[quote]Originally posted by <i>mac_taylor</i> at 29-10-2008 10:56 AM <a href="http://forum.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=26728349&ptid=272596" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
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Sumber tenaga piring terbang UFO dari Nikola Tesla punya wireless electric technology?<br />
Ko baca kat mana? Habaq mai link seketul.
Masih dlm bentuk teori, bukan bukti.
Bagaimana Tesla blh mencipta piring terbang itu sdgkan sejarah piring terbang telah lama ada even sblm Tesla lahir ke dunia? :victory:
ingat tak masa dulu2..lampu dinamo yang dipasang kat tayar dpan utk nyalakan lampu beskal?UFO ni lbh kurang camtu jugak.sbb tu sesetengah saksi nampak kilauan cahaya yang terang kat keliling UFO tu...
bahagian tgh UFO tu akan berpusing dengan halaju tinggi untuk hasilkan tenaga elektrik...tu pun aku baca kat artikel pasal UFO ni.lama dah.masa tu aku sekolah menengah....
i pulak heran, napa semua kapal terbang diseluruh dunia ada 2 kepak, cuba kalau takde kepak tak boleh kah?
Kepak tu diperlukan utk menyeimbangkan kelajuan angin yg membolehkan sesebuah kapal itu terbang.
Tanpa ini, kapal xleh terbang. Melainkan teknologi kapal terbang aplikasikan teknologi UFO.
Xde bunyi, senyapppppppppppppppp jer...
Tau2 dah terbang.
Originally posted by mac_taylor at 2-11-2008 09:48 PM
Kepak tu diperlukan utk menyeimbangkan kelajuan angin yg membolehkan sesebuah kapal itu terbang.
Tanpa ini, kapal xleh terbang. Melainkan teknologi kapal terbang aplikasikan teknologi UFO. ...
ni i hadiahkan kkat you, katanya penyiasat kat turkey dah sahkan bahawa video ini adalah tulen bang! mcm ni ke ufo yg u nampak,
kalau bukan mcm ni, maksudnya uols nampak belon
siap leh nampak occupant at 4:32
i nak tanya, adakah mereka ini adalah tentera highlander07? adakah mereka adalah indigo? sebab wujudnya mereka adalah dlm bentuk jasad...
sbb takkan jin boleh manipulasikan objek jasad or material???
I dont know what these things are. We filmed them several times and they are totally unknown to us. I was very excited when I saw them and I want the world to know that UFOs do exist, Mr Yalman said.
Almost two-and-a-half hours of footage was filmed featuring a variety of objects ranging from incredible flying saucer-type 'craft' to clustering orb-like lights hovering in the night sky, the Sirius UFO Space Science Research Centre in Turkey said.
The centre's UFO researcher Haktan Akdogan said physical forms of UFOs and their metallic structures were clearly noticeable in the video.
"What is more important is that in the close-up of some footages of the objects, entities in them can be distinctly made out," he said.
Mr Akdogan said he had analysed the video and come to the conclusion that it was "100 per cent genuine".
"The objects filmed are structured objects and are not the result of misidentification or natural phenomena, aircraft or astronomical objects," he said.
"They are not the results either of any kind of computer animation. Now is it a time for world governments to acknowledge the reality of UFOs."
"The images captured on film are expected to have a tremendous impact throughout the world and they are the most important UFO images ever caught on camera."
This is one of the clearest videos of a ufo ever filmed. It was released only recently and it shows alot of detail. At some parts of this video the craft appears to be changing it's shape and disappearing altogether. This is common in some ufo videos such as the one filmed by George Adamski, notice how the domes on the bottom of the craft grow and shrink:
The ufo itself isn't changing shape, but the fabric of space and time surrounding the craft is. The beings inside the craft wouldn't notice the craft changing shape at all
ni i hadiahkan kkat you, katanya penyiasat kat turkey dah sahkan bahawa video ini adalah tulen bang! mcm ni ke ufo yg u nampak,
kalau bukan mcm ni, maksudnya uols nampak belon
KiwD ...
Klu ikut rekod lepas2, UFO ni bukan hanya ada 1 bentuk jer.
Yg shape mcm 'keranda' pun ada.
Time i tgk UFO, masa tu kamera handycam xde lagi.
So xleh nak zoom in.
Jin MEMANG ada kelebihan utk memanipulasikan 'material/jasad'.
Sebab tu ada jin yg blh menyerupai kucing hitam, ular, monyet, etc...
Tapi proses pertukaran 'jasad' itu, sgt menyakitkan jin tersebut.
Sebab tu x semua bangsa jin boleh melakukannya.
Ada yg mmg diberi kelebihan utk blh bertukar bentuk, ada yg x boleh.
[ Last edited by mac_taylor at 3-11-2008 12:55 AM ]