thanks pinkfairy & susAmerica from soompi
Here GHS took a photograph with one of the doctors who work at the Dr. Robin Skin Clinic. GHS visited the clinic. I am not sure what means. I cannot tell if GHS went there to get herself some skin care. The blogger just said that GHS came to visit them even in her busy schedule. Does that sound like she went there as a patient?? Anyway, the Dr. Robins Clinic dermatologists are GHS fans and the blogger also said that Dr. Robin Clinic is associated with GHS' movie, YO-Sool. I wonder if they were one of the investors??? (These questions were not specified in the blog. GHS has no make-up and her skin looks amazing in that photo with the doctor!! GHS is directing yet another short film starring her friend Nam Sang Mi. I wonder who is or are her investors this time? YG again? There are no news about it. Just some tweeter information from DC.) |
thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi
Above is a link for one of the sources for GHS taking time to make and direct her short film, featuring her friend, Nam Sang Mi. I saw another source in DCinside as well.
A person named Lee Dong Ju tweeted (date?): <This is Yang Soo Ri!!~~Director Goo Hye Sun-nim and a short film!!~~Wow Nam Sang Mi-ssi also~~>
People posted their comments:
출 처 :디시구갤의 <대박 쿠>님=posted by DCKooGal by DaeBokKoo
원출처:http://twitter.com/mingeudj/status/23214326635 =Original source
근데 쿠랑 친한 남상미씨가 출연하네요.....무척 기대됩니다^^=appearing Koo and her close friend, Nam Sang Mi....I am so looking forward to it^^
퀸스타운 장편영화가 아닌 단편영화를 찍는다해 조금은 맘이 놓이네요^^...뮤지칼이 아직 편성전이라 시간의 여유은 있을 듯...ㅋㅋ 며칠전 쿠 트의터의 글이 생각납니다..기분좋은 사고친다더니 이거였네요..역시 쿠 답네요.남상미라 기대 만땅임돠^^ [2010-09-08] =Queenstown wrote that: <I am relieved to know that it is a short film and not a long film.^^...THE MUSICAL has not been confirmed by a TV station yet. So she must have some flexibility with her time.,,,keke I remember Koo's message on her tweeter not too long ago...She said that she is about to make trouble which will make her feel good--maybe making her short film is what she was talking about.^^
성공스토리 장편도 부지런히도 열심히찍어서 빨리 진행시켜찍었는데,,단편 들어가네요 우리쿠!! 정말정 말 화이팅!!! 친구랑 작업해서 더 좋은 작품 나올거라 생각들어요..단편도 뮤지컬도 완전 응 원합니다^^ 언니~~편한밤~~쿠드림하세요^^★ [2010-09-08] =sunggongstory wrote": She worked so deligently on her long movie to finish it quickly. Now she is about to make her short film, our dear Koo!! Truly and really Fighting!!! I am sure that the movie will come out even better as she is working with her good friend. I totally support your short film and THE MUSICAL^^
하늘이엄마 저 개인 생각입니다. 구혜선씨 단편도 좋고 장편 물론 좋읍니다. 이제 연기자는 연기로! 가수는 가창력으로 승부했음 합니다. [2010-09-09] =HaNeulUmMa wrote: This is just my personal thought. I like GHS-ssi's short film and long film of course. Now, an actor to acting! Singer to quality singing! (Perhaps this person wants GHS to focus on acting for her new drama??)
story601 전 쿠가 하고 싶은걸 즐겁게 한다는건 좋아보이는데,,강철체력이라 하더라도 쉬지않고 달린다 면 몸도 힘들고 지칠것 같아요..한가지를 하고 두가지를 하고가 중요한게 아니라 정말 쉴땐 확실하게 쉬었으면 좋겠네요,,그래도 전 어쩔수없는 쿠팬..당신이 즐겁다면 저도 즐겁게 응원 할께요,,유쾌한단편 기다릴께요~두손모아^^ =Story601 wrote: I really like that Koo enjoys what she does..Even though she says that she is steel-healthy, she will wear herself out without taking breaks...It is not important whether one does one or two things,,I really want her to really rest when she is suppose to rest...But there is nothing I can do. I am just her hopeless fan...If Koo is happy then I am happy and will cheer for her...I look forward to the cheerful short film~with my two hands clasped together^^ (i love Koo's fans!!)
