Iols faham kalau dia nervous. Anything can happen. Tapi dalam pada jawapan konar baring tu, i rasa segan dengan cara dia cakap tentang kehebatan dia. Somehow bunyi macam hebat sangat lah. Haha. Macam orang lain tak travel, takde followers, dia sorang je ade. Hihi. Seolah baru melihat dunia gitu. Mungkin kena bunyi humble sikit kut baru la kita rasa nak support je
kita tau lah kan dia bukan latarbelakang keluarga yg potpet spiking inglis kat rumah, spisis kecek budu jah
TAPIIII dia klaim dia banyak membaca, sokmo post baca buku tu baca buku ni, yg agak moskenya di sini, cara percakapan cara dia keluarkan idea bukan macam orang banyak membaca
jika benarrrr dia banyak membaca spt yg sentiasa dipaparkan di media sosial, buku2 orang putih lak tuh, dia punya cara susunan ayat, idea2 yg dikeluarkan tak serempit itu mmg bunyi hapal, cut n paste mana2 yg sesuai dgn soalan
cara bercakap org yg vocab banyak hasil dari banyakkkk baca buku bertahun2 dan yg paling penting mampu BERFIKIR secara spontan dlm english lainnnnnnn, dgn yg berfikir dlm bahsa melayu (hence the" apa itu" nampak sgt dia pikir dlm bahsa melayu dan translate jadi ayat omputeh, jugak dgn yg main hapalllll saja frasa2 yg dirasakan sedap utk digebang depan orang putih...gitu ker ciri2 org yg banyak membaca kununnya?
betul ke ko ulat buku lopa, ke ko sekadar belek 2,3 muka, ambik gambar, pastuh post quote sepatah dua...settle.
Post time 1-3-2018 04:18 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Omg...teruknya stutter....menghafal pon stutter ker??? Yupe....copy n paste randomly saja dr google.....jawapan kenkonon nak dasyat n gempak but oh well....i think semua org tau dia hafal......weiii malu weii
hzln replied at 1-3-2018 04:05 PM
kita tau lah kan dia bukan latarbelakang keluarga yg potpet spiking inglis kat rumah, spisis kecek ...
Ye ke bukan dari keluarga potpet speaking english?But then again , all these videos she posted showed us otherwise. That is unless, she was trying to put up a facade. BTW, I agree with you part cara orang yg memang betul membaca and orang yg acah2 membaca ni...
The way lofa jawab soalan interview tu , kita dah boleh baca dah yang Lofa sebenarnya " regurgitate" benda yg dia baca.
That's how she excelled her SPM . But the problem with this learning approach is that you don't have common sense. Tu yg benda simple macam launch produk hijab kat discotecque pun dia takleh pikir. Common sense tarak..
BTW, if you can't be arsed to watch all the videos, I 've picked the best one on and placed it at the top of the list. Faliq told his sister to shut his mouth. Kalau i , i tak upload kot video ni. Not something I would be proud of, it shows how your lil bro lacks manners. But I guess it goes back to common sense again..
Post time 1-3-2018 04:27 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
hzln replied at 1-3-2018 04:05 PM
kita tau lah kan dia bukan latarbelakang keluarga yg potpet spiking inglis kat rumah, spisis kecek ...
Pernah dgr plagiarism kan? Hatta among phd masters students pun banyak buat keja ni... gomen officer yg present serata dunia pun ramai je yg plagiarise keja org lain pegi bentang kt board... then dpt nama..
Si budu birah ni mmg expected sgt la kalau dia tak ada originality... cuit sana sini sikit buat modal...
Teringat Steve Jobs describe Bill Gates as no imagination.. invention asal and special features Steve Jobs yg buat banyak..
Sama la mcm birah ni... no imagination.. fazura buat #befaz dia buat #belofa, design tudung jgn cerita la copy org punya...
So no surprise kalau dia ambik headline or quotes tayang kt public nk tunjuk pandai...
actually subject yg she was supposed to discuss ni was every easy. it's in our daily life pun, multiculturalism. the thing with this narcissistic biatch, she herself didn't mix with other people. she only hang out with her families and a few malay friends. i havent seen her really interacting or hang out or organise activities that involve other races (maybe with hans je). m&g sheols pun mostly benakians malay jer kan. i mean if you want to be there on that stage, you must at least have done something worthy like bridging the gap between the races in malaysia ke whatsoever through your arts, business, etc. but she didn't do all that so macam mana nak jawab.
some of the questions for her session:
Why is it especially necessary to celebrate multiculturalism in today’s world?
What are ways in which cross-cultural communication, creativity and the arts can contribute
to Agenda 2030?
Does Agenda 2030’s emphasis on unalienable individual rights conflict with the celebration of
cultural diversity?
What can millennials do to encourage cross-cultural communication and dialogue?
sora13 replied at 1-3-2018 04:32 PM
actually subject yg she was supposed to discuss ni was every easy. it's in our day life pun, multicu ...
Good observation , and I agree with you.
I think she was the worst candidate for this discussion. She of all people does not appear to embrace multi-culturalism. Oh, hang on . That is unless if she thinks multiculturalism refers to hiring Caucasian male models for her inappropriate hijab promo.