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Author: Saussurea


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 Author| Post time 2-7-2018 06:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rotiboy replied at 2-7-2018 01:33 PM
Oh maaann! Dejavu! what a gift or like my friend used to say could be a curse...depends on how you l ...

bersedia saja apa adanya dengan segala apa yang bakal datang. fuh3

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2018 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengalaman loa(law of attraction) apabila practice law of detachment.
seseorang yang sudah merasa cukup dengan dirinya sendiri tanpa mencari nikmat luar dari dirinya.
makan ringkas, pakaian ringkas. minimalist serba serbi. zero demand. simply sustenance.

tahukah kita apa yang kita kejar/crave untuk sesuatu adalah kerana kurangnya sesuatu dari diri kita sendiri.?

apabila terus mengejar cinta dan sering kecewa dalam percintaan kerana kurangnya mahu berkongsi kasih sayang dengan semua dengan cara yang baik.
apabila berasa marah kepada seseorang atau sesuatu kerana tidak tahu teknik mengatasi isu tersebut dengan bijak.
apabila mencari2 kekayaan harta benda apabila hati kosong/poor daripada mensyukuri apa yang ada.

sesiapa yang tidak berbelas kasihan antara satu sama lain mempunyai kehidupan yang lebih dahsyat dari kematiannya.

rahsia alam. petanda sesuatu yang baik berlaku adalah apabila sesuatu yg bertentangan dari perkara baik sedang berlaku.

misalnya omen mengatakan apabila burung merpati menumpang berbuat sarang di rumah kita bermakna petanda nasib buruk akan datang. frekuensi, energy yang datang dan pergi selaras dengan kuasa tarikan minda kita. serta usaha kita merealisasikan impian palsu/benar.

nasib buruk yang besar datang dengan hebat. tetapi rupa2 nya petanda kehadiran merpati sebagai 'penghantar pesanan' bahawa perkara buruk yang bakal hadir itu tidak lebih dari permulaan kehidupan baru.

secara lebih jelas I ringkaskan. kisah2 hidup yang rumit telah berakhir dengan membawa impak yang sangat hebat/dahsyat buat penghuni rumah. dan penghidupan yang baru bakal bermula. semoga penerima tetamu merpati bersedia dari segi mental.

belajar daripada pengalaman memberi peluang kepada kita untuk lebih sedar dan faham.

hukum tarikan ada akibatnya. samada yang bergerak itu perasaan mahupun perbuatan. walaupun sebesar zarah. jadi berhati2 dan perlu bertanggungjawab atas setiap perkataan, perbuatan dan pemikiran. segalanya bakal dan pasti berbalas.


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 Author| Post time 2-7-2018 08:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dimensi yang padat atau rendah tidak dapat memberi ruang kepada dimensi yang lebih tinggi untuk ditembusi.

seperti yang diketahui, semakin tinggi dimensi, semakin halus lah ia maka bebas daripada kekeliruan.

meningkatkan kesedaran adalah kunci untuk mendekatkan diri kepada sumber asal. untuk mencapai equilibrium. untuk mencapai titik zero. enlightenment.

bagi sesiapa yang stuck atau masih berada dalam kekeliruan, argument, kusut, hilang makna, lost, depression, hbp, worst case: hallucinations, bergantung kepada ubatan2 hospital, chronic diseases, infertility etc etc.


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 Author| Post time 2-7-2018 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Saussurea at 2-7-2018 10:47 PM

Terdapat manusia yang berpersonaliti tidak mahu sembuh dari sakit. Mungkin mereka lebih sukakan perhatian yang mereka terima dalam penyakit mereka.

Mungkin mereka ada tabiat tidak sedarkan diri yang negatif dari nature yang dibawa,  yang menghalang penyembuhan mereka (iaitu keengganan untuk memaafkan seseorang, keinginan untuk perhatian, rasa tidak layak, etc etc).

Walau apa pun, niat untuk penyembuhan akan dilaksanakan hanya jika orang tersebut berniat ingin disembuhkan

hakikatnya, kita tidak dibenarkan untuk menyembuhkan sesiapa yang bertentangan dengan kehendak mereka.