(I also hope, and I am sure all soompi sunnies do, that GHS takes true breaks and vacations to fully recharge herself in between her projects..But as Story601 says, Koo will do what Koo will do----we just support and cheer and pray that she takes care of herself!! Did she ever take a break after BOF finished??? ) |
thanks to natali and credit susAmerica for the translation from soompi
몇일전 단편영화작업을 마쳤습니다. 선뜻 출연을 해주신 여배우 남상미님. 끝까지 힘든 내색안하고 열심히셨는데요. 실은 제 친구입니다. 하하. 아름다운 친구 자랑하러 왔습니다. 으하하.
GHS tweets: <Few days ago, I finished making a short film. Actress Nam Sang Mi-nim readily acted for the movie. She worked really hard without any sign of stress from start to fininsh. Actually, she is my friend. Haha. I came to brag about my lovely friend. EuHaha.>
(It is so cute and so charming the way Koo writes..EuHaha!! ) |
thanks to meow13 for the pic from soompi
Hyesun update her in her minihompy too
thanks susAmerica from soompi
source: http://gall.dcinside...875&page=1&bbs=
posted by Koogajoah=I-like-Koo
koogajoah visited GHS's minihomy and saw that GHS updated her cyworld as well past 4 in the morning!. (I am so glad to know that GHS continually works with people she has relationships with==like the Director of Filming Kim Joon Young (also from movie, MAGIC)---now they must be real good friends who share same passion for making movies!)http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/4544/viewimage8e55b8a.jpg
posted by DC member, koogajoah:
휴일에 이리 선물을 주네...ㅋㅋ
사진 무려 12장이나 올렸으니 다들 고고씽하시라는..
침대밑에 세팅하러 들어간 쿠...따라들어간 상미씨...
넘 재밌어....ㅋ
She is giving us such a nice gift on a day off...keke
She has uploaded about 12 pix her her cyworld. Everybody is working real hard...
Koo is going under the bed to make the setting...Nam Sang Mi-ssi has followed her...
It is so funny,,,ke
(I did not visit GHS's minihompy yet but below must be GHS's own post in her cy
제 맞은편에 계신분은
'요술'의 촬영감독님이신 김준영 감독님이십니다.
바쁜 일정에도 불구하고 단편작업에 참여해주셨습니다.
요즘 영화에 자주 출연하십니다. ㅎ
In front of me (opposite of me) is Director of Filming
Kim Joon Yung from "Yo-Sool".
Despite his busy schedule, he has participated in making the short film.
These days, he apppears quite frequently in movies. ho
(Director Kim must have either interest in acting or has taken GHS's advice to directors and actors to try both acting and directing to understand the process of making films better. May her faithful friends and co-artists-workers last forever!!hehe)
I just visited GHS minihompy and saw many pix there. I also saw that her old film crew (from Cheerful Caretaker and YoSool), inclding the Director of Lighting (JoDirecotor) were there. I also saw actor Choi Il Ha who acted as the older version of MyungJIn in YOSool movie. WOW, it is so good to know that GHS attracts loyalty and lasting friendships...They all must enjoy working with GHS!!! I know I said that before..hahaha! |
nak sweater mcm hyesun tu |
credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
GHS tweet~~
단편현장입니다. 촬영감독님과 회의중인데요. 이거 점점 남성스러워 지는군요. "
This is the location of the short film. I am in the middle of having a meeting with the Filming Director. Oh,,it seems like (I'm) becoming more and more like man-ish
thanks to natali credit to susAmerica for the translation
최다니엘, 옥주현 ‘가요광장’ 깜짝 목소리 출연
TV리포트 기사전송 2010-09-21 12:33
한편 최다니엘 외에도 배우 구혜선도 전화 연결을 통해 옥주현의 첫 진행을 축하했다.
sum: It appears that Ok Joo Hyun is now a radio DJ for a progrma called <GaYo GwangJang=Song Plaza?>. On her first day as a DJ, Choi Daniel surprised her by calling in to wish her conagratulations. Also, GHS also congratulated OK for her first day as a DJ through the phone.
