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Author: smilesenyum


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Post time 31-10-2005 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jofizo at 31-10-2005 11:57 AM
aku penah........ tapi dah lama dah la, masa tuh ngan member2 haku....... masa kami nampak objek tuh rupanya seperti piring bulat, ada lampu yg berkelip-kelip disekeliling piring tuh........ tapi o ...

kat sebelah kedah banyak ufo sighting gak kan,
dulu pernah dgr cerita bebudak tgk dia nak landing kat sawah, yg kat baling, org kg tgk masa nak pegi solat subuh.
yg kat baling rasanye UFO yg bentuk 3 segi.

Use magic Report


Post time 30-11-2005 02:52 PM | Show all posts
sesaje nak share. aku rase saper yg pernah tengok akan percaya.
termasuk lah aku. dlm tahun 2002 aku pernah nampak satu "bintang" yg bersinar agak terang dr bintang yg lain.
kedudukan bintang tu pon agak rendah dr bintang

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Post time 30-11-2005 02:52 PM | Show all posts
sesaje nak share. aku rase saper yg pernah tengok akan percaya.
termasuk lah aku. dlm tahun 2002 aku pernah nampak satu "bintang" yg bersinar agak terang dr bintang yg lain.
kedudukan bintang tu pon agak rendah dr bintang

Use magic Report

Post time 5-12-2005 09:58 PM | Show all posts
yg pasal benda cam bintang lak. tahun 2000 or 2001 cam tu aku ada perasan benda cam bintang yg agak besar dan cerah, kedudukan dia agak rendah degree drp flat land, lebih kurang 20-30 degree.
ianya static je for a few hours, lepas tu aku check dah takde.
aku tanya member aku tanya ada fenomena apa pasal astronomy, semua mcm buat tak kisah je.hahahaha
kalau sapa2 tahu tolong verify apa fenomena alam yg berlaku circa tahun 2000-2002.
aku still puzzled apa ke benda tu.adakah planet yg menghampiri bumi?
tapi benda tu nampak for a few hours je.

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awsj2000 This user has been deleted
Post time 10-12-2005 07:16 AM | Show all posts

UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead

Reporter and editor for, Linda Moulton Howe, provided an interview with former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, about his discussion with a retired USAF general who confirmed, "UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead," as well as a report on a UFO crash and burial in the Utah desert in early 1950s.

More Info -

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awsj2000 This user has been deleted
Post time 10-12-2005 07:35 AM | Show all posts

Project Serpo - The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program

The gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78

揥e already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity

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Post time 13-12-2005 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Dulu masa Zam kecik2, abang kawan baik Zam kena attack dengan alien.

Kisah ni jadik kat BM akhir 70an, masa tu 3 orang bebudak ni main2 kat kawasan semak antara BM High School gan Skolah Stowell.  Dorang jumpa object pelik - zaman tu citer TV pasal yang ada kena mengena gan UFO ni citer Lost in Space, jadi korang bayangkan le tahap imiganasi bebudak masa tu, yang sorang budak tu nak pergi pegang objek ni yang besarnya lebih kurang besin air tu...tiba2 sorang lagi kawan dia nampak ada makhluk kecik ke kenit ke berdekatan gan objek tu.  Bebudak tu pun terus nak tangkap.  Abang kawan Zam ni dapat pegang alien tu - katanya kulit hijau, pakai topi kledar perak, kaki lebih panjang dari tubuh, tangan cam biasa, tinggi tak lepas lutut(lebih kurang 1 kaki), dan masa abang kawan Zam nak bangun, tetiba  dia rasa tangan dia sakit dan alien tu terlepas.  Kekawan dia yang lain nampak ada dua(2) lagi alien dan satu daripada alien tu tengah pegang senjata - macam ballpen.  Bebudak tu takut terus lari.

