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Author: bawangkecik

"Ada Anak Kecik, Tak Payah Keluar Rumah!" - Netizen Berdebat Isu Strol

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Post time 12-4-2019 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tok sah lah sama kan anak2 sedara dgn anak sendiri. Anak sedara brperangai x sama dgn anak sendiri. Betul lah kata forumer, duk oversea boleh pulak bg laluan stroller kat primark. Sampai kat Malaysia dh x tahu bertimbang rasa.

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Post time 12-4-2019 11:10 PM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 12-4-2019 10:14 PM
Kalau gtu,xyah ler bwk pegi shopping mall y bsr2..xleh ek?budak2 mmg unexpected tp the way parents ...

ko ni lawak la sistur, apa hak kau utk halang parents utk pergi ke mall, semata-mata sbb parents ambil hak kau utk naik lift? mcm aku cakap sebelum ni pun, lift tu mmg hak semua org utk guna, but there are always someone who deserve it more than you. perbanyakkan sikit empathy u sistur, mana tau jadi oku plak pasni then org lain bising pasaipa depa kena bagi priority kat u especially kat lift yg "takde label utk prioritize kan parents, oku, ibu mengandung etc".

ko tau certain parents pun bukan suka sgt nak hari-hari menapak kat mall? most of the time org guna online platform dah la ni even nak beli roti or restaurant foods pun boleh je guna grab food. the thing is, takkan la selama ada anak kecik langsung takleh jejak kaki ke mall kot? ko kena tau jugak certain brg cuma ada kat mall je. i hope you know how terrible some online purchase can be especially when you need to see the product before buying. habis tu ko takleh nak shopping kasut kat sogo? shopping coffee maker kat jusco? shopping seluar kat f.o.s.? shopping lipstick kat mac? makan kat chilli's? ke mmg parents kena mereput kat rumah semata-mata sbb tak boleh guna lift milik hak bersama seluruh rakyat?

then bila anak tidur cepat-cepat balik rumah walaupun dia ok jah nyenyak tido dlm stroller takde sape ganggu - reason being??? dan selagi ko tak dapat habiskan your shopping trip (i.e. beli botol susu baru) esok ko kena dtg lagi halaaa laaa tak ke kurang cerdik kat situh

tell me about your one cainis friend yg anak dia tidur ikut time tu. the rule of generalization sistur, you cannot rely on one data then sapu rata. i keje dgn company cainis okay  dan dulu pernah keje kat negeri matsaleh and some of us group mak-mak yg ada anak kecik. i know them better la, sbb tu aku cakap kenyataan ko tu lawak ok. ada sorg tu pun gelak je, malas dia nak berdebat dgn u, aku je yg gigih.

come back when you have children (plural) of your own. jgn mereputz kat dlm rumah ye sistur, nanti postpartum disorder.

p/s: taking escalator from LG to L6 is not something of a wonder


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Post time 12-4-2019 11:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 12-4-2019 10:02 PM
Belum salu gk jln2 ngn anak buah aged 2yo plus y mmg quite tak duk diam..and i didn't bring ...

Sorry nak ckp lah. Dulu aku penah jd mcm ko. Makcik bawa anak buah 4 org skali gus jalan2 ke mall. Aku sorang jah. Anak buah aku mmg dgr cakap aku...
Walopon akak abg aku dok bebel anak dia dgn diorang nakal ribut giler.. Tp dgn aku okey jah dgr ckp..

Bila aku jadi mak. Baru ku tauuu... Anak sndri x sama dgn anak buahh. Anak2 aku dgn aku dah mcm hape. Ributt... Tp dgn makcik pakcik diaa okeh plak dgn kata.. Sbb tu jgn ckp lebih.. Sbb aku dh penah rasa ape yg ko rasa.. Kikiki

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Post time 12-4-2019 11:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dokupangg replied at 12-4-2019 10:33 PM
bas kat england pun mmg disediakan tempat khas utk mommies with strollers sbb mommies kat england  ...

100!!!! Bravooo siss

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Post time 12-4-2019 11:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orang muda Malaysia ni makin tak berkualiti. Kalau berterusan mcm ni, bersedialah kita2 ni nanti  dibuang anak2 ke rumah orang tua. Empathy tu dah takde.

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Post time 13-4-2019 01:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Selalunya jarang orang negara maju bawak baby pegi mall.. dorang hired babysitter je..sebab ape.. dorang ade kesedaran dari segi kesihatan lagi2 musim campak nonvaksin nie ...n dulu kan ade kes baby kene colek ..mase letak dalam stroller. ..ngeri...lagipun ade kes baru kan stroller termasuk baby n ibu kene langgar...mati dua2..

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Post time 13-4-2019 03:04 AM | Show all posts
Yang hentam parents ni samada takde anak lagi, bujang atau mmg kurang hajar takde kesedaran sivik.

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Post time 13-4-2019 05:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mialunar replied at 13-4-2019 01:53 AM
Selalunya jarang orang negara maju bawak baby pegi mall.. dorang hired babysitter je..sebab ape.. do ...

Satu la I noticed parents kat Malaysia ni. They feel entitled just because they’ve kids. Tak kisah la at a mall or even workplace. Kalau in mall, expect org faham situation dia. Kalau in airport, expect org give way to them for check-in; walaupun dtg lmbat. Kalau in a workplace, hanya dia je layak for special treatment.

And I agree with you. I live abroad for a number of years (and travel quite frequently); if possible, they’ll hire nanny should they have to go out to run errands, or have a date, etc. And I’ve seen how an airline turn a family down because they couldn’t make it in time.

Don’t get me wrong. Kalau I mampu, nak je I cater to each parent whims and wants- but let’s face it. We’re all humans. We all have our own issues. Setakat yg sihat, muda, couple2 ni; carila escalator - best apa jln2 merendek guna escalator. Lg pnjg conversation and eye-contact. Yg parents plak - kalau lif dh penuh tu, pndai2 cari alternative for next visit. Don’t always expect org akan faham dgn kita.

IMHO, I pun tak berkenan parents yg bawak anak2 kecik kat mall. They’re prone to diseases. Byk lg family activities yg kita bleh buat. I for one love to bring my nephews and nieces for a swim then wash all their gunks before bringing them for a meal. After that tidur la sepuas2nya. Tak payah nk hadap sgt manusia2 kat mall tu.

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Post time 13-4-2019 06:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 13-4-2019 05:57 AM
Satu la I noticed parents kat Malaysia ni. They feel entitled just because they’ve kids. Tak kisa ...

Well said..masa anak aku kecik jarang aku bawak g mall sbb akan terdedah dgn macam2 ..
Terutamanya penyakit...mcm2 org kot dlm mall..
Dan kalau bawak pn masa non peak hours..n xpernah ada stroller dan xpernah beli..mostly aku dukung je anak bergilir2

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Post time 13-4-2019 07:05 AM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 13-4-2019 05:57 AM
Satu la I noticed parents kat Malaysia ni. They feel entitled just because they’ve kids. Tak kisa ...

why parents, oku, elder person get the priority in airport, using lift, and supposedly some other public facilities? for you it's a convenient way. for them, it's the only way. spare your thought for others la. again with my mantra - have some empathy, or more common sense, there are always someone who needs it more than you. kat airport pun, i mean a few airport kat europe la, they give priority kat parents with small children for boarding and there is a reason why, and nobody questions pon. jangan la benda remeh berebut lift ni pun sampai nak kena government buat regulations to prioritize lift pulak because people cannot be courteous and think courtesy is dispensable.

going out to date, run errands, mmg la kena hire babysitter kak takkan u nak bawak anak pegi ngedate. iols dulu pun pernah keje sana i had my own babysitter bila kena pegi keje or on urusan penting. tp takkan la weekend ko nak spend time with your kids pun nak kena tinggal kat babysitter, nanti dipersalahkan lagi bila kena rape mcm baby baru-baru ni, pastu parents jugak yang kena: sape gatal suruh keuar beli brg, and mcm your friend kat atas tu cakap, biar mereputz duduk dlm rumah tak keluar-keluar gitu.

"kalau lif dh penuh tu, pndai2 cari alternative" and yep i used escalator most of the time, every time aku pegi mall, regardless of how people think about it. if i had time, i can record a video how long do i have to wait for the lift but tak koser aku, aku spend kat mall pun biasanya in an hour je.

dan mostly parents pun malas ok nak keluar beramai-ramai dgn bebudak ni, we only bring them ONCE IN A WHILE so next time you go the mall ask the parents bulan ni berapa kali dorg menapak kat mall tu? we all are very busy with work and small kids, unlike some losers who have too much time to berkeliaran kat dlm mall takde hala tuju. most of the time pun we all go for outside activities but sometimes because of the weather (too hot or rainy) mall is the only way to vent out for ALL of us. i think individual yang kena learn how to live with people with different ages from babies to the elderlies. ke dorg yg rasa entitled semua tempat ni dorg yang punya

i suka je bawa anak i pegi mall walaupun byk disease, even kat airport disease dia lagi bahaya sbb tempat berkumpul orang dari seluruh pelusuk dunia, he gets to boost his immunity some more . thing is, we parents pegi mall bukan nak "hadap manusia" pun, same like in airports, we nak hadap "barang nak dibeli".

"And I’ve seen how an airline turn a family down because they couldn’t make it in time." Airlines turn down ANYONE if they couldn't make it in time, some don't take it very well regardless if heshe a parent or not.


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Post time 13-4-2019 08:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ejans replied at 12-4-2019 11:17 PM
Sorry nak ckp lah. Dulu aku penah jd mcm ko. Makcik bawa anak buah 4 org skali gus jalan2 ke mall. ...

Anak2 klu dgn org mmg well behave..

Cuba fkr..ank2 kt nursery...igt klu perangai dorg sama kt umh, cikgu blh control ke? Lain beb...klu x, x kn berani cikgu nk bwk ank2 kecik pegi lawatan...

Kt school cikgu mmg ada training utk early education...yg kita mak2 ni ikut naluri n rutin je...

Pendek kata, mmg bdk2 dgn org lain, jd behave ckit..hihi

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Post time 13-4-2019 08:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dokupangg replied at 12-4-2019 11:10 PM
ko ni lawak la sistur, apa hak kau utk halang parents utk pergi ke mall, semata-mata sbb parents a ...

Tq for explained clearly beb.

Kdg2 org yg tulis myb x put their shoes in our place ..

Myb die blm kawin..or xde ank...but still human sense tu mcm hilang..empathy dh xde...last2 mak2 yg ada ank kecik yg yg xnk naik esc plak yg btl...


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Post time 13-4-2019 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Ank aku 2 tahun ke bawah jarang sgt bawa theyolss pg tempat  public, mcm ada sorang forumer mention penyakit dimana2 kitarang mg jarang keluar. Nk beli groceries we takes turn beli. Sekarang masing2 dh besar keluar sampai lebam!!

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Post time 13-4-2019 08:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 12-4-2019 09:52 PM
Alasan je kot ni..budak2 y ada dpn mata aiolzs 2yo plus ada y tak duk diam n ada y quite behave..s ...

ko hengat ahli mesyuarat ke nak bwk buncang..2y.o nak bwk bincang?bape org anak dah ni?tanye je

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2019 08:39 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 12-4-2019 10:14 PM
Kalau gtu,xyah ler bwk pegi shopping mall y bsr2..xleh ek?budak2 mmg unexpected tp the way parents ...

awak ada anak belum?

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Post time 13-4-2019 08:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yang ckp ada anak kecik xyah kuar rumah tu..
Ada je yg boleh ikut
Tapi yang bg cadangan tu nanti agak agak boleh tak x kuar rumah bila ada anaknkecik?

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Post time 13-4-2019 09:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I okay je kalau ikut turn. Yang take okay bila ada yang berebut2, yang tu I marah sedangkan dia lenggang kangkung je. Kita ngan stoller boleh ikut turn, so kena ikut turnlah. Tapi some people are really low mentality and I am not okay with that.

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Post time 13-4-2019 10:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iollss mmg akan bawak stroller klu gi shopping mall. Senang sbb anak behave klu duk dlm tu. So klu nak naik lift tp ramai. Iollss akan naik eskalator. Lipat stroller and dukung anak kejap. Koserr lah nk tggu lama2.

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Post time 13-4-2019 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenapa nak bawa baby jalan2 ke mall? Kalau nak beli barang, tak boleh salah seorang parents duduk dalam kereta atau tunggu di rumah dengan budak2 tu?
Kalau bawa anak jalan2, baik bawa ke tempat riadah. Jalan2 dekat luar dan bukan dalam mall.
Patutnya beratur nak naik lift. First come, first serve. Banyak yang macam sihat, ada sakit lutut.

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Post time 13-4-2019 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissVixen replied at 13-4-2019 10:58 AM
Kenapa nak bawa baby jalan2 ke mall? Kalau nak beli barang, tak boleh salah seorang parents duduk da ...

Salah bawa baby ke mall? Are you sure??

Kalau sakit lutut tp menapak juga ke mall buat apa? Naik escalator pun bergegar  ye lutut? Kalau camtu yg sakit lutut, elderly, oku semua dok rumah jela. Keluar pun byk penyakit mana tau nanti tetiber dpt AIDS.

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