will need antibiotics for the rest of his life.
[size=1.2em] In addition, once he regains the ability to walk he will have to rely on a scooter for long distances.
[size=1.2em] He said: 'I feel so vulnerable now, and worried about what lies ahead, but this has really made me appreciate what I've got.
[size=1.2em]'Life is so precious and fragile, and you could have a big house and a fancy car, but none of that matters at the end of the day.'
[size=1.2em]Darren has vowed to cook for himself again one day. He also wants to write a book and wishes to set up a charity to thank the nursing staff who cared for him.
[size=1.2em]Paula said: 'Compared to how he was, he has made a lot of progress. He couldn't talk or move at all and his vision went double.
[size=1.2em]'His vision is back and he has managed to teach himself how to speak again.
[size=1.2em]'Before all this, Darren used to be the life and soul of the party. Now he's a shadow of his former self - but I'm just glad he's still alive.'
Truth.8 posted on 13-11-2014 04:19 PM
all your statements are base on your view and emotional....none from the Bible...
Ok, you go and ...
Now you again selectively choose an example of an incident in a man who choked on pork chop ??? Can you be any less intelligent than i thought you are ?? Obviously you are.
The one who don't know the bible is you Fallacy.8, i've given zillion bible verses to refute your fallacies, be it in this thread or others but too bad you are too spiritual devoid to comprehend it.
If you still insist that consuming pork will make you look prematurely old, just look at the universally recognized "most youthful" ethnic in the world, East Asian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Do these three races consume pork ? Plenty !
If you still claim that how youthful you look like despite 54yrs old, why don't you post your latest selfie and let me be the judge, i dare you !
Truth.8 posted on 14-11-2014 11:53 AM
than bring Bible verses says OK to eat unclean meats include pork
i dont need to proof to you wit ...
Didn't i answer you already and even quote you the verses of Bible on eating of pork ???
In case you still in denial syndrome, i copy and paste again;
In Isaiah 65:4 the Lord, speaking through Isaiah, is addressing the nation of Israel. He declares that Israel has a long history of disobeying His commandments. Let's look at the passage in its proper context:
Is. 65:1 “I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me;
I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me.
I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’
To a nation which did not call on My name. Is. 65:2 “I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,
Who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts, Is. 65:3 A people who continually provoke Me to My face,
Offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on bricks; Is. 65:4 Who sit among graves and spend the night in secret places;
Who eat swine’s flesh,
And the broth of unclean meat is in their pots. Is. 65:5 “Who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me,
For I am holier than you!’
These are smoke in My nostrils,
A fire that burns all the day. Is. 65:6 “Behold, it is written before Me,
I will not keep silent, but I will repay;
I will even repay into their bosom, Is. 65:7 Both their own iniquities and the iniquities of their fathers together,” says the LORD.
“Because they have burned incense on the mountains
And scorned Me on the hills,
Therefore I will measure their former work into their bosom.” In this passage, the Lord cites numerous examples of how Israel has disobeyed the instructions given to them in the covenant of Law, including Israel's disobedience in eating pork. The people of Israel were commanded in their law to never eat pork, but the nation disobeyed the Lord nonetheless. Because of their disobedience under the Law, the Lord promises to prevent them from receiving their Messiah for a time, while the Gospel goes to the Gentiles.
The Old Covenant was only binding on Israel. It was intended to set Israel apart from the Gentile world, and it eventually gave the Lord just cause to withhold the Kingdom from Israel while offering salvation to the Gentiles. The Lord was speaking to Israel in 65:4, so His admonishment was directed to Jews alone, who were willingly violating the Old Covenant law.
Today, Christian believers in Jesus Christ are saved by the grace found in the New Covenant, and as Paul taught, we are not bound by the regulations of the Law found in the Old Covenant: Rom. 6:14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace. Rom. 7:4 Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. Rom. 7:6 But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter. Col. 2:16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day —
Col. 2:17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. Therefore, any Gentile and all Christians are free to consume pork or anything God has made, since the regulations of the Law do not apply to those who are not bound by that covenant. Only unbelieving Israel is bound by that covenant today.
Furthermore, there is nothing inherently sinful about pork or any food. The Lord's displeasure at Israel for eating pork had nothing to do with pork itself. Just as the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden was not inherently sinful, neither is pork inherently sinful. In both cases, the problem wasn't the food itself, for as the Paul says: 1Tim. 4:4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude;
1Tim. 4:5 for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. Rather, the problem in both cases was disobedience to God's word. Adam received an instruction from God, which he disobeyed resulting in God's judgment against him. Likewise, Israel received a word to abstain from pork in the covenant, yet they disobeyed, provoking His anger against them.
