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Author: avrilizana

Sweet Scha Alyahya - Kata Kau - Astro RIA ch 104 setiap Jumaat

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Post time 16-10-2009 01:19 AM | Show all posts
SALAM semua !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wed at 10:04pm

i just got back from Awan Dania set. dengg what a day, sangat haywire but it went well. i love my crews, and director. thanks for sticking up for me. ...
avrilizana Post at 16-10-2009 00:49

makin mencurah2 rezeki Shca dlm bidang lakonan.. bangga dgn Shca.. go go Shca:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2009 01:40 AM | Show all posts
makin mencurah2 rezeki Shca dlm bidang lakonan.. bangga dgn Shca.. go go Shca:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
Elie_Anaz Post at 16-10-2009 01:19

alhamdulillah.. despite all e obstacles she went thru.. ada hikmah n rezeki disebaliknya.

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Post time 17-10-2009 12:50 AM | Show all posts
sunyi je rmh ni..

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Post time 17-10-2009 12:51 AM | Show all posts
up up rmh...:pompom::pompom::pompom:

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Post time 17-10-2009 12:53 AM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah.. despite all e obstacles she went thru.. ada hikmah n rezeki disebaliknya.
avrilizana Post at 16-10-2009 01:40

betul tu..elie sgt2 setuju..

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Post time 17-10-2009 12:54 AM | Show all posts
okla..out dulu..

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2009 06:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by avrilizana at 17-10-2009 06:54

hello elie.. sorry tak online coz tak online.. ni pun baru je balik dr set Awan Dania.. saja jumpa Scha td sbb dah lama tak jumpa.. and thot of giving her support. u guys sure ada yg tgk Galaxy td kan? as for me.. klonkusi yg dpt dibuat.. just give both of them the support. dont ever judge them. tuhan kan ada.. kita org2 disekeliling tak perlu nak buat fitnah n apa2 spekulasi lagi. kejap lagi i paste kan notes terbaru yg dia baru je tulis pagi ni.. dia tak tido lagi since balik dr set pukul 4 pagi td.. banyak benda yg dia fikir, berkecamuk di hati dia. konklusinya, dia tulis notes panjang tu.. hope adanya penjelasan dia, ramai yg akan faham situasi diorang berdua.

so sesiapa yg masih lagi menjadi fans Scha Alyahya.. keep supporting her okay! she's a strong girl, trust me.

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2009 06:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by avrilizana at 17-10-2009 07:32

bottom of my heart
Today at 5:25am


i dunno wether i shud do this or not. but my heart says i shud,so here i am. a confession im gonna make..

i believe most of you know about whats going on between me and him. ya, haluan masing2.. dulu when we were together, i admitted and went public about it. jadi bila dah habis juga, i know i should come clean and tell the thruth as well. didnt wana prolong this.

as human, as a girl, to me breaking up is one hell of a thing to do, the hardest thing to do i must say. people may think im a strong girl. im kasar and i can deal with this easily =) and i always look fin and happy but only God knows what im going thru now. we can say things that help to ease the pain, yes terima kasih sangat atas semangat yg diberi. i really appreciate it. i really do, thanks tapi selalunya its easier said than done.

im dealing with it now. its time, my time. scha terpaksa deal dengan benda yg tak enak, yg tak dapat dielakkan. hope it happened for good. saya kurang bernasib baik, bila benda ni berlaku jugak ke atas saya. its sad. really sad.

kita plan, kita usaha, kita doa tapi it still His call. kalau Dia dah tentukan mcmtu, macamtu lah jadinya. kita usaha, dont give up and give the hardest to fight for what we want but things dont always turn out the way kita nak. kan? jadi kita telan lah walau sakit mcm mana pun. saya ada bahagian saya, dia ada bahagian dia.

saya cuma minta semua orang faham, dan tak payah menyalahkan sesiapa sebab benda yg terjadi ni pun sebenarnya bukan kami yg minta.. it happened just like that no matter how hard we avoid it.
Breaking up is not a nice feeling. jadi i hope people would give time or space to both of us. dont speculate, dont judge dont label.. we all go thru this, dont we? we forgive and forget, no hatred, suci dan bersihkan hati. jadilah orang baru, yg lebih berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.

belum habis pasal ni lagi, timbul cerita baru. yg ada macam2 versi.orang bercakap seolah olah mereka tau apa yg terjadi sedangkan yg tau hanya me and him.. timbul pihak ketiga, which to me is the most ridiculous ive ever kena. itulah adat. bila berkawan pulak dengan orang lain,dikatakan bercinta. Dan timbul ceritra kononnya dia romeo..

