Post time 30-3-2015 07:37 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
eidasayang replied at 30-3-2015 07:27 PM
Time gini la iols nk seru nm abg el gak.. Bertabah je la... Tlu nye standard mmg tinggi.. Mak iols ...
Motif sangat nak trending kn cerita #hatiwanita ni. Ni mesti kerja BBNU ni. I cannot brain thisss *sakit otak i*
My mum pun taknak tengok hati wanita ni. Time2 ni plak i takleh semayang. Selalu time TLU semayang laju2 nak kejar citer. Tobat2.
Sorry la meI duk hencap citer bonda ayahanda ni plak . Ungku dan Ejad and whole TLU team dah letak standard tinggi. I miss El and Kyra i wanna cryyyyyyy.
Post time 30-3-2015 07:37 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
beza nye aura akasia skrg. iols minat shahrul rizuan dlm 'romi cinta juli' ngape aura nye mcm x smp je ni. ngape aku nengok heroin si mia ahmad tu mcm sila amjah? dr mne die muncul ni?
i suka baca tulisan ismail especially when he writes in english
deep and smart
i nak cadangkan ismail jadi penulis
there was one night
i stay up sbb gigih study semua pictures and captions ig ungku ismail ni
luckily cyma ada 700++ gambar je (that time)
kebanyakan captions ismail mmg deep and smart
bagi i penulisan ismail ni almost setaraf dgn malique too phat
they chose their words wisely
and they structured their sentences beautifully
and from his ig jugak boleh nampak ismail mmg suka buat sound mixing
but that one i still fail to appreciate
too abstract to understand
masih rindu tlu, nak2 lg hari ni hari isnin..
jd nk mghilangkn rs rindu, duduk kejap dpn tv
sbb ingat kata2 mael suruh sokong citer slps TLU,
mampu bertahan 5 minit pertama sahaja...
takpe, utk hari ni dh tak terasa nk folo slot akasia..
harap2 citer ni pn okey jg bg peminat2 pkl 7...
i mmg jrg2 dh tunggu..TLU aritu jea terjebak sekejap..
now nk move on..dr citer akasia la,
utk TLU blm mampu move on lg
I baru nak tgk clip MHI Maelizad ni betul-betul...
Tak sure whether you guys perasan or the time Hazlin hussin tu tanya adakah realiti ni karakter diorg mmg macam ni sbb diorg berlakon sgt real and slumber...then dia tanya adakah Ejad mmg sombong berlagak macam ni...Ejad terus toleh ke MaEL and without further ado MaEL terus justify that who the real Ejad is really is.
Dengan muka MaEL yg berseri nak terangkan siapa Ejad yg sebenar sambil tergelak...and Ejad tenung je MaEL dengan penuh excitement nak tahu what this guy really think of me...mcm kita nak tahu what others think of us...dan Ejad tergelak aja...sampai kena suruh explain penakut tu maksudnya...Ejad still pandang maEL but maEL mcm dah segan suruh Ejad je explain....I know Ejad mmg comfort dengan MaEL and MaEL is the right person to be the voice of Ejad bila Ejad dah jadi malu-malu nak cakap..
I found this so sweet jugak...because when u let someone be ur voice while you do nothing to object what he said, it shows that you trust him with no harm and you mcm berlindung di bawah that guy...if not you mesti mencelah-celah apa yang dia cakap...mana boleh dia je cakap..U mesti nak cakap especially about urself..but when it comes to MaEL & Ejad, its totally different...they please each other, respect when ones is speak, and complement each other when needed.
MaEL is definitely seems like the voice of Ejad. He is type of person who trying to make it and to do it right for his SOULMATE. Great Ones MaEL! kita semua mengidamkan kawan or soulmate mcm ni.
Just nak tambah...dia nmpk sgt memahami ejad..well..bak Kate sapa tu. Mungkin jodoh mereka bukan di luo kamera but maEL dah pun dpt jalan as pengantin ngan ejad & dok sepelaminan ngan ejad even though cuma dlm ending citer #TLU....