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Post time 3-7-2018 08:01 AM | Show all posts
Agree dengan semua pandangan TT dan so happy when read all the stories...hope ada lagi forumes yang dapat share their experience...

i selalu terlibat dengan rasa gelombang hati / minda nie...cuma xsure that gelombang sampai or x kt person yg kita ingat / hantar if i tengah mengingati seseorang dengan sgt mendalam, then that person selalu akan posting something in his IG/FB, popup here there etc even tho the posting is not related to me...kalau macam tu, adakah that person can feels my mind's vibe until dia tertarik  to post something...?

iini xberkaitan dgn NDE but nak share je... 2 minggu before arwah abah i meninggal last year....around 2-3 pagi...i tdo dengan lenanya, but suddenly rasa angin bertiup lembut ke muka dan i terbangun...seram sejuk..masa terbangun tu hati tetiba rasa "kenapa aku rasa abah akan meninggal ya before sempat tengok aku kawen..."  .. dua kali terjadi hal ini waktu yg sama...dan mmg arwah abah meninggal selepas tu....

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2018 11:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kuncinya adalah fokus.

u mempunyai intuisi yang baik. telepati memerlukan fokus tanpa perlu fokus keras. bermakna tanpa adanya paksaan. misalannya untuk menghantar mesej kepada seseorang tanpa sengaja atau dengan sengaja. laksanakan seperti daydreaming. kerana pentingnya masuk ke tahap alpha, ketenangan menjadi ejen utama sebagai penghantar maklumat yang diniatkan.

seseorang yang mempunyai intuisi yang baik juga mudah mengesan signal dan pattern dari universe.
sekiranya kepekaan itu kita latih dengan mahir, maka mudah sekali untuk beresonasi menerima serta memahami maklumat kerana soul yalah menjadi peka pada tahap optimum. kita perlu bersedia emosi dan mental menghadapi peristiwa besar yg sudah pun kita ketahui melalui intuisi.

kadangkala kita rasa cuma imaginasi yang datang sendiri atau idle thoughts berkenaan peristiwa tertentu. hakikatnya itu adalah intuisi yang datang tanpa disedari dan ironinya peristiwa itu yang bakal terjadi dalam masa terdekat.

bermeditasi dapat membantu menaikkan kesedaran, kepekaan dan menajamkan intuisi yang sedia ada.

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Post time 4-7-2018 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by auza_chiyoko at 4-7-2018 12:41 PM
Saussurea replied at 3-7-2018 11:00 AM
kuncinya adalah fokus.

u mempunyai intuisi yang baik. telepati memerlukan fokus tanpa perlu fokus ...

TQ TT...cuma itulah macam TT cakaplah...kadang-kadang saya rasa intuisi saya tu sebagai imaginasi diri sendiri, khayalan ataupun bisikan syaitan yg membuatkan saya jadi takut akan sesuatu isu (cinta, life- mostly about cinta la haha)...thats y kita digalakkan berimaginasi perkara2 yang baik dan menghindari fikiran yang negatif, kerana ianya akan menarik negatif...tapi perkara ini susah nak dielakkan...ngeeee

Dalam situasi saya ni...jika saya yg mempunyai intuisi yang baik sebagai penghantar energy/perasaan...adakah si penerima ini menerima/merasa energy/perasaan saya juga?

bila saya mengirimkan signal kepada seseorang melalui hati / minda...sometime saya dapat rasa orang tersebut menerima signal saya...cuma, datang lagi satu bisikan yg menyatakan kepada saya like " xlah...cmon itu cuma imaginasi aku yg rasa dia menerima signal aku...ntah2 dia xde rasa apa kot...dia xdapat lah signal aku..aku jer perasan lebih.." ..Hal2 sebegini membuatkan saya keep berfikir negatif dan less confident..


