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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 4-4-2011 09:46 AM | Show all posts
PKR, Snap masih bertelagah soal kerusi

KUCHING 3 April - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) hari ini melahirkan rasa kecewa terhadap Parti Kebangsaan Sarawak (Snap), yang terus berkeras akan bertanding tidak kurang daripada 27 kerusi pilihan mereka, sehingga menyebabkan rundingan menemui jalan buntu.

Naib Presiden PKR, Tian Chua berkata: "Kami dengan rasa kesal yang amat sangat usaha kami untuk mencapai pakatan pilihan raya dengan Snap bagi menghadapi pilihan raya negeri terus dikecewakan.''

"Di sebalik usaha kami untuk mencapai kompromi, ia kelihatan Snap tidak mahu mengadakan satu barisan padu bagi menghadapi Barisan Nasional (BN) pada pilihan raya negeri akan datang," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini.

Semalam, Presiden Snap, Edwin Dundang apabila mengumumkan calon parti itu mengkritik PKR ekoran sikap tidak acuhnya dalam pengagihan kerusi dan mendakwa ia semakin ketara menyebabkan PKR tidak mahu mengadakan pakatan pilihan raya dengan Snap.

Tian Chua, bagaimanapun mendakwa usaha PKR untuk mengadakan secara positif menerusi rundingan pengagihan kerusi, "Snap pula terus bersikap degil."

Tian Chua berkata, tuduhan Snap bahawa PKR bertindak berlengah-lengah dalam rundingan pengagihan kerusi adalah tidak benar dan bertujuan mengelirukan orang ramai.

"Sebaliknya, pelbagai surat dan pesanan dihantar kepada pemimpin Snap tidak mendapat jawapan ataupun maklum balas," dakwanya. - BERNAMA.

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Post time 4-4-2011 09:47 AM | Show all posts

ciney tempat tok?1st time kamek nengar...
Subulhansam Post at 4-4-2011 08:51

    Kalaka - dekat area Pusa, dalam bahagian Betong.

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Post time 4-4-2011 09:54 AM | Show all posts
dominique tak bertanding

ni berita dia
apa komen muntz mengenai langkah dap dan pkr ya ...
Magika Post at 4-4-2011 07:59

    Voon Lee Shan tu kan ada kes masuk mahkamah jugak kan.. rasanya DAP buang Voon pun masih boleh diterima lah. Tapi PKR buang Dominique? Dominique dah penat2 bagi satu kerusi kpd PKR, itu pun lepas berhempas pulas berlawan dgn BN & DAP. Adakah PKR ingat dia boleh dapat menang walau satu kerusi pun tanpa Dominique? Kalau ikut track record selama ini pun, banyak kerusi DUN yg ditandingi PKR yg kalah hilang wang taruhan. Kalau ada pun yg hampir2 menang, cuma 1-2 kerusi jah.

Bagi aku, walaupun Dominique nie mulut dia lancang, dan suka berperang mulut dgn DAP, tak sepatutnya PKR buang dia. Bagi aku aset PKR paling penting di Sarawak bukannya Baru Bian, atau even Anwar Ibrahim sendiri.. tapi Dominique. Kelalu sayau ia dibuai.. :re: :re:

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Post time 4-4-2011 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Camner nak perintah Sarawak, kalau sesama pembangkang pun berebut kerusi.

PKR dijangka tanding ta ...
Anak_Nogori Post at 4-4-2011 09:27

    Bagi aku senang jah.. PKR sebagai parti berasal bukan dari Sarawak, kenalah hormat dengan parti local. Bagi jer lah SNAP bertanding 27 kerusi.. bukankah ada balance 24 kerusi lagi lepas tolak PAS dan DAP? Bertanding jer lah kat 24 kerusi tu. Macam lah PKR boleh menang semua kalau bertanding banyak2 pun. :re: :re:

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:03 AM | Show all posts
PKR's Dominique Ng shocked over Padungan decision
Sulok Tawie

[email protected]

KUCHING (April 1, 2011): Incumbent PKR state assemblyman Dominique Ng Kim Ho is still in a state of shock that he is unable to defend his Padungan seat in the upcoming state elections.

In an announcement last Thursday night, PKR has agreed to let the DAP contest in Padungan in exchange for Batu Lintang.

Ng, who is also state PKR adviser, ousted Lily Yong Lee Lee of Sarawak United People’s Party-Barisan Nasional (SUPP-BN) in Padungan while in Batu Lintang, Voon Lee Shan of the DAP edged Chan Seng Khai, also of SUPP-BN, in the 2006 state elections.

