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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Alchemy of Souls - Lee Jae Wook, Jung So Min, Go Youn Jung

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Post time 21-8-2022 09:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 21-8-2022 07:27 PM
Menyampah tengok sol i tersengih mcm kerang busuk lalu depan yul...

Tengok cane nti dia boleh lari tak drp kena tukar body. Dia kan selfish.. kalau dia tau awai entah2 dia pi cari geng baik ni mintak tlg? Kalau x, maksudnya mmg jd korban shaman choi ler koh2

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Post time 21-8-2022 09:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 21-8-2022 07:18 PM
X sabar mlm ni...mesti lawak..dalam pada debor ada jgak la scene lawak utk reda kan debaran tu..he ...

Tu la tak sabau dah ni. Bagusnya drama ni mood changes from serious to comedy , flow dia smooth.

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2022 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Padan muka plan queen/shaman choi x menjadi…ada hati nak bersalin kulit baru konon…

Nak padankan muka Sol-i jugak sebab ada niat jahat nak feed Mu Deok kat soul shifter tu…kan dah terkantoi dia x buta…tapi x nmpk pulak dia dlm preview epi minggu depan…xtau apa jadi kat dia…

Btw lawak pulak masa Mu Deok imagine nak guna body siapa pulak lepas ni…body park jin pun ada masuk dlm senarai


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Post time 22-8-2022 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 21-8-2022 11:44 PM
Padan muka plan queen/shaman choi x menjadi…ada hati nak bersalin kulit baru konon…

Nak padankan  ...

Haha..part jd park jin la paling kelakar dgn rambut mengurai pantene tu..
Sanggup ulang preview next week..pedang yg mu deok bg tu pedang naksu ke?adakah nak membelah langit ke apa?they are getting married next week?

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Post time 22-8-2022 12:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 21-8-2022 11:44 PM
Padan muka plan queen/shaman choi x menjadi…ada hati nak bersalin kulit baru konon…

Nak padankan  ...

Padan muka queen n jinmu...

Sakit hati ngn soli nsb baik yul x mati...lau x sbbdiala..dhla yul kesian mat dia sbb kena guna ngn jinmu

Scene paling lawak imaginasi mudeok/naksu nk msuk bdn sapa...berdekah woiii

Ending epi 18 berbunga2...iols risau je si soul shifter kang tu bgn jectime diorg tgh mmg dh mati...


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Post time 22-8-2022 12:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 22-8-2022 12:04 AM
Haha..part jd park jin la paling kelakar dgn rambut mengurai pantene tu..
Sanggup ulang preview ne ...

Hopefully ada scene kawin and happy ending...dh x sabar tgu mgu depan...

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Post time 22-8-2022 12:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau janggang lock kuasa jinmu x jd cerita jinmu mmg tamak...

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Post time 22-8-2022 12:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 22-8-2022 12:17 AM
Kalau janggang lock kuasa jinmu x jd cerita jinmu mmg tamak...

Jang gang ni dgn anak dia yg baby tak tau apa...mudah2 je lock kuasa bdk tu...dgn jin mu lemahhh...
Cuma skang..adakah bu yeon tu dah hilang ke mcm mana?

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Post time 22-8-2022 01:27 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 22-8-2022 01:30 AM

Ep 18

wow - First time tengok wajah Jung soo min ni  lain , as in intense with emotion masa babak dia masuk secret room  yg ade soul shifter Master Kang tu ...satu part tu kan di maa angle camera menghala ke muke dia ketika dia nangis tu , masa tu Jgng Uk belum masuk so different, that intense tears trickling on her cheek tu wow...

I just want So- Yi to be killed, get killed and being killed by anyone.
Minah ni jahat dah , dah tak leh bincang dah minah ni.

Dia ni budus lah , actually masa tu dia boleh citer ape jadi sebab ketika ni barrier  ice stones tu tak bagi yg gang senior magi kat luar jinjyungak tu masuk...aparaa imprudent.

dia ingat semue tu tak tahu dia penipu ke...depa just spared her becoz depa tengok dia akan dilaukkan pun. hahaha

Jang Gang  lambat ye...tapi mamat ni pi terus Cheongbugwan atau Maidservant Kim yang bagi dia surat kosong Master Lee?

Okay about Mudeok/ Naksu..I think Mudeok Naksu / bu Yeon dalam badan yg sama...tapi suke juga brief encounter tu hahahah dia kata relics hahahah. right now Naksu yg dominant sebab dia soul shifter ..and  buyeon pun salah satu faktor yg sebabkan energy Naksu tak hilang, Bu yeon boleh serap energy.. tapikan soul shifter  depa tak hilang energy, manusia magi hilang energy so i nampak dominant - Naksu - dengan pedang etc...

so...Naksu has somehow transformed to become a t least a considerate human being...kalau tak dulu macam poyo je bunuh dia mula ade sikit perasaan insaniah ni sejak berada dalam mudeok ni...

i nak tergelak betul scene Mudeok dok uli tepung and scene dia buat air tu , cewah kan ade power dah so senang je ye...