Zam ada melawat abang kawan Zam ni dan memang lengan dia berbekas terbakar.  Daging lengan dia hilang dalam sebesar batang pensel.  Tak luka, tak juga melecur.  Kesan tu macam berlekuk gitu.  Sentuh pun tak sakit tapi kita dapat rasa yang kawasan kena tu macam dah tak de kulit.  Oleh kerana kecederaan tu mak bapak dorang tak mendefinisikan sebagai serius, dorang tak bawak lah gi spital.

Zam dan kekawan lain ada melawat tapak yang dikatakan tu, tapi masa tu kami belum mendapat latihan daripada siri X-Files, jadi tak tahulah pulak macam mana nak siasat tanda-tanda yang ada.

Apapun, Zam memang percaya bebudak tu ada terjumpa sesuatu yang aneh di situ dan telah terjadi sesuatu yang pelik di sana.

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aturcara This user has been deleted
Post time 14-12-2005 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Hmm..tak mustahil UFO tu ade..kan kita ade banyak planet...yela kita mendiami planet bumi..kemungkinan ade makhluk lain mendiami planet2 yang sedia ade ...cuma kita tak tahu kan...jadi penemuan2 tu berkemungkinan betul2 berlaku..mungkin diaorang saje2 nak singgah ke planet kita...nak buat kajian ke apa..macam kita gak..pergi ke bulan

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Post time 14-12-2005 09:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by muor76 at 30-11-2005 02:52 PM
sesaje nak share. aku rase saper yg pernah tengok akan percaya.
termasuk lah aku. dlm tahun 2002 aku pernah nampak satu "bintang" yg bersinar agak terang dr bintang yg ...

Aku memang meragui video yg ada objek yg keluar asap tu sebab wap air formation bukan seperti yg dilihat.saya bleh  gurentee itu  adalah  asap sebuah roket motor ...wap air atau condensation trail hanya terbentuk  bila terdapat pembakaran bahan api  ( dari engine jet ) pada suhu amat sejuk sperti pada ketinggian yg tinggi ( lebih 30,000 kaki)...nie contoh condensation trails pesawat..

satu lagi keadaan wap air bleh kelihatan adalah pada shock wave formation ...dan ini hanya berlaku berhampiran objek disebabkan perbezaan tekanan dan suhu pada shock wave itu...pada density wap air yg tinggi ( terutamanya di laut), pesawat yg bergerak kelajuan supersonic bleh kelihatan shock wave ini..bentuk dia sperti satu kon pada kelilinigi pesawat dan dia hanya berlaku dekat dengan objek itu...seperti di video dan gambar ini...

so conclusion, objek pada video itu mungkin sebuah UAV ( unmanned aerial vehicle) buatan manusia ....yg dilengkapi roket motor utk pecut dan sebuah vertical propulsion system utk hover ( seperti pesawat Harrier atau helicopter yg bleh hover )

Use magic Report

Post time 14-12-2005 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Kalau UFO yg betul, dia tidak ada asap...oleh sebab pada pendapat saya..pegerakan dia  sama ada dikuasakan oleh sebuah Magnetic -Gravitational Engine ( mengunakan graviti dan magnetic energy bumi )atau engine nuclear....kalau ada keluar asap guentee bukan UFO...

seperti di video2 ini.. ... ... .wmv&vsect=News

semua nie masih menjadi tanda tanya...tapi memang UFO ( unidenfied flying object) ...

Use magic Report

Post time 14-12-2005 09:58 PM | Show all posts
Cuba tgk link nie utk melihat bagaimana UFO dapat begerak dan mengunakan engine magnetic atau nuclear..

Salah satu contoh theory bagaimana UFO begerak

Cuba ko orang compare video UFO  mexico , kelihatan sebuah UFO berputar-putar mungkin mengunakan theory di atas..

