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Author: white pearl


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Post time 11-4-2004 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 9-4-2004 11:27 AM:

website BYJ yg mana ni?

2 hari x dpt masuk sini tue lambat balas dier kat

cuba kat page 6 kat subject vod ITV kalau takder carik kat vod yg ader tulis ITV

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Post time 12-4-2004 12:24 PM | Show all posts
4/9/04 - Japanese actress Yoo Min attracts more attentions recently due to Bae Yong Jun’s popularity in her country. Yoo Min and Bae Yong Jun were models of catalogues of a wool clothes company in 2002. One of the photos on a catalog is auctioned for 100 thousand Won on internet and is purchased by a fan of BYJ. She also receives many phone calls from her friends asking questions about BYJ.  She states, "You can't imagine how popular BYJ is in Japan. I receive phone calls from people in different ages ranging from 10s to 40s".

News credit to Cindy of

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Post time 13-4-2004 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 12-4-2004 12:24 PM:
4/9/04 - Japanese actress Yoo Min attracts more attentions recently due to Bae Yong Jun抯 popularity in her country. Yoo Min and Bae Yong Jun were models of catalogues of a wool clothes company in 2002. One of the photos on a catalog is auctioned for 100 thousand Won on internet and is purchased by a fan of BYJ. She also receives many phone calls from her friends asking questions about BYJ.  She states, "You can't imagine how popular BYJ is in Japan. I receive phone calls from people in different ages ranging from 10s to 40s".


he..he..even Yoo Min pun get recognized by japanese coz b4 nie japanese tak kenal sgt dier nie...besar tol impak BYJ nie...

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Post time 13-4-2004 09:00 PM | Show all posts
Posted on BYJ's official home board by morris.

[Special Lecture on Love] 'WLS' BYJ, Enthusiasm in Japanese Isles

[Chosun Daily]  4/13/04 17:11

Although I cannot recall exactly which month in 2000, anyway it was when the actor Yoo Jitae was having the peak popularity. I happened to attend as he was holding a charity autographing session in MyeongDong, the MyeongDong was paralyzed in no time as so many fans gathered in. I remember that about 1,000 gathered then, the sponsor had to finish the session without time to enjoy the power of the popularity. It was because of the fear that there might be accidents in the crowd.

Then, there was a event in Japan last week where over 1,000 police only gathered just to guard one person. Even that was the security operation for a foreigner not for their own country man. That 'great sir'was none other than BYJ, the leading actor in 'WLS,' whic is being aired in Japan at this time. His popularity is so enormous that when I called my friend in Japan, he said that he is nest to the 'level of the head of the religious sector' among the Japanese ladies. The faithfuls (?) would not be satisfied even after attaching to his name, BYJ, the extremely respectful calling 'sama' after feeliing inadequate with the regular respectful calling of 'san.'

He said that the Haneda Airport where he had arrived was paralyzed because of over 5,000 welcoming faithfuls and wherever he moved, several thousands followed him like the event of 'human queue-making.' Although there is no way I could confirm, he said that when 'he' waved his hands to the faithfuls, one or two would 'faint,' and when 'he' occasionlly turned to show smile, many would faint again. I could easily guess, however, from the fact that over 60,000 had applied for the fan meeting place where only 2,000 could enter and and scalped tickets at 15,000 yen were sold like hotcakes for the only reason that one could see his face a little closer.

It is a big misjudgement if one thinks that the popularity of 'him' is confined to those enthusiastic faithfuls. During his visit to Japan, he was ranked on top in the keyword search list in the 3 places among the Japanese internet portal sites and on the 'Japan Yahoo' site, where I went to to confirm it, on the front page, more over in the center, "BYJ Special' corner was proudly provided along with his photos. Also over 2 million books related to 'WLS,' including the novel were sold as if proving the popularity of 'him,' and as it became popular among the Japanese to learn Korean language interwining with the popularity of 'BOA,' the experts say that it is close to the 'syndrome,' rather than the popularity.