For the April 16 state elections, Ng has made much preparation to defend Padungan for PKR.

In fact, there is no doubt that he has service the constituency well and to expectations.

When Sarawak DAP chairman Wong Ho Leng announced at a press conference that the DAP would contest in Padungan, it shocked Ng and his supporters.

Sarawak PKR liaison chief Baru Bian was present at the press conference.

Asked today to comment, Ng said:”I felt that my loyalty to the party has been repaid with betrayal and treachery by the current Sarawak PKR leadership. I have been betrayed and sold off by three State PKR leaders.

“PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was unaware of the announcement. There is, therefore, no final decision yet on Padungan,” Ng insisted.

According to him, Anwar was trying to negotiate with DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang for Padungan to be returned to PKR.

“At this moment, we (PKR) have just lost one safe seat because of an idiotic state leadership,” he said, accusing Baru of literally giving away Padungan to DAP without consulting the party's national leadership.

He said he himself was not even informed of the party’s decision.

Ng reasoned that there was no reason at all for the party to swap Padungan with Batu Lintang belonging to the DAP.

“I believe that I was one of the hardest working state assemblymen from PKR so there is no basis for me not to defend Padungan,” he said.

Ng said if DAP thought that it was strong in Padungan, then it was a mistaken belief.

He said ever since the DAP contested in  Bandar Kuching in the parliamentary elections, it always lost in Padungan, one of the two state constituencies under Bandar Kuching. The other being Pending.

“The DAP has never won Padungan in the state elections, either. Only PKR has won,” he said. “Based on these facts, how could the DAP claims that it is strong in Padungan?”

Asked on what his next move would be if the PKR national leadership fails to get Padungan back, he said:"We will have to wait. Right now, Anwar is trying to correct the situation.”

Baru could not be reached for comment as he is in Ba’Kelalan, the seat which he is expected to contest in the coming state elections.

Sarawak PKR Wanita chief Norhanim Mokhsen, however, said the swapping of Padungan with Batu Lintang was endorsed by the national leadership.

“It is impossible for Anwar not to know,” she said, urging Ng not to be emotional on the issue.

She said she herself was left out from the party’s list of candidates, but still gave her support to the leadership.

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 73# MarryPottet

bagus nehskrg baru dulu masa nak gariskan nama aku tu tak pasan lak pegawai tu ade catit ape2satu lagi, tak sedar pulak bilik tuh ade pemerhati dari calon yg bertanding.ingatkan mase pengiraan undi je.

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 86# alesandra
PRU lepas balaci SPR hamjad tuh ada tulis nombor pd kertas undi semua pengundi2 kat tempat aku mengundi, not IC # but sort of mcm no siri
Yang pemerhati2 tu plak position dia setentang dgn meja kita pangkah undi tu

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Reply 87# MarryPottet

tulah..lepas pandang.benda2 neh walau nampak mcm remeh.tapi maha penting.spr pulak tak penah dlm  promo utk undi tuh highligth kan benda2 neh.padahal penting selain dari bawak i.c...lepas neh sorry la,buat taik, aku bantah!tapi nasib baik la adun,mp aku vote tuh menang

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Bagi aku senang jah.. PKR sebagai parti berasal bukan dari Sarawak, kenalah hormat dengan  ...
Muntz Post at 4-4-2011 09:56

PKR kan abang...adik bongsu kena hormat la yg tua..DAP kan dah serahkan satu kerusi pada PKR..demi persahabatan katenye.

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:10 AM | Show all posts
deman election sarawak has just BN has started it earlier with most of the national mass media suddenly have a special segment on Sarawak.....(selama tok sik da koh.....sik pernah ada feature kedak ya........paling jaik pun dapat segment 5 minit jak...)....anyways selamat ngundi to all muntz....sama2 lah kita tangga tv jak lah.........

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:11 AM | Show all posts

ciney tempat tok?1st time kamek nengar...
Subulhansam Post at 4-4-2011 08:51

alahai... dah berapa penggal dah yb tok jadi yb... harus kalah jak la lepas tok. DUN tok adalh utk sbhg saratok + Roban + daerah kecil Kabong.

Mengikut pola pengundian sblm2 tok, YB tok menang di Kawasan Saratok tapi kalah di Kawasan Kabong. Sik tauk la kali tok mcm nih

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by zach2008 at 4-4-2011 11:15
Kalaka - dekat area Pusa, dalam bahagian Betong.
Muntz Post at 4-4-2011 09:47

    Betul dlm bhg Betong... Area pusa adalah saribas (dari nama sg saribas). Kalaka adalah hasil nama sg kalaka. Kalu ikut jarak rasanya dekat lagi ke Sarikei dari Betong...

