861# outLAw
kesiannya boss tk kasik resign..sib baik boleh postpone.
btw, FSPU tu fakulti apa ek?..
saya apply for PhD..currently tgh sambung masters (part time)...this year habis.
kalau boleh nak sambung PhD secepat yg boleh sbb nak resign from current company.
dah ler takde experience in teaching, tak tau laa diorg boleh consider tau tak..huhuhu. |
863# chicaiko
owh...master awk xhabih lagi ke?? k, kalo utk phd, rasenye peluang cerah sket nk dapat sbb xramai candidate nye...
kalo master, ssh nk dpt...sbb byk sgt saingan...
anyway, all the best n good luck utk interview nanti.
btw, FSPU = fakulti senibina, perancangan & ukur / faculty of architecture, planning & surveying |
864# outLAw
yup..master belum habis..lagi satu sem.
Actually saya apply TPM utk PhD tu based on my 1st class degree..
Tk silap, saper dpt 1st class boleh terus apply utk buat PhD.
But still dlm form tu saya tulis jugak laa tgh sambung Masters.
Interview utk PhD and masters agaknya sama tk soalan dia?
Masa u apply dulu, ada attach research proposal skali?
hopefully dpt laa..mmg mengharap sangat sebenornya... |
Sgt s7 dgn outlaw..
tambah lg, erm, nk mock teaching, suara kasik clear tau.
uiks, sj nk bgth uitm shah alam ngn penang bukak job vacancy
sp2 ada master leh apply nih.
dowload borg kat homepage. |
865# chicaiko
yup! for those yg dpt 3.75 above or 1st class degree akan dapat offer cam nih:
**xinagt la ayat sebenar...tapi kat offer letter saye ni lbh kurang camni laa...
"tawaran biasiswa tenaga pengajar muda uitm"
"peringkat :: sarjana/phd"....
kalo utk org2 cam saye yg lom ade master lagi, mmg best r...sbb die akn sponsor wat master, pas abes master je trus wat phd n scholar utk phd ni mmg die bg trus...so xpayah la ssh2 nk apply lagi...
tapi tu laa...larat ke aku ni nk wat phd right way after complete master... dhla kene wat by research...
so good luck for u! |
alorh...lupe plak! utk research proposal master xpayah letak...tapi kalo utk phd kene letak... |
pergh. 1st class.. cayalah.
outlaw, napa x buat master by coursework.
jimat masa wo. 1thn ja bley selesai. |
869# zila_hakimie
zila, uitm push kami smbg kt uitm shah alam shj..
so,sbb cos yg sye nk amik ni xde coursework kt uitm, so kenela amik yg research... |
867# outLAw
fuhh..dah ler master wat by research..pastu direct sambung phd..kena kuat semangat nih..
i dulu dpt offer from UM utk buat phd gaks..tp sbb fikir tkde masters, rasa unsecure je..hehe..
takut phd kantoi..hahah..lagi satu, fikir scholar yg dpt mcm tk cukup, hutang pun tgh melambak masa tuh.
tu yg amik part time masters..tp sakit jugak laa sbb tkde life during weekends.
assignments pun melambak..tension siutt.
la nih reason utama try utk TPM nih sbb nak resign from my current company.
malas nak join other companies sbb rasanya sama ajer tensionnya..
wish me luck..bila laa nak dipanggil utk interview nih.. |
851# farresst
apa citer interview? bila boleh tau result ?
boleh share apa soalan yang ditanya? |
waa...tq..for the info guys...tgh tunggu interview gak ni..kalo sape2 ade dpt interview utk fakulty meche bgtau ek..x la tertunggu2 je.....tq..gud lak utk sume yg dpt interview ..ok |
869# zila_hakimie
zila, uitm push kami smbg kt uitm shah alam shj..
so,sbb cos yg sye nk amik ni xde coursework kt uitm, so kenela amik yg research...
outLAw Post at 23-2-2010 14:02
oic. zila dl degree Edu. Math.
tak pernah bt research project.
Pas abs degree, amik M. Sc. Math by research kat USM.
1sem lebih le jugak kat sana.
Pastu tak fhm, tak reti buat research.
Quit. huhu. tak reti sgt nk bt research.
Tu yg bt Master coursework kat UKM.
Nama ja cwork. Tp dia mix mode.
ada seat paper, ada mini research.
Sbb rs dh hbs almost a yr kat USM,
sbb tu bt 1thn ja kat UKM.
Mental & Fizikal kena TEGAR.