Also, (although in Korea, when the assemblymen went to the broadcasting station to proTEST the 'partial broadcasting of the impeachment' last month, only the director level official showed up), when 'he' visited the Japanese broadcasting station, the CEO of the station greeted him and as I hearMiss Yoo Min, a Japanese star who is popular to us, has rising popularity latelyaccompnying his due to the (catalogue) photos she took with 'him,' I really realized the phrase that when the popularity becomes big, it would become a power.

The 'he,' as known to this wirter, was a 'really naive' actor who declined as it did not fit to his image when he was offerred fitst the character of 'Hong Gildong,' which made Mr. Kim Seokhoon a star several years ago, he was a 'greasy grind' who graduated* (* this is an errorneous statement) after receiving all A grades as he entered the university as 'late comer,' and was a 'slow person' who prefers bicycle to automobile. I would like to deliver daringly to the 'head of the religious sector' the message to utilize his such purity, pride, and passion as weapons for his 'Event of Great Attack to Japan.'

Written by Baek Hyeonrak, Broadcasting writer.

credit goes to Joanne of byjquilt

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Post time 14-4-2004 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 13-4-2004 09:00 PM:
Posted on BYJ's official home board by morris.

[Special Lecture on Love] 'WLS' BYJ, Enthusiasm in Japanese Isles

[Chosun Daily]  4/13/04 17:11

Although I cannot recall exactly which ...

wow! what a nice article on our favourite Korean actor!

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Post time 21-4-2004 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Royal family of Brunai is eager to invite BYJ

[Sports Seoul] 4/19 /04 14:43

The popularity of top star BYJ (31) is extending to every corner of the global village.

As the name of BYJ, who is enjoying an explosive popularity in the Japan & Chinese speaking region, the center of the Korean Current hot wind, is widely known in the Brunai, a small country which is on the northwest coast of the Boruneo Island in the South Asia, the royal family there had sent an official paper of their wish to invite him to the overseas marketing company in Korea through the local Korean residents.

The official letter, which was received by the Eon EnterPlan Marketing (?), a overseas business marketing company mainly for China & Japan, etc., contained, 'A prince of the royal family in Brunai would like positively to invite BYJ. This prince wants to enjoy playing golf with BYJ and to dine together at the royal banquet, and is willing to accept all no matter what condition he attaches.'

No only that, through another different route, a princess of the Brunia is sending inviting hand to BYJ. Different from China or Japan, as Brunai is not a big country, it is impossible for it to offer the appearance of the movie, drama or commercial in reality. Because of that, they cannot post the good condition and also they do not have know-how regarding the way to invite and treat the entertainer, they are not able to find the correct method and they try contact anyway or anyone to connect lines so that they would like to invite BYJ to their country by all means.

According to the local Korean residents, thanks to BYJ, the status of Korean became suddenly elevated. After the drama 'WLS' was aired, as the 'BYJ wind' is blowing stronly, there arises the hot wind of leaning Korean. In addition, amid of the amplification of the interest in the Korean entertainers, BYJ is revered as a hero almost close to their king (sultan).

upon hearing this news, the BYJ's agency reacted with much disbelief. Although they had confirmed his popularity in Southeast Asia as he visited Hong Kong, Japan, etc. some time ago, they did not know that such hot wind had spread to Brunai, a small country in the south. In Brunai, it is actually the first time thus far that people become such enthusiastic about Korean entertainer. Although there partly appeared fans who liked Korean entertainers since 3~4 years back, BYJ is the first entertainer whom the entire nation and also even the royal family are this much enthusiastic about.

On the other hand, the Korean Tourism Bureau is preparing a program of inviting 2000~3000 Japanese fans to Jeju Island so that they could meet BYJ and also enjooy the sightseeing the Jeju Island in order to connect the BYJ hot wind which happened in Japan a while ago to the income from tourism for Jeju Island.

credit goes to Joanne of byjquilt

wow..keluarga diraja Brunei pun ambik tau pasal dier nie yek...biasalah org hensem...fuh..populariti dier hampir setaraf ngan raja brunei biar betul...pastu puteri brunei pun minat jgn dier ajak kawin sudah... ...ada invitation lagi nak main golf ngan dier...besar tul pengaruh BYJ nie..kalau dier sampai lah ke Brunei aku mintak2 biarlah dier dtg malaysia skali...mmg aku takkan miss kalau dier dtg sini...:bgrin:

[ Last edited by c-mei on 21-4-2004 at 01:02 PM ]

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qarina This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2004 07:37 PM | Show all posts

Controversial - BAe Yong Joon's Preference for High Society

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:45 pm    Post subject: Controversial - BAe Yong Joon's Preference for High Society   

jaewongal wrote:

myabe I'm a little sensitive but I'm a huge fan of Bae Yong Joon and it disturbs me to read titbits about his personal life ...