Ada khabar angin bertiup kencang, umno taja calon utk DUN nih. Mungkin propa calon bebas tu je kot

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Hj Adam belum kuar senarai calon Parti PAS kah?

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Senarai komen daripada pembaca Malaysiakini:

Pakatan's dilemma: Can Snap be trusted?
Apr 4, 11 9:09am
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your say'Even the loyalty of Pakatan's own people are not guaranteed, what more BN-friendly candidates with the possibility of receiving Taib's cash.'

Anwar ready go at it alone without Snap

Fair and Open: It's safer and better to have nothing to do with Snap or they will 'snap' at Pakatan Rakyat with threats even if they win.

Pakatan will maybe face more problems working with potential Snap frogs later should they form the Sarawak government. Even the loyalty of Pakatan's own people are not guaranteed, what more BN-friendly candidates with possibility of receiving Taib 'Pek Moh' Mahmud's cash.

2cts Worth: I believe Anwar Ibrahim is right to say that Snap has been 'bought' to divide the votes. That being the case, winning with Snap may be more disastrous than to go on alone.

There will be en masse frog-leaping after the elections from these power-hungry people. Sadly, governance is no longer people-orientated, but for the enrichment of the Umnoputras and their cronies.

Temenggong: Snap should go it alone with the 27 seats and wipe out PKR from Sarawak. PKR has no chance to win more than two seats.

Mongolia: Sarawak PKR needs to have more then 70 percent Sarawakian candidates to really have a chance of winning the Dayaks' sentiments. With this in place, it is alright for PKR-DAP-PAS to fight it all out against BN.

Snap on its own cannot take on the Taib Mahmud-led BN, unless it has a hidden agenda. Here, it seems Snap leaders are in two minds. It's safer for Pakatan to leave Snap out from the electoral pact.

Anonymous_4076: It is better for PKR to team up with Snap in spite of the risks. This will reduce the probability of the Dayak vote going the BN way in the constituencies where it is a straight fight between Pakatan Rakyat and BN.

In that sense, Pakatan stands to gain in those constituencies. But to gain this advantage, they have to give to Snap a fair number of seats (somewhere between what Snap is asking for and what PKR is willing to concede now). These seats will be at risk, should the opposition win a majority in the state assembly.

Will Snap then lean towards BN? Well, nothing is certain in politics. It all depends on the way things take shape after April 16. Leave it until then.

For now, just think about the issue at hand - does Pakatan have a better chance with or without Snap?

Peter Alau: This mother of all hypocrites, Anwar Ibrahim, could lie about almost anything. He's making wild allegations about Snap because he knows very well that Sarawakians who are anti-BN and who previously supported PKR are flocking back to Snap.

WikAdam: Anwar should honestly explain to the people who is funding PKR in Sarawak. But then again, maybe honesty is too much to expect from Anwar.

Who sold out to the tycoon with the partyless BN-supporting politician son in the Batang Ai by-election and thus dashing any hope of Pakatan making inroad among rural native Sarawakians?

Why is it only after 12 years PKR thought of appointing a Dayak to head the party in Sarawak? Has the welfare of native Sarawakians always been at the top of Anwar's or PKR's agenda?

PKR and Anwar are simply not sincere. Sarawakians should give their vote to Snap - a party that they can call their own.

Anonymous: It's clear many of these PKR and Anwar supporters are very gullible. Snap is in cahoots with BN just because Anwar said so? Taib Mahmud will give money to Daniel Tajem so that Snap can run against BN? Snap not supporting the opposition? Evidence for are nil while evidence against are many.

Please read Snap's press release yesterday where it categorically urges voters to vote for DAP and PAS. Anwar and those who believe his baseless accusations against Snap should have their heads examined.

Katemoss: Snap is not a Trojan horse. PKR is the one who is greedy and the spoiler. Why can't PKR make up its mind on who its candidates are? If they think their candidates are better than Snap's, why can't they show their list to Snap? After all, they are in the same boat. PKR, stop twisting the story to make Snap look bad.

Temuai: I still feel Snap has the support of the Ibans. Since Snap is an Iban-based party compared to PKR, they will win more Dayak votes. Come on PKR, please be more rational. I think with Pakatan's support, I am confident that the opposition will be in a position to win more seats. Please compromise and don't waste this golden opportunity to kick out the BN.