all this while, i always sincere and i will always be. trust me. baru 'luka', belum pulih, terus nak 'berlari' lagi? impossible ! God knows how i feel and what i do. Cukuplah..
scha tak sepatutnya go public mcm ni tapi TUJUAN scha tulis note ni adalah sebab scha nak jawab kebanyakkan soalan fans kat sini. what u heard is true.
jadi lepas ni, please understand. we both going thru some changes in life, shitty ones. just need to toughen up and move on, kan?

its part of life, a process that can better ourselves, and make us stronger. apa yg terjadi , biarlah kept to ourselves. im sure he agress with me =)

please respect my future, and his future as well.

last but not least, its not easy, susah sangat but we have no choice. whatever happens, i hope you guys will support me, and him. and the show that we gonna do together. teruskan menyokong. teruskan bersama kami, dan juga maaf kalau kami menghampakan semua.

scha harap anda akan sokong SB dan saya akan cuba yg terbaik. teruskan menonton Awan Dania 2 dan Papadom di pawagam .

we look good together,we are made for each other but we dont meant to be together....
my prayers are with you and family. have a wonderful life ahead.


p/s: harap semua tidak menjadikan note ini sebagai isu, terima lah confession ikhlas dr hati saya. habiskan terus di sini, look forward. bukan untuk publisiti,hanya utk menjawab persoalan semua di sini.

no more why when and how.
have a great monday

scha alyahya.

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:20 PM | Show all posts
ptg td baru sempat tgk awan lps xleh nk tgk sbb kt sepital xda astro...geram betol...:geram:

best giler tgk dania dgn benjy..ehehehe..comey bile dia kena marah kesian dania..

haper2 pun mek arap scha keep being strong!!:pompom:

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by avrilizana at 17-10-2009 07:32

bottom of my heart
Today at 5:25am


i dunno wether i shud do this or not. but my heart says i shud,so here i am. a confession im go ...
avrilizana Post at 17-10-2009 06:58

sian kat scha..semoga lepas ni tak akan ada org yg m'persoalkan lg ttg ni..sbg peminat elie doakan scha akan sntsa tabah..taknak ambl tahu pun pasal hal peribadi dia yg penting kerjaya scha akan sntsa b'kembang dan terus maju ke hdpn.. hehehe (terlebih sudah) go go scha:pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:50 PM | Show all posts
830# Elie_Anaz

nk pom pom sekalik lahh...:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by avrilizana at 17-10-2009 06:54

hello elie.. sorry tak online coz tak online.. ni pun baru je balik dr set Awan Dania.. saja jumpa Scha td sbb dah lama tak jumpa.. and thot of givi ...
avrilizana Post at 17-10-2009 06:51

bestnya dapat jumpa scha..elie ni sokong dr jauh je la.. msti dia tgh sedih kan..yala mana tak sedih, dah la hbgn cinta tak b'kekalan malah tmbl plak cerita ada org ketiga.. tak ke sakit hati.. tp takpe elie yakin scha akan dpt yg lebih baik lg.. elie doakan yg t'baik utk scha..

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2009 11:52 PM | Show all posts
ptg td baru sempat tgk awan lps xleh nk tgk sbb kt sepital xda astro...geram betol...:geram:

best giler tgk dania dgn benjy..ehehehe..comey bile dia kena marah kesian dania..
jingga007 Post at 17-10-2009 23:20

mek! dah ok ke? btw smalam lepak kat set awan dania dgn scha.. shelooked agak stressful jgk smalam, lepas je kuar prog galaxy tu, takputus2 tepon dia berbunyi. ramai press call utk clarification kot..sampai ke pagi jgk la lepak ngn dia.. sambil2 menunggu scene dia shoot,ada jgk nampak dia termenung panjang. kesian sgt tgk dia.. denganstress atas apa yg berlaku, dgn jadual shooting yg tak menentu, dia ckprupa dia kalau tak jadi Dania (mekap), mmg mcm zombie berjalan. huhuhu.but somehow, she managed to hide her feelings too.. but i knew what shefeels inside.. scene dia habis 4 pg..dia nak cepat2 balik, ingatkan nakbuat ape.. rupanya tak sabar nak tulis notes luahan hati tu.. huhuhu..anyway shes gonna start a new life after this.. byk gak offer dia dpt..some of it ada yg interesting.. something new n it will be great nhilarous. nnt dia update kat fanpage.. cant hardly wait! undefined After all the obstacles she went thru, ada rezeki yg melimpah ruah. Alhamdulillah..