Have anyone noticed that he seems to like to date people from high society in his personal life....

His new gf is from a powerful family running a dental hospital and the previous acknowleged gf before his rumours with jiwoo is also a socialite...

This disturbance is awakened to its full impact upon reading the latest news that his new gf's father is rejecting him because of class differences. That BYJ's background and education standard is beneath the family's.

I think personally though one can be successful and climb to the highest, true love is MOST OFTEN found with people who can relate best to one another.

Hence I feel that byj should find someone who's just like him, from similar backgrounds, understands the tough road taken to get to the top and love him adequately for all his is and who he is (in my opinion someone like cjw also an actress is perfect for him). Hopefully also stand by him when all starts to wane as the acting "lifespan" for any actor is often shortlived....

I can't understand how a girl so young and born with a golden spoon in her mouth is able to do that... but thats not for me or any fans to decide and only for him to do so....

But as a fan, its my biggest wish that he'll be happy and most of all ... that Bae Yong Joon will never be a "second-class" citizen in any area of his life including his love life....

Cos everyone in life deserves to have the best and someimes best is not equated with something as fleeting as financial standing or high status...

QUES : Is that true that BYJ already b/off w his gf????:stp::stp:

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Post time 19-5-2004 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by qarina at 18-5-2004 07:37 PM:
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:45 pm    Post subject: Controversial - BAe Yong Joon's Preference for High Society   

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

wow, really? he's such a humble person, maybe dia betul2 suka kat gf dia tu...lagipun, tak semua anak org kaya spoiled brat, betul kan?

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Post time 19-5-2004 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 19-5-2004 10:05 AM:

wow, really? he's such a humble person, maybe dia betul2 suka kat gf dia tu...lagipun, tak semua anak org kaya spoiled brat, betul kan?

:ah:...tapi gf dier nie baru 24 thn...sbenarnyer ramai gak yg tak puas hati coz dier dah ada gf...ramai nak dier ngan CJW tue sbenarnyer...:ah:

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qarina This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 07:03 PM | Show all posts

Controversial - BAe Yong Joon's Preference for High Society

Other opinion wrote:

I know where you're coming form. In fact I felt even bad posting this topic in the first place... but I guess it just disturbed me too greatly the discrepancies between byj's statements to press that both families have met and to have that statement refuted by his gf's father. It does not bode well to his image at all to have this discrepancy... as it seems he might be overly eager to "close the deal"...

Much as I'll like to, its hard to reconcile the image of him I have as Kang Joon Sang the character, BYJ the superstar to the negative press he got over this incident.

My friend also told me that Korea, being a conservative society works differently as well... that social class is a reality and no matter how successful an actor can be, their category is still below that of professioanls like lawyers, doctors etc...

I'm just hoping that this press doesn't affect him too much and if he can see some light to the issue about choosing a partner through this incident, it might not necessarily be a bad thing and can be a blessing in disguise instead.

Maybe at my age (30s), I'm just a bit more practical to life and love and whatever it represents... ultimately as his fan, I just hope he'll be happy and choose someone that loves him with the least headsches...

