Reply #840 Wyn's post
dek...tu bc kt atas tu kalo nk tau ending dia camne..refer post #839.. |
Reply #841 eskremVanila's post
sori x nmpk colour dia..hehehe..
owh..bek nyer steph..
but suka kat marg..
tp x ska kat harry..hehehe..
really ska marg kat movie "trip"..
erm,cemana tau sinopsis dia erk?
bleh gtau tak?cemana nak bc sinopsis citer ne?
thanx..hehehe.. |
C:\Documents and Settings\Pentium 4\My Documents\Ajay\Asian pictures\heart_jericho.jpg |
Reply #839 eskremVanila's post
ada org baik hati email kat bel ending dia..terharu membacanya..
mmg betul ler wlupun ending dia sedih tapi best... |
apsl Stolen Moment x ada lak mlm ni..
alih..citer hantu Korea yg main..:stp: |
Reply #845 isabel's post
biase la tu bel..cuti2 umum ni kan mmg drang sokmo tyg cter lain..hehe.. |
Reply #846 eskremVanila's post
biasale astro..sokmo gitu
tp sib baik gak dia tyg cite lain, psl aku x tgk lg epi ari khms mlm..kalu tyg mghin, mmg aku xle tgk..ujan je ptg maghin..aku tgu tgk ptg ni ngan mlm ni la.. |
mmg semalam tak de cite nie sempena hari pekerja diorg siar cite korea tue...
semalam tak pat tgk cite hiram layan cite Pangako Sayo la... |
Originally posted by isabel at 1-5-2006 09:28 PM
apsl Stolen Moment x ada lak mlm ni..
alih..citer hantu Korea yg main..:stp:
tu arrrr..... iye2 semangat jek tunggu... alih2 citer antu plak yang kuar.... sibbaik gak ada gitu2 apek menenangkan perasaan.... :geram: |
weii aku dah tgk buku astro...mmg betullah citer nih abis 11 Mei nih....so masa tu sama2lah kita tgk ending dia ekk... |
Reply #850 kumang's post
ye ker..
tp buku kekdg xle caya gak..
kene tgu dia wat iklan cam end PDG..br bole caye.. |
aku tgk kul 5 td..touching le gaks..huhuhu
terpk le gak,ape la c peah tu nk wat pahni.. |
Reply #851 nohara's post
yups..btol tuh..buku tu kan dh print awal..so kdg2 tak same ngn kt tv.. |
Reply #852 nohara's post
aku rase..
1. peah wat tatau je..(agak mustahil laa dia nk wat camni..)
2. dia amek kesempatan bls dendam kt diana n marge..sbb kuciwakan anak dia..pastu maybe dia ternampak marge kuo ngn william..or nmpk marge n william berpeluk2an sambil nangih2..pastu dia report kt steph..or kebetulan steph ade ngn dia time tu..nk tunjuk betape curangnye marge..pastu steph jupe marge..marah2 dia..kate marge tu sinungaling,bla bla...ala..cam biase la gaye dia marah tak tentu psl,tanpe usul peksa tu..pastu marge nangih2 nk eksplen,tp steph tamo dgr...n steph pon berusehe nk rampas harry balek...
ekekek..memandai je aku wat spekulasi...ye aa..kali ni aku mmg hv no idea psl cter ni..biasenye kalo cter lain aku tau la gak jln cter dia camne..hikhik...tp finale ep dia aku dh bace abih aa.. |
omo...what's with that ngade2 thing,peah????is it some kinda joke or what?ape dia nk wat tu?dh le tergedik2...ade hidden agenda ke?
[ Last edited by eskremVanila at 2-5-2006 11:37 PM ] |
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 2-5-2006 11:09 PM
omo...what's with that peah????is it some kinda joke or what?ape dia nk wat tu?dh le tergedik2...ade hidden agenda ke?
aper la ko merepek kat atas td..
aku pon xle nk agk ape c peah tu nye agenda..n shes alwiz unpredictable..aku rs dia ober la td..:nana: |
Reply #856 nohara's post
akakaka..ade words missing laa..patut aa cam pelik je ayat aku tu..muahahaha...:lol |
wah dah menyampah bel tgk sipeah ni..:geram:
cute step pakai topi mcm tu... |
Reply #844 isabel's post
erm,bleh email kat sy ending dia? |
apa cerita malam tadi....... |
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