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Reply #31 siberilmu's post
Recent evidence suggests that losartan, an angiotensin II antagonist, is not typically associated with development of sexual dysfunction and may actually positively impact several indices of sexual function (erectile function, sexual satisfaction, and frequency of sexual activity) as well as perceived quality of life. Thus, angiotensin II
antagonists may offer a therapeutic option to prevent or correct erectile dysfunction in patients with hypertension. "
So, boleh cuba losartan |
Originally posted by zerozone at 14-2-2008 04:53 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Recent evidence suggests that losartan, an angiotensin II antagonist, is not typically associated with development of sexual dysfunction and may actually positively impact several indices of sexu ...
aku pun makan losartan......
so siberilmu... welcome to the club |
ooo nak makan ubat nie nak kena rujuk doktor dulu ker...ko makan ubt tuh....kira selalu la nyanyi negaraku ler![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
so far, tak de la selalu.... tak pasal2 kang kat opis negaraku aku nak sondol apa???? but it perform whenever required. So far bini aku tak pernah complain anything selepas lampu bilik ditutup... tapi kadang2 memang tak tutup lampu pun..... |
Semalam aku jumpa Dr, dia a General Practitioner, borak2 ngan dia bagitau, masa yang terbaik unutk check tekanan darah adalah waktu pagi dalam pukul 6 ke pukul 9. Sebab waktu tu biasanya tekanan darah kita adalah paling tinggi.... so, kalau check waktu tu tekanan darah kita ok, means it should be okay.
Dia kata lagi... kalau ada device yang boleh check tekanan darah tinggi kat rumah boleh buat sendiri... bangun pagi je... terus check tekanan darah. Sebelum pegi mandi ke... pegi toilet ke.... |
make strides towards better health
Being physically active is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent or
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Consider these tips to stay motivated with a walking plan
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angketam... boleh tau source statement tu dari mana? |
assalamualaikum.. tompang lalu..
nak join skali topic ni..
Saya pregnant 9bln sekarang.. tapi, adapi masalah HBP.. yang peliknye, blood pressure level bwh tu yg tinggi... cthnye, my first reading is : 120/100... sket lagi nak kene tahan
ward.. sampai 5 kali check, 5 kali rehat, barulah doc bg balik umah.. doc kata, kalu BP 140/90 for pregnant mum , dikira tahap bahaye.. betol ke?
lepas kejadian tuh, doc advice me to monitor daily BP.. dalam tempoh 5 hari, my bp reading :
120/99 , 120/89 , 120/85 , 120/83 then alhamdulillah masuk ari ke 5 become 120/80..
kenape ekhh jadik mcm ni ?... blood level bwh tu yg tak stabil... ia disebabkan ape ekhh.. ?
seminggu sebelum doc suspect BP not stabel, saya diberi Pottasium Citrate (15ml) & Bacampicillin (400mg). this is due to kencing kotor (pus cell >100). Tapi, lepas makan ubat2 tu selama 5 hari, it reduce to 6~8. Adakah kerana ubat2 nie yg contribute to my HBP?
:re: |
ramai jugak yer tergolong dalam kelab nih....![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #38 nizamje's post
dapat dari Malaysian Health Guide... |
aku kes terbalik plak..low blood pressure,camna nak bagi naik?ada kata darah aku ni kurang |
hari ahad semalam ada cerita pasal darah tinggi kat suratkhabar Mingguan Malaysia. Sapa ada baca? ANy komen? |
kasik up sket topik ni.....
aku baca yang orang darah tinggi ni elok makan benda2 yang kaya ngan potassium.... so nak tau gak apa benda yang banyak potassium./?? |
thank u for the thread..bole Bon kongsi suka duka dpt HBP nih..
Bon disahkn dpt HBP ni masa wat employee medical check-up (masa dpt keje baru) bulan 12 yg lalu (umur Bon 30thn...guess what reading masa tu ialah 200/120! mmg tinggi giler! 3,4 kali doc amik & siap suruh baring dan rehat tpi still tinggi. Doc tu tanya mcm2 psl family health background, tanye dtg hosp tu bwk kete sorang2 ke, symptom2 mcm pening or pitam..semua takde except for jantung berdebar2 je. Bon mmg camtu jenis cukup risau & mesti berdebar2 esp. kalo nk jumpe doc (in medical terms, they call it "white coat hypertension" - BP naik masa jumpe doc je).
Doc tu tk puas ati & won't close the check-up. I was then asked to be admitted to a different hospital for further investigation. (Kalau nk diikutkn, kene naik ambulan lagi..). He even sort-of 'threatened' me - kalau tak nanti Bon tk dpt keje baru tu. Huwaaa..lagi la aku tension sbb dh tender resignation kt company lama.
So to cut a long story short, I was admitted to a hospital for 4 days. Byk investigations dh buat i.e. blood, urine, ECG / ECHO, mata, scan kidney & liver..Alhamdulillah semuanye ok and normal. Mula2 tu susah jgk BP nk turun. Doc bgtau ekcelli dh lama BP Bon ni tinggi, sbb tu susah nk turun. They gave me 2 types of medication; Adalat LA (60mg) and Micardis Plus.
