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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 12-4-2011 06:16 AM | Show all posts
taib ni betul2 akan jadi bola tanggung PRU13 kelak, kalu tak berundur sekarang
leh buat jumping smash nih....

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Post time 12-4-2011 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Anaik Hussein
Dato sri, sy n rakan2 tak tau sapa nak pilih dlm pr swk ni kwsn dato taib balingian. Tolong beri petunjuk dato sri. kmi tingl d kwsn jln mkh matadeng tapi tak ada bekalan air paip dri kpg jebungan sampe km 18. lepas km 18 ada pula d bekal, knapa kmi tidak. bila tanya ngan pejabat daerah kata pruntukan tak cukup. stahu saya bila kjaan buat projek pruntukan msti cukup. cepat dato sri tngl 4 hari saja lagi untuk kmi buat pilihan.

**Cilok dari FB Najib Razak

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Post time 12-4-2011 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Bejalak Ayam
hemmmm pelihan raya negeri sarawak bermacam macam bagi janji,baik bn atau pun pembakang.bagi kami org iban semua itu tak guna.tidak tersintuh pun bajet yg di-beri,cuma kepada kaum tertentu sahaja,dari dulu org iban susah hidop di-rumah panjang cuma mengeharap kan tanam padi,untok buat makan 1 tahun itu pun kalau padi nya subur,kalau tidak miskin diri serta keluar.setiap pilihan raya sepanjang hidop saya hampir 50thn tidak pernah nampak bajet untok org iban atau org ulu bajet yg di beri kerajaan bn.tapi org iban tetap setia kepada bn.

Bejalak Ayam pelih pembakang lagi tak guna semua pengacur bangsa putar bilit niat nya bukan untok memberi kasenangan atau kemajuan tapi mengacur kan.nama yg sesuai untok parti pemkang parti rakus bin putar bilit.

** Kesian org Iban ni...duk tunggu janji BN yg x kunjung tiba..nak berubah takut plak..BN sukala org2 mcm ni..

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Post time 12-4-2011 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 823# peachRose

** Kesian org Iban ni...duk tunggu janji BN yg x kunjung tiba..nak berubah takut plak..BN sukala org2 mcm ni..

dah yg sedia ada rimau. Yang menjadi alternatif lak jerung... 2 x 5 je. Sebab tu bila org cakap undi utk kepentingan negara... piiirahhh. Apa2 pun org akan pikir tembolok sendiri dulu.

Buang semua org2 politik yg ada sekarang baik BN atau pembangkang. start dari mula balik. Itu je cara nak bersihkan dia org ni kot

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Post time 12-4-2011 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Reply 822# peachRose

    jgn undi taib la. Bagi kalah. Jabu pun jgn undi. Biar org2 lain lak jadi KM.

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Post time 12-4-2011 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Sebenonya, aku pun tak suka pemimpin terlalu lama berkuasa. Bukan
je Taib, termasuk juga kat semenanjung ni macam Lim Kit Siang, Anwar,
Karpal Sing dan terutama sekali Tuan guru Nik Ajis dan Hadi boroi, Semuanya
dah 60tahun ke atas. High time to step down sebab kebanyakan pemimpin
BN dah dalam lingkungan 50han. Yang 60han dah kureng dah. Rafidah,
Sye Hamid, Liong Sik, Samy Velu semua dah OUT. Jadi Nik Ajis bila lagi?
Usia dah capai 80 tahun, high time tumpu perhatian kepada ibadah, jangan
asik berpolitik. Manusia takda yang menongkat donia. My 2 cents, betul tak???

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Post time 12-4-2011 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Election Santa Goes To Sarawak!

The Election Santa, we must explain, is not to be confused with Santa Claus. Where Santa Claus has elfs, he has goblins. Where the real Santa hands out presents, he hands out projects and cash.

The Election Santa is also an extremely elusive creature, you will never find him unless there is an election going on. If you are a persistent fellow and somehow manage to track him down at other times, you will find that you will get nothing out of him.

He had left Sarawak to his goblins, but finding them floundering, will now appear himself, for an entire week. Both his chief goblins, one white-haired and the other not, seemed to be heading for a fall. They had lost the towns, they had lost the Christians and they had lost the Chinese electorate. Now, their bases in the rural areas are threatened.

The Election Santa will blaze across the state in private aeroplanes and helicopters. He will promise anything and everything. And don't expect any of his actions to be questioned by the Election Commission, for they too, are his goblins. They will not be so bold as to question their master.

After the elections, those Sarawakians trusting enough to vote as the Election Santa wants them to, will find him gone. He will not turn up, until the next elections.

They will be left, instead, to the mercies of the white-haired goblin, who is, of course, a grinch. And grinches we know, are coarse, and they are greedy.

Unlike the Election Santa, he will never leave.

