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Author: Chynez

Big Bang (빅뱅) 4th Bang**DAEBAK~Dae Solo**

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Post time 25-2-2009 12:40 AM | Show all posts
tepek pic sat..

cr : DCGD

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 Author| Post time 25-2-2009 12:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #961 amemiya's post

oppa sedey kerr msuk U?..sat me apply kat sner ekk..huahahaha
..aku mimpi big bang wat performance kat cni..pas2 leh lakk aku dpt g backstage dier,kire aku org terpilih arr..pas2 aku segan2 gtu nak minta otograp ngan pic..leh2 aku gado ngan adek aku,pas2 tabi g sapa..
x taw laa ckp aper,huahahaha..pas2 Gd ngan yg lain pon ikut tabi dok g tmpt kmi..tnya nama laaaa,tnya daa beli album laaa,pling bez tnya suker saper..aku jwb malu2 gtu GD oppa..dier senyum,omooo..heavenn..
pas2 aku raser rmbut aku kene gigit2..rupernyer kucing aku,x guner tol..ilang mimpi aku..

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Post time 25-2-2009 01:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #962 Chynez's post

haha..part kucing ko gigit rmbt klakar tul
btw,ada mase plak eh diorg masuk uni?sibuk sana sini..wpun aku kagum diorg ni smbg study tp aku heran cmner leh manage mase

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 Author| Post time 25-2-2009 01:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #963 dark_chocolate's post

hehehe,biler mimpi sedap jerr kene kacau..benci aku
aku pon heran gakk,tpi pndai arr compny drg managekan kot..
lgi skrg drg kire kurang xtvt,until april bru xtive blik..2 pon GD jerr..

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Post time 25-2-2009 07:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chynez at 25-2-2009 12:52 AM
oppa sedey kerr msuk U?..sat me apply kat sner ekk..huahahaha
..aku mimpi big bang wat performance kat cni..pas2 leh lakk aku dpt g backstage dier,kire aku org terpilih a ...


best weii mimpi part kucing mmg spoil btol la.. ade je yg ganggu ek..kekeke..

bile arr BB nk wt concert kt sini..huhuhu..

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Post time 25-2-2009 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chynez at 25-2-2009 12:16 AM
hehehe..daaa aku kater part III 2 tuk ulang kaji jerrr..klu ko rajin cam zel 2,nak score A g laa wat..miahahaha

so cekgu chy camne score me? dpt A ke x...klu dpt A me nk adiah tabi

wakakakak lawak bace mimpi syok2 bace dok imagine skali tetibe kucing gigit rambut mu lak...ingat gd ke gigit

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Post time 25-2-2009 11:55 AM | Show all posts
aku mcm jodoh x kuat je ngan magnae.....tak mengapalahhh..hahahahha! ohh ada lg..nnt kalo rajen aku wat

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Post time 25-2-2009 12:04 PM | Show all posts

gd mmg cam boring arr..mmg nk suh kite apply kot U tuh..

credit: 감동. | thanks popcornfor2

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Post time 25-2-2009 12:07 PM | Show all posts

credit: 봄날의보노보노 @ seungriya | thanks popcornfor2

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Post time 25-2-2009 12:10 PM | Show all posts

wakakaka..suke tgk pic nih..

ni pon..

cr : ygbb

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Post time 25-2-2009 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chynez at 24-2-2009 04:43 PM
Which Big Bang Boyfriend would you want in these situations???

1. When I ask for him to buy me pretty clothesa.
a. TOP: says okay and runs to the mall (senang cite)

2. When my house is dirty/messy
b. GD: says "what is this?! oh well, lets clean this together" (wpon ok kot.ehems~)

3. When I eat noodles the night before and my face is all swollena.
b. GD: says "aww babe cmon what is this.." and massages my face for me (gaaaaaa...syiok nyersss! )

4. When I wear a super short mini skirt
b. GD: says "BABE!", takes off his jacket and covers my legs with them (aaahh...sopannyerrrsss!)

5. When I forget that it's our 100th day together⒕
b. GD: acts super cute and asks "guess what day it is today~!" (aaww....)

