Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt
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aku da install puppylinux ni...da install grub...sume da instal...tpi lepas au reboot die ckp bootmger fail ke ape da lupe.... |
Reply #80 aniqtmare's post
time tu ko boleh adjust kat menu-desktop-set date and time.. |
dan aku masa mula2 pakai linux..pakai bantai je..aku buat tiga partition..satu partition untuk windows xp,satu partition untuk linux dgn ext3 file system dan satu partition untuk swap...
dan tiada bantuan dari sapa2..just try... la ni aku guna puppylinux alpha 4.63 versi ubuntu... |
cikgu linux yg gigih.. |
Reply #85 budingyun's post
Originally posted by razhar at 26-4-2009 09:16
http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3728/p1f ...
cool.........mse da smpai kat desktop tu bukak install ek? |
Reply #88 aniqtmare's post
yup.... |
Balas #87 razhar\ catat
wah dah jadi linux topik lak..
best ke linuxpuppy tu? |
Reply #90 aniqtmare's post
ni aku rasa ko silap masa install grub...ko guna cara frugal or full installation? |
Originally posted by kastria20 at 26-4-2009 18:49
wah dah jadi linux topik lak..
best ke linuxpuppy tu?
How is Puppy Different?
- How is Puppy Different?
- Small size, around 93MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features
- 'Live' booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.
- Runs from RAM, making it unusually fast for older or modern PCs and netbooks with solid state CF drives
- Very low minimum system requirements
- Boot time, well under a minute, on most systems 30-40 secs
- Usability and Compatibility
- Includes range of applications: wordprocessors, spreadsheets, internet browsers, games and image editors. Extra software in the form of dotpets. There is a Puppy Software Installer included .
- Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed. Hardware is automatically detected.
[ Last edited by razhar at 26-4-2009 19:01 ] |
Originally posted by razhar at 26-4-2009 18:49
ni aku rasa ko silap masa install grub...ko guna cara frugal or full installation?
yoyo aku guna frugal coz windows yg lepas kan da ade???kalo da ade os sebleum ni bukan ke guna frugal?? |
Originally posted by razhar at 26-4-2009 18:57
ko ni buat cara live boot cd or ko terus install? installation dia ada dua cara..1. full,makna nya ko copy semua file ke partition..2. frugal,makna nya ko tak copy main file..so nak guna ko m ...
nak boot camne lagi???aku de prob bootmgr missing ke error ntah laa lupe lak |
Reply #95 aniqtmare's post
dan aku mmg dah dari awal2 lagi dah siapkan 3-4partition yg kosong.. dari 650MB,aku dah pecah2 dgn partition dan sistem file yg sendiri... |
nak wat camne aku ade prob bootmgr missing..... |
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