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 Author| Post time 4-7-2018 01:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
auza_chiyoko replied at 4-7-2018 12:28 PM
TQ TT...cuma itulah macam TT cakaplah...kadang-kadang saya rasa intuisi saya tu sebagai imaginasi  ...


we must apply lod to manifest something we attract
like everything yang datang dalam hidup kita segalanya telah dirancang dengan sempurna tanpa disedari.

there is no such thing as cosmic coincidence. >>>this person is the one who lives in denial

sebab yang memberi command, bawah sedar. diri fizikal atau kesedaran anggota kasar cuma pelaksana.
anugerah yang tinggi bagi seseorang adalah keyakinan.(100%) apabila yakin, tiada yang mustahil. and no doubt. clear the blockage(ego)


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Post time 5-7-2018 01:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saussurea replied at 4-7-2018 01:17 PM

we must apply lod to manifest something we attract

Nak tau pendapat you kalau situasi mcm ni

Bila tgk jam nampak nombor 444 333 111 911 555 benda ni berlaku dengan kerap setiap hari

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Post time 5-7-2018 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Saussurea replied at 26-5-2018 01:43 AM
I mempunyai banyak kisah tentang pengalaman alam spiritual.

boleh dikatakan I dianugerahkan esp.  ...

are u an indigo baby?

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2018 05:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chanteksekali replied at 5-7-2018 01:25 PM
Nak tau pendapat you kalau situasi mcm ni

Bila tgk jam nampak nombor 444 333 111 911 555 benda  ...

this person is in sync with universe.

bagus jika ada journal. u boleh perasan pattern/message nya.

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2018 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 5-7-2018 05:00 PM
are u an indigo baby?

I cuma orang biasa. dan setiap orang unik.

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2018 02:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Spiritual Awakening and Characteristics of a Spiritually Awakened Person

Credit to: Dr Pran Rangan

When an individual begins the spiritual journey, one encounters many ups and downs in its course. The journey is marked with periods during which there is fast movement, and some other periods during which there is slower movement towards the goal.

Normally, we remain body conscious most of the time, even when we have begun the spiritual journey. With our best efforts, we are able to remain soul conscious for short periods of time. But gradually, with practice, we can remain soul conscious for longer and longer periods.

The process of transition from body consciousness to soul consciousness may be slow for some but faster for others. When a person, practicing spirituality, acquires a mental state, in which he or she remains totally soul conscious, then that person is said to have experienced spiritual awakening.

Therefore, spiritual awakening refers to a dynamic shift in consciousness and an appreciation of reality which had previously been unrealized. Such a realization is in the recognition of oneness with all of existence. One gets a core message after realization that the absolute truth is beyond all concepts and beliefs of man. Underneath all apparent differences lies a fundamental oneness.

All forms in existence arise from pure potentiality. The sages referred to this as Emptiness, the Tao, Brahman, Allah, God, while science may refer to it the zero point field or field of potential.

A spiritually awakened person no more identifies with the body, while living in the body and performing all its functions and activities. He has lost all sense of “I, Me and Mine”. His or her ego has dissolved completely. Such a person experiences no duality i.e., happiness or unhappiness, pleasure or pain, gain or loss and recognition or de-recognition don’t affect the person, which means that the person is equipoise in all diverse situations.

Despite experiencing emotions, one is not affected by them since the person is filled with love, kindness and compassion for all humanity.

A spiritually awakened individual never stops evolving spiritually since spiritual growth is lifelong process. According to the Apostle Paul, the spiritual growth is an ongoing process that will never end in this life.

Characteristics of a Spiritually Awakened Person

There are certain characteristics of the person who has attained spiritual awakening as mentioned below:

Since such a person identifies with the soul, he or she has completely lost the sense of ‘I, Me and Mine’. Although he or she performs all the activities of the body, such a person is totally unaffected by them. All actions are performed by the person without attachment to their outcomes.

The person has all the worldly possessions like wealth, material assets, name, fame, friends and relations and he or she enjoys them fully but if per chance he or she happens to lose any one of them, such a person is not affected at all by the loss, which cannot make him or her unhappy and miserable.

Such a person is never fearful of losing any thing in life since he or she has realized the fact that all worldly things are impermanent.