6. When I'm crying...
b. GD: quietly hugs me from behind <33333333333 (ala2 tipikal dalam drama....fuiiishhh i sukeeer!)

7. When I'm DRUNKKKKKK..
b. GD: goes to the kitchen and cooks hae-jang-gook (a type of soup you drink to recover from drunkness) for me (aiiyh.....suwiitts!..sume GD je...adoila)

8. When I ask, "do you wanna go out with me?"
e. SR: doesnt say anything for a bit.... then suddenly says "i love you" (i suke suprises!! ada pon magnae!)

9. When I cant swim in the swimming pool
a. TOP: rescues me right away ()

10. When I ask him to buy me the newest brand name very very expensive heel
b. GD: laughs, looks at me and kindly buys me one without a question (sape tidak suker~?)

11. When I get admitted to the hospital (arms, legs, head)
e. SR: gets out a permanent marker and starts drawing on my cast (schhummellss)

12. When I say "hug me"
e. SR: hugs me and says "you know i love you right?" (pingsan and pergi heaven for a while.)

13. When I don't pick up my phone
b. GD: gets playfully pissed and says "why didnt you pick up!" ( *kissuuuuu*)

14. When we're watching a disturbing action movie (killing, blood, guts, etc)
e. SR: watches carefully and immitates it (ble majuk2 manjerrs2)

15. When I beg to buy me a super short short short mini skirt
a. TOP: says "i dont care bout pants, but skirts no way!" (sopaaan)

16. When I beg for him to buy me his mp3 (the same one)
b. GD: gently puts the earphones he was listening to in my ears (*BLUSHH)

Dominated by GD...ehe

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Post time 25-2-2009 03:29 PM | Show all posts
annyeong sume~~~

windunye nk jmpe korang sume dlm umah nih~~~~akhirnye dpt gak aku masuk walo kejap nih~~wuwuwu xsmpt nk buat super backlog mcm sblm2 nih~~bnyk keje menanti~~~

neway, dae gtau die ade g orientation dgn bg long~~~hrp2 x kene serbu dgn yoja2 kat sane~~pastu, sonsaengnim aku crite td, dlm campus life, mmg wajib sorg student ade couple *walo xseries mane hbgn tuh* tp kire mmg kene ade la~~if sorg tuh xde, mksudnye die msti ade smtg wrong~~aku dh riso nih kot2 ade yg nak tackle dae tuh~~harusla aku slalu lawat die walo kene buat 2 kali trip *satu utk kyuhyun, satu utk dae* *aku dh mule merepek sorang2*

jd yoerobun, yg aku nk smpaikan adelah mebi diorg akan berkapel *yg xserius* mase campus life nih~~~wuwuuwwu *jeles* hrp2 kot berlaku, dgn org yg baik2 la~~lg better dari aku, jgn kurang~~hukhukhuk

dae, hwaiting!
gd, hwaiting!

gdae, daebak!

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Post time 25-2-2009 03:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #972 jeanlouisfinch's post

annyeong..suke aku tgk ko muncul kt sini..

tp yg tk sukenyer cite yg ko bwk tuh...

sedih aku dgr weii..huhuhuhu..

gd..jgn arr couple2 nih..pokus study je la..

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Post time 25-2-2009 03:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #973 amemiya's post


aku pon tgh gian nk menaip nih~~seb bek ko ade~~~kot x, moyan aku sorang2~muahahaha

nae, mmg yg tuh scenario yg seonsaengnim aku crite td~~bepeluh aku dgr~~~wuwu hrp2 diorg fokus gegiler dgn study&activity diorg walo bnyk org mnx couple~~mwahahha *giler jahat aku*
tetibe aku doa yg bnde nih x apply kat kyunghee uni. tuh~~neway, cube ko byangkan yoja2 yg masuk satu kos dgn diorg, and diorg g orientation tuh~~dhla slalunye orientation kat tmpt len, kire bukan dlm university~~wuwuwu hrp2 diorg tolak ape2 permintaan yoja tuh dgn bek sbb setianya diorg kat kitewww~~wuwuwuwu

ame, aku xdapt nk catchup dgn game yg korang tepek tuh~~kot la aku free time nih, sure nye aku meleret jawab soklan2 tuh~~mwahaha

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Post time 25-2-2009 04:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #974 jeanlouisfinch's post

bile2 ko free..ko wat arr game tuh..sure sonok tgk ayat kebas ko..

seyes la..aku terkezut ngan cite ko nih..hope sgt2 arr diorg tkde mase nk couple2 nih..
ni yg rase cam nk apply study kt sana gak nih..huhuhuhu..

jom arr kita doa2 byk2 supaya laki2 kite tk trperangkap ngan tipu daya yoja2 tuh sume..