UiTm suruh smbung kat sana gak eh??
x apa kat mana pon,
jnji, kuatkan azam, sungguh2, pasti menjadi.
gudlux bebeh :pompom: |
874# zila_hakimie
wish me luck k
875# outLAw
outlaw, bila start class? by research nih dengar citer, bebila pun boleh start..betul ke?
bestnya kan kalau dh secure tempat belajar dan kerja..
all the best!! |
876# chicaiko
bln 6 ni masuk... skrg tgh uruskn borang2 yg xsiap2 isi lg ni..n nak draft surat resign..
sshnye laa nk tinggalkn company skrg ni...byk project masuk berjuta2...then dh xckup org nk handle...
kesian kt boss.. |
877# outLAw
kalau kesian kat boss, stay lah kat company tu..mintak naik gaji lebey skit..hehe.
btw, nak tanya pasal mock teaching..
boleh citer lebih detail tak, sbb hari tu u citer siap letak video etc..
mock teaching tu kena ada kaitan ngan bidang research yg kita nak buat or bidang yg kita nak ajar?
OR both (research and bidang nak ajar) must be in the same field?
bukan apa, currently bidang research yg saya nak buat nih mcm bukan bidang yg nak saya ajar later on.. Boleh ke camtu?
Satu lagi, masa lepas interview bila boleh tau result kita dpt ke idak?..on the same day interview?
or nanti diorg akan post surat? |
878# chicaiko
mock teaching tu kan mcm ala2 nak tunjukkan kte pnye ability utkmengajar... so kt situ we need to be creative. show them moreinteractive teaching methods. for example, saye gunekan video insteadof membebel ckp sesorang then org len xleh nk phm sbb xdpt imagine thattechnical thing...dr situ nampakla kemampuan kite utk variasikn caramengajar... before start saye pnye presentation power point, saye bgsorang satu nota. so, at least they have an idea what's were gonna sayn teach.
and lastly, jgn letak byk sgt benda merapu dgn ayat pnjang lebar. straight 2 d point...
pasal topic ape nak buat tu, terpulang la... kite mock teaching pasal sub topic je...bkn sume... so pick a simple and related to both (ape nk diajar in future & bidang yg nk diambil).. kalo xde kaitan langsung, amik je random topic either yg bakal diajar or bakal nak diambil (research)
senang kate, xpayah la rigid sgt dgn suatu topic t...wat simple2 relax...jgn amik topic susah2...kang kite sndri yg xpaham plak! pasal result tu biasenye after a couple of weeks, or maybe after a month baru die gtau. kalo xdpt, die xbgtau pon...kalo dpt baru die hantar surat..
pasal xsmpai ati nk benti tu...skrg bertambah xsmpai ati... sbb de byk kepercayaan&tanggungjawab dh diserah kt kite... tapi nk smbg master&jd lecture tu adelah lifetime pnye ambition... so, saye percaye, saye betul2 minat nak jd pendidik.. i'll pick this TPM things... hope that this is a wise decision... |
879# outLAw
Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. panjang lebar lagi..Really appreciate it.
Mmg u betul2 berminat jadik lecturer ek..baguss..boleh mendidik anak bangsa sendiri.
All the best!! |
876# chicaiko
bln 6 ni masuk... skrg tgh uruskn borang2 yg xsiap2 isi lg ni..n nak draft surat resign..
sshnye laa nk tinggalkn company skrg ni...byk project masuk berjuta2...then dh xckup org n ...
outLAw Post at 5-3-2010 09:26
lebih baik kesiankan diri ko sendiri b4 kesiankan org lain.
even kalo ko chow dr company tu pun akan ada org lain yg akan gantikan tmpt ko tu.
maybe org tu lebih bagus dr ko kan.sapa tau?
projek juta2 still go on with or without u.
its a normal thing to feel like this.
but plz dont make thats feeling kill ur life.
people need change their way for better life.
is it? |
lebih baik kesiankan diri ko sendiri b4 kesiankan org lain.
even kalo ko chow dr company tu pun akan ada org lain yg akan gantikan tmpt ko tu.
maybe org tu lebih bagus dr ko kan.sapa tau?
projek juta2 still go on with or without u.
its a normal thing to feel like this.
but plz dont make thats feeling kill ur life.
people need change their way for better life.
is it?
otai_g Post at 7-3-2010 01:38
kalo benda ni leh settle semudah itu, xde la aku berat ati sgt... mmg aku confirm nak blah bln 6 ni...
actually, yg buat processing data ade 5 org... then 2 org nak blah, mmg ssh laa.., nak train menda tu amik mase 3-4 bulan..tu yg wat aku rase kesian.. due-date submit data sume tight...tapi tu la...betol gak mcm yg ko kate... mgkin dieorg akn jmpe pengganti yg lebih baik... kalo aku nk tinggal je company aku ni, dh lame aku wat.. aku sepatutnye kuar mase bln 12, tapi sbb rase bertanggungjwb settlekn keje2 yg mmg byk, dgn sekarang ni kekurangan staff utk buat sume tu...
life must go on... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi