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Author: Ley

Goo Hye Sun ~ Jib 4

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2010 09:01 PM | Show all posts
thanks meow13 for the translation from soompi

具惠善 台灣粉絲 見面會】
Ku Hye Sun Taiwan fanmeeting

時間:99年10月6日週三 中午12:00
time: 6 Oct 2010 (Wed) 12:00noon
地點:八大電視1F大廳 台北市內湖區瑞光路455號
Venue: GTV 1/F Lobby, 455 Rui Guang Road, Taipei
Entry method:

1. 自由參加。
1. free to participate
2. 於八大電視門口排隊,上午11:30開放入場現場將有指示牌,不開放夜排 。
2. queue up at GTV entrance, open for entrance at 11:30am, there will be signage on-site. overnight  queue-up is not allowed
3. 現場開放人數將視場地可容納人數許可開放入場,請粉絲們遵循現場工作人員指示。
3. no. of participants will be the max. capacity of the venue, fans should follow the instructions of staff on-site
4. 若有粉絲要送小禮物給具惠善請於當天入場後告知工作人員。
4. If fans would like to send gift to Ku Hye Sun, please notify staff after entrance
5. 主辦單位有權更改活動內容及辦法。
5. organizer reserve the right for any change in the event & entry method

credit cafemanolin @ twitter & GTV

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2010 08:56 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics from soompi

ARTiSTAR Event Pics  

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2010 09:20 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pic from soompi

[SCAN] 인기가요 magazine JULY 2010

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2010 09:22 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the vid from soompi

[FANCAM] Goo Hye Sun at ARTiSTAR Event


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 Author| Post time 4-10-2010 09:27 PM | Show all posts
thanks natali for the pics from soompi

Ku Hye Sun artwork @ Gallery TLJ  


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 Author| Post time 5-10-2010 01:59 PM | Show all posts
thanks to susAmerica from soompi

GHS's schedule for October seems inhuman!

-She worked until 4 AM on THE MUSICAL and left immediately for Taiwan on October 4th (right?)
-October 5th and 6th---Taiwan's Press Conference for Absolute BF and Fan Meeting respectively (in Taiwn)
-October 7th: Attend the 15th Busan's International Film Festival (in Korea)which will start at 7PM. The article from DC does not say whether her movie MAGIC has been invited...but I really hope so. There are many Korean stars attending including Jung Woo Sung. (cr: http://gall.dcinside...247&page=1&bbs= )
-My guess: October 9~23 (around then)Travel to New York city and maybe even Chicago for the filming of THE MUSICAL.
-October 26 and 28th--MAGIC will be shown and has been nominated for BEST Movie category at the Tokyo International Movie Festival. (I would imagine she would go?

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2010 02:00 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi

[PIFF D-2]②`별` 볼 일 많은 부산···`놓치면 후회` (This is the part of the article about the Busan International Film Festival which will take place on October 7th at 7PM--many Korean stars are attending including GHS, Yoo Ji Tae, Jung Woo Sung, Ji Sung, TOP, Hun Bin, etc...Julia Binosch and Tang Wei and Ahoyi Yoowoo also will attend....(I really hope that her MAGIC will be shown there as well!!!)
SPN 기사전송 2010-10-05 11:43 최종수정 2010-10-05 11:44

영화제 조직위원회 측이 5일 오전 밝힌 올해 레드카펫 참석자 명단을 살펴보면 원로배우 신영균, 강신성일을 필두로 강수연, 공효진, 구혜선, 김민희, 문소리, 박보영, 박해일, 손예진, 수애, 엄지원, 오지호, 유지태, 원빈, 이정재, 이정진, 정우성, 전도연, 조여정, 지성, 최승현(T.O.P), 현빈 등 국내 영화계 톱스타들의 이름이 총망라됐다. 여기에 영화제 기간 한국을 방문하는 탕웨이, 아오이 유우 등도 레드카펫에서 볼 수 있다.


쿠 엄청난 스케쥴~ㅠㅠ
3일동안 강원도 평창에서 더뮤 촬영 → 잠도 제대로 못자고 바로 대만으로 출국해서 4일 대만GTV와 미팅 → 5일 대만판 '절대그이' 기자회견 → 6일 대만GTV에서 팬미팅 → 7일 저녁때 부산국제영화제 개막식 참석
레드카펫 의상이 신경이 쓰이면서도 한편으로 그 가녀린 몸으로 넘 지쳐있을 쿠여신이 안쓰러운~ㅠㅠ= Ku's amazing schedule~
For three days she filmed for THE MUSICAL at Pyeongchang->She did not get sufficient sleep and yet left for Taiwan for a meeting with GTV on the 4th, Absolute Boyfriend Press Conference on the 5th and Fan Meeting on the 6th for Fan Meeting at GTV-> 7th evening to Busan Internaitonal Film Fetival opening participation. I am anxious about what she will be wearing on the red carpet but when I think about how tired she must be, I am so worried for her. (I feel the same about how tired she could be---but there is Jandi stamina in GHS--Take care!--Ohh, I just read some of the comments by the DC members who are unsure about Goo attending the Busan IFF when she wil be so tired.. They are saying that she should take longer vacation in Taiwan and skip the BIFF. GHS is invited to the festival but her film is not being shown---too bad---whatever she decides to do, fine with me,,,I hope she rests as she will most likely need to pack for trip to America!!)

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 09:36 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pics from soompi

Ku Hye Sun Fanmeet at Taiwan (10/06/10)

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cr: as labeled, KHS baidu

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 09:41 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 10:35 PM | Show all posts
thanks to webby from soompi

Fan account of HS's visit to Taiwan.
Original account from Goo Hye Sun Chinese Net (aka 具惠善中文网)
Fan account by SteoreoPony@具惠善中文网


10月4號下午 跟揪揪親辜 直奔西華飯店等小善
約下午六點左右 眼力好的揪揪 就大叫喔逆 我也才頓時驚覺
我們走向小善  小善也認出我們 旁邊的經紀人哥哥 用韓文說了:"來了啊!!"

Afternoon of 10/4, the fan with another fan headed to 西華飯店, that is the hotel where HS will be staying. One of them spotted HS at around 6pm and they approached her. HS recognized them and her manager who was next to her said 'you've come!!'. It appears that these 2 fans were the earliest there.

揪揪親辜送了小善禮物 小善也很好奇把玩 應該是很喜歡也覺得很有趣
帶上了車 隨即前往晚餐地點
第一天晚餐是吃鐵板燒 居然吃了3小時 大概是忙於應酬吧
約9點左右 車子先回飯店 經紀人哥哥 貌似先回飯店休息
只有小善跟翻譯 加助理 前往按摩店 這家按摩店據說是八大副總推薦的 但其實令我們有點傻眼
按摩途中 又有一位兔子親辜來看惠善 我們一起等到了1點 才按摩結束
出們的小善 看見兔子 主動上前抓住她的手 說了"好久不見"
小善覺得按摩有點痛  哈哈  
魚是就詢問小善購於何處 結果"日本!!!

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 10:38 PM | Show all posts

One of the fans gave HS a present and HS was very curious about it. She brought it along with her on the car and headed to the dinner venue. They ate Teppayaki (grill) for their dinner, and were there for 3 hours.
Around 9pm, their car headed back to the hotel. Her manager seemed to retire early at the hotel, while HS, the interpreter, and her assistant headed to the massage parlor recommended by GTV 副總 (?? GTV vice-president?? not sure). While the fans were waiting for them at the massage parlor, another fan arrived. and they waited til 1am before the massage ended. When HS came out, she saw the fan that newly arrived and HS approached that fan and took hold of her hand saying 'i haven't seen you in a long time'. HS thinks the massage is a bit painful. haha. We were very curious about HS's shoes (look pretty and seem hard to buy), HS said she bought them in Japan. The first day ended~~
小善剛進來時是沒有笑容的 不過看到我們就笑了!!
重點是小善跟吳尊是一起入場的 不過 我完全無視了吳尊........
Oct 5th, noon/afternoon
THe presscon allowed only 50 persons to enter and there were too many Wu Zun fans so we were outnumbered!!!
however, I and another fan both waited for HS on the upper level. When HS first came in, she wasn't smiling but once she saw us, she started to smile!! THe main point is that HS entered into the room with Wu Zun but I completely ignored his existence..... (this is a male fan btw)

記者會時間相當短暫 結束後2人在飯店裡討論掰設相關事宜
直到約8點 小善才出外用餐 上車前 我們跟她說我們等很久  小善都笑笑應對  我想她自己也知道
約11點左右 才用餐完畢 小善出來時  跟小兔將禮物送給小善並握手 今天就這樣滿足了!!
原本想說時間已晚 應該回飯店 結果又去按了摩 礙於時間太晚 只好向經紀人哥哥告知我們要先回家
The presscon was very short. after it ended the two of them discussed about drama related matters at the hotel.
HS left at around 8pm for dinner. Before she got on the car, we told her we waited for very long. HS smiled back at us, i think she knew that too.
This time she headed to a restaurant recommended by Wu Zun.
Dinner ended at around 11pm. When HS came out, one fan gave HS a present and shook hands with her. We were contented just like this!!
Originally she would have gone back to the hotel since it was late, but she went to the massage parlor again. Since it was really late, we told her manager that we have to leave first.
The second day ended just like this~~~

不過出門在半路上發覺 錢包忘在家中 只好返回家 時間有所耽擱
小善還是怕生 所以眼光還是飄啊飄

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 10:39 PM | Show all posts

Oct 6th is the great fans meeting day!!
Half way to the venue i realize i forgot my wallet and had to detour
reached the venue at ~11am. there were quite a lot of people there!!
at 12, HS appeared. She still seems shy with the crowd, so her gaze was floating(?) (as in she wasn't focused)
however it seems like she was looking at us right from the start
開場前 工作人員徵求3位男粉絲 雖然沒選上 但還是要讓小善知道我們是高興地來看她的
一開始的圈叉遊戲  考驗對小善的了解程度 雖然有幾題 真有點難度
不過我們總覺得小善是故意幫我們幾個 選擇我們所選擇的答案
結束了問答候 勝利者就是跟小善的拍照拍立得啦!! 小善對我們很親切
輪到我拍時 還勾著我的手(真是天堂.....) 拍完還一直說謝謝
再來是選擇絕對達令遊戲啦!!  現在真是慶幸 沒被選上
上台男生要露小腿  露肚子  屁股寫字 有點無言啊!!! 真要感謝主持人沒選我啦
只是 獎品是小善喜歡男生想味道的香水  好想要啊!! 就算不是我的  好歹也讓我知道是啥味道吧!!!!(殘念)
接下來送出小善昨晚的睡衣喔 跟證件照  還有2張手印簽名
結束這些遊戲候就是訪談啦!! 見面會也進入尾聲
Before the event started, the staff requested for 3 male fans. I wasn't picked however we were still very happy to be there. The first game was T and F where we were asked questions about HS. A couple questions were quite hard. However I felt HS was trying to help us out and choosing the answers we chose. The winner took a picture with HS. HS was very friendly, when it was time to take a picture with her, she took my arm (it felt like heaven...), she kept saying thankyou after the picture.
Another fan and HS hugged after their picture was taken (a lot of complaints arose from the crowd).
The next event was to choose the Absolute Darling!! I'm so fortunate i wasn't picked.
The guys chosen had to show their calves, stomach and have words written on their butt (i'm flabbergasted!!). i'm thankful the MC didn't choose me.
However, the prize given out was a perfume/cologne that HS would like on a guy. I really want that !!! even if it's not mine, i still want to know what kinda fragrance that is!!! (regrets)
Next they gave out HS's sleepwear from last night, and her ID picture, and 2 autographs.
After the games ended, the interview began!! The fanmeet then ended.
等了等 終於吃飽出來 一出門口就往助理背後撲上 之後看到我們要簽名 就揮著貌似"come on "的手勢
子安小姐簽到了名 J大姐也可帶著小善親筆簽名帽出門 之後將我們剩下3張拍立得交給小善  讓她在車上簽
到達機場後  我們跑去向她問些問題  
雖然要求拍張團照  但小善很猶豫的說沒辦法 還一直說對不起 (我想也是有苦衷啦~~~~
然後我們有指我的鞋子給小善看 啊啊  她知道那雙鞋  因為她也有嘛  
還在研究小善後背包的品牌  只是語出驚人的  小善用英文說了是她姐姐買給他的.....(原本誤以為是英文爸波
Next is a meal at a nearby restaurant!!
We waited and waited, they finally came out and HS slumped herself on her assistants back. When she realized we wanted her autograph, she made a gesture saying 'come on'. Couple female fans got her signature (dun understand one part). And HS's car headed to the airport!!
We ran towards her to ask her some questions when she arrived at the airport. Although we wanted to take a group photo, HS hesitantly said she can't and kept apologizing (i think she must have her reasons~~~
We pointed to my shoe to show HS, she recognized it coz she also has a pair.
We wanted to confirm with HS whether she really liked the color yellow
and also wondered what brand her bag is. She told us in English that her sister bought her the bag.
next time i should speak to her in english.

入關前 幾個人大力擁抱 揮手道別 就這樣 結束3天訪台之旅
Before she entered the gate, several people hugged and waved goodbye. Just like that, her 3 day visit to Taiwan ended.

這次旅程中  小弟感謝相當多人
揪揪.小兔.泫雅本命的開車高手.保母車司機.計程車司機(前往中正機場) .Janet大姐 當然也很感謝 陪在小善身邊的韓方人士(經紀人...等)
小善這樣對我們 望我們真的很感動 已經一年多了  我們還是會繼續支持妳的 fighting !!!!
The person who wrote the fan account ended by thanking the other fans that he met and people who accompanied HS. He said they will continue supporting HS even though it's been over a year.                                                                                               

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 10:41 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the pics from soompi

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cr: as labeled, KHS baidu

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 10:46 PM | Show all posts
thanks to first snow from soompi

4th to 6th of October - Ku HyeSun in Taiwan
Credits to: Ku HyeSun Chinese Fans Site
Fan Recount by StereoPony @ Ku HyeSun Fans Site

4th of October
I met JiuJiu in the afternoon and after we met up, we went directly to Sherwood Hotel to wait for HyeSun.
Around 6pm, JiuJiu with good eyesight shouted, "Eoni!" Then only I realized HyeSun has arrived.
We walked towards HyeSun and HyeSun managed to recognize us. Her manager stood beside her and spoke to us in Korean. He said, "You guys are here ah!!"
It seems like we were the earliest to meet HyeSun for this Taiwan trip.

JiuJiu gave a gift to HyeSun. HyeSun was curious to the gift, maybe she liked it and maybe she found it very interesting.
They entered the motor vehicle and headed towards a restaurant to have dinner.
The dinner for first night in Taiwan is Teppanyaki. They spent 3 hours for dinner, probably were busy with socialing.
Around 9pm, manager was the first one to go back to hotel, probably to have a rest.
Only HyeSun, translator and assistant were left. They went to a massage parlors. This massage parlors was recommended by GTV's assistant GM. It was quite surprising to us for her act.
When they were having massage service, there was another member named Rabbit came to join us. We waited together until 1am.
When HyeSun exited the massage parlors, she saw Rabbit and took the initiative to shake her hand, she said, "Long time no see."
She felt that the massage made her felt painful. Haha.
Because of we feel curious about HyeSun's shoes (They look nice and hardly can purchase in the market)
Hence we asked her where did she buy it, she replied, "Japan."
That's all for the first day.

5th of October
The press conference was only opened for 50 fans, there were many WuChun fans at the venue.
We didn't manage to fight for a place.
But Rabbit and I went to the upper level to wait for HyeSun.
HyeSun was not smiling when she arrived but after she saw us, she smiled!
The main focus supposed to be HyeSun entered the venue together with WuChun.. but I ignored WuChun totally...

The time period for this press conference is relatively short. After the press conference, both of them stayed in hotel to discuss about the filming for the drama.
Until 8pm, then only HyeSun came out for dinner. Before she entered the vehicle, we told her that we have been waiting her for a very long period. As a response, she smiled to us. I think that she knew we were waiting outside.
This time they went to the restaurant that recommended by WuChun.
Around 11pm, they finished having dinner. When they came out from the restaurant, Rabbit handed over a gift to HyeSun and shook hand with her. We were satisfied for the day!!
We thought that it was already very late, she should return to hotel for rest. However, she went to have massage service again. Because is too late, hence we informed her manager that we need to leave and we went home.
That's all for the second day.

6th of October
It's the fan meeting!
On the way to fan meeting, I found out that I left my purse at home. So I decided to go home and get it, it delayed me from reaching to venue early.
I reached there around 11am.
There were many people waiting at the venue.
Around 12pm, HyeSun arrived.
She still feel fear when facing us, her sight/vision was not stable, looking around.
But I think she looked at us when she arrived.
Before the event started, the staff requested 3 male fans to be participated in the event. Though I'm not in the list, but I still need to show HyeSun that we were happy in meeting her.
Firstly, the OX (Yes/No) game, to test our understandability towards HyeSun. Although there were only a few questions, but the questions were tough.
I felt that HyeSun purposely helped us in choosing the answer.
After greeting, the winner can have a polaroid with HyeSun!! HyeSun was very kind to us.
When it was my turn, she hold my arms (I felt like I was in heaven...) after having the polaroid, I kept on say thank you to her.
After that was JiuJiu's turn, JiuJiu managed to get a hug from HyeSun after polaroid!!! (Everyone was mumbling)

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2010 12:23 AM | Show all posts
thanks first snow from soompi

Ku HyeSun likes WuZun, doesn't afraid that Lee MinHo will jealous

Korean actress, Ku HyeSun visited Taiwan to promote her upcoming drama. She held a fan meeting today and she prepared several gifts for lucky fans. The fans were excited and hope that they could go on the stage. In addition, she revealed that she likes muscular man.

Ku HyeSun revealed that she likes muscular man in the fan meeting and she added WuChun fulfilled her standard. Yesterday, both of them went to have steamboat, she wanted to treat WuChun which is not good in liquor to have a drink. But WuChun was stuck to a schedule, hence they did not proceed.

Besides that, Ku HyeSun revealed that WuChun is handsome than Lee MinHo that worked with her in <Boys Over Flowers>, she mentioned that among the Taiwanese actor, she admires WuChun the most. She smiled and said, "By now, only WuChun is in my eyes, he's the most handsome! I think Lee MinHo will angry if he hear this!"

Ku HyeSun, the multi-talented pretty young lady, she is not only an actor, she is a scriptwriter and a director as well. Her first movie <Magic> is about how young people develop their passion towards music. In addition, this movie was nominated in the Asian Pacific Film Festival which is going to be held on this coming November. She is preparing for her second movie which is about vampire.

She is going to start on her second movie. She has already completed the script and planned to start filming next year. When talk about the story about vampire, Ku HyeSun said that she actually afraid of ghost, however this is not a horror/ghost movie, this is a movie which is more on aesthetic! After meeting her fans that support her enthusiasticly, Ku HyeSun happily said, "Thank you everyone! Please continue to support me!"

Cre: ChinaYES

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2010 08:25 PM | Show all posts

cr: as labelled

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2010 08:28 PM | Show all posts
thanks for pics and vid from soompi

101007 Ku Hye Sun @ PIFF  

crC &1313meow

                                                More Pics...


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 Author| Post time 8-10-2010 08:29 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 8-10-2010 08:31 PM | Show all posts


cr:as tagged

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 8-10-2010 08:34 PM | Show all posts
thanks meow13 for the vid from soompi

FANCAM by Janey @ Taiwan Fanmeeting

Fancam 1

First half was a simple greeting by KHS. She said this was the 3rd time she came to Taiwan,and she remembers some of the fans in Taiwan. The host talks about her multi-talent, such as being a director, a singer, actress and artist. The host asked what kind of paintings she draws, Hyesun said her paintings were abstract paintings and also some oil paintings. The host asked if she'd hold exhibition in Taiwan. Hyesun said she's busy filming drama, she hope there'd be chance in future.  she loves the place in Taiwan and feel relax, thus she feels that she didn't come  for work but for holidays.

@5:00 the Q&A session starts, in which the host would make some statements about Hyesun. Fans has to guess if that is true or false, the ones who get most answer correct would have a chance to come on stage. The first question was if Hyesun afraid of cockroach. Hyesun's answer was no next was if her favorite Taiwan food was milk tea with sago. the answer is again no. Hyesun said she likes milk tea with sago but most favorite is steamed dumpling. next question was if Hyesun's best talent was singing. Answer is no again. and she said she is good at eating rice. (I love her sense of humor )

Fancam 2

Q&A continues, next question is that Hyesun has really fair/ White skin thus she doesn't afraid of sunshine. The answer was that she actually afraid of sunshine. Next is if KHS can drink very well. ( we all know the answer) the answer is positive. next question is if KHS likes man who possess masculine image. The answer is yes, and a lot of fans lost becoz of this question. only 10 fans left for the next question. The next one was that if KHS thinks Wu Zhun is more handsome than Lee Min Ho. Hyesun answer yes for this one. and after this one, the host invite the remain winning fans on stage. then asked another one that if she is an only child. the answer is no .  The host then go for the last one. KHS does not like sweet food. the answer is no. Hyesun said she likes sweet and milk tea with sago is one of the sweet she likes. The fans remained on stage are the finalists , and had the chance to took Polaroid with Hyesun individually.

cre renajaney @ YT

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