BERTAMBAH SENTAP pagi jumaat nih (eh, pagi ke? Ops!) bila time mek nak reply thread nih tadik, nengok tetiber ade online advert nih...
Macam kesial tau! Bertambah MELUAT dan SENTAP aku pagi nih (EH! Pagi ke? OPS!) - sunggoh meluat aku nengok si Saiful PTMP (Pondan tak mengaku pondan) - nyampah! Dah nak jadik artist laki, getek nak jadik LELAKI CANTEK NIH! Bukan ke baik ko forget about singing with your pathetic voice, and join ratu cantek pepondan jer and compete with me ! Owh wait, u don't cut it as a guy who can sing, what makes u think u're all cut out for becoming a beautiful drag queen? Haaaaakkkkttuuiih!
I don't know but i wonder why some of his peminat2 pompuan tu dok terhegeh2 tergila2kan si saiful nih. u guys BLIND ka to see yet another male turning into female soon?! ka diaorang nih nak mengamalkan konsep2 lesbianism!?
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