For more information on this issue, we invite you to read the following articles on the believer's relationship to the Law of Moses.
wkk5159 posted on 15-11-2014 08:33 AM
Didn't i answer you already and even quote you the verses of Bible on eating of pork ???
In cas ...
The Old Covenant was only binding on Israel. It was intended to set Israel apart from the Gentile world, and it eventually gave the Lord just cause to withhold the Kingdom from Israel while offering salvation to the Gentiles. The Lord was speaking to Israel in 65:4, so His admonishment was directed to Jews alone, who were willingly violating the Old Covenant law.
Today, Christian believers in Jesus Christ are saved by the grace found in the New Covenant, and as Paul taught, we are not bound by the regulations of the Law found in the Old Covenant: Rom. 6:14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
thats is not a zillion to proof your claimed. Did God Change the Law of Clean and Unclean Meats?
As far as modern religion in America is concerned, God's laws have been done away. Indeed, most who call themselves Christians seem to realize that sinning, however they define sin, is wrong, but somehow Jesus Christ kept the law for us, so everything will be all right. Why become worked up over something that no longer matters?
One area that the world has surely done away with God's law is that of clean and unclean meats. Those who believe this quote passages from the Bible that seem to say that all food, even the unclean ones, have somehow been made fit for us to eat today. A common argument is that the clean and unclean laws were part of the Old Covenant, and that is "obsolete and . . . ready to vanish away" (Hebrews 8:13). When one states that he does not eat pork, shellfish, or any of the other foods listed as unclean in Leviticus 11:1-23 and Deuteronomy 14:3-21, he is immediately labeled as "Jewish."However, God's law is applicable to all of mankind (notice the principle of universal applicability in Psalm 94:12; Ezekiel 18:5-9; Mark 2:27; Romans 2:12-16), and it is absolutely vital for Christians to keep it to grow in righteousness (Deuteronomy 6:25; Psalm 119:172).
Before we proceed, it helps to remember who the God of the Old Testament is—the God who commanded the laws, not just for Judah, not just for all Israel, but for the benefit of all mankind. That same God, Jesus Christ, says unmistakably:
Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (Matthew 5:17-18)
Since God gives only good things (James 1:17), and the apostle Paul certifies that "the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good" (Romans 7:12), we know that His law is for our benefit.
If the Bible is not the basis for one's discussion of religious matters, then one may as well not argue. This study will not convince anyone whose mind is set through the unbelieving arguments of this world, but it will build a foundation of biblical logic for us to stand on regarding this subject.
A Pre-Sinai Law
The clean and unclean laws are specifically mentioned early in God's Word, in the account of the Noachian Flood, when Noah was commanded to take "seven each of every clean animal" (Genesis 7:2). When he and his family were back on dry land, Noah "took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar" (Genesis 8:20). This suggests that these laws were known and practiced before the Flood—even from the earliest days of mankind (compare Genesis 4:4, Abel's acceptable offering). Since there were no Jews or Israelites then—not even any Hebrews—these laws are obviously for all humankind. Genesis 9:3 contains a command that has proven difficult for some to understand: God says to Noah, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs." Some take this to mean that God gives man carte blanche authority to eat any kind of animal. But is this what God said?
The key to this verse is "even as the green herbs." In other words, God gives mankind the authority to eat flesh within the same parameters as He allows us to eat vegetation. Does God allow us to eat poisonous plants like poison ivy, hemlock, deadly nightshade, etc.? Of course not! Just as certain plants are harmful to us, so are certain meats. As Herbert Armstrong explained in "Is All Animal Flesh Good Food?":
God did not give poisonous herbs as food. He gave man the healthful herbs. Man can determine which herbs are healthful, but man cannot by himself determine which flesh foods are harmful. That is why God had to determine for us in His Word which meats are clean. Since the Flood every moving clean, healthful, nonpoisonous type of animal life is good for food—just as God gave us the healthful, nonpoisonous herbs.
This does not give us permission to do as we please!
Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 contain God's commandment to Israel concerning clean and unclean meats. In these passages, either He lists specific animals that are clean or unclean or He provides us with instructions about how to determine if an animal is clean or unclean. For instance, He tells us specifically that the camel, the hyrax (rock badger), the hare, and the swine are unclean (Leviticus 11:4-8), but regarding fish He instructs us to determine if a species possesses both fins and scales (verse 9).