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:52 PM | Show all posts
830# Elie_Anaz

nk pom pom sekalik lahh...:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
jingga007 Post at 17-10-2009 23:50

meh kita pom pom sesama..:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:57 PM | Show all posts
mek! dah ok ke? btw smalam lepak kat set awan dania dgn scha.. shelooked agak stressful jgk smalam, lepas je kuar prog galaxy tu, takputus2 tepon dia berbunyi. ramai press call utk clarification k ...
avrilizana Post at 17-10-2009 23:52

alhamdulillah dh ok...
sbb ramai yg doa mek cepat sembuh..alhamdulillah..mek dh sehat skang..

hurmmm..kesian pulak dgn scha nie.hope she keep strong..xsangka cmnie lak leh jd..adoiya..
kesian sgt..
tp bgslah rezeki dia melimpah ruah..alhamdulillah..
apa2pun,mek harap lps nie scha akan ok n be well..xnk stress2 tue lah..mek arap dgn sokongan we olss fans2 dia nie dpt kuatkan lg smgt dia..:pompom:

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Post time 17-10-2009 11:58 PM | Show all posts
meh kita pom pom sesama..:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
Elie_Anaz Post at 17-10-2009 23:52

pompom..pompom...:pompom: ;)

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Post time 18-10-2009 12:07 AM | Show all posts
bila mek baca sekali lg luahan hati scha..rasa sedih n sayu pulak...

keep strongg schaaa!! i will always support youu!!:pompom:

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2009 12:08 AM | Show all posts
bestnya dapat jumpa scha..elie ni sokong dr jauh je la.. msti dia tgh sedih kan..yala mana tak sedih, dah la hbgn cinta tak b'kekalan malah tmbl plak cerita ada org ketiga.. tak ke sakit hati.. tp ...
Elie_Anaz Post at 17-10-2009 23:51

yup Elie.. to be truth, masa jumpa dia smalam.. masa tu kitorang tgh borak2 pasal program Galaxy tu.. tak semena2 meleleh airmata dia.. terdiam kejap tgk dia nangis. rasa tersentuh tgk.. she may looked strong, org ingat dia kasar, mcm tomboy, slumber.. tp dia pun manusia biasa, punya naluri spt perempuan lain kan.. mmg dia sedih terpaksa hadapi semua ni. but she has to be strong la sbb dia dah pilih jalan ni kan.. she has to accept it with open heart.. but dont worry, shes recovering now.. shes a professional girl, i tell u.. alhamdulillah byk dpt offer, dgn ni dpt la dia lupakan sikit masalah2 dgn bz bekerja kan..

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2009 12:36 AM | Show all posts
bila mek baca sekali lg luahan hati scha..rasa sedih n sayu pulak...

keep strongg schaaa!! i will always support youu!!:pompom:
jingga007 Post at 18-10-2009 00:07

mek, me pun masa baca notes tu kul 5pg smalam terus meleleh airmate gak sbb dok teringatkan dia yg baru jumpa sblum tu dgn muka stress.. mcm terasa sama beban yg dia pikul.. pastu sblum ni mek ade dedicate lagu kat dia "the climb" kat fb, me ada tagged dia kat situ.. mek godek2 la notes kat fb me eh? dia pun ade bls komen kt situ.. lirik tu mmg kena sgt ngn dia.. tu yg dedicate kat dia.. harap2 dia kuat semangat mcm lirik lagu tuh.. hope she always keep her faith, amin.

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Post time 18-10-2009 01:02 AM | Show all posts
yup Elie.. to be truth, masa jumpa dia smalam.. masa tu kitorang tgh borak2 pasal program Galaxy tu.. tak semena2 meleleh airmata dia.. terdiam kejap tgk dia nangis. rasa tersentuh tgk.. she may l ...
avrilizana Post at 18-10-2009 00:08

elie pun dah sedih dah ni but i know she can do it and i know scha is a strong girl..pesan kat scha, kerja tu kerja la jgk tp kesihatan kena jg tau..tak nak lah stress kan diri sgt..klu scha nak p b'cuti pun ok bkn masa yg t'dekat ni.. rezeki tgh m'curah-curah jth ke ladang gandum.. eh ada kena mengena ke ni

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