Source:The Owl

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by NAT_11 at 12-4-2011 09:03
Election Santa Goes To Sarawak!

The Election Santa, we must explain, is not to be con ...
MarryPottet Post at 12-4-2011 08:55

    Santa claus ada di mana-mana terutama di kalangan
    opposition. Korang pernah tengok Lim Kit Siang or Anwat pi
    ke Sarawak time orang Sarawak berada dalam kesusahan....?
    Kat semenanjung ni pun, time banjir, time kebakaran, time rumah
    dipukul ribut, sorang pun opposition tak tunjuk muka, so don"t
    expect too much from the oppositon candidates also, hmmm.
    They are all SANTAS....

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Sebenonya, aku pun tak suka pemimpin terlalu lama berkuasa. Bukan
je Taib, termasuk juga kat semena ...
NAT_11 Post at 12-4-2011 08:50

    ko ni masih x phm2 rupanya..isu plg besar bkn laa berkuasa terlalu lama..isu yg lebih besar ialah menyalahguna kuasa utk kepentingan famili & sanak sedara selama memegang tampuk kuasa!

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2011 09:08 AM | Show all posts
ko ni masih x phm2 rupanya..isu plg besar bkn laa berkuasa terlalu lama..isu yg lebih besa ...
kecimpret Post at 12-4-2011 09:06

    lepas tu nak ganti ngan pakatan rakyat yang tak berkualiti tu ke

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:08 AM | Show all posts
lepas tu nak ganti ngan pakatan rakyat yang tak berkualiti tu ke
Magika Post at 12-4-2011 09:08

    how do u know x berkualiti kalo x bg pluang??..Taib tu berkualiti sgt ke?

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2011 09:10 AM | Show all posts
how do u know x berkualiti kalo x bg pluang??..Taib tu berkualiti sgt ke?
kecimpret Post at 12-4-2011 09:08

    tau ceramah sana sini saja..
esok ceramah lagi
lusa ceramah lagi

hasilnya haprak

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:12 AM | Show all posts
tau ceramah sana sini saja..
esok ceramah lagi
lusa ceramah lagi

hasilnya haprak
Magika Post at 12-4-2011 09:10

    kena laa,radio,paper sume lsg x bg positive coverage kt PR...kalo x ceramah camno public mau tau agenda atau manifesto PR..BN x yah ceramah pun dah tolong kasi penerangan kt public

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:15 AM | Show all posts
ko ni masih x phm2 rupanya..isu plg besar bkn laa berkuasa terlalu lama..isu yg lebih besa ...
kecimpret Post at 12-4-2011 09:06

    Aleh sama je PERIOK kata KUALI itam. Sama-sama itamla.
    Tengok je kat Selangor ni, apa dah jadi....................????
    Kalau bersih musti si Teo Beng Hok tak perlu terjun kat
    bangunan SPRM! Ni lom pun sepenggal berkuasa.............

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:17 AM | Show all posts
tau ceramah sana sini saja..
esok ceramah lagi
lusa ceramah lagi

hasilnya haprak
Magika Post at 12-4-2011 09:10

    Memang HAPRAK. Kat selangor ni, ada berpuluh-puluh
    manifesto atau janji, satu je yang dibuat, dijaja merata-rata......

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2011 09:18 AM | Show all posts
kena laa,radio,paper sume lsg x bg positive coverage kt PR...kalo x ceramah c ...
kecimpret Post at 12-4-2011 09:12

    pembangkang buang masa untuk ceramah
bn tak perlu buang masa untuk ceramah

baik sokong bn saja sebab ada banyak masa untuk tolong rakyat

sekarang ni pemimpin pemimpin bn sibuk siang malam nak tolong rakyat
ada sampai berjaga malam nak tengok rakyat senang
tidak ada apa apa yang dapat menggembirakan pemimpin bn melainkan melihat rakyat tersenyum riang

tapi lain pulak dengan pakatan

hari ni buat rally
esok perhimpunan ceramah lagi
lusa ceramah lagi

buang masa dekat situ saja

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Bejalak Ayam
hemmmm pelihan raya negeri sarawak bermacam macam bagi janji,baik bn atau pun pembakan ...
peachRose Post at 12-4-2011 08:39

    Gaya cakap macam org Kedayan jah?

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 826# NAT_11

    TGNA berpolitik ngko hengat dia kurang ke beribadah?? Sambil berpolitik sambil tu tak boleh beribadah?? Politik tu salah satu cabang ibadah.. Even beliau berpolitik, stilla da masa mengajar & memberi ceramah agama... Apa yg ngko nak risokan? Pemimpin2 Humnok nun yg patot ekau risokan... Jgnkan time tua jek nak beribadah, time muda pon... Nyawa dicabut x mengenal usia... sendiri mau ingat.

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Reply 836# Magika

    Be End byk masa utk tolong rakyat?? Lebih 40 tahun tu tapi kandang vavi lagi terpelihara???

