Post time 10-11-2017 05:32 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Padanlah bini lari..Semua harap Kat bini.baju kotor pon xtahu nak buat apa lepastu ko biar mereput.omaigod,ko tak terfikir nak basuh ke..Ke memg pemalas,sbb 2 bagi alasan merepek repek..
Post time 10-11-2017 06:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Kak anya rasa mungkin dia nak memancing simpati isteri dan anak2.... tapi kalau dah 5 tahun terimalah hakikat pathetic actions sebegini tak berkesan... move on lah ane...
Post time 10-11-2017 07:23 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Dah ko malas agsknya tu pasal bini bwk anak lari. Kalo bini yg csrik pasal dia tinggal jek anak tu... Dah ko mls nak bergerak kemas2 rumah, tu pasal sendi ko sakit sbb dah terkunci lama tak digerak2....
ok setahu i..depression ni ade byk jenis....ade yg mild....hingga ke kronik...
& setahu i jgk..pesakit yg mengalami depression level teruk...mmg x bleh nak jaga kebersihan diri sndiri yg basic..
mcm mandi & sebagainye...mmg kehidupan seharian...x normal dah..mcm org biase yg mentalnye sihat...
& as far as i know..kalau x pegi mendapat rawatan it will only get worst..basicly ade 2 punca depression
1- punca dari persekitaran
2- genetik/keturunan...
Is lack of personal hygiene a sign of depression?
Poor hygiene can be a sign of self-neglect, which is the inability or unwillingness to attend to one's personal needs. Poor hygiene often accompanies certain mental or emotional disorders, including severe depression and psychotic disorders.
1 more thing...ape jenis penyakit sekali pun..fizikal or mental yg serius...sgt memerlukan moral & emotional support dari family, friends and loved ones..
imagine...kalau u sebatang kara & terpaksa go through life alone?..dah la sakit mental pulak tu...
Prozac Nation (2001)
Based on the best selling novel (true story), set in the mid 1980's before the prevalence of anti-depressants, it follows a young working class woman's (Christina Ricci) bout with depression during her first year at Harvard. The film explores this generation's struggle to navigate the effects of divorce, drugs, sex, and an overbearing mother (Jessica Lange).