Ghkok: Please take note that Snap doesn't even have to re-join BN after the elections. Effective November 2010, BN accepts direct members. That means individual Snap members can join BN directly.

At the end of the day, a vote for Snap is a vote for BN. So it is not a three-cornered fight. It is still one-to-one - Pakatan vs BN.

Ferdtan: The Snap of the past is not the Snap of today. This new Snap, which had been in hibernation for more than eight years, are now flushed with funds.

The present leaders have been too inconsistent with their statements and actions for Pakatan to take them seriously as an anti-BN opposition. They had been accused by many, including MCLM, of receiving funds from BN friendlies and selling themselves to the highest bidder.

Lexicon: There never was an "opposition electoral pact" between Snap and DAP/PKR/PAS, because Snap leaders are BN stooges. Snap is dying - dying to join BN if it can win a few seats. This is a cynical, self-serving betrayal of Sarawakian voters.

Anonymous_4031: Anwar by now should be aware that in Sarawak there are many crocodiles. They are prepared to swallow mothers, daughters and sons for a position or for some pieces of silver.

In Sarawak politics, anything goes. Some hatch bets, but play both sides. No matter how you toss the coin, you'll lose.

Dood: I support the exclusion of Snap. Better leave what could be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Till today, they have not satisfactorily answered the allegations of MCLM (Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement). And I trust Haris Ibrahim and the people behind MCLM more than Snap leaders. Also, you have to admit, circumstances behind Snap have been suspicious of late.

Loyal Malaysian: It matters not whether PKR goes at it alone in the Sarawak state elections or with Snap as a partner. But it matters very much whether PKR can deny Taib and his cronies two-thirds' majority in the state assembly without some sort of electoral understanding with Snap.

Yes, Snap is a spoiler and an Umnoputras' trojan horse. But to me, the crucial matter now is to deny 'Pek Moh' and his cronies the two-thirds' majority. Can Anwar pull a rabbit out from the hat in the last few crucial days before nominations?

Ayoyo: By now Anwar knows the battleground much better than all of us, especially Sarawakians who have never ever beaten BN alone.

Local parties will never be able to offer a formidable challenge to Taib. You'll need a lot of help from the peninsula parties - DAP, PKR and PAS - to raise their level of competitiveness. That is the reality. Otherwise, Sarawakians will just be mere tools, bolt and nuts for BN to continue ruling Malaysia.

If Pakatan can't trust or work with Snap anymore, then let it be. They are just a small dying party, so there is no need to work with them if it is too difficult.

Pakatan has learnt so much from three years of bad experiences in the Peninsular. So, just march on Anwar. You have got nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

Aku setuju dengan pendapat yang di'bold' merah di atas. Kalau tengok dalam pengomen2 di atas, rata2nya Chinese lebih suka SNAP takder, yg Bumi pulak lebih suka ada SNAP dalam PR.

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:47 AM | Show all posts
PKR kan abang...adik bongsu kena hormat la yg tua..DAP kan dah serahkan satu kerusi pada ...
Anak_Nogori Post at 4-4-2011 10:43

PKR ialah adik tiri bongsu, DAP dan PAS ialah adik tiri paling tua, SNAP pulak anak kandung. Yang mana kena bagi lebih keutamaan?

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:51 AM | Show all posts
alahai... dah berapa penggal dah yb tok jadi yb... harus kalah jak la lepas tok. DUN tok adalh u ...
zach2008 Post at 4-4-2011 11:11

Mun nangga list calon2 DUN.. boring ku nangga muka2 lamak masih gik megang beberapa DUN. :re: :re:

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Betul dlm bhg Betong... Area pusa adalah saribas (dari nama sg saribas). Kalaka adalah has ...
zach2008 Post at 4-4-2011 11:13

    Tak silap aku time tu PKR kalah tipis jer kan? Sama macam kerusi Beting-Maro yg PAS kalah tipis.

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:53 AM | Show all posts
deman election sarawak has just BN has started it earlier with most of the national ma ...
chubcomel Post at 4-4-2011 11:10

    Yalah. Njong2 makin gendot kita tergelei2 depan TV ajak.

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Post time 4-4-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 98# Muntz

    auk....ha ha ha......

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Post time 4-4-2011 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 81# Muntz

    boleh jer muntz.
sorg boleh yg mp parlimen dan jgk adun .
tp mesti 1 seat parlimen dan 1 seat dun
cth kes yb parlimen sibu, dia jgk dun bukit assek (incumbent)

asalkan bukan 2 mp atau 2 adun dlm satu masa.

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