Rumah Borak FS V6: post #2448 #rayfalturns3
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I am biased and I do favour FS much much more than ND but I must agree that FS did act like an immature teenager by creating that statement. I am aware that ND's name was not mentioned at all but it was obvious that it was ND that she was referring to. Now, it backfired. If FS didn't start being an immature little kid, like how we can expect from ND, this wouldn't have happened otherwise. It's just silly. I would much rather FS to act like her age and elegant. She is better than this. I hope she can take this criticism positively.
Betul. Kita nak FS yg elegant and matang. Dont stoop to JH level.
FS does look hotter lately kan. So vo-gey kata CT.
pilot replied at 9-3-2016 09:23 AM
if tak silap la....if tak silap...rasanya kes boo tu nd yg seru ramai2 haterz boo pasah sebab dia ...
Nope... Masa ni mmg fasha kalah.. But definitely not to ND...
This is the same year masa mawi pun kena boo |
Edited by adelea at 9-3-2016 01:18 PM
esteryen replied at 8-3-2016 07:52 PM
And I x sure for Islam macam mana, for me, apa yg Fasha go thru now, itu tanda Tuhan masih sayang di ...
Jejai mmg nk kawen fasha la ..
tapi ps yg x bg..sbb fasha at that time byk bad record
Walhal ps dah bkenan nora ..so dia ckp kat jejai klu jejai nak jugak kawen artis dia kena kawen nora...
So cerita yg nora tak tau jejai anak menteri adalah tipoooan semata2... sbb dia mmg dah lama berkawan dgn kembar cho-min tu
Si nora tu mmg menangguk di air keruh jer.. ada peluang rembat la.. |
Robab replied at 9-3-2016 07:56 PM
I am biased and I do favour FS much much more than ND but I must agree that FS did act like an imm ...
To me, Fasha was like giving a signal to ND,
I knew what you did.... Stop before I'm telling the truth to the public.... & let the other parties speak up
Fasha knew the action she took will backfire her...
BUT WHO CARES? As long the message delivered
Stop it |
kakasotong replied at 9-3-2016 03:35 PM
Yg ni meols setuju. Kelakar nmpk fs kalo buat style terkebil2 gitu. Meols tepuk dahi jah tgk :doh3 ...
I pun sokong.... Hehe |
esteryen replied at 9-3-2016 01:33 PM
Nak talam muka mcm mana since I memang xsuka Fasha from the beginning.
Cuma now dah neutral tapi ...
Ala Ester.... Chillax lah....
We don't have to agree on every issue right? But that doesn't mean we all tak suka u
Everybody is entitled to their opinion... As long we Argue dgn facts lah kan & not emotion...
Healthy argument maaaa... |
Egoista replied at 9-3-2016 05:25 AM
Guys!! Perlu ke kite 'welcome' si dia nie kat sini? To me, tak perlu kut.. Terang2an si dia yg dimak ...
Agreee .. hari tu i dah ckp dia ni x leh pakai... hujung2 semua kat sini bash i balik and welcome si ester babi ni..
Skrg apa jadi?.. senjata makan tuan...
klu depan ada ular dgn ester ... katok dulu ester dr ular tu ...
Facts la sgt .. dia tak tau apa2 pun pasal fasha.. main ckp ikut sedap mulut dia jer.. |
esteryen replied at 9-3-2016 05:28 AM
Actually Karma is not only a belief for the Hindus tapi most ppls take it as a lesson/peringatan.
For muslim.no such thing ok .... |
esteryen replied at 9-3-2016 05:33 AM
Nak talam muka mcm mana since I memang xsuka Fasha from the beginning.
Cuma now dah neutral tapi ...
Asik.kata last post jer... x berambus pon.. ..pi la berambosss |
Edited by adelea at 9-3-2016 01:21 PM
Robab replied at 9-3-2016 11:56 AM
I am biased and I do favour FS much much more than ND but I must agree that FS did act like an imm ...
Bagi aku la statement fasha tu lebih kepada menjerat .. aku pernah buat bende yg sama ... terpaksa post ala2 kita nampak jahat .. sampai fren salah faham but motif aku nak kantoikan stalker or musuh dlm selimut tu berjaya ..
Sbb tu bila nd respon kat post balas pino.. fs gelak je .. and post balik.. *your maturity level has earned you happy meal* ...
fasha sonok bergelak ketawa bila nd balas post pino.. mmg padan muka diaalaaa.
Klu jadi fasha pon aku gelak... kantoi big time kot .. so obvious.. |
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Post time 9-3-2016 09:27 PM
From the mobile phone
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agreeeee sgt2.... sikit pun i x rasa nak bebel kat FS nak kata dia insecure ke, immature ke sekali sekala FS, asal ko happy .... tpi i nak gelak jeee tgk ND beriya2 konon jadi baik sooooo yesterday la pikiran ko ND....
kaka, rupa dah la malap semalap hati yg JH.... hadoiii mintak dijauhkan.....
kemain lagi org dok nyakat tuan pya badan ada sini dia pun x lepas cari peluang..... mcm org heran sgt
Hai uols. I pun fasha sandha |
Hi uolsss I pun nk jadi fasha sandha gak la!! call me girl please!
hahahahaha |
Uishhh dasyat gila.. sampai screen hp fasha org tu belek..
betul la fasha ckp " haters are confused admirers"
tak kuasa kitorg nk belek screen hp fasha. |
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Post time 9-3-2016 11:16 PM
From the mobile phone
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amran20473 replied at 9-3-2016 10:08 PM
kaka, rupa dah la malap semalap hati yg JH.... hadoiii mintak dijauhkan.....
kemain lag ...
Ahahahaha retis ngan karatz both parties ada masalah hati, yg paling obviously her karatz la. Gigih dtg sini skodeng sakit hati pastu try to provoke us here
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Post time 9-3-2016 11:37 PM
From the mobile phone
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