Heaven for pigs, hell for Ibans
Stephanie Sta Maria
| April 11, 2011

In Balai Ringin, the people fight to achieve the same status that BN has bestowed upon a pig farm.

BALAI RINGIN: Ranty Gimang has lived in Kampung Limau for most of her life. Her modest cement house is one of the better ones in a tiny village that has long existed in quiet isolation.
Like her neighbours, Ranty leads a starkly simple life.

Her brother, on the other hand, enjoys more creature comforts being the head of a neighbouring village. But since the 10th Sarawak state election began the two are no longer on speaking terms.

He is furious that she has offered her house as an operation centre for PKR’s first Iban candidate, Ibi Uding, instead of supporting Barisan Nasional which puts RM600 into his pocket each month.

She meanwhile has refused to back a government that provides electricity and air-conditioning to a pig farm while its people still live without them.

“Can you imagine how we feel knowing that pigs live a more comfortable life than us?
“The lights and air-conditioning at the farm are turned on 24 hours a day. And here we are hoping that one day we will get electricity and clean water,” she said.

Balai Ringin is a two-hour drive from Kuching and is among the nine new states seats created by the Election Commission after the re-delineation of electoral boundaries in 2005.

It is also home to the highest number of Iban voters in the Sri Aman constituency. The 127 villages house 89.08% of Ibans who have a bone to pick with incumbent BN’s Snowdon Donald Lawan.

Some claim that the only time they have seen his face since the 2006 election was in the last two weeks and that too, only on the copious BN banners and posters.

Snowdon’s eco-tourism vision
But Snowdon once had big plans for his then new seat.
On his website, he had shared his vision of turning Balai Ringin into an eco-tourism destination with “careful, aggressive implementation of strategic programmes and a good publicity and promotional campaign.”

He also spoke of future job opportunities that the centralised pig farm, situated in Sungai Pinang, was expected to generate for the locals as it would accommodate all pig farms in Kuching and Serian.

In acknowledging the hardship faced by his new constituents, Snowdon said, “While currently most of the area except the main town are still deprived of reliable power and treated water supply, a proposal has been forwarded to connect electricity to most if not all of the longhouses in Bukit Begunan and Balai Ringin under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.”

The Tenth Malaysia Plan is already in full swing but life for the Ibans in Balai Ringin has barely budged from where it was six years ago.

A visit by FMT yesterday saw the main roads in Balai Ringin lined with electrical poles and cables – none of which are connected to the brick houses right beside them. The residents pointed to generators when asked how they got their power supply.
“The cables are just for show,” Ranty said. “Just like the Project Kilat. My, we were so lucky!”

The small group of women listening to her chortled, and she explained, “They fixed our roads earlier this week that’s why it’s so nice now. And they handed out small donations to the villagers but only to those whom they favoured. That isn’t right at all. Everyone here deserves help.”

FMT requested to be taken to the pig farm but after a quick consultation among themselves, the group decided that it would not be a good idea.
“It’s a long drive and you won’t be able to get past the gates,” one of them said. “The farm is too far inside to be seen from the gates anyway. And people are on the lookout for us bringing journalists there, so it’s not safe.”

Water from drains

What they felt will be a worthwhile trip was to the nearby villages where desperation has driven the residents to turn to drains for water supply (photos above and below).

Crude structures fashioned out of rotting wood and zinc dotted the main road. Each structure is designated to a particular cluster of homes.

The portion of the drain that the structures are built over has been blocked to stop the flow of water and create a small pool that become the resident’s water source.

“This is where they bathe and brush their teeth,” said Ibi’s daughter grimly, pointing to the dark, dank and speckled with moss liquid. “Sometimes it’s even their drinking water.”

“If they’re lucky they can find enough zinc to shield them from the traffic. Otherwise they just have to bathe when it’s dark.”
Other houses place buckets below their gutter to collect rain water or use a makeshift pipe from which water trickles into the basin beneath. But no matter how the water is obtained it is never crystal clear.

“We have always been ignored by the government,” Ranty said. “And now we are being threatened to give them our votes again. I don’t know what to say.”

The Ibans in Balai Ringin are not ungrateful for the job opportunities that came with the development but feel that it was ironic to earn an income when you cannot use it to pay for electricity or water bills.

Balai Ringin is one of the hotly contested seats in Sarawak with six candidates vying to be its elected representative.

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Aleh sama je PERIOK kata KUALI itam. Sama-sama itamla.
    Tengok je kat Selangor ni, apa ...
NAT_11 Post at 12-4-2011 09:15

    Siapa kata yg TBH tu terjun?? Keputusan forensik Dr pornthip tu xmau plak hang guna-pakai yek?? Hang ke yg post mortem TBH nun?? RCI TBH dah habih?? Bila?? :re:

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