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Post time 22-8-2022 01:30 AM | Show all posts
king tu still  tunggu sapa hidup ...hahaha nak buktikan ice stones tu seprti yg dikata hahaah....depa ingat Mudeok tu paling lemah hahahah...silap lah beb..

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Post time 22-8-2022 07:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Done epi 18 malam td. But nak repeat seround lg sblm I review. I have a feeling that this is a test for naksu and janguk, to see if they can become the protector of buyeon and ice stone. I need to find clues if the ice stone become sentient being ... my specu based on buyeon short conversation with naksu while inside the turbulence.

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Post time 22-8-2022 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Oh n i think the master lee now is inside the king body :lol. He knows naksu can handle it. I am ready in my clown suit

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Post time 22-8-2022 08:58 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 22-8-2022 01:30 AM
king tu still  tunggu sapa hidup ...hahaha nak buktikan ice stones tu seprti yg dikata hahaah....dep ...

padahal mudeok mmg menunggu ice stone utk dpt power dia mmg peluang baik laa....king mmg silap org...

scene mak dia sedar dia buyeon tu alahai..kejab nauuuu....nk tgk mak dia rasa bersalah...

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Post time 22-8-2022 09:00 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 22-8-2022 07:57 AM
Oh n i think the master lee now is inside the king body :lol. He knows naksu can handle it. I am rea ...

iols mmg tgu master lee dtg...kot la dia tau mcm mana nak bukak the barrier....skang ni nmpk mmg naksu je yg leh tlg tula..base on conversation diaa and buyeon...sure akan ada yg mati....andweee....

so naksu ni tau ke buyeon tu ada sekali ngn soul dia...sbb lepas naksu take over takde plak dia berfikiran mcm buyeon...or mmg dia biarkan or lupa?

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Post time 22-8-2022 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 22-8-2022 11:20 AM

Review epi18

Part 1.

Park jin become suspicious at mudeok again. Sblm2 ni his suspicions turn out nothing about mudeok is a soul shifter, kali ni pun mungkin dia salah lagi. He must be thinking apa mudeok buat related to janguk. He always think about janguk n try to protect him in his own way...regardless how ridiculous it may seem.

Shaman choi spell was blocked by buyeon. She cannot controlled the ice stone any longer. So we can clearly see that display of power from buyeon. She is the one in control of the ice stone massive energy.

Inside the ice stone..i think its similar with the aos realm that was performed, buyeon soul materialise in front of naksu. Mula2 as when she was young, saying
Buyeon " We did not lose it this time, we are inside the ice stone, the ice stone is not limited in shape, size, or form. It can be water, fire, or wind.
Naksu " does this mean i have the ice stone now?"
Buyeon " no one can truly own the ice stone"
You only use its power. Pull and get pushed. Earn one and lose the other one. That is the burden you will have to carry.
Naksu " i can gladly endure that"
Buyeon " then try it. Overflowing power means you will not be able to control how much of it you use. Desire rain and you will ger a flood. Desire wind and you will get a typhoon. Try to endure it.
Naksu " what are you? A relic of jinyowon"
Buyeon" how dare a soul living off my body call me a relic?

At jeongjihnak Mudeoksu  recalled about her encounter and ask a question " a relic from  from jinyowon that had attached itself to the ice stone? She still doesn't know she was talking to buyeon. Geram jugak part ni..bila naksu nak sedar dia guna badan buyeon.

After that we can see many scene where mudeoksu have to fight herself , between her wants and what is the right way. She hesitated a lot. Unlike before she simply killed or let others get killed. Her life as mudeoki has mellowed her down considerably. Her attachment with all the people like seo yul, cp n janguk weighting her heart . She has changed. If she was naksu before her life as mudeok..she will be easily sway by her desire and power offer by the the ice stone.

So what is the difference when buyeon wants to destroy  icestone when she was young vs now? She knows the icestone when it held by the wrong person it will end up a disaster. She also know that no one can truly owned it.
She herself has failed to do so once . I tnink this is why she trap naksu soul in her body.

If you do not desire the power of the icestone..that is when you can be the protector. Because you are powerful enough and doesnt need the power of a trinket to proved yourself. But how?? Become one with the icestone??  This is where i think buyeon merge with icestone..thus making it a sentient being and why she need naksu or janguk. If naksu n janguk is way more powerful (alone or together) than the icestone, then they can prevent it from being misused again. Powerful  not only in spells but their mind is strong  enough not to be tempted using it for themselves. They shouldn't have any selfish desire.

Again, what is the secret to overcome the icestone power temptations. Was it love??? Chia chia chia hahahaha.