The spiritually awakened individual always uses the power of inner-self; the individual doesn’t struggle for approval of others or external power.

Such an individual has reached a mental state of equanimity and thus cannot be affected by anything or any situation that brings either happiness or unhappiness.

Fear, jealousy, hatred, animosity, greed or any other negative force has no place in the life of such a spiritually illumined person.

The individual is always very humble and has no sense of superiority to anyone since he or she views that everyone else is the same as he or she is but has donned different disguise. The individual understands that underneath those disguises lies the Universal Oneness.

Such a person doesn’t have wasteful and negative thoughts about him or her and about others because the true nature of the soul is divine. A spiritually illumined individual is free from all negativity of thoughts, words and actions. His or her thoughts are always elevated and, so, words and actions of such a person are also elevated and inspire others to emulate them.

A spiritually awakened person is not attached to anything including material assets, name or fame, relations, kith and kin, concepts, beliefs and, therefore, the person is not affected by them if something unfavorable happens to them. He or she is a detached observer and is emotionally not influenced by anything. He or she is equipoise at all time.

Such a person performs all the perfunctory duties faithfully in life but is not attached to their outcomes. And, so, whatever he or she performs, he or she does it to the best of the capacity and resigns its outcome to the Almighty as such a person firmly believes that the outcome will be in the best interest of all concerned, not only in his or her interest. All the acts of such a person are meant for the welfare of all concerned.

The spiritually illumined individuals are full of love, kindness and compassion towards all including humans, animals, birds and plants. They always take care not to cause any damage to the environment. They love and enjoy nature which provides them opportunity to be present in the Now.

A spiritually awake person lives a life of voluntary humility and, so cannot harm or maltreat anyone. He or she will readily forgive the person who wrongs them. Forgiveness is a strong attribute of the person who practices voluntary humility.

Such an individual is always striving hard to grow spiritually instead of pointing out to the imperfections of others. Such a person doesn’t preach others but instead becomes a role model which others strive to follow.
Such individuals always respect the beliefs and opinion of others. They don’t impose their views and opinions on others.

They are always happy and, therefore, they spread happiness to all who come in their contact. Therefore, they attract happiness in ample amounts like a magnet.

They are free from any kind of greed since they are fully contented with what they have; they don’t aspire to possess more than their basic needs.

The spiritually awake individuals don’t get angry since they never have a cause for it. If someone gets angry on them, they don’t retaliate but forgive them readily.

Such individuals don’t criticize anyone because they don’t notice any fault in anyone. If anyone criticizes them, they gracefully accept it and find out something good in it that they may adopt to improve themselves.
They never try to control others because they believe in controlling themselves.

A spiritually awakened person has great power of tolerance, so such a person accepts all types of people, things, situations and circumstances unconditionally.

Such an individual speaks less but whatever he or she speaks is sweet and good.
Such persons have more inner silence because of reduced internal dialogue, which our mind is incessantly creating in the form of thoughts.

How to Get Awakened Spiritually?

Spiritual awakening necessitates some prerequisites for a person to fulfill faithfully, which include regular study of religious and spiritual scriptures and implementing those principles in life. The implementation of the principles in one’s practical life is more important because without it there will occur no spiritual awakening.

The process of spiritual awakening is time-consuming and that is why many aspirants give it up. To achieve it the aspirant requires to follow steadfastly spiritual principles. One will have to strive hard to keep up one’s spiritual growth even if one has been successful in achieving spiritual awakening. Below are mentioned some of the ways to be adopted in the process of spiritual awakening -

Observe silence – The observance of silence daily for a period of time will give us mental strength to reduce the number of thoughts produced by the mind because the more we speak, the more thoughts we create in our dialogues.

If we speak less, we will create less of inner dialogue which is expressed as our dialogues with others. If there is less inner dialogue, there is more inner silence, which is a prerequisite to commune with cosmic silence of the super-consciousness. To attain divine qualities, one has to have communion with super-consciousness, which will fortify one’s own consciousness.