[ Last edited by matmin77 at 14-12-2005 10:05 PM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 15-12-2005 05:09 PM | Show all posts
cerita dr seorang tua..
mase tu dalam tahun 60an...
satu kampung telah keluar rumah untuk menyaksikan satu objek yg terbang di udara. objek itu berwarna seakan-akan warna perak, bulat dan berpusing, ia terbang dan menghasilkan satu garisan putih (seperti asap), kira macam kapalterbang supersonic, tapi kat melesia tahun 60an dah ade kapalterbang supersonic ker? ade seorang yg berumur menyatakan bahawa bende itu di panggil piring terbang..
kejadian tu berlaku dlm tahun 60an... dan aku percaya org yang menceritakan kisah tu... dia citer kejadian tersebut bila aku bukak citer pasal ufo yg aku nampak... orang tua tu bapak aku lah..
ermmm tapi the latest news.. (tengah nak korek citer dr mak n bapak aku) misteri awan berbentuk bulat dan bercahaya hijau dan kuning... akak ipor aku cakap hantu (dia nampak bende tu) anak sedare aku cakap momok.. mak n bapak aku, aku tak tanya lagi. nanti lah aku citer..
sekian terima kasih

Use magic Report

Post time 15-12-2005 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Tahun 60-an dah ada dah pesawat supersonic kat malaysia tapi bukan malaysia punya, kepunyaan tentera udara australia yg berpengkalan di Buterworth, Penang... Pesawat Mirage yg berpengkalan di Butterworth sekitar tahun 1967..

Pesawat Mirage Australlia

sebelum Mirage , pesawat pejuang Sabre Australian Air Force berpengkalan di butterworth..

Masalahnya..bukan pesawat tu supersonic ke tak...kalau keluar asap objek tu..sudah tentu ada roket motor atau engine yg menghasilkan pembakaran wap air....yg video objek keluar asap tu aku nak komen bukan UFO..tu aje...

..yg cerita ayah ko cakap kena tgk gambar atau video ler kalau nak compare sama ada UFO atau tidak...kalau kelaur asap tu muskil ler ...sudah tentu pesawat...aku dah banyak tgk video2 dan gambar2 UFO..tak pernah pon aku nampak keluar asap....

Use magic Report

Post time 15-12-2005 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Kadang2 awan pon bleh orang mistaken sebagai UFO..

Lenticular clouds


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Post time 16-12-2005 03:09 PM | Show all posts
tapi kalo bentuk bende alah yg ayah aku nampak tu bulat (takde bentuk kapalterbang) kita nak panggil ape yerk? musykil gak aku... entahlah wallahualam

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Post time 16-12-2005 06:28 PM | Show all posts
..cuba suruh ayah ko lukis ker ape...pastu post kat sini..kita bleh tengok dan compare gan gambar2 UFO yg sedia ada...baru bleh confirm betul ke tak..

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Post time 9-1-2006 04:52 PM | Show all posts

cuba tengok ni...

cuba anda perhatikan...pakai camera night vision...




cam mana pendapat korang!!!:stp::stp::stp:

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Post time 11-1-2006 02:05 PM | Show all posts
dah pernah tengok pic tu
tu pic tipu tu....
sajer jer diorang wat...

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Post time 18-4-2006 07:24 PM | Show all posts

Discovery Channel: The Worlds Strangest UFO Stories

Seri baru ini akan datang mulai 19hb April nie di Discovery Channel..

Antara cerita2 pelik

The World's Strangest UFO Stories

Are we alone? From Orson Welles' War of the Worlds to Steven Spielberg's E.T., the very possibility that other life forms exist continues to capture our imagination.

Unexplained crashes obliterating the landscape, reports of secret alien-human breeding programs and mysterious creatures draining the blood of innocent animals, The World's Strangest UFO Stories, uncovers the truth about the biggest, best and most extraordinary alien tales of all time.

This new six-part series premieres with two back-to-back episodes on Sunday, April 2 at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. PT before settling into its regular timeslot Friday, April 7 at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. PT.

Cheeky and just a touch skeptical, The World's Strangest UFO Stories tracks down witnesses and victims who believe they've experienced close encounters of the alien kind, and meets the experts, conspiracy theorists and the E.T. obsessed who have made it their mission to uncover the truth - once and for all.