People have varying reactions to these scriptures. Some will take the position that unclean animals are harmful to the body. Many of us have had experience, either personally or by an acquaintance, with poisoning by trichinosis (a disease caused by parasitic worm larvae) in pork or becoming deadly sick from shellfish. Then others will bring up "Aunt Sarah," who ate pork and crawdads, drank a bottle of whiskey, smoked cigars every day, and lived to be 102 years old. Indeed, God makes some with amazingly strong constitutions.
God designed many of the unclean animals for the specific purpose of disposing of the earth's garbage. For instance, without feeling any ill effect, vultures can consume 59 times the amount of botulin, the neurotoxin that causes botulism, that it would take to kill a man. Pigs are scavengers that will eat anything, and if pork is not fully cooked to kill the Trichinella spiralis in it, it can destroy a person's health or even kill him.
Even though people throughout the world eat unclean food and live, and even though we could probably do the same—and many of us once did—for Christians, it is more than a health matter. In the Bible, God never directly connects keeping the laws of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 with health. In reality, it is a test commandment to see if we will obey God.
Truth.8 posted on 15-11-2014 11:54 AM
thats is not a zillion to proof your claimed.
Did God Change the Law of Clean and Unclean M ...
Peter's Vision
What scriptures does this world marshal to prove that eating unclean meat is approved by the Bible? There are several such "proof texts" in the New Testament, but we will see that they are all misunderstood passages. In fact, in the final analysis, none of them is even about clean and unclean meats!
Perhaps the best known passage is Acts 10:9-16, in which a huge sheet full of unclean animals is lowered from heaven, and a voice says, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." However, without hesitation Peter replies, "Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean" (verse 14). The Voice then responds, "What God has cleansed you must not call common" (verse 15).
First, what is the subject of Acts 10? It is evident from a thorough reading of the chapter that it is entirely devoted to the conversion of Cornelius, a Roman centurion (verse 1), the first Gentile baptized into God's church. Peter's vision must be understood against this background to be understood correctly.
Second, it is apparent that Peter himself does not at first understand what his vision meant (verse 17); he certainly does not jump to the conclusion that all meats are now clean. While he is pondering it, a delegation from Cornelius arrives and requests that he travel with them to Caesarea to speak to the centurion. God tells the apostle directly to go with the men, "for I have sent them" (verse 20). Obviously, God was orchestrating the whole affair.
Third, if unclean meats had been approved, would Peter have not understood this from what he had learned from Jesus? He lived with his Savior for over three years. If anyone knew that the law of clean and unclean meats had been abolished by Christ's sacrificial death, it would have been Peter, but at this point, a decade later, he is operating under no such notion.
Fourth, his reply to the Voice, which Peter identifies as the Lord's, is quite confident, even vehement: "Not so, Lord!" In our colloquial English, this is equivalent to "No way!" This was a command that the apostle knew went against everything he knew about God's law. Even though the Voice repeats the command twice more (verse 16), Peter never changes his mind!
Fifth, within the context, Peter himself reveals what the vision meant. To those assembled in Cornelius' house, he says, "You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean" (verse 28). The vision of unclean animals was merely an illustration God used to help Peter understand that salvation was open to those previously held at arm's length (see Acts 11:18). This is further evidenced by the Holy Spirit being poured out visibly on these Gentiles (Acts 10:44-47). Neither Peter nor Luke, the author of Acts, makes any further commentary regarding clean or unclean foods, as the vision had served a greater purpose.
Lastly, nowhere in the context is it ever said that God had cleansed unclean meats—this is something assumed by readers with a predisposition against this statute regulating what we should eat. As Paul says, "The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be" (Romans 8:7). Acts 10:1—11:18 confirms that "what God has cleansed" is the Gentiles, not unclean foods.
Truth.8 posted on 15-11-2014 11:55 AM
Peter's Vision
What scriptures does this world marshal to prove that eating unclean meat is ...
"Every Creature . . . Is Good"
Another passage that seems to state that all flesh can now be eaten is found in I Timothy 4:1-5, especially verse 4: "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving." The flaw with most people's understanding of this verse is that they fail to read what it and the surrounding verses really say. They lift verse 4 out of its context, not bothering to include relevant details from adjacent verses.