Initially, one can observe shorter periods of silence which can be gradually increased depending upon one’s progress. When one becomes quite adept at observing such periods of silence, then one can have such more extended periods for hours and days.

Be non-judgmental – We are mostly judging people, things, events or situations in comparison to the standard benchmarks, firmly established in our sub-conscious mind from our past experiences and conditioning. As a result of these comparisons, there is lot of internal dialogue in our mind, which is expressed as views, opinions and perspectives.

This causes lot of stress and unhappiness in us when, what we judge, does not measure well up to our benchmarks. If we stop being judgmental intentionally, we will be able to reduce internal dialogue in our minds. And, therefore, we can create inner silence by not being judgmental, which will in turn reduce our stress. When we develop inner silence, we communicate with the cosmic silence to derive divine qualities from the super-conscious realm.

Give and receive – It is a universal law – what we give to others will come back to us more. For example, if we give love to others, we too will receive it; if we give happiness to others, we will receive it too. So, let us give more of what we lack so that we will receive it more. Giving and receiving connects our self with the self of others, which means that we are connecting to the cosmic divine realm.

Meditate – A regular practice of meditation connects us to super-conscious realm that imparts us its divine attributes. Regular meditation and prayers are potent methods of achieving spiritual evolution.

Summary -

Spiritual awakening takes place, when a person experiences a dynamic shift in consciousness, in which the person no more identifies with the body. The person identifies always with the soul, although performing all the functions and activities with the body.

Such an individual always has an attitude of a detached observer. Nothing can touch the individual emotionally, as such a person has emotions of love, kindness, empathy and compassion towards all. The person always maintains the poise of equanimity and is contented in any situation. He or she has completely surrendered to the will of the Almighty; he or she always firmly believes that whatever is occurring in life is His wish and is beneficial to him or her.

The process of spiritual growth is unending and even continues to take place in a person after the attainment of spiritual awakening.

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Post time 11-7-2018 11:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bestnya baca ilmu baru dari TT..jarang sgt org faham dgn ilmu mcm ni..ttg sub-conscious mind..jenis2 Law dlm dunia ni, vibration & enlightenment semua tu..

Sy skrg pun tgh belajar2 amalkan neural, affirmation setiap hari di waktu ‘Golden Time’ Baru lebih kurg 2 mggu amal..dah blh rasa situation hari2 yg kita hadap x seteruk dlu..dulu sy byk regret the past and risau abt future..skrg Alhamdulillah..byk dduk di ‘state’ Present Moment  Jd minda x berapa nak kacau sgt bila kita conscious hehe

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Post time 12-7-2018 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TT betul ke utk dapatkan apa yg kita ‘NAK’ kita tak boleh berada dlm situasi ‘wanting’ ‘needing’ sebab situasi tu dtg dari perasaan ‘dissatisfactions’ or ‘insufficiency’. Jdi sgt penting the mind state waktu tu utk align dengan sesuatu yg kita MAHU being manifest. Mcm tu lebih kurang..ada youtube ttg hal ni dari Eckhart Tolle.
Kalau betul..patutlah jika kita rasa nak sgt sesuatu..kita x bila kita rasa ‘nak’ tp buat2 x tahu..cukup mudah utk di manifested..

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2018 01:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juliyanarayhan replied at 12-7-2018 12:02 AM
TT betul ke utk dapatkan apa yg kita ‘NAK’ kita tak boleh berada dlm situasi ‘wanting’ ‘needing ...

kesedaran sebenar adalah yang dicari dalam setiap Mana2 unsur dan tenaga, dengan tujuan, untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan abadi.

kekeliruan apabila individu mencari kebahagiaan sementara yang terletak pada ruang yang padat/kasar,dan terhad. misalannya kecantikan rupa, atau harta benda, makanan yang banyak serta lazat, keluarga, sahabat, tenaga pekerja, etc.

bergantung kepada kebahagiaan sementara mengakibatkan kematian, kekecewaan dan kerosakan kerana ia bersifat tidak kekal.

kebahagiaan dicapai bila kita berada di sudut 0/360°

yang tidak sempurna akan sentiasa mencari2 pasangan/sumber luar sehinggalah ia berjaya untuk mencapai keseimbangan. hukum tarikan berlaku. selagi keseimbangan tidak dicapai, hukum tarikan sentiasa akan berlaku. kekeliruan berlaku kerana naik turun nafsu.(api)

mengawal api ialah mengawal salah satu energy yang liar dengan unsur2 yang lain.

mengosongkan fikiran sangat membantu mengurangkan nafsu dan niat2 palsu.

memanifestasikan sesuatu dari alam ghaib ke alam kasar (mind to object) (loa) demi kehendak/nafsu lebih mendatangkan banyak mudarat. (becareful what u wish for)

melatih diri merasa sudah berkecukupan (law of detachment) juga menarik rasa kesyukuran.


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Post time 12-7-2018 11:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saussurea replied at 12-7-2018 01:45 AM
kesedaran sebenar adalah yang dicari dalam setiap Mana2 unsur dan tenaga, dengan tujuan, untuk ...

Igtkan nak jadikan Mind to Object..boleh je nak ‘tarik’ apa2 yg kita nak..rupa2 nya x boleh suka2 hati jugak..apa makna kebahagiaan dduk di 0/360 tu TT..mcm mana nak tau kita smpai kt situ..
Apa maksud kawal api ialah dgn mengawal salah satu energy yg liar dgn unsur2 yg lain..byk ilmu TT nie..sekarang dlm kelas..saya diajar utk manifest kan perkara yg saya mahu dlm bebas utk visualise apa yg sy mahu dlm hidup..contohnya rumah impian, nak travel, nak income byk mana, nak ‘menarik’ orang2 positif dlm hidup.. ok kan TT

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Post time 12-7-2018 12:28 PM | Show all posts
TT punya pengalaman ni sama macam pengalaman sorang kawan baik ai ni....gambaran kuning2 oren keadaan sekeliling tu memang sama.

dia heart beat dia berhenti dekat 4 minit dan koma beberapa ketika....lepas dia sedar memang body dia reset semua...dari mata,rasa,dengar semua reset.

akibatnya sampai ke hari ni dia leh nampak benda yg mata kasar tak leh nampak.

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2018 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juliyanarayhan replied at 12-7-2018 11:46 AM
Igtkan nak jadikan Mind to Object..boleh je nak ‘tarik’ apa2 yg kita nak..rupa2 nya x boleh suka ...


being less is more..

pernah dengar, "contentment is a state of heart". pure saint. noble people.
bila kaya hati seseorang itu, tiada apa kehendak yang nak dimanifestasi lagi.
cukup tak cukup asasi. seadanya.

0/360 adalah titik keseimbangan. being zero is being full. zero judgement. zero demand. silent and wisdom. pure consciousness.

Untuk menarik kekayaan,  adalah dengan menjadi 'kaya'
bila sudah kaya jiwanya, tak perlu kekayaan di luar lagi..
bila sudah cantik jiwanya, tak perlu mendamba kecantikan di luar lagi.
bila sudah mulia jiwanya, tak perlu mencari orang baik di sekeliling lagi. kerana dialah yang memberi kebaikan, memperlihatkan kecantikannya, menyumbang kemurahan jiwanya sesama makhluk.

cuba lihat dan bandingkan lautan, gunung ganang, tasik dan sebagainya.
ia memperlihatkan keindahannya, menyumbangkan khidmat air dan tumbuhannya pada manusia tanpa meminta balasan. berapa banyak kebaikan yang alam ini sedia dan tersedia untuk manfaat hidupan makhluk lain.

begitulah pengajaran untuk manusia diperlihatkan akan nikmat kemurahan rezeki.

yang senantiasa dinafikan.


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 Author| Post time 12-7-2018 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syahoney replied at 12-7-2018 12:28 PM
TT punya pengalaman ni sama macam pengalaman sorang kawan baik ai ni....gambaran kuning2 oren keadaa ...

Semoga sihat sembuh sepenuhnya semua ya Sya.

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