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Post time 25-2-2009 04:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #972 jeanlouisfinch's post

jean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rindunyer kat ko...

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Post time 25-2-2009 04:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #975 amemiya's post

hah, yola~~~t ujung mggu aku try gigihkan diri utk backlog seraya jawab soklan2 berkaitan~~mwahaha

aku pong tekejut weyh~~~kire yg tuh budaya diorg kan~~tp xde la smpai sleep same2~~ekekeke tp kisu mmg ade la kowt~~~xpe, kot chagiya masih igt dekat kt, aku dh lega~~hukhukhuk

mmg kene doa~~bagi tangkal skali~~ *astaga*

susah2, kt g skali blaja sane same~~mwahah

sonsaengnim aku ckp gak, air asia akan buat travel ke KOREA sooner~~~beria die pndang aku mase ckp tuh~~nmpk sgt gamaknye muke aku excited dgr~~mwahahaha

tp xtau lg bile, so bley la plan dgn penerbangan yg murah sket dari MAS~~~and diorg x g seoul, mebi g kat area len utk arrival~~papehal t aku roger lg~~~chewwaahh~~~

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Post time 25-2-2009 04:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #976 skymania's post

yola, nado bogoshippo~~~~ chuppp utk korang sume~~~:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

ape ntah korang borak kat blkg2 tuh, xsmpt lg den nk belek~~t tggu mase free nae!aku xsabo nk smbg moyan poreber nex week nih~~~mwahahhaha

psss~~umah aku tgh dlm poses masuk streamyx~~kot dpt, mmg kencang la kiteewww t~~~

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Post time 25-2-2009 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jeanlouisfinch at 25-2-2009 04:21 PM
hah, yola~~~t ujung mggu aku try gigihkan diri utk backlog seraya jawab soklan2 berkaitan~~mwahaha

aku pong tekejut weyh~~~kire yg tuh budaya diorg kan~~tp xde la smpai sleep same2~~ekekeke  ...

kissu pon aku tk bleh terima..uwaaaaaaaa....over moyan dh aku nih..
suh diorg transfer study kt sini arr..trjamin skit...kekeke...

seb baik ko bg tau berita gembira ni..*air asia* ilang skit moyan aku td..hehehe..
ari tu pon MAS ade offer murah kn..7++ tk silap time dier tk kena..huhuhu..

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Post time 25-2-2009 04:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #979 amemiya's post


kisu tuh utk couple len la~~~utk oppadel, kisu dgn skinship khas dedicated only for us~~~ keke kot die smbg study sini, aku takut diorg lagi x fokus since kt ade di sisi~~karang asik nk manja dgn kitewww ajeww~~ottoke!!!huuuh~~aku xnk la jd dalang dlm buat diorg hilang pokus t~~kot kantoi, marah plak pubunim inlaw kte tuh~~~uiisshhh~~malduandwe!!!

neway, majayo~~~yg mas tuh, bg aku pon mase x seswai~~tp skrg korean won tgh down~~~kot g sane time nih, mmg untung la if rm kite bnyk~~ekekeke tp xtau la kat sane tgh nek rege ke x since diorg nye economy ade sket breakdown~~kt tggu jewwla air asia nye news, sah2 aku berlari g booking online~mwahaahha

arituh aku borak dgn mak aku~~ade ke die igt slame nih aku nk g korea sorg2~~pdnla bermati matian die x bg aku gune duit saving aku~~~kekeke bile aku ckp yg aku nk g by group, trus die kate, owwhh~~nape x gtau dulu2 lagi~~kot x, mama bley bg permission~~~muahahaha so, skrg aku dh mmg dpt greenlight utk gune duit iteww and g holiday ke korea~~yay!!!:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

okes yorobun~~gtg~~aku nk teruskan misi driving jejauh ke klang nih~~esok kot smpt, after klas aku dtg lg faclty utk smbg borak~~muahahaha

dae, chuu~~~:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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