samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 19-10-2006 08:37 PM
dia bukan ada apa pun nak type.....
semua benda sama saja dari dulu sampai la....
badut dia tu...
:setuju::setuju: |
Originally posted by samerosie at 19-10-2006 09:15 PM
You had never "exposed" anything Debmey. What you have been doing all these while were cutting and pasting someone's elses ideas and "pretend" they were yours.
The only ...
Looks like you have no replies to teh exposure of the Quran hoax samerosie.
Too bad you are stuck in thsi stupid religion.
peace |
Reply #81 samerosie's post
it is useless arguing with the person who are ignorance....
for them ignorance is bliss.... |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 19-10-2006 11:17 PM
it is useless arguing with the person who are ignorance....
for them ignorance is bliss....
Ya betul!! |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-10-2006 11:03 PM
Looks like you have no replies to teh exposure of the Quran hoax samerosie.
Too bad you are stuck in thsi stupid religion.
Well, at least unlike you, I am not stuck being mentally incapacitated all my life.
[ Last edited by samerosie at 19-10-2006 11:39 PM ] |
AbdQadirJailani This user has been deleted
Debmey....why u still don't give me a facts? you want me to show you another weakness of bible???????????but u must belief on what u said first..if there is a contradiction...u will not belief the bible is the word of God but only a word of u dare?..............
[ Last edited by AbdQadirJailani at 20-10-2006 12:02 AM ] |
Don't run away Jailani.
Why don't you deal with the obvious flaw in your Quran first, only then come back and challenge the Bible. |
AbdQadirJailani This user has been deleted
Where did I run man????????..and why should I would run....hehehe...Where is the obvious flow in Quran???....u does't show me...In friends had shown u the answer about your past question.... It is only u are afraid the do a reseacrh because afraid to know about your fake Bible...I said before...We muslim believe in Isa and his Holy Injil...But not as a GOD...but only ordinary person but being choosen to be GOD messenger same as Muhammad s.a.w.We believe in Injil NOT the Bible because the Bible is a fake of Injil...Its create by human hand...every fact in the many version of Bible is differencess from one and another...stay the facts man......have u read all version of your Bible??????......
See your Bible "Matius" fasal 15 ayat 24.
" Maka jawab Isa katanya: Tiadalah aku diutuskan kepada yang lain tetapi HANYA kepada segala domba yang sesat di antara BANI ISRAIL"...So if the beliver of Kristian is NOT from Bani is stated that Isa said he can't help them.
If you don't want to believe me...u should open bible in version of Belanda with the title "Bijbellezingen voor het huizgezin". U open the fasal " De onderdanen van het koningrijk" halaman 834 ayat 12 which said " Toen de vrouw van Kanaan tot Christus kwan. Hem om smehende haar dochter te genezen, wat zei Hijroen? Maar Hijantwoordende, zeide: lk ben niet gezenden dan teot de verloren schapen van huis Israeka."...
which means... " Ketika seorang perempuan dari Kanaan datang kepada Al-Masih meminta-minta kepadanya supaya mengubati ( menyembuhkan) anaknya, lalu apakah katanya? Maka jawab Isa, katanya: Tiada aku DIPERINTAHKAN yang lain, hanya kepada segala domba yang sesat dari antara BANI ISRAIL."
so the verse shown us that Isa can't help another race accept BANI ISRAIL....
and u know what.....................
Usually DIPERINTAHKAN used for the someone which is GOD to his servent or messenger....Isa is only a messenger like muhammad s.a.w not a GOD....if u said he is GOD because he has no u should also said that Adam is your GOD number ONE because ADAM has NO FATHER AND person i had said ealier...HOW MANY GOD U HAVE????????? |
AbdQadirJailani This user has been deleted
Okay...debmey...this day I will go back to my hometown because of my HARI RAYA....about a week..when i came back i hope u can show me the fact just like i have showing you...if not you are wasting my is true what Quran had said... I will not run away like a chick...because I know the true....u should be ashame if u not defend your Bible because I'm only 19 years old...hehehe |
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 19-10-2006 08:37 PM
dia bukan ada apa pun nak type.....
semua benda sama saja dari dulu sampai la....
badut dia tu...
ada gak hang kat sini yerr :pmuka:
:setuju: :setuju: :setuju: ngan hang!paham nor dah aku ngan orang camni..pi mai pi mai duk tang tu jer! ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
If God write everything in the Quran, than it must be spoon feeding not the proof of divinity.What use of God created human a brain then.To be a robot?
A reason behind Allah didn't tell everything in the Quran is this, Allah wanted human to explore things.To use our brain to the maximum.Make us human always wanted to know more and more.Quran just giving a path and direction to it.If wasn't because of that, I don't think human can live a life like we're living today.
p/s:aku tulis ni utk orang muslim jer.Nak kuatkan aqidah kite semue ..'dier' tu bukan bleh terime punye.Ader je putar belit yg tak munasabahnye tuu...huhuhu
[ Last edited by vitruvian_man at 20-10-2006 07:45 AM ] |
Originally posted by AbdQadirJailani at 20-10-2006 06:19 AM
Where did I run man????????..and why should I would run....hehehe...Where is the obvious flow in Quran???....u does't show me...In friends had shown u the answer about your past question. ...
If you did not follow the thread, why bother to join the discusssion? |
Originally posted by Debmey at 20-10-2006 08:41 AM
If you did not follow the thread, why bother to join the discusssion?
hahaha.. why Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Debmey?? are you afraid of Jailani?? coward... |
Exactly, what are you folks afraid of? the truth about islam? |
hahaha... you admit it again.. |
Thanks, I admit the truth abt islam that it is a terrorists relogion.
What else you want me to admit? |
HAHAHAH... you try to twist it again... hahaha |
When did I twist anything? Please show me. |
first u admit that Islam is true.. but when you realize that, you still don't want to accept the truth even though the proof is clear.. and then you twist back your word by saying that you believe that islam is terorist religion.. |
Where? Where did I say Islam is true? Please show me. |
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