In my opinion, in certain matters sometimes we can't change the culture and standard of living...  and that whats happened to BYJ...We are all human beings. Social differences and measuring status are part of our lives in our human society.
We all have ego. When status hits at one's ego it really hurts but we learn from it. And thats why byj gf father dont agree with their relationship....(:

Our common goal is we all love BYJ and want to see the best in him
May God Bless him...and i really hope this prob will not affected his acting

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Post time 20-5-2004 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by qarina at 19-5-2004 07:03 PM:
My friend also told me that Korea, being a conservative society works differently as well... that social class is a reality and no matter how successful an actor can be, their category is still below that of professioanls like lawyers, doctors etc...

hmm, interesting view...memang Korean are still preserving their conservative/feudal values, unlike the Japanese who have started to accept performing artistes as part of their lives, and even culture...rasa2nya, kat negara Timur mana2 pun sama kan?

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qarina This user has been deleted
Post time 25-5-2004 07:06 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by whitedove at 20-5-2004 12:46 PM:

hmm, interesting view...memang Korean are still preserving their conservative/feudal values, unlike the Japanese who have started to accept performing artistes as part of their lives, and even  ...

:setuju::setuju::setuju: dengan whitedove

In real life, its very difficult to change conservative values....kat mana2 ngr semua benda ni terjadi...pangkat..darjat..
BUT yg paling SEDIS sekali it happened to our brother BYJ :cry::cry:

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Post time 25-5-2004 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by qarina at 25-5-2004 07:06 AM:
BUT yg paling SEDIS sekali it happened to our brother BYJ

yes, kesian BYJ oppa kan?

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Post time 25-5-2004 10:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by qarina at 25-5-2004 07:06 AM:
[quote]Originally posted by whitedove at 20-5-2004 12:46 PM:

hmm, interesting view...memang Korean are still preserving their conservative/feudal values, unlike the Japanese who have st ...

tak kisahlah asalkan BYJ tahu hati dia dan siapa yang dia cintai thats all..rasanya benda-benda pasal perbezaan taraf ni boleh di abaikan kot

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Post time 27-5-2004 01:18 AM | Show all posts

News update

5/24/04 - On the debut date (5/22) of the movie "Scandal" in Japan, its box office revenue exceeded that of Tom Hanks' movie "Ladykiller". The movie was shown in 110 cinemas and attracted more than 70 thousand moviegoers in two days.

Credit to CindyW88 of

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Post time 27-5-2004 10:34 PM | Show all posts
wah...BYJ nie kat jepun skang mmg popular betul mana2 mag kat jepun mesti ada pasal dier...

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Post time 27-5-2004 10:42 PM | Show all posts
dalam Untold Scandal tuh BYJ naked habis.....pompuan2 dalam tuh pun memang panas2 lah....banyak btol scene panas silih berganti.....tak sangka ako....rerupanya filem ni adalah adaptasi novel klasik perancis yg berjudul Les Liaisons Dangereuses yg sebelum ini pernah diadaptasikan ke versi Hollywood dengan judul Dangerous Liaisons...bagaimanapun penulis lakonlayar Korea Selatan telah mengadaptasikan ia semula ke zaman feudal korea...dengan persekitaran dan budaya Korea...hebat...ubah semua gaya dan budaya Perancis kepada segala-galanya Korea....dengan mengekalkan cerita yg masih sama.....

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Post time 28-5-2004 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAIA at 27-5-2004 10:42 PM:
dalam Untold Scandal tuh BYJ naked habis.....pompuan2 dalam tuh pun memang panas2 lah....banyak btol scene panas silih berganti.....tak sangka ako....rerupanya filem ni adalah adaptasi novel klasik ...

huish...yerker GAIA...ko dah tengok ker yg uncut version...kat mana bagi tau aku bleh aku carik...aku dah tengok versi moden nyer Cruel Intention lakonan Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon, Selma Blair ngan Sarah Michelle Gellar....citer tue pun best...tapi scene yg ryan ngan reese tue sampai termengandung si reese tue di buek dek ryan...:cak:

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Post time 3-6-2004 12:48 PM | Show all posts

Bae Yong Jun in First Love

Now I'm in 36's episode of Frist Love.. :bodek:

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Post time 3-6-2004 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paulinevoon at 3-6-2004 12:48 PM:
Now I'm in 36's episode of Frist Love.. :bodek:

so right are watching First Love hah...:cak:...i've already watch it at channel-9 was it it good...i bet at ch-9 they already cut shortly the episode...:kant:

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