9/20 옥주현의 가요광장 다시 듣기=To listen to Ok Joo Hyun's GaYo GwangJang again:
21:25부터~쿠=Koo's voice is heard from @21:25 |
thanks and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
구혜선, 뱀파이어 영화 내년초 '본격시동'=
GHS, early next year an official start for her vampire movie
배우 구혜선이 내년 초 장편 상업 영화감독으로 변신, 본격적인 시동을 건다.=Actress GHS will officially start filming as a commercial movie director of her full-length film early next year.
구혜선은 주인공으로 나서 촬영 중인 사전제작 드라마 '더 뮤지컬'의 촬영이 모두 완료되는 내년 1월말께부터 자신이 준비해온 장편 영화에 본격적인 준비에 나선다.=Currently, GHS is working as the star of the yet-to-air drama, THE MUSICAL. When it is all completed, i.e. towards the end of January of next year, she will start to work on the vampire full-length movie that she has been preparing all along.
구혜선 측 관계자는 머니투데이 스타뉴스에 "구혜선이 드라마 촬영을 모두 마친 뒤에는 다시 영화감독으로 한해를 시작할 계획이다"며 "이번에는 전작 '요술'과 달리 매우 상업적인 장편 영화가 될 것이다"고 말했다.Ah associate of GHS told Money Today Star News that: <After completing all filming for her new drama, she will again start the new year as a director. This time, unlike her previous movie, YoSool, her new long-movie will be much more of a commercial film.>
구혜선이 준비하는 장편 상업영화는 뱀파이어를 소재로 한 영화. 소재가 뱀파이어 인만큼 완성도를 위해 대규모 스케일로 제작될 전망이라고 관계자는 전했다.=Her new movie will be about vampire. The GHS' associate also informed the reporter that this time, the movie is planned to be made on a much grander scale to befit the topic of vampires.
구혜선의 영화 연출력은 이미 충무로에서 인정받고 있는 상황. 그가 처음으로 도전하는 상업성 짙은 장편영화에 대한 기대가 고조될 것으로 예상된다.=GHS's directorial skill/qualification is already acknowledged/recognized by the Choong-Moo-Ro (this is sort of like the academy of movies in Korea??). The expectation for her first attempt at making a higher-level commercial film will be very high.
한편 구혜선은 '더 뮤지컬'의 미국 브로드웨이 로케이션을 위해 오는 10월 출국한다. 구혜선은 현지에서 보름정도 머물며 촬영에 임할 예정이다.=At this time, GHS is preparing to leave for New York's Broadway this October for the drama, THE MUSICAL. GHS is planning to stay for about 15 days to film for the drama.
[email protected] |
thanks to minjee and credit to susAmerica for translation from soompi
구혜선 “미소년인줄 알았네” 평소 사진 공개
배우 구혜선이 트위터를 통해 미소년으로 분한 사진을 공개했다.
구혜선은 9월 21일 트위터를 통해 “단편 현장입니다. 촬영 감독님과 회의 중인데요. 이거 점점 남성스러워 지는군요”라는 글과 사진을 공개했다.
사진 속 구혜선은 짧은 헤어스타일에 후드 점퍼 모자를 쓰고 있다. 뚜렷한 이목구비와 스포티한 복장 때문인지 미소년 같은 모습이다.
사진을 본 네티즌들은 “그냥 보면 못 알아보겠다. 정말 미소년 같다”, “이런 모습도 귀여워요”, “이런 스타일 정말 좋다”, “긴 머리가 더 예뻐요. 돌아와 주세요”, “구혜선이니 어울리는 짧은 헤어스타일 내가하면 그냥 남자”등 다양한 반응을 나타냈다.
Just a quick summary: people are leaving various posts to GHS's tweeter about herself looking more and more man-ish: I did not recognize her, beautiful boy, you look cute like that too, I really like this style, I prefer your long hair so please return to it, if I wore GHS's short hair, I would just look like a regular boy... |
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