Well we knew master seo gang pun failed because of his love. He also had the desire to use the icestone for seol ran.  So is master seo actually can destroyed it but choose not to because he want to use it for seol ran?? The mesej dlm buku words of heart to tak clear dgn apa action dia. We dont know what happened to seol ran. We dont know why master seo leave the icestone at jinyowon  other than out of love. Is it to keep seol ran  soul alive??  We know seol ran does not live forever or acquire immortality by having the icestone. She obviously has died. If not we could have seen her mcm queen tu. So many question la.

So if we were to compare it with janguk x mudeoksu as parallel love story. Both janguk x mudeoksu must come up with another way or else surely one of them will die just like master seo n seol ran.

When buyeon said..."try it" it means naksu is being tested. How she will overcome her desire..the desire to become naksu again, she will lose everyone she held dear now. The overflowing power will always come back with disastrous consequences. If she desire to be with janguk what will happen? I think preview epi 19 wedding tu just her thinking mcm she think when she shift to king/ jinmu/ park jin body. Its her imagination...imagination is desire...desire is temptations. No matter how much i want to see the wedding is real...lets keep both our feet firmly on the ground..hahah. 2 episod....nahhhh i dont think its gonna be that easy.

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Post time 22-8-2022 09:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 22-8-2022 09:00 AM
iols mmg tgu master lee dtg...kot la dia tau mcm mana nak bukak the barrier....skang ni nmpk mmg n ...

Sbb tu i specu master lee dlm badan king. Dia kan dah hwansu n mmg boleh keluar sendiri soul dr badan. Dia sengaja suruh mudeoksu jd labrat. Dia nak stalling so that janguk ada masa nak proved pasal buku words of heart tu n utk tunggu janggang jugak. Sbb janggang must come clean n confessed what he has done n exposed jinmu too.

N yes naksu still tak tau buyeon tu mudeok..and soul derang dlm satu badan. But now since they are inside the icestone barrier i am  not sure buyeon soul masih dlm badan or somewhere in the icestone realm.

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Post time 22-8-2022 11:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Part 2
Mudeoksu vs Janguk heart to heart talk.
Selepas imagination mudeoksu how the conversation should go....janguk beat her by having a different response haha

Pesanan buyeon "Earn one and lose another, that is the burden you will have to carry"
Naksu " if i need to lose you to regain my power. I will bear it"
This is the battle or test between her desire to become naksu again or to keep her promise with janguk. But janguk sincere answer broke her will.....her resolved shaken.
Janguk add on " i can always say such things if i endure the embarassment. But i can never turn back time even if i regret something. Master, endure the embarassment  and be honest with yourself. That way you will not regret anything."
I specu ni mcm important turning point, to overcome her desire and rise above the power of icestone n its temptations. Whatever she choose to do afterward hopefully the right one.

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Post time 22-8-2022 04:09 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 21-8-2022 07:08 PM
I specu sblm ni selain as surat cinta..its a spell tu sealed the ice stone. Tapi salah le spekuan  ...

hahaha tp terrer la u boleh speku words of heart tu ada kegunaan lain. iols bulat2 je percaya surat tu sekadar surat. now untuk 2 final episodes ni i harap sangat ada scene detail kisah master seo dgn the 1st jinyowon

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Post time 22-8-2022 04:48 PM | Show all posts

yeah...harapnya diorg akan cari jalan lain selain nak sacrifice utk each other sure akan ada yg mati....huhuuhuh....

tapi dgn power diorg dua tu...rasa bole kot diorg sealed/musnah kan ice stone tu...

sbb master seo yang power tu pun kalah dgn cinta dia towards seol ran smpi ice stone ni bole disalah gunakan...

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Post time 22-8-2022 06:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 23-8-2022 08:08 AM

Things/ scene about buyeon that trigger my curiosity.

1) Young Buyeon said "we did not lose it this time, we are inside the ice stone"
What does she meant by "this time" and who is she referring to by "we".

2) naksu tanya mudeok (buyeon) in the realm.." what are you?" Instead of who are you? Then naksu pun ingat dia sejenis relic jugak mcm yg i specu in my komen sblm2 ni. And reaksi mudeok/ buyeon is nampak offended ya. Siap ckp with authoritive and mature sound
"How dare a soul living off my body call me a relic?"
The calmness in older buyeon is something else.
Is Young buyeon n and the older buyeon the same person or representing 2 entiti? It get me thinking that its actually one is buyeon (original seolran soul) and the other is the ice stone.

Kan we specu it could be reincarnation kan...maybe the dead soul yg janggang masukkan dlm baby buyeon is seol ran soul. So this will be her 2nd time meeting the ice stone (whatever happen during the master seo era we do not know).

Or mmg younger buyeon masa kat lake tu is the 1st time meeting with the ice stone n this is the 2 nd time. Thus she mentioned " we did not lose it this time".

Or its 2nd time meeting with naksu. The 1st one masa soul shifting that ended very quickly so tak sempat sembang2.

Entah yg mana satu yg betul hahaha. I suka overthinking nampaknya haha.

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