thanks for the article and credit to susAmerica for the translations from soompi
애정과 존중을 재능으로 지닌 구혜선 =
GHS has the talent for passion and respect/deference
제 6회 제천국제음악영화제 ‘한국 음악영화의 오늘’ 부문에 이름을 올린 감독들 중 <요술>의 구혜선은 아마 가장 대중적인 얼굴일 것이다. 책도 내고, 그림 전시회도 열고, 음악도 하고, 종합 예술인 영화까지 도전한 이 다재다능한 배우는 그래서 종종 사람들의 부러움을 산다. 하지만 그녀에게 있어 재능보다 우선하는 건, 그 예술 장르들에 대한 애정이다. “<컨스피러시>에 나오는 ‘Can't take my eyes off you’는 완전 명곡이죠. <내 남자친구의 결혼식>의 ‘The way you look tonight’은 제가 가장 좋아하는 곡 중 하나고요.” 자신이 좋아하는 줄리아 로버츠의 영화를 말하며 영화음악들을 떠올릴 때, 그녀는 순전히 팬의 심정으로 설레는 표정을 짓는다. 이런 애정과 존중이야말로 그녀의 다양한 재능 중 가장 크고 중요한 것이 아닐까.
At the 6th JIMFF's 'Today's Korean Musical Movies', probably the most well-known face is GHS. She has published a book, opened an art exhibition, composed music and even challenged herself to make the comprehensive art product called a movie. That is why this multitalented actress emotes some feelings of envy from others. But, there is something about her that is even more forefront than her talents. That is her passion for all gentre of art. GHS: <I just love the masterpiece of a song, 'Cant't Take My Eyes Off You' from the movie, 'Conspiracy' and also 'The Way You Look Tonight' from Julia Roberts' movie, 'My Best Friend's Wedding'.> GHS talked about the Julia Roberts' movies that she enjoyed and the music from those movies. As she talked about them, her facial expression was filled with the excitement of a genuine fan. I sincerely feel that GHS's passion and respect are among the most important parts of her multitalents.
cre click here
The article was written by 글. 제천=위근우 Reporter Wi Geun Woo from JeChun.
Multi-talented actress Goo Hye Sun has stripped her JanDi image, and transformed into Japanese hit manga character, Sailor Moon.
A batch of interesting photos was posted by a few netizens recently, showing Goo Hye Soon sporting a new strange blonde look. Despite the outrageous costume, her beauty seems to never change.
It turns out that the actress was actually filming for soon-to-be aired drama, The Musical.
Stay tuned for more information on this anticipated series!
I am in the middle of filming for the drama, THE MUSICAL. Occasionally I play the badminton. Today, I inserted 500won to swing the baseball bat, that is, what I'm saying is that I am sort of playing baseball. Of course, my level is such that I just hit the slow balls occasionally. ho