The World's Strangest UFO Stories - Do Aliens Rule the World?

Welcome to the age of paranoia and conspiracy, where nearly all facets of public life - from governments and royalty, to big business and the media - are rife with rumour. But there's one that trumps them all: for centuries our rulers have been conspiring with aliens to secretly control our world. Is the world, in fact, run by a cabal of shape-shifting reptilian aliens? Yes, if you ask the most notorious conspiracy figure in the world of UFOlogy, David Icke. Icke's complicated theories include ideas about frequencies and dimensions that play into the "conspiracy to end all conspiracies."

The World's Strangest UFO Stories - I Had Sex With an Alien

There's no doubt that alien stories are intriguing... but are they seductive? Since the 1950s, there have been strange reports of sexually inquisitive - and adept - aliens visiting unsuspecting sleepers. Meet some of the people who believe they've had sex with aliens. This includes Houston jazz singer Pamela Stonebrooke, who has been having mind-blowing alien sex with a six-foot blond reptile since 1998; and New Jersey residents, Pat and Alice, who are still recovering from the aliens first impregnating Alice then stealing their alien-human baby. But what's really going on here? This episode investigates theories of sleep paralysis, self-hypnosis and false memory syndrome and looks at cultural influences including 1950s B-movies and folklore legends such as the incubus and succubus.

The World's Strangest UFO Stories - Roswell - The Truth

Did a spaceship really crash in the New Mexico desert in 1947? The day after the crash, the government issued a press statement confirming recovery of a "flying disk" - then hastily retracted it. But why? In this episode, witnesses and government officials recount their experiences that inspired one of the greatest alien conspiracies of all time. Then, discover the surprising connections between the Roswell crash, Second World War German aviation technology... and chimpanzees.

The World's Strangest UFO Stories - Alien Vampire Chronicles

Something is out for blood in the jungles of Latin America feasting on chickens, goats and cows and some believe it to be a blood-sucking alien. But what is it, an alien pet left behind or a strange CIA genetics experiment? Known as the Chupacabra - Spanish for "goat-sucker" - this creature has fascinated scientists for decades. See what they discover when an actual hair from this strange beast is sent to Linsay Weis at Trent University for DNA analysis and what the tests reveal.

The World's Strangest UFO Stories - Are Aliens Invading Scotland?

Where are UFOs most likely to be spotted? If you guessed Area 51 in Nevada, you'd be wrong. Move over Loch Ness - you've got extraterrestrial company. This episode journeys to Scotland to uncover why this land of mist and thistle is irresistible to little green men. Certainly not attracted by the weather, why are aliens drawn to Scotland? This episode proposes a radical theory that links UFOs to one of the most captivating cultural phenomena in recent years: Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel, the climactic setting for Dan Brown's novel The DaVinci Code.

The World's Strangest UFO Stories - Did Aliens Build the Pyramids?

Did "ancient astronauts" build Egypt's magnificent pyramids, Britain's mystical Stonehenge and the giant "moai" heads on Easter Island? In the absence of man-made proof to the contrary, some UFO theorists find this idea very compelling. In addition to these awesome but inanimate objects, this episode also challenges religious and evolutionary doctrine to suggest that humanity itself is the product of alien design.

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Post time 19-6-2006 05:31 PM | Show all posts

UFO Photographed Over The Giza Pyramids?

Report provided by Alex Astua,
Director of
This image was captured by a webcam on March 23, 2006 at 14:04 hrs and shows an object near the summit of the Kephren Pyramid. The object is highly reflective and  presents a clear structure.
It is difficult to determine if it faces, or is positioned behind, the pyramid.
Despite the fact that the object has a circular shape in the main photo, it has an oblong shape in the image taken 47 seconds earlier.
Possible explanations: balloon, airplane, kite, insect.
If we make a more detailed observation, it appears like a different object.  

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