The chapter begins with a prophetic warning from Paul against false teachers and their teachings "in latter times." Their doctrines would be those of demons, and one of them commands their followers "to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving . . ." (verse 3). Many stop right there, but the rest of the verse is vital to understanding: ". . . by those who believe and know the truth." These pesky details change the tenor of what the apostle is saying.
Notice that the subject is foods or meats in general, not necessarily unclean meats. This must be read into the passage. If we consider only the word "foods," it is just as likely that Paul means that these false teachers would preach against eating beef as against eating pork or shellfish. However, the rest of the verse modifies the term. What "foods" did God create to be received—eaten—with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth? The list appears in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14! God has never given mankind any other list of creatures that are divinely certified as "food."
Verses 4-5 must be taken together, as they are one thought. Paul is telling Timothy not to worry about such prohibitions because God created every creature as "good" (Genesis 1:21, 24-25, 31), and a Christian should accept what he is offered to eat with thanksgiving. Does this mean that we should not refuse skunk, badger, bear, tiger, snakes, slugs, snails, vultures, rats, horses, eel, and oysters, as long as we give thanks for it? Of course not! Again, this is not the end of the story.
I Timothy 4:5 adds important, modifying elements to what this means: ". . . for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." Sanctify means "to set apart for a specific use or purpose." The apostle is saying, then, that certain "creatures" are sanctified or set apart as human food—by what means?—by God's Word, the Bible! God reveals these "sanctified" meats to us in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.
Paul adds prayer to the setting apart of these foods because we have Christ's example of asking God to bless the food before eating (see, for instance, Luke 9:16; 24:30). This further sets apart the food we are about to eat as approved and even enhanced by God, but in no way does it make unclean meat clean. Besides, Scripture gives us no authority to make such a request of God.
In summary, Paul is reiterating that 1) God has set certain foods apart for His people to eat; and 2) we should not be fooled by false teachers who claim either that anything and everything is good to eat or that certain biblically approved foods should not be eaten.
"Purifying All Foods?"
Mark 7:14-23 (and its parallel account in Matthew 15:1-20) is another set of scriptures that some believe state that nothing entering into a man can defile him, therefore eating whatever one wishes is perfectly all right. Can this be correct?
Yet again, those who believe this fail to understand the subject of the chapter, which is Jesus' denunciation of the Pharisees for their rejection of God's commandments in favor of their own traditions (verse 8). Verse 2 introduces the context: "Now when [the Pharisees] saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault." The dispute was over ceremonial cleanliness—eating without first washing one's hands—which is not even an Old Testament law but a "tradition of the elders" (verse 5), which the Pharisees had themselves proclaimed authoritative.
In addition, beyond this fact, note that the kind of food the apostles were eating is "bread," not meat. Jesus' later comments speak generally of "foods" and "whatever enters the mouth," not specifically meat. Mark 7 is not about clean and unclean meats at all!
Verse 19 contains the phrase "thus purifying all foods," and many have jumped to the conclusion that Jesus declared all foods clean (as many marginal references state). The context, again—the very sentence in which it appears—proves this false: "Do you [disciples] not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, thus purifying all foods?"
First, "thus" is not in the Greek text but has been supplied by the translators. Without it, the sentence plainly states that the stomach "purifies" any kind of food put in it, not that Jesus had somehow declared all foods to be purified. Second, purified is the Greek word katharízoon, which means "to cleanse," "to purify," "to free from filth." In relation to the stomach's or the digestive tract's ability to "purify" food, the sense of katharízoon in this verse is "to purge of waste." This is brought out clearly in the parallel statement in Matthew 15:17: "Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated?"
Do these scriptures do away with the law concerning clean and unclean meats? Not at all!
Common Meat
The final passage, Romans 14, may be the most difficult one because of the way it is translated in the King James Version and in most other translations. As in the other difficult scriptures, the subject is not clean and unclean foods but eating meat versus vegetarianism (verse 2). Paul admonishes Christians not to pass judgment on others for eating meat or for eating only vegetables (verse 3).
The question that confronted Paul was not that God's people were suggesting that somehow unclean animals had now been made clean, but the belief of some that no meat—even meat that had been created to be eaten with thanksgiving—should be eaten at all. The apostle points out that it would be wrong for the vegetarians to eat meat if they had doubts about it, as it would defile their consciences (verse 23). He concludes, "For whatever is not of faith is sin."
Verse 14 is a proof text used by the world to conclude that all meat is now fine to eat: "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean." This is another verse that has been poorly translated to conform to preconceived notions.
The problem is with the word "unclean," which does not appear in the Greek text. To mean "unclean," Paul would have used akarthatos, but instead, the text reads koinos, which means "common," "ordinary," "defiled," or "profane (as opposed to holy or consecrated)." Peter uses both "common" and "unclean" to describe meats in Acts 10:14, so there is obviously a difference between the terms.
We know that the Bible defines "unclean" meat in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, but when is meat considered "common"? The only circumstance in which clean meats are common or defiled is when a clean animal dies naturally or is torn by beasts (Leviticus 22:8) or when the blood has not been properly drained from the meat (Leviticus 17:13-14; 3:17). Such animal flesh was called common because it could be given to strangers or aliens in Old Testament times if they wished to eat it (Deuteronomy 14:21). Similarly, in Acts 15:20, 29, the apostles forbade the Gentiles to eat the meat of a strangled animal or meat that had not been drained of blood.
In the case of Romans 14:14, it is likely that "defiled" would be the best term, as the meat under discussion was probably that offered to idols then sold in the marketplace for public consumption. To paraphrase, then, the verse should read: ". . . there is nothing defiled of itself; but to him who considers anything to be defiled, to him it is defiled." The meat was not defiled in fact, just in the minds of various church members, whom Paul had earlier called "weak" (verse 2). These "weak in the faith" Christians believed that, because the meat had been offered to a pagan idol, it had become spiritually defiled.
Paul explains in I Corinthians 8:4-7 that the demon behind the idol is nothing, for "there is no other God but one" (verse 4). Thus, there is no "spiritual" taint to the meat.
However, there is not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse. (verses 7-8)
So we see that in these verses that Paul is not in any manner doing away with God's laws concerning clean and unclean meat. The topic does not even come up! He is discussing meat defiled or profaned due to its association with a pagan idol.
In fact, all the scriptures we have reviewed confirm that the law concerning clean and unclean meats is still in effect today.
Two foundational verses are good to remember when questions over the doing away with God's law arise.
» Malachi 3:6: "For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob."
» Hebrews 13:8: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
God has good reasons for the laws He gives, and James reminds us, ". . . with [God] is no variation or shadow of turning" (James 1:17). Rather than assume that an Old Testament law is done away, we should trust that our Maker knows what is good for His creatures and put it into practice in our lives, unless it has been specifically set aside in the New Testament. At least its principle is still valid, which will help us to live abundantly.
One serving of pork is 3 ounces, or about the size of a deck of cards, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. An image of the portion size is important because a thick pork chop can be twice that size and without realizing it you can eat double the calories. You’ll get 137 calories and 4 grams of fat from a 3-ounce pork chop. Pork is similar to chicken, with 3 ounces of chicken breast containing 140 calories and 3 grams of fat. A pork chop has 65 milligrams of cholesterol, compared to 72 grams in chicken breast, but they both have just 1 gram of saturated fat.
Pork chops deliver a big boost of complete protein. Men get 43 percent of their recommended daily intake, and women gain 52 percent from a 3-ounce pork chop. Proteins are found in every cell in the body, where they contribute to the structure and maintenance of tissues. They deliver messages between cells, cause muscles to contract and carry important substances. For example, the hemoglobin that carries oxygen is a protein. Other important substances made from protein include antibodies, enzymes and some hormones.
B Vitamins
Enzymes that activate and speed up biochemical processes depend on B vitamins to function properly. In this role, B vitamins help metabolize food into energy, create normal red blood cells and produce neurotransmitters. Pork chops contain all of the B vitamins except folate, but they're an especially good source of three that contribute to cardiovascular health. Niacin lowers levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Homocysteine is the normal byproduct of biochemical reactions, but if it’s allowed to accumulate in the blood, it increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 remove homocysteine by converting it into beneficial substances. A 3-ounce pork chop provides 25 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B12, 38 percent of vitamin B6 and 47 percent of niacin.
Zinc is so essential for the creation of new cells that normal growth and development depend on getting enough of it in your diet. While everyone needs zinc, it’s especially important for pregnant women and during growth spurts through adolescence. Zinc forms the structure of protein and supports the immune system. A zinc deficiency impairs the ability of white blood cells to destroy pathogens. If you take zinc within 24 hours of the appearance of cold symptoms, you can reduce the severity and duration of the cold, according to research online in February 2011 by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Men get 17 percent of their recommended daily intake of zinc, and women get 23 percent from a 3-ounce pork chop.