Upon nk discharge tu, alhamdulillah BP turun to 140/90. The doc even said my ideal BP is 135/90 mcm tu (considering my body weight, lifestyle etc).
So I was diagnosed with "Young Hypertension". Skrg kene gi review once a monthand still kene mkn ubat. BP pun ok kdg2 140/85, kdg2 135/90. I was also asked to cut down on food intake (salt, fats etc) and to exercise (kene turunkn berat badan).
Tapi tu la, with the kind of hectic and yet sedentary life..bz keje balik malam kurang exercise, I can only exercise during weekends. Nowadays, pemakanan mmg Bon jaga. Kurang mkn nasik, lebih mkn sayur, snack pun bwk buah potong siap2 ke opis..tpi paling koman pun berat turun sekilo dua je...hehe. But most importantly, kene kurangkn stress, be happy & positive and taknak pikir byk2. I admit masa keje lama dulu tu tension sgt & constant pressure from bosses.. Now pun dh tak rasa berdebar2...kdg2 tu Bon saje letak tangan kt dada just to know whether my heart still pumping or not..awat senyap jee...
Tpi lately ni terasa mcm ada side-effects, allergic kt tgn..dh consult doc. Tpi doc bgtau, kalau allergic ubat, mesti satu badan kene & gatal2. Kene pulak mkn ubat lain plak utk gatal2 ni..Aiseh...dh lanjut usia ni mcm hal2..
Nak tanye la, is there any other alternative medicine/therapy utk HBP ni? since ramai ckp once kite mkn ubat, smpi bile2 pun kene mkn ubat... |
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Reply #44 nizamje's post
kalo tak silap kentang pisang banyak potassium.... |
salam guys...saya pn salah srg young hypertension jgk (mula2 takut dan x blh trima)...rupa2nye skrg rmi ek org muda kene hypertension nie...sy ni sbnrnye blm abis bt rawatan pn...rawatan tu maksudnye nak cari sbb knp dpt hypertension(mcm uols kene lah)...blm abis rawatan(Kt hospital kajang) sy kene posting ngajar ke sabah...so kt sabah nie sy x smbg pun utk treatment hypertension sy nie(nak smbg tp tmpt baru mcm blur sket)...pastu sy tak bagitau pn kt rakan2 sekerja penyakit sy nie...ader yg tau tp byk tak tau...3 tahun dh sy bawak penyakit kronik nie..ye kengkawan hypertension ni penyakit kronik tau...bahaya tul penyakit nie...penyakit ni tak boleh diubati tp blh dikurangi sahaja...sedih kan...sob3..
cmne sy kawal hypertension sy ialah...sy jaga pemakanan(skrg dh kurus smpi smua org tekejut)...dgn makan supplement(elken spirulina)...dan aktif sket2(aktif bila rasa nak je n jgn ikut ok)..hehe...pastu mkn ubat hospital bila rasa lain mcm(ini pn jgn ikut...ubat spital skrg plendil 5mg+metoprolol 100mg(beli sendiri kt farmasi...mahal lahhh)...so regim yg sy amalkan tu tekanan darah sll pd 140/90(tinggi jgk knn)...
sbnrnye sy lebh suker pada rawatan tradisional dan tak bergantung kpd ubat hospital...melalui pembacaan mmg ubat2 barat mendtgkan kesan sampingan...cth sprt pedih perut,mual n menurunkan nafsu seks(dh sakit takkan seks pn kuat kot?)...so disini sy mencadangkan spy kita dpt menyenarai rawatan2 tradisional yg blh menurunkan tekanan darah kita yg tinggi nie...tp yg paling pnting ianya kaedah yg mudah utk diamalkan lah..heheh
Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure. Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too.
so kengkawan ader petua lain tak?jom kongsi! |
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Reply #46 datintipah's post
yup. buah2an yg kaler oren or kuning byk potassium. |
emm harehak plak last month g check up darah 129/95...doktor kate u kena turunkan sikit berat badan,pada usia 29 tahun U da mcm nie..masih muda...emmm sejak harehak lahirkan anak sulung secara ceaser akibat tekanan darah tinggi sampaila sekrg darah tgi gak..tp tak mkn ubat ape2 pun just amalkan rendaman air asam keping for control the high blood pressure tu...(lgpun sejarah kuarga memang ramai yg ada darah tgi)![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Reply #3 nizamje's post
post nizamje betul2 tepat:
"sedangkan dalam jangka masa panjang ubat itu sendiri biasanya akan ada side effect"
nenek aku pun kena sakit jantung and high blood pressure tapi Alhamdulillah dah semakin sembuh. kalo nak tahu, CENTRIUM vitamin yang famous tu pun ada side effect kemudaian hari, tapi bila aku dah jumpa USANA (makanan untuk sel), aku bersyukur kerana Allah berikan ilmu kepada doktor mat salleh tu buat ciptaan ubat terbaik kat dunia...
Syukur aku